A pretty good post I saw on fb group (soutien au professeur Didier Raoult) today:
Céline Diaz
Coucou à tous !!!
J'espère que vous avez bien dormi et que vous allez bien !
Aujourd'hui et pour mon premier post de la journée je tenais à debunker un premier fait concernant le Covid19 !
A aujourd'hui les chiffres officiels sont :
un peu plus de 20 000 morts sur une population mondiale de presque 8 milliards
Soit 0.00004% de la population
N'ayant pas le nombre d'infectés car impossible à déterminer il est donc idiot de faire un ratio la dessus, ce ne serait qu'une hypothèse et nous ici nous restons toujours sur du FACTUEL !
et pour paraphraser le Professeur DIDIER RAOULT :
Au tout début il y avait un vaste débat grippe vs Covid19
et plus les jours passent plus cela se confirme, la grippe reste bien plus meurtrière...
La différence entre les deux reside dans le fait que comme le covid19 est un virus nouveau 1/ non seulement il fait peur car on ne connaissais rien sur lui, sa prise en charge, son évolution... 2/ il s'est diffusé rapidement car nous n'avons aucune défense pour un virus nouveau.
Cependant et nous avons aujourd'hui un vision bien plus claire du COVID19 :
1- pour l'instant il fait moins de mort que la grippe
2- Il y a des complications et ce dans 99.9% des cas sur des personnes de plus de 80 ans déjà atteintes de maladies soit cardio-vasculaire, soit pulmonaires.
Evidemment il y a eu des cas chez des personnes à priori en bonne santé et jeunes mais cela reste dans 0.01% des cas et nous n'avons pas l'historique médical de ces personnes. (prédispositions génétiques, infections sous jacentes, problèmes non détéctés, immunité moins réactive, anticorps anormalement bas...)
la questions est donc POURQUOI ?
POURQUOI s'est-il installé une paranoia mondiale qui ne faibli pas ?
1- Nous l'avons dit - La peur de l'inconnu
2- La propagation rapide du virus ( bien qu'a priori elle ne soit pas plus rapide que la grippe)
3- La médiatisation massive
4- La mediatisation massive DE LA PEUR
Mis à part le PROFESSEUR RAOULT qui a essayé de facon trés rationnelle de remmener les médias et l'opinion collective à la raison avec des annonces CLAIRES de type "FIN DE PARTIE POUR LE CORONAVIRUS" et "INFECTION RESPIRATOIRE LA PLUS FACILE A TRAITER" et ce DES LE DEBUT, les medias n'ont cessé de matraquer jour et nuit un décompte morbide, anxiogène et alarmiste.
les medias mais pas que...
CHACUN D'ENTRE NOUS à la responsabilité d'avoir repartagé massivement ces informations sans prendre de recul.
OUI les reseaux sociaux sont aujourd'hui un MEDIA dont nous sommes les auteurs...
MOI MEME je suis coupable d'avoir partagé à mes amis les images de rayons dévalisés, je n'ai pu m'empecher de commenter et laisser mon avis qui ont été lu et repartagés à leur tour plusieurs miliers de fois et j'ai entretenu la prise d'ampleur du phénomène.
Il ne faut pas oublié que nous sommes ceux qui faisons vivre ces medias, les écoutons, les choisissons, les interprétons.
Si chacun des gens présent sur le web avait massivement relayé "FIN DE PARTIE" dès le 26 février nous n'en serions peut-être pas la...mais non obnubilés par le sensationnel ce sont les pates et le pq qui ont gagné...
Cette histoire en dit aussi long sur nous et notre responsabilité dans tout ça.
Je suis coupable et aujourd'hui je veux corriger mon erreur et revenir pour matraquer "FIN DE PARTIE" car il n'y aurai pas eu de débordements, de pénuries, d'affluence massive dans les hopitaux et porbablement une meilleur gestion de tout ça si je n'avais pas eu l'idiotie d'y contribuer.
La responsabilité c'est aussi savoir voir ses erreurs et essayer de la corriger.
Alors inondons les réseaux de FIN DE PARTIE pour changer les choses parce que si on est sur cette page c'est précisément parce qu'on y croit nous à cette FIN DE PARTIE.
Ne partageons plus le message urgentiste des medias car l'urgence c'est le retour au calme et à la rationnalisation.
L'essence meme de RAOULT c'est d'enrayer ce message de peur.
Nous rendrons ainsi plus vite le personnel soignant à leur famille, le travail aux commercant, la vie et l'espoir aux gens.
Prenez soin de vous
google translate:

Hello everyone !!!

I hope you slept well and that you are well!

Today and for my first post of the day I wanted to debunk a first fact about the Covid19!

Today the official figures are:

just over 20,000 dead out of a world population of almost 8 billion

Or 0.00004% of the population

Not having the number of infected because impossible to determine it is therefore silly to make a ratio above, it would be only a hypothesis and we here we always stay on FACTUAL!


and to paraphrase Professor DIDIER RAOULT:


At the very beginning there was a huge flu vs Covid19 debate

and the more the days pass the more it is confirmed, the flu remains much more deadly ...


The difference between the two lies in the fact that as covid19 is a new virus 1 / not only is it scary because we knew nothing about it, its management, its evolution ... 2 / it spread quickly because we have no defense for a new virus.

However, and today we have a much clearer vision of COVID19:

1- for the moment it causes less death than the flu

2- There are complications and this in 99.9% of cases on people over 80 years old already suffering from either cardiovascular or pulmonary diseases.

Obviously there have been cases in people who were apparently healthy and young, but this remains in 0.01% of cases and we do not have the medical history of these people. (genetic predispositions, underlying infections, undetected problems, less reactive immunity, abnormally low antibodies ...)

the question is WHY?

WHY is there a global paranoia that has not faltered?

1- We said it - Fear of the unknown

2- The rapid spread of the virus (although a priori it is not faster than the flu)

3- Mass media coverage

4- Mass media coverage of FEAR

Apart from PROFESSOR RAOULT who tried in a very rational way to bring the media and collective opinion to reason with CLEAR announcements of the type "END OF GAME FOR CORONAVIRUS" and "BREATHING INFECTION MOST EASY TO TREAT" and this FROM THE BEGINNING, the media never ceased clubbing day and night a morbid, anxiety-provoking and alarmist account.

the media but not only ...

EACH OF US is responsible for having massively shared this information without taking a step back.

YES social networks are today a MEDIA of which we are the authors ...

I, myself, am guilty of having shared with my friends the images of robbed rays, I could not help commenting and leaving my opinion which have been read and shared in turn several thousand times and I have maintained the scale of the phenomenon.

We must not forget that we are the ones who bring these media to life, listen to them, choose them, interpret them.

If each of the people present on the web had massively relayed "END OF THE GAME" from February 26 we might not be there ... but not obsessed with the sensational it is the pasta and the pq which won. ..

This story also says a lot about us and our responsibility in all of this.

I am guilty and today I want to correct my mistake and come back to club "END OF THE GAME" because there will have been no overflows, shortages, massive crowds in hospitals and possibly better management of all this if I hadn't had the idiocy to contribute to it.

Responsibility also means knowing how to see your mistakes and trying to correct them.

So let's flood the END OF GAME networks to change things because if we are on this page it is precisely because we believe in this END OF GAME.

Let’s no longer share the emergency message from the media because the emergency is a return to calm and rationalization.

The very essence of RAOULT is to stop this message of fear.

In this way, we will make caregivers faster to their families, work to traders, life and hope to people.

Take care of yourself

Why are you worried about a ringing in your ear when your mother is ill?

Ringing in the ear can be a consequence of an elevation of blood pressure.
My bloodpresure has always been fine, and i got lots of ringing in both ears for years now.
I am offcourse a bit worried about my mom, the emotion cone says it.
But she lives very healthy, and she thinks she is going to be fine.
And i think she will.
What i also though was a bit weird, that she sad, she probebly already had it, some time ago.
While she is completely not informed that is has been going around longer.
Some gleanings from today's news:

With a good work of our government, they managed to create another group that we all hate now. Dog owners! 🐶

We hate them because a few days ago they got a 20 minutes of walk with their dogs during the curfew. But today that is canceled. Our President said that many people complained about them, so today he decided to cancel that decision. And the war in comment sections started. It's horrifying to see how much hatred is created between people. How dare they to have a 20 minutes of freedom when the rest of us have to be locked inside!!

And somebody in the beginning of all of this wrote how this crisis will bring out the best in us. What a joke! It's quite the opposite.

Not much to report about situation here. It will take some time for new measures. We have four deaths so far, which is not much for scariest virus pandemic ever, so they are scaring us with stories from Spain. The Spanish health system is collapsing, the people in hospitals are lying on the floor because there no beds available. We cannot let that happen to us!

And they started giving the numbers for every major country in the world and also for every city in our country, so that people will know that it's not just over there, but it's in their neighborhood! Lock your doors, don't go out, stay home! 🏚
Great-Granny, 90 years old, recovering from a stroke, SURVIVES!!
(She WAS born and raised in Texas...)
Great-grandma, 90, who got coronavirus at hot spot nursing home smiles after beating the illness
Saturday 21 Mar 2020 4:00 pm

Great-grandma Geneva Wood, 90, has beaten Covid-19 two weeks after contracting the virus at a nursing home where 35 residents died.
A 90 year-old great grandmother who caught coronavirus at a care home where 35 elderly people died has beaten the illness.
Geneva Wood was left so gravely ill by Covid-19 that she said her goodbyes to family after being rushed from the Life Care Center in Washington state to hospital earlier this month. Two thirds of all residents there contracted coronavirus, with 35 killed by the Covid-19.
Before losing consciousness, Wood vowed to daughter Cami through glass that she would beat the virus, telling her: ‘I’m going to fight this for my family and make everyone proud.’

She was put on oxygen, and seemed almost certain to lost her life as the virus attacked her lungs and caused severe pneumonia.
Wood contracted Covid-19 while recovering from a stroke at the Life Care Center in Washington State, where 35 residents died
But last week, Wood began to rally.

Days later, she was taken off oxygen and began to breathe independently.
Cami added: ‘Everybody was surprised because she was in such bad shape.
Nobody thought she was going to survive. ‘She wanted us to be proud of her. She didn’t want us to think she was going to give up.’
Wood has now tested negative for Covid-19, and will be officially given the all-clear if she receives a second negative result early next week.
Her granddaughter Kate Neidigh explained that Wood moved into the home in January after suffering a stroke, and had been just days away from being discharged with she contracted coronavirus.
Neidigh said: ‘News and reports from local and national officials had us believing this was a death sentence. ‘After all she’d fought through, this virus would be the thing to take her?
‘Honestly, we were mad.’
After she was put in isolation, Wood requested homemade potato soup each day for lunch – and now credits that meal for helping boost her energy, and aiding her recovery from the virus.

James added: ‘She’s tough as nails. She is definitely the type of person who could make it through anything…
‘Who are we to question the fighting spirit of a tough ol’ Texas coot!
‘If anyone’s going to give the middle finger to a killer virus, it’s her.’

Neidigh wants her grandma’s recovery to offer hope to others whose elderly loved ones are infected with coronavirus, with sufferers over 80 running a one in eight chance of dying.
She wrote in Seattle Refined: ‘There is hope. There is a positive story here. ‘Getting this virus is not necessarily a death sentence for the elderly or anybody,’

Read more: Great-grandma, 90, who got coronavirus at hot spot nursing home has beaten it

Twitter: Metro (@MetroUK) | Twitter | Facebook: Metro
With a good work of our government, they managed to create another group that we all hate now. Dog owners! 🐶

We hate them because a few days ago they got a 20 minutes of walk with their dogs during the curfew. But today that is canceled. Our President said that many people complained about them, so today he decided to cancel that decision. And the war in comment sections started. It's horrifying to see how much hatred is created between people. How dare they to have a 20 minutes of freedom when the rest of us have to be locked inside!!

Great opportunity for dog owners to make a little extra money. Rent your dog out to non dog owners! That way, the humans get to go outside more often, and your dog gets more exercise as well! :-)

But seriously, what are dog owners to do? You can't rush a dog to do its business. Dogs have important pee-mails to check along the way, they can't be rushed!
Great opportunity for dog owners to make a little extra money. Rent your dog out to non dog owners! That way, the humans get to go outside more often, and your dog gets more exercise as well! :-)

That opportunity is over now.

But seriously, what are dog owners to do? You can't rush a dog to do its business. Dogs have important pee-mails to check along the way, they can't be rushed!

Dogs cannot go out from 17 to 05h. That means 12 hours per day they must be locked inside. Our President said that that is enough. It must be true, because he is an expert in everything.
Medicine is so bureaucratized, that there can be cures on the shelves, but it would be easier to research and reengineer a cure than see if we already have something that works.
And maybe that is the desired result. The pharma industry only wants to popularize cures and keep their remedies proprietary to the extent they would sell snake oil - if they could get away with it. But there is too much scrutiny, so the next best thing is to obscure remedies so that - under a bureaucratic cloud - they can sell what amounts to snake oil, but is poison, and will ensure the creation of side effects that have another pharma remedy. Just watch the drug commercials on tv.

Another thing... under this cloud of bureaucracy, the cures can be withheld, and reserved for the people spreading a virus in a outbreak, but the general population is held hostage by this bureaucratic, intentionally spread virus, and they are met with a bureaucratic wall from which pharma finds sanctuary, and conducts its self-serving manufacturing, and if someone reveals a cure, they will try to enshroud it in their cloud, all the while pretending to observe safety in the interests of their customers.
That's why people are very much into prevention when it comes to health, because medicine from big industry is exploitative, and destructive.
But, health care workers can't be ignored, and so their word helps to pull these remedies from the bureaucratic lock box.
I had a surprising experience today. A client called me for some project, and after we finished we chatted a bit about the situation. Little by little, each of us revealed a bit of skepticism, we kind of "circled" around each other. At the end of the chat, turns out that she is familiar with Dr. Wordarg's work, questions the numbers, knows about how the Italians count their deaths and why this matters, pities the elderly who might sooner die from isolation than from the virus, says all this is overblown and that the real concern is the economy, and that a friend of hers who is a doctor just shakes her head in disbelief about all that. Whew!! Another friend of ours, a lawyer, also told us he thinks the whole thing is totally overblown. This gives me hope!

Here's another German doctor who appears to have his head screwed on right.

In New Zealand we are now in full lockdown. The news is full of talking heads, the apparent experts who are giving wide ranging advice to people. Interesting to note that this is not government mandated data, just their "scientific" opinions. We have a couple of petty dictators who have emerged, one a professor of public health and the other a microbiologist. I am convinced they are making recommendations just to see how far they can push people just by their suggestions as "authorities". The young pink haired microbiologist was on today telling everyone that CV19 is just as dangerous to children as to older people. I almost spat my bacon when i heard that. It is also getting difficult as my wife has fully bought in to the event and I am struggling to maintain external consideration with some of these ludicrous suggestions, which causes some stress.
in light of the news coming out of NC (two deaths of people with ALREADY existing conditions + a few counties issuing shelter in place orders), i began rereading the feb 22 session and the gears began turning and a story began to unfold.

the virus originated from work on a vaccine, a vaccine that was being engineered to make the population more susceptible to control. the vaccine got out, mutated, and provides the opportunity to actually open an individual up to STO cosmic information. this is why the PTB are in overdrive and attempting to decrease the spread of CV.

in a sense, they are scrambling as this was unexpected. but in their hubris, they believe they can use this opportunity to impose more control over the world populations through strict protocols and fear.. of which, many have fallen victim to. some of these protocols were originally for other avenues but again, in their hubris, believe they can kill two birds with one stone, so to say.

this virus was originally a vaccine, i assume, to be administered to the world's populations. when and how they planned on doing this, who knows.. but their plans have been accelerated due to it getting loose and then mutating thanks to some fine tuning from our STO brothers and sisters.

i remember reading some talk within these 250+ pages regarding what the next move of the PTB could be, and with the good news that has been coming out of china, i have realized the virus has been moving like a wave from east to west (okay, maybe not EXACTLY a wave, but close enough). what happens in the east seems to be what will happen here in the west.. so, we just have to wait it out until our good news comes too.

from there, our good 'ol leaders, who truly care about the wellbeing of their citizens, will claim all the measures taken by them are what has saved us from a real global pandemic. (gee, thanks).

the C's say that the chances of it becoming a real deadly pandemic are low. the PTB know this and will use it as an opportunity to possibly force mandatory vaccines as to prevent another 'pandemic.' this vaccine of course will not be good for us and will very well cause more harm than good, while at the same time making entire populations susceptible to control. based on the way things have progressed, many will accept this vaccine with open arms. (thanks to fake news).

on the other hand, large groups of people may be woken up by all this absurdity, if they have not already, and the PTB DEFINITELY can't have this. now THAT would be interesting.

anyways, that's about the point i have reached in this moment. i reckon i just have to sit back and continue observing. these are only speculations of my own so take 'em with a grain of salt.

if it is the case though, i have noticed some good threads regarding what to do if we are forced to vaccinate. i'll be working on those for now. i appreciate any who take the time to read this or offering feedback. stay safe and continue being cool.

much love,
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Lol check this out

Another one of a seemingly healthy young person getting clobbered hard by this virus.

More on young people

Check this one out, a girl killed herself because she couldn't handle the quarantine? So she decided to self isolate herself from life permanently?

And finally, another strange one

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