Singapore is in SERIOUS TROUBLE, something I didn't fully realize when I posted here on Sept. 5th.
Seriously, this revelation hit me like a brick as I have a very good friend there !!!!!

Details here

Aussie17 also has a Twitter account from where I found this out.


Plot above was made using this link

You can make various other plots through the drop down menu

Insanity. If they can do this to one person, then they can do this to anyone, anywhere, any time. That PCR test needs to be outlawed.


By Donald S. Burke
Preparing for a Pandemic That Never Came Ended Up Setting Off Another − How an Accidental Virus Release Triggered 1977’s ‘Russian Flu’
Overreaction. Unintended consequences. Making matters worse. Self-fulfilling prophecy. There is a rich variety of terms to describe how the best intentions can go awry. Still reeling from COVID-19, the world now faces new threats from cross-species jumps of avian flu viruses, mpox viruses and others. It’s critical that we be quick to respond to these emerging threats to prevent yet another global disease conflagration. Quick, but not too quick, history suggests.

Nineteen-year-old U.S. Army Pvt. David Lewis set out from Fort Dix on a 50-mile hike with his unit on Feb. 5, 1976. On that bitter cold day, he collapsed and died. Autopsy specimens unexpectedly tested positive for an H1N1 swine influenza virus.

Virus disease surveillance at Fort Dix found another 13 cases among recruits who had been hospitalized for respiratory illness. Additional serum antibody testing revealed that over 200 recruits had been infected but not hospitalized with the novel swine H1N1 strain.

Alarm bells instantly went off within the epidemiology community: Could Pvt. Lewis’ death from an H1N1 swine flu be a harbinger of another global pandemic like the terrible 1918 H1N1 swine flu pandemic that killed an estimated 50 million people worldwide?

The U.S. government acted quickly. On March 24, 1976, President Gerald Ford announced a plan to “inoculate every man, woman, and child in the United States.” On Oct. 1, 1976, the mass immunization campaign began.

Meanwhile, the initial small outbreak at Fort Dix had rapidly fizzled, with no new cases on the base after February. As Army Col. Frank Top, who headed the Fort Dix virus investigation, later told me, “We had shown pretty clearly that (the virus) didn’t go anywhere but Fort Dix … it disappeared.”

Nonetheless, concerned by that outbreak and witnessing the massive crash vaccine program in the U.S., biomedical scientists worldwide began H1N1 swine influenza vaccine research and development programs in their own countries. Going into the 1976-77 winter season, the world waited – and prepared – for an H1N1 swine influenza pandemic that never came.

But that wasn’t the end of the story. As an experienced infectious disease epidemiologist, I make the case that there were unintended consequences of those seemingly prudent but ultimately unnecessary preparations.

What Was Odd About H1N1 Russian Flu Pandemic
In an epidemiological twist, a new pandemic influenza virus did emerge, but it was not the anticipated H1N1 swine virus.

In November 1977, health officials in Russia reported that a human – not swine – H1N1 influenza strain had been detected in Moscow. By month’s end, it was reported across the entire USSR and soon throughout the world.

Compared with other influenzas, this pandemic was peculiar. First, the mortality rate was low, about a third that of most influenza strains. Second, only those younger than 26 were regularly attacked. And finally, unlike other newly emerged pandemic influenza viruses in the past, it failed to displace the existing prevalent H3N2 subtype that was that year’s seasonal flu. Instead, the two flu strains – the new H1N1 and the long-standing H3N2 – circulated side by side.

Here the story takes yet another turn. Microbiologist Peter Palese applied what was then a novel technique called RNA oligonucleotide mapping to study the genetic makeup of the new H1N1 Russian flu virus. He and his colleagues grew the virus in the lab, then used RNA-cutting enzymes to chop the viral genome into hundreds of pieces. By spreading the chopped RNA in two dimensions based on size and electrical charge, the RNA fragments created a unique fingerprint-like map of spots.

Much to Palese’s surprise, when they compared the spot pattern of the 1977 H1N1 Russian flu with a variety of other influenza viruses, this “new” virus was essentially identical to older human influenza H1N1 strains that had gone extinct in the early 1950s.

So, the 1977 Russian flu virus was actually a strain that had disappeared from the planet a quarter century early, then was somehow resurrected back into circulation. This explained why it attacked only younger people – older people had already been infected and become immune when the virus circulated decades ago in its earlier incarnation.

But how did the older strain come back from extinction?

Refining the Timeline of a Resurrected Virus
Despite its name, the Russian flu probably didn’t really start in Russia. The first published reports of the virus were from Russia, but subsequent reports from China provided evidence that it had first been detected months earlier, in May and June of 1977, in the Chinese port city of Tientsin.

In 2010, scientists used detailed genetic studies of several samples of the 1977 virus to pinpoint the date of their earliest common ancestor. This “molecular clock” data suggested the virus initially infected people a full year earlier, in April or May of 1976.

So, the best evidence is that the 1977 Russian flu actually emerged – or more properly “re-emerged” – in or near Tientsin, China, in the spring of 1976.

A Frozen Lab Virus
Was it simply a coincidence that within months of Pvt. Lewis’ death from H1N1 swine flu, a heretofore extinct H1N1 influenza strain suddenly reentered the human population?

Influenza virologists around the world had for years been using freezers to store influenza virus strains, including some that had gone extinct in the wild. Fears of a new H1N1 swine flu pandemic in 1976 in the United States had prompted a worldwide surge in research on H1N1 viruses and vaccines. An accidental release of one of these stored viruses was certainly possible in any of the countries where H1N1 research was taking place, including China, Russia, the U.S., the U.K. and probably others.

Years after the reemergence, Palese, the microbiologist, reflected on personal conversations he had at the time with Chi-Ming Chu, the leading Chinese expert on influenza. Palese wrote in 2004 that “the introduction of the 1977 H1N1 virus is now thought to be the result of vaccine trials in the Far East involving the challenge of several thousand military recruits with live H1N1 virus.”

Although exactly how such an accidental release may have occurred during a vaccine trial is unknown, there are two leading possibilities. First, scientists could have used the resurrected H1N1 virus as their starting material for development of a live, attenuated H1N1 vaccine. If the virus in the vaccine wasn’t adequately weakened, it could have become transmissible person to person. Another possibility is that researchers used the live, resurrected virus to test the immunity provided by conventional H1N1 vaccines, and it accidentally escaped from the research setting.

Whatever the specific mechanism of the release, the combination of the detailed location and timing of the pandemic’s origins and the stature of Chu and Palese as highly credible sources combine to make a strong case for an accidental release in China as the source of the Russian flu pandemic virus.

A Sobering History Lesson
The resurrection of an extinct but dangerous human-adapted H1N1 virus came about as the world was scrambling to prevent what was perceived to be the imminent emergence of a swine H1N1 influenza pandemic. People were so concerned about the possibility of a new pandemic that they inadvertently caused one. It was a self-fulfilling-prophecy pandemic.

I have no intent to lay blame here; indeed, my main point is that in the epidemiological fog of the moment in 1976, with anxiety mounting worldwide about a looming pandemic, a research unit in any country could have accidentally released the resurrected virus that came to be called the Russian flu. In the global rush to head off a possible new pandemic of H1N1 swine flu from Fort Dix through research and vaccination, accidents could have happened anywhere.

Of course, biocontainment facilities and policies have improved dramatically over the past half-century. But at the same time, there has been an equally dramatic proliferation of high-containment labs around the world.

Overreaction. Unintended consequences. Making matters worse. Self-fulfilling prophecy. There is a rich variety of terms to describe how the best intentions can go awry. Still reeling from COVID-19, the world now faces new threats from cross-species jumps of avian flu viruses, mpox viruses and others. It’s critical that we be quick to respond to these emerging threats to prevent yet another global disease conflagration. Quick, but not too quick, history suggests.

Donald S. Burke is Dean Emeritus and Distinguished University Professor Emeritus of Health Science and Policy, and of Epidemiology, at the School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh. This article is published courtesy of The Conversation.

Solar cycle 21 Wiki
Solar cycle 21 was the 21st solar cycle since 1755, when extensive recording of solar sunspot activity began.[1][2] The solar cycle lasted 10.5 years, beginning in March 1976 and ending in September 1986. The maximum smoothed sunspot number observed during the solar cycle was 232.9, in December 1979, and the starting minimum was 17.8.[3] During the minimum transit from solar cycle 21 to 22, there were a total of 273 days with no sunspots.[4][5][6] The largest solar flare of this cycle (X15) occurred on July 11, 1978.[7] This solar cycle marked the beginning of systematic monitoring of the total solar irradiance from space.[8]

Screenshot 2024-09-15 at 22-18-43 Solar cycle 21 - Wikipedia.png
Screenshot 2024-09-15 at 22-20-00 Solar cycle 21 - Wikipedia.png

An Influence of Changes of Heliogeophysical Conditions on Influenza Epide
Revista CENIC Ciencias Biológicas, Vol. 36, No. Especial, 2005
Abstract: For purposes of studying of possible influence of the solar and geomagnetic activity on influenza diseases and epidemic, the data covering the time period of 1976-2004 is studied for the Absheron Peninsula area including the capital city Baku (the Republic of Azerbaijan) with several millions of inhabitants. Period, duration, intensity and seasonal behavior of the influenza epidemic, tendency of its beginning within a solarcycle are determined. Investigations reveal that influenza epidemic usually begins 2-3 years before and / or 2-3 years after the 11-years sunspot cycle maximum.

We suppose that solar activity affects the influenza epidemic
mainly through geomagnetic activity (magnetic storms). The comparative analysis of years of high solar activity
and both periods of originating of epidemics and pandemics on the base of antigenic formulas of influenza
viruses described with the help of characters of structure of a virus (hemagglutinin and neuraminidase) has
revealed definite regularity in the circulation of influenza infections. Forecast method for prophylactic measure
is developed for considered region
. Obtained results are interpreted and compared with similar ones.

Keywords: solar activity, geomagnetic disturbances, influenza, epidemic, pandemic.

Revista CENIC Ciencias Biológicas, Vol. 36, No. Especial, 2005
An Influence of Changes of Heliogeophysical
Conditions on Influenza Epidemics
Elchin S. Babayev
Shamakhy Astrophysical Observatory named after N.Tusi (, Azerbaijan National Academy of
Sciences; 10, Istiglaliyyat street, Presidium of Academy, Baku, AZ-1001, the Republic of Azerbaijan; tel.: +(994
50) 213 14 59; fax: +(994 12) 92 56 99; e-mails:,

For purposes of studying of possible influence of the solar and geomagnetic activity on influenza diseases and epidemic, the data covering the time period of 1976-2004 is studied for the Absheron Peninsula area including the capital city Baku (the Republic of Azerbaijan) with several millions of inhabitants. Period, duration, intensity and seasonal behavior of the influenza epidemic, tendency of its beginning within a solar cycle are determined. Investigations reveal that influenza epidemic usually begins 2-3 years before and / or 2-3 years after the 11-years sunspot cycle maximum. We suppose that solar activity affects the influenza epidemic mainly through geomagnetic activity (magnetic storms). The comparative analysis of years of high solar activity and both periods of originating of epidemics and pandemics on the base of antigenic formulas of influenza viruses described with the help of characters of structure of a virus (hemagglutinin and neuraminidase) has revealed definite regularity in the circulation of influenza infections. Forecast method for prophylactic measures is developed for considered region. Obtained results are interpreted and compared with similar ones.

Keywords: solar activity, geomagnetic disturbances, influenza, epidemic, pandemic.

Revista CENIC Ciencias Biológicas, Vol. 36, No. Especial, 2005
An Influence of Changes of Heliogeophysical
Conditions on Influenza Epidemics
Elchin S. Babayev
Shamakhy Astrophysical Observatory named after N.Tusi (, Azerbaijan National Academy of
Sciences; 10, Istiglaliyyat street, Presidium of Academy, Baku, AZ-1001, the Republic of Azerbaijan; tel.: +(994
50) 213 14 59; fax: +(994 12) 92 56 99; e-mails:,


For purposes of studying of possible influence of the solar and geomagnetic activity on influenza diseases and epidemic, the data covering the time period of 1976-2004 is studied for the Absheron Peninsula area including the capital city Baku (the Republic of Azerbaijan) with several millions of inhabitants.

Period, duration, intensity and seasonal behavior of the influenza epidemic, tendency of its beginning within a solar cycle are determined. Investigations reveal that influenza epidemic usually begins 2-3 years before and / or 2-3 years after the 11-years sunspot cycle maximum. We suppose that solar activity affects the influenza epidemic mainly through geomagnetic activity (magnetic storms).

The comparative analysis of years of high solar activity and both periods of originating of epidemics and pandemics on the base of antigenic formulas of influenza viruses described with the help of characters of structure of a virus (hemagglutinin and neuraminidase) has revealed definite regularity in the circulation of influenza infections. Forecast method for prophylactic measures is developed for considered region. Obtained results are interpreted and compared with similar ones.

Keywords: solar activity, geomagnetic disturbances, influenza, epidemic, pandemic.

1. Introduction
It is well known that the Sun manages all living nature of the Earth and has a practical importance to human
organism. “Space Weather” is determined by the most varied interactions between the Sun and interplanetary
space, and the Earth: Space weather’s changes, namely changes in heliogeophysical conditions, can
negatively affect not only technological, but also ecological and biological systems, including human life and all-
kind of human activities1-5.

Expanding research activities in the field of space weather and its effects’ studies have influenced the
Azerbaijani scientific community, and enthusiastic investigations on this subject were initiated several years
ago6. Currently, there is a well-established “The Group on Study of Solar-Terrestrial Relations and Space
Weather Effects” in the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) and led by the author of this paper.

These investigations mainly cover monitoring, analysis and theoretical studies of space weather effects as well as application of obtained results, namely, space weather influences on the following different engineering- technological systems both of space-borne and ground-based origin, biological and ecological systems, and human health7-13: scintillation of communication and navigation microwave radio signals, oil production activity, functioning of oil-gas transportation pipelines, electric power grids, Caspian Sea level, climate, traffic accidents, beekeeping, virus-epidemic diseases, human brain functional state, cardiovascular diseases, ophthalmologic
diseases, acupunctural indexes, thalassemia, etc

As space weather and its effects study involve wide scientific topics from solar physics to natural and medical sciences, this group joins efforts of highly skilled scientists and specialists from different fields of science and technology – astrophysicists, geophysicists, physiologists, geographers, doctors, engineers, etc. It allows studying and understanding the space weather and its impacts as an
integrated system, from its origins in the Sun, to its hazardous influences in space and on ground-based man-made systems and natural processes.

It is reliably established that during the periods of high solar and geomagnetic activity, the health condition of patients diseased by hypertonic disease and atherosclerosis is degraded, there are violations of the functional condition of a central nervous system, the number of cases of myocardial infarction, cardiovascular crisis and connected with them fatal cases are sharply increased14.

The beginning, development and ending of many such epidemic diseases, as a plague, cholera, typhinia, cerebrospinal meningitis, diphtheria, dysentery etc., also rhythmically follow the cyclical activity of the Sun3,5,15.

Influenza takes a special place among the epidemic diseases and is considered as a serious disease caused by viruses that infect the respiratory tract. An influenza and other strong respiratory virus infections concern to number of practically ungovernable infections and till now remain as the most widespread and global illnesses of the humanity. Despite of a relative well-being epidemiological health during last years, these viruses and infections, as before, compose 70-90 % of infectious diseases and cause huge social and economic
detriments. Influenza is registered in the world permanently and almost all of flashes of influenza epidemic are accompanied by increase of death rate, in particular, because of the influenza-caused pneumonia.

An influenza and other strong respiratory virus infections concern to number of ungovernable infections and tilnow remain as the most widespread and global illnesses of the humanity. Despite of a relative well-being epidemiological health during last 8-10 years, these viruses and infections, as before, compose 70-90 % of infectious diseases and cause huge social and economic detriments. Influenza is registered in the world permanently and almost all of flashes of influenza epidemic are accompanied by increase of death rate, in
particular, because of the influenza-caused pneumonia.

Though mortality remains as the main problem connected with influenza, economical detriment caused by influenza for both human being and society as a whole is the important circumstance testifying about necessity of strife with the influenza. The success of this strife will mainly depend on the well-timed forecast about the most probable circulation in time of influenza epidemics with purposes to have enough time for conducting of relevant preventive measures facilitating flow of this very insidious illness in advance.

In this paper a possible influence of changes of the heliogeophysical conditions on the influenza diseases and epidemic is investigated. For these purposes, alongside with worldwide influenza reports, the relevant data on influenza diseases covering the Absheron Peninsula (with Baku capital city, approximately more than three millions of inhabitants) and the time period of 1976-2004 were analyzed and interpreted. Period, duration,intensity and seasonal behavior of the influenza epidemic, the tendency of its beginning within a solar cycle are studied. The obtained results were compared with other available ones and influenza data from different countries.

2. Solar- geomagnetic activity changes and the influenza diseases/ epidemics
As usual, handling of the medical data meets either an objective or subjective difficulties. On the other hand, this kind of data contain (hides) many factors such as meteorological, environmental, social, economical, national/traditional and other impacts which must be cleaned from considered data as much as possible. The empirical data used in our investigations contain a huge material on circulation of influenza diseases in the Absheron Peninsula for the time period from 1976 to 2004 and include two 11-year’s cycles of solar activity
with maxima and minima. They are collected from research institutes dealing with study of influenza and other infectious diseases as well as from hospitals, polyclinics, archives, first medical aid stations, etc., and were subjected to the detailed analysis with direct participation of specialists and consultants.

Total number of patients diseased by influenza for each year and parameters describing the gradual changes in solar and geomagnetic activity (solar sunspot numbers, solar radio flux at the wavelength 10.7 cm, ultra-violet radiation fluctuations, geomagnetic indices, etc.) averaged on the same considered years were involved in studies and were undergone to relevant mathematical analysis. Figures describing results are not provided in this paper but they show that the minimum of the number of influenza diseases in the considered solar cycle # 21 almost precisely coincides with the minimum of sunspot numbers around 1986.

However, the maximum of influenza epidemic in 1976-1977 within the first considered solar cycle # 21 appears about 2 years prior to the maximum of solar activity in 1979-1980, while in the second considered solar cycle # 22 it happens approximately in 3 years (year 1992-1993) after achievement by the Sun of its next maximum activity in 1989.

An interpretation of this fact mainly is based on the correlation picture between sunspot activity and averaged on solar cycles geomagnetic activity (disturbances). It is well known that during years of maximum solar activity the number of severe geomagnetic storms increases. But statistical analysis of data on background (major, but rather less intense) geomagnetic storms per year and solar activity showed that during solar maximum years, there is typically a double peak in the frequency of geomagnetic storms: during the maximum of sunspot numbers, the average number of magnetic storms appears minimum7. At the declining phase of the solar cycle the geomagnetic activity is more noticeable. Maximum quantity of geomagnetic storms is marked ahead (shortly before; about 2 years prior to) or at the sunspot maximum and in about 2-3 years after the maximum of solar activity (as in the case of influenza epidemics) (Fig.1.)

Revista CENIC Ciencias Biológicas, Vol. 36, No. Especial, 2005
Screenshot 2024-09-15 at 22-55-45 Redalyc.An Influence of Changes of Heliogeophysical Conditio...png

It is well known in virology that “drift” is a gradual of the hemagglutinin or neuraminidase protein on the surfaceof a particular strain of influenza virus that occurs in response to host antibodies in humans who have been exposed to it. It occurs on an ongoing basis in both type A and type B influenza strains and necessitates ongoing changes in influenza vaccines. “Shift” is considered as the movement of a type A influenza virus strain from other species into humans. The novel strain emerges by reassortement with circulating human influenza strains or by infecting humans directly.

Because they flourish in the face of global susceptibility, viruses that have undergone antigenic shift usually create pandemics; continually happening antigenic changes (drifts) in the virus genome (chromosome apparatus of nucleus) lead to the antigenic shift with appearance of new variety of influenza virus which, in turn, causes next epidemic or pandemic of influenza. Mechanism of deep antigenic changes (shifts) remained obscure yet. Analyzing the known data of virologic researches about formation of the “drift – variant” strains of influenza viruses in each 2 – 4 years and formation of “shift – variant” in each 10 – 13 years, it is possible to make a conclusion about possible interconnection of originating of the new changed strains of influenza viruses with solar and geomagnetic activity; solar activity changes every 11-years (half of the Hale 22-years solar cycle) while 2-4 years periodicity corresponds to the changes in solar wind parameters5

Let us consider the circulation of influenza infections using the antigenic formulas of influenza viruses described with the help of characters of structure of a virus: H – hemagglutinin (superficial active albuminous - mucoproteins of outer membrane of some viruses), N – neuraminidase (mucinase type ferment): Hsw1N1 (1918-1928, Spanish) → H0N1 (1928- (?)-1946) → H1N1 (1946-1957) → H2N2 (1957-1968, Asian) → H3N2 (1968-1977, Hong Kong) → H1N1 (1976-1997, Swine), H1N1 (1977, Russian), H1N2 (1988, China), H5N1
(1996-1997, Avian), H3N2 (1998), H1N2 (2001, Global). The years of originating of epidemics and pandemics conditioned by the influenza “A” virus are marked in the proper brackets.

The comparative analysis of years of solar activity and both periods of originating of epidemics and pandemicshas revealed definite regularity. So, the pandemics of years 1918, 1928, 1946 and year 1968, conditioned by the influenza “A” virus with the antigenic formula Hsw1N1 and H3N2, accordingly, coincide with years of high solar activity with maximums of solar 11-year cycles # 15, 16, 18, 19 and 20 in around 1917, 1928, around 1947, around 1958 and in 1968. It should be noted that in the year 1968 there were discovered the basic changes (“shift”) of the genome of influenza virus with the antigenic formula H3N2 as compared to the strain H1N1 for the period of 1946-1957, i.e., were changed both hemagglutinin and neuraminidase.

Probably, the same “shift” changes have taken place for the virus Hsw1N1 as well. An interpretation of this fact is impossible because of the lack of virology data till the discovery of influenza virus in 1933. In 1946, the epidemic of influenza, conditioned by circulation of a virus strain of an influenza with new (as contrasted to year 1928) antigenic formula H1N1 took place. The maximum of solar activity was observed in mid of 1947.

Thus, theepidemic of year 1946 is also agreed with the supposition about originating of epidemic of influenza 1-3 years prior to the maximum of solar activity, that is, in the maximum of magnetic storms. At the same time, in 1997- 1998, a wide circulation of the influenza “A” virus with the antigenic formula H3N2 was registered; in particular, it was strain of influenza virus “A / Sidney / 2000 / H3N2” which had marked epidemic potential and significantly exceeded epidemic threshold in many regions of the world in 2000. Circulation of this strain coincided with near-maximum period of the current solar cycle # 23
3. Results
Analysis of the above mentioned results allows concluding that the solar activity influences epidemic of an influenza not directly, but by means of (through) geomagnetic disturbances (activity). Namely, the maximum distribution of influenza epidemic corresponds to the maximum of the curve of averaged number of geomagnetic storms within the 11-year’s cycle of solar activity.
The minimum distribution of an influenza epidemic in the minimum of solar activity, apparently, could be explained as following. An organism, after illness caused by an influenza (it corresponds to the section between maximum and minimum of the first considered cycle), gains a natural immunity to the given type of virus for some years ahead (1-2 years after influenza “A” and about 3 years after influenza “B”). Past-influenza immunityslowly decays by time, and after the passing of minimum of solar activity (when fluxes of energetic electrons as well as neutrons have maximum activity!), the gradual growth of new surge of epidemic begins (section
“minimum – maximum” of the next cycle). Apparently, sufficient quantity of ultra-violet (UV) radiation, received by an organism during maximum activity of the Sun, in the second considered cycle, slows down the tempo of weakening of immune protection of an organism against the given virus of an influenza, and consequently the maximum of epidemic of the second surge comes in 2-3 years after maximum activity of the Sun (the section “maximum – minimum” of the second considered cycle). Then, an organism again gains a natural immunity andepidemic of influenza, with decaying tempo, goes to the minimum
Certainly, these discussions are fair in the case of invariability of antigenic structure of the given type of virus within these periods. In the case of change of antigenic structure of a virus, the new surge can begin after previous one.

By averaging of empirical data (1975-2004) on each month of the considered year, the seasonal dependence of the number of diseased by influenza patients is investigated. It is revealed that the maximum of influenza diseases is reached in February while the minimum - in August. The seasonal factor can move nearer or remove a flash of epidemic. It should be noted that influenza peaks around February were registered in seasonal histograms for USA regions in 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 ( The comparatively early peak in seasonal activity in 2003-2004 could be explained by serious impact of violent solar events (“Halloween” events) in October-November 2003 when the most severe geomagnetic storm of the current solar cycle # 23 was registered. Investigations have revealed that typical influenza season activity in Northern Hemisphere starts at February and often after this month.

H1N1 strain of influenza virus shows periodicity of appearing approximately every 30-31 years, which is equal to three solar cycle length. There is some evidence that every 3 solar cycles comprise together a tendency (trend) of rise. But this correlation must be investigated carefully. Based on these non-interpreted facts it is possible to forecast the next formula of influenza around 2007 again as H1N1.

It seems that pandemics take place at the ascending phase of solar activity cycle, just before solar maximum. In spite of the facts that our statistical data on diseases caused by an influenza encompass only Absheron Peninsula and two cycles of 11-year's activity of the Sun, there is no separation into types of viruses “A” and “B” and also data about adult and children separately, which have different immunity-protective systems of an organism against the affect of space weather, however, on the basis of such preliminary analysis and seasonal behaviour of influenza diseases, it is possible to draw qualitative picture of phenomenon, and to forecast approximate time of probable beginning of the next surge of epidemic of an influenza. For this purpose, forecast method for prophylactic measures is developed for Baku with neighbor regions and Absheron Peninsula and spread among relevant medical institutions.

For investigation of pandemic distribution of influenza it is necessary to consider at least 5-10 cycles of solar 11year’s activity and data covering many regions which are located in the different climatic and naturally-geographical zones. It should be noted that influenza pandemic are always caused only by influenza “A” virus with recurring in 11-18 years. There are known different types of influenza “A” viruses which were reason of originating of influenza epidemic and pandemic: H0N1 in 1933, H1N1 in 1946, H2N2 in 1957, H3N2 in 1968 and H1N1 in 1977.

For detailed study of influence of solar and geomagnetic activity on the influenza epidemic and pandemic, a multi-factorial investigation should be carried out


Have you guys & gals seen the article Sott published;
about self amplifying sa-mRNA "covid 19" injections ?

It honestly freaks me out, given the devastating potential of such nefarious type of injections; being capable to replicate themselves over and over again (which must be devastating for the body due to that many more cells get transfected compared to the already devastating "normal" mRNA jabs. Also; we know that shedding is a real thing !

Therefor i wonder; How far does this go / or might go among people... How are people affected who have not been jabbed ? I believe that very close, very strong eyes need to be kept on this subject in the upcoming days/weeks/months.

I mentioned it back in Feb 2021 (albeit here in a Pfizer version)

and then again in May 2024, due to Sasha Latypova bringing up the subject.

Now Japanese Health authorities have approved the use of saRNA / sa-mRNA Covid 19 injections starting on 1 Oktober 2024 for the Japanese public. The jabs were developed though a company named Arcturus Therapeutics. Curiously, back in September 2017, according to wikipedia, Arcturus Therapeutics merged with Alcobra Ltd., an Israeli pharmaceutical company.

So, there are the fingerprints...

Have you guys & gals seen the article Sott published;
about self amplifying sa-mRNA "covid 19" injections ?
It is astonishing that they still openly push even more in this direction. Though I suspect that the number of people still getting mRNA shots is not very high now.

That is unless another big virus scare comes along. Both the "mpox" and the bird flu scares have not worked that well so far - except for killing millions of farm animals (which also seems to be very much aligned with their plans).
Now Japanese Health authorities have approved the use of saRNA / sa-mRNA Covid 19 injections starting on 1 Oktober 2024 for the Japanese public. The jabs were developed though a company named Arcturus Therapeutics. Curiously, back in September 2017, according to wikipedia, Arcturus Therapeutics merged with Alcobra Ltd., an Israeli pharmaceutical company.
This one seems very edgy... We should keep a close sight on this situation. It could turn so wrong!
It honestly freaks me out, given the devastating potential of such nefarious type of injections; being capable to replicate themselves over and over again (which must be devastating for the body due to that many more cells get transfected compared to the already devastating "normal" mRNA jabs. Also; we know that shedding is a real thing !
Maybe this will be the tipping point?
Q: (Joe) Dangerous in terms of increasing the chances that people will get sick, or have some kind of... What's the danger from that kind of vaccine?

A: Messing around with DNA is iffy at best. Because of genetic recombination, each individual is unique. The purveyors of vaccines such as this have not well considered that some individuals might be transformed into mutation and amplification and mass production factories of something way worse than Covid.
Plague factories walking on two legs!
If this happens in the states, there will be open warfare. I hope the Irish are able to resist this tyranny.

Scaremongering psycho warfare I think. The prisons aren't large enough to house 15% - 20% of the population in the country. They are more likely to freeze bank accounts or issue fines than mass arrest.
Denmark vs Sweden, Pfizer jabs side effects


With Dr. Vibeke Manniche, MD PhD. Batch-dependent safety of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine (2023).

Showing similar patterns also in the Swedish jabs; with three branches; highly lethal, moderately and weakly.

2023, Nationwide study from DenmarkIdentified a batch-dependent safety signal for the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine2024, Suspected adverse events (SAEs) Denmark and SwedenSAEs reported to national authorities

English language, 17 minutes.

"Vaccinated - Died"


I found a very recent (29 Sep 2024) in german held interview between Paul Brandenburg och Dr Ute Krüger (24 min).

She was active in pathology in Southern Sweden for 25 years, and wrote an unique book together with Walter Lang (and with samples made by Dr Prof. Arne Burkhardt); a histopathologic Atlas regarding Corona "Vaccin" Damages - documenting 99 cases in total / Post-mortem examinations with many tissue samples.

Apparently the book is written in such a way, that it is easier to understand for the reader and medical staff.
Below the link to the interview.

There is a very interesting live interview
(Reiner Füllmich's trial / Corona Investigative Committee )

- a kind of forum discussion outside the courtroom, e.g. about Reiner Füllmich's trial and the whole whereabouts revolving the Corona Investigative Committee, the missing money from donations, the Gold, the house and sale of Reiner Füllmich's house, etc.

Unfortunately it is held in German language - with a faced paced appearance (yet interesting nevertheless !). Forum members who understand German will get a really deep insight into the events and (many !) details in and behind the whole case.

Everything seems (in my opinion) to revolve around a person(s) (the spider in the web ?) called MARCEL TEMPLIN who sits on the money and makes himself completely unreachable since 2 years. He is part of the “sea lawyers” [Hafenanwälte] law firm. Apparently, the former members of the German Corona Investigation Committee, Dr. Justus Hoffman and Antonia Fischer are also part of this particular law firm (Antonia Fischer is not related to Viviane Fischer)

And eerily enough, these two lawyers tried to sue Viviane Fischer, in order to extract large sums from her (on top of/over and above the money that was already missing) which is particularly suspicious.

Add to that the fact that Dr. Justus Hoffman and Antonia Fischer were not at all interested in continuing to participate in the Corona Committee and kept coming up with all kinds of excuses not to participate/support.

Were all these people set up to divide the truth movement? That is a good question.


YOUTUBE - “Forum statt Vernehmung. Ein Gespräch mit Viviane Fischer” (1 hr 18 min)
[Forum instead of interrogation. A conversation with Viviane Fischer]

Claudia Jaworski

Sep 15, 2024

I have separated this contemporary document from the format of the court report. Initially, an interview with the witness Viviane Fischer, who was rejected by the court, was conducted as part of the court reportage. After I let the interview come to a journalistic end, a dynamic situation developed at the open microphone with bystanders to the proceedings. In view of its dynamism and openness, the developing interview situation, which I was able to record, may seem to some like part of a soap opera, but to others like a scene in the Greek agora.

If the principle of publicity no longer counts for anything in court, if crucial witness hearings and requests for evidence are rejected, then the press must fulfill its role as the fourth estate. It must provide clarification where the courts only produce silence. In the Füllmich trial, the press is caught in the crossfire of opinions about the protagonists of the case. In view of the reactions learned over decades in the “main stream world”, the question arises as to how the educational movement will deal with this material...

In the search for truth, let's try to stay at a level that is conducive to fact-finding, despite perceived injustices. Insults, injuries and prejudices hinder this truth-finding process. I will therefore try to remove incitement and insults from the YouTube comments section as quickly as possible, including vomit smiley faces, as they visually express what is not desired verbally.

I only ask you to link to this material and not to repost it on your own channels.
Self-replicating saRNA

Regarding those self-amplifying saRNA injections, lawyer Tom Renz wrote following on X

BREAKING: Japan to release new saRNA Vaccine designed to spread to others WITHOUT INFORMED or ANY OTHER CONSENT.

This new version of the vaccine bioweapons can and will spread to others. The saRNA does not have “break” and will potentially continue to exist in your system or the system of the people it is spread to forever. This is an absolute violation of numerous laws in many countries and of many principles of international law. I have personally been reporting on this since 2021 on this is something the global anti-health pro-vax crew has been working on for years. This has the potential to be the REAL next global plandemic as side effects will be incredibly common and untraceable to the vaccines. Disease X - here we come.

At X Tom Renz shows 4 screen shots attached to his tweet content.
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