Session 21 March 2020

His cup is already full. What use are we to him or him to us? Personally, I think too much time and effort has been wasted already.

Yes. everything he wrote is a provocation and intended to waste energy. He didn't even bother to simply list the names of the "Russian experts and doctors", but we need to spend time reading whatever he sent and answer his questions? I say, nah, thank you, but no thank you. Let him think that we are conspiratorial fools. ;-)

But I did check this one article in Russian that has doctor's testimony. Please notice what the doctor says:

Everybody's talking about a terrible epidemic happening right now, but it's not quite true. In Moscow it doesn't even reach 1% of the total number of citizens. The problem is different: for our health care system, daily intake of such a large number of patients is impossible. If the situation continues to develop in the same way, then there won't be doctors left to treat people with an injury, a tumour, or anything.

Сейчас все говорят о жуткой эпидемии, но это не совсем так. В Москве нет и 1% заболевших от общего числа горожан. Проблема в другом: для нашей системы здравоохранения суточное поступление такого количества больных неподъемно. Если ситуация будет развиваться и дальше так же, то вас, с травмой, опухолью, чем угодно — лечить будет некому.

So either SoW has a problem with reading comprehension, or he intentionally tries to manipulate and waste time. It's important to note that we may be better behaved than the Russian trolls he met on Youtube ;-), but we are equally intolerant of BS :-P.

Regarding the doctor's specific concern, this is indeed a very unfortunate by-product of the corona hysteria, because now the doctors are ordered to take care of the patients with only or primarily similar symptoms, and the rest of the patients are either being neglected, or they need to take care of both people "suspected of corona" + the usual patients. There is indeed an overflow in specific hospitals in Moscow, and doctors are under strain. But it isn't because of the "horrible epidemic", but because of equally bad organization or perception managments. All of this is being covered in the Corona thread.
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This is one level above of what Nazis did in the past. This is Antichrist level...

Didn't Cs said that acceptance of torture is Mark of the Beast ? Maybe vaccination is part of it too.
To me it looks like that current "Beast" could be vaccine and current "Mark" could be : getting vaccinated.
Because of this situation ,I think they are counting on mass vaccination to happen (maybe it is more proper to call it "mass hybridization").

And I guess, we are in timeline in which nuking of USA could happen, even could be probable?


I think you may be right about the different flavors of the "Mark of the Beast" being torture, vaccines (some think nanochips could be included) and VISA which are all means of tracking and control. And "mass hybridization" is kind of an end goal too I think.

I think all-out nuclear was asked about in the following session and sort of ruled out as being counterproductive for maintaining the herd.

Session 10 October 2015:
(Pierre) Unlike a chess game with these nuclear powers available, Israel for example can just drop the whole chessboard and everybody loses.

(Perceval) There's something I've been saying to various people, and I'm wondering if it's true or not. The stories in Richard Dolan's books about US nuclear missile sites being disabled by UFOs at various places so that they couldn't fire anything way back in the 60's at the height of the Cold War. Was that a message to the Powers that Be that no nuclear war would ever be allowed? Did 4D STS send a message in that way that nobody would be allowed to push the button because you'd kill everybody. Since this world is like a farm, their cattle would all be killed. Is that anywhere close to the truth?

A: Close.

The Cs did say there could be some smaller nuclear bombs like "dirty nukes" that were mentioned during the Syrian war events.

Session 15 October 2016:
(Windmill knight) Is the situation in Syria going to escalate to a third world war as some people think?

A: No. But there may be a terrorist dirty nuke or two!
All is not doom and gloom, here is some good news for baseball fans during this pandemic.

Taiwan's pro baseball league to broadcast games in English

Short piece from the article.
Taiwan's baseball season, the only one scheduled anywhere in the world during the COVID-19 pandemic, will include English broadcasts from Wednesday (April 15) to showcase Taiwan baseball to a wider audience, as mentioned on the official twitter page of Eleven Sports sports channel.

Taiwan's Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) held its first game at Taichung Intercontinental Baseball Stadium Sunday after the first two games were postponed last weekend due to bad weather, making it the first professional baseball league in the world to start this year.

However, the season, or at least the beginning of the season, will be played without fans due to the country's social distancing regulations designed to slow the spread of the coronavirus.
I think all-out nuclear was asked about in the following session and sort of ruled out as being counterproductive for maintaining the herd.


The Cs did say there could be some smaller nuclear bombs like "dirty nukes" that were mentioned during the Syrian war events.
Cs said also "USA (is) heading for destruction",too.

Just wait when intelligence agencies from countries that are not US proxies find out where from virus "originated" or more correctly, where it was manufactured. It will be interesting to see "who is who,which is which" .

Sequencing RNA of virus can be done in any lab today.
"If you take all the letters in Bill Gates III and then convert them into ASCII code and then add up all the numbers, you will get 666, which is the number of the BEAST.
B = 66
I = 73
L = 76
L = 76
G = 71
A = 65
T = 84
E = 69
S = 83
I = 1
I = 1
I = 1
Total = 666"


The numerology coding thing has been going on for a long time. Maybe there is some significance to it. I don't know but I am not sure how much it helps to determine the character of certain individuals if we don't see what their character and deeds are by ordinary careful scrutiny.

Henry Kissinger's last name was decoded by a similar process. Maybe it is just a joke on all of us. It is like someone wants us to "wonder after the beast".

Kissinger & Vaccinations - Bush Decisions Linked To "Mark of the Beast" Numerology
SANDPOINT, ID -- Recent decisions by President Bush to sequester vaccination injury files and appoint Henry Kissinger to lead a 9-11 inquiry may seem unrelated. In fact, they have much in common according to an award winning author who decrypted a centuries old alphanumeric code currently used by British and American intelligence agencies. Dr. Leonard Horowitz, a Harvard-trained researcher, discovered a foreboding fact while analyzing the code-the words "Kissinger" and "Vaccination" both decipher to "666," the infamous "mark of the beast."
President Bush and alleged war criminal Henry Kissinger

The name "Kissinger" codes for "666." (Rev. 13:18) In a prophetically titled book, released three months before 9-11, Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare (Tetrahedron Publishing Group; 1-888-508-4787), Dr. Horowitz explained that several of the largest multi-national corporations, and Anglo-American intelligence agencies (i.e., MI6 and U.S. Special Services) often use letters such as "S," as Hitler did with his "SS," to signify the number "6." The researcher determined this designation reflects an alphanumeric code where multiples of six are assigned to each letter in the English alphabet from A to Z (e.g., A=6, B=12, C=18, . . . S=114, . . .Z=156). When these numbers are added, the words "Kissinger" and "Vaccination" both decipher to "666"-the biblical "mark of the beast."

Sadly, we often don't see these characters for what they are until it is too late.
Cs said also "USA (is) heading for destruction",too.

Just wait when intelligence agencies from countries that are not US proxies find out where from virus "originated" or more correctly, where it was manufactured. It will be interesting to see "who is who,which is which" .

Sequencing RNA of virus can be done in any lab today.


I see you are residing in "Paradise Lost" so you may not have to worry about any "destruction" but keep in mind:

Session 9 October 1994:
Q: (L) In the upcoming cataclysms, which continent is going to suffer the most destruction?

A: As yet undetermined.

And what kind of "destruction" are we really talking about?:

Session 26 November 1994:
Q: (T) Okay, when the people are talking about the earth changes, when they talk in literal terms about the survivors, and those who are not going to survive, and the destruction and so forth and so on, in 3rd, 4th, 5th level reality we are not talking about the destruction of the planet on 3rd level physical terms, or the loss of 90 per cent of the population on the 3rd level because they died, but because they are going to move to 4th level?

A: Whoa! You are getting "warm."

Q: (T) Okay. So, we are anchoring this. So, when they talk about 90 per cent of the population not surviving, it is not that they are going to die, but that they are going to transform. We are going to go up a level. This is what the whole light thing is all about?

A: Or another possibility is that the physical cataclysms will occur only for those "left behind" on the remaining 3rd level density earth.

Q: (T) Okay, what you are saying, then, is that we are anchoring the frequency, so that when the wave comes, we move to 4th level density as many people as possible, in order to break the hold the "Dark T-shirts" have got on this planet, those who remain behind will not have enough energy left for the "Dark T-shirts" to bother with the planet any longer. There will be less of them so the planet will be able to refresh and they will be able to move on in their lessons without interference?

A: Close.

Who is responsible for mankind's "destruction"?

The Floyd Void or, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and assorted Prophetic Considerations
Q: (L) Well, cool! I would like to know if you could comment on what we were discussing earlier, the purported idea of mans’ actions leading to the destruction of the planet. This is, of course, a disturbing aspect of mankind, but I wonder if mankind is as guilty as he is made to feel?
A: Mankind, so called, is one element of creation.

Q: (L) When you say ‘one element of creation’ in relation to the question about man’s destruction of the planet, are you saying that this so-called destruction can, in a sense, be considered to be creative as in ‘chaos leads to rebirth’ as described in the Myth of the Eternal Return?
A: The “destruction” is merely one segment of all that exists in a long wave cycle.

And your earlier comment about "mass hybridization" is a good example of "destruction":

,I think they are counting on mass vaccination to happen (maybe it is more proper to call it "mass hybridization").

The Wave Chapter 62: Secret Games at Princeton
Q: (L) How do you mean? Creating a race to replace human beings, or abducting specific humans to replace them with a clone or whatever?

A: Mainly the former. You see, if one desires to create a new race, what better way than to mass hybridize, then mass reincarnate. Especially when the host species is so forever ignorant, controlled, and anthropocentric. What a lovely environment for total destruction and conquest and replacement… see?

As for other non-US proxies knowing who created the COVID-19 virus, I would think the 2 main ones might be Russia and China and I would think they have their own agendas to worry about.

Sequencing RNA of virus can be done in any lab today.

I am not so sure that is the case. Maybe more than a few years ago but I kind of doubt my local hospital could do it.
Q: (T) Okay, when the people are talking about the earth changes, when they talk in literal terms about the survivors, and those who are not going to survive, and the destruction and so forth and so on, in 3rd, 4th, 5th level reality we are not talking about the destruction of the planet on 3rd level physical terms, or the loss of 90 per cent of the population on the 3rd level because they died, but because they are going to move to 4th level?

A: Whoa! You are getting "warm."

Q: (T) Okay. So, we are anchoring this. So, when they talk about 90 per cent of the population not surviving, it is not that they are going to die, but that they are going to transform. We are going to go up a level. This is what the whole light thing is all about?

A: Or another possibility is that the physical cataclysms will occur only for those "left behind" on the remaining 3rd level density earth.

Q: (T) Okay, what you are saying, then, is that we are anchoring the frequency, so that when the wave comes, we move to 4th level density as many people as possible, in order to break the hold the "Dark T-shirts" have got on this planet, those who remain behind will not have enough energy left for the "Dark T-shirts" to bother with the planet any longer. There will be less of them so the planet will be able to refresh and they will be able to move on in their lessons without interference?

A: Close

If I understand correctly, maybe we won't see the destruction of the planet because we will be somewhere else ? It's like we are going to be moved in another realm if we are going in 4D ? We could avoid cometh, ice age, plague ? I just try to understand, Is someone can help me figure out what this means ? thank you !
I don't think there's any point in making the request. Playing mysterious is just to get attention. Besides, if he wrote books and they are published, his name should be easy to find on the Internet. This is just to pique interest. If he were an honest person, he would say who he is and what he wrote. Then everyone will make the best use of their discernment in this regard.

My point in making the request was to find out if the books do indeed exist and if they do, how much of his material he may have copied from Laura's books and this forum which he claims to have visited for 15 to 20 years.
My point in making the request was to find out if the books do indeed exist and if they do, how much of his material he may have copied from Laura's books and this forum which he claims to have visited for 15 to 20 years.

Yes, I understand that, and you're right. Although there are so many plagiarizers that one loses count. Well, maybe it's this guy: Konstantin Serebrov: Books
If I understand correctly, maybe we won't see the destruction of the planet because we will be somewhere else ? It's like we are going to be moved in another realm if we are going in 4D ? We could avoid cometh, ice age, plague ? I just try to understand, Is someone can help me figure out what this means ? thank you !

Could it be that even before the wave arrives there might some splitting of realities that could ease the effects of cataclysms for people with a certain frequency? Or is it that the separation in 3-D/4-D or 5-D will happen in an instant?
Somehow . . . writing that I am very grateful seems insufficient because it is not only the sharing of this session that makes such an indescribable difference to my perspective. It is the years and years of benefitting from this group, the C's and especially from Laura's intelligence. Without the sharing of this knowledge, I would be completely unable to sit back and enjoy the show. I forgot to acknowledge everyone else input on this forum. Nothing that I read today surprised, shocked or frightened me. This is for me truly amazing. WE are very fortunate. Very blessed. WE can generate a significant difference in what we perceive as the future. Thank you for sharing. :love:
If I understand correctly, maybe we won't see the destruction of the planet because we will be somewhere else ? It's like we are going to be moved in another realm if we are going in 4D ? We could avoid cometh, ice age, plague ? I just try to understand, Is someone can help me figure out what this means ? thank you !

You have the right idea. Although we can't really know when such a transition will happen or even how such a transition will happen. We may very well still be around for quite a bit of it. It's a "wait and see" situation. All I'm certain of is that it should be quite interesting! I'm thinking that as a group we keep moving in the direction we're going and when the really catastrophic stuff happens, we'll be somewhere else having split off our reality from that reality. (hopefully :-D )
You have the right idea. Although we can't really know when such a transition will happen or even how such a transition will happen. We may very well still be around for quite a bit of it. It's a "wait and see" situation. All I'm certain of is that it should be quite interesting! I'm thinking that as a group we keep moving in the direction we're going and when the really catastrophic stuff happens, we'll be somewhere else having split off our reality from that reality. (hopefully :-D )

That's more or less the idea I have, we are all together in the same collective reality until a moment when all the work and direction we had undertaken will bear fruit on our VRF, the effect of the wave will come to separate the realities according to our orientation at that time. Thank you for enlighting me on this idea =)
That's more or less the idea I have, we are all together in the same collective reality until a moment when all the work and direction we had undertaken will bear fruit on our VRF, the effect of the wave will come to separate the realities according to our orientation at that time. Thank you for enlighting me on this idea.

Just to make sure, are you mentioning Frequency Resonance Vibration (FRV)?
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