George Floyd's Death, Protests and Riots across the US

Now, my instinctive reaction upon seeing all these videos of people kneeling was that it is a gesture of submission.

I agree, except possibly if all parties (black and white) were kneeling to pray. Otherwise, the kneeling with bowed head, the lying down prostrate is submission. The only action that would be worse would be lying on back with belly showing as dogs do to show submission.

I have no agenda, that was just my gut reaction to seeing those videos.

It is safe to say, looking at the behavior of the rioters, at the crazed eyes of the protestors, that their rational faculties have been deactivated; they are therefore behaving as animals.

Is that all you see?

Because some protestors loot (usually wait till the cover of dark), you see all protestors the same?

Why don't you factor in all the agendas in play in your sight?

How can you look at these events and condense it down to one neat narrative along a well defined line?

What about all the opposing elements in play, what about the chaos (which by definition is not orderly!)... How can you look at a very messy and disorderly picture and see order and definition? Surely there's more going on with these events than we know... Surely there are many conflicting agendas in play... surely, not all protestors are the same or have the same motives...How can you look at the whole picture and just see one thing i.e.

It is safe to say, looking at the behavior of the rioters, at the crazed eyes of the protestors, that their rational faculties have been deactivated; they are therefore behaving as animals.

Btw, just to state my position, I'm in no way for the looters... I am in fact very much against those elements that cause chaos - the chaos they cause is not defined a long racial lines... People on all sides have been injured and / or killed by the violent elements that are looking to hijack this whole thing. Someone posted a video earlier on of an old (black) man who was in the process of losing his life, having being shot by a looter. It was beyond sad and tragic and to me, I'm definitely not for any of these chaos.

However, I'm not against people exercising their rights and protesting peacefully. It doesn't matter if you don't agree with their views. You can choose just to ignore them!
Surely there are many conflicting agendas in play... surely, not all protestors are the same or have the same motives...How can you look at the whole picture and just see one thing

I didn't say their motives are the same. The motivation of looters is quite obvious, and is distinct from the motivation of the protestors, which is ideological-bordering-on-religious.

I said that, in both cases, their rational faculties have been suspended. If anything that's more true of the protestors than it is of the looters.

All you need to do is look in their eyes. Wide, staring, crazy eyes. They have accepted a lie (in most cases, many lies ... indeed their entire worldview is based on lies), and as always happens when a lie is accepted, it has gradually driven them insane. The last few years, and the last few months especially, have made that abundantly clear.

It is certainly their right to protest. As I've affirmed repeatedly during this exchange. However, I very much doubt that those protestors would likewise affirm my right to disagree with them.
@psychegram this guy (in the video below) goes to the riots in NYC, here he states the looters are young / teanagers who have nothing better to do.

He roughly connects part of this to the covid lockdown which has left people aimless and without much meaning.

Again, it seems that on the ground, these looters are mostly opportunistic thieves who are just looking to get things for free and blow off some steam.

Add in the violent elements - the elements dropping bricks all over cities or the career hardcore protestors who go in to serve a political agenda through violent (and other) means..

Add in selective reporting... Reporting along specific angles on specific things to drive narrative and divide

Add all that and more in... Things aren't precisely what you see is what you get.

Everyone is pretty much getting played to some end that we probably don't know

(I don't agree with all the kid in the video says, more interested in his report of what's happening on the ground from first hand experience in and amongst it all)
the looters are young / teanagers who have nothing better to do.

Yes, that's what I meant by their motives being obvious. It doesn't take a genius to figure out why looters are looting - the act is self-explanatory.

And that's why I said that, if anything, the looters are more rational than the protestors. They're just opportunistically causing and taking advantage of the chaos in order to help themselves to free consumer goods. The protestors, however, are effectively running cover for them, and doing so because they have heads filled with lies.
Yes, that's what I meant by their motives being obvious. It doesn't take a genius to figure out why looters are looting - the act is self-explanatory.

And that's why I said that, if anything, the looters are more rational than the protestors. They're just opportunistically causing and taking advantage of the chaos in order to help themselves to free consumer goods. The protestors, however, are effectively running cover for them, and doing so because they have heads filled with lies.

Okay, I think given we're dealing with a creature with multiple heads here, that the view you express in the post above captures one of the heads.

Strong possibility the protestors are providing cover for looters by their act of protesting.

The looters wouldn't otherwise get away with this behaviour under normal circumstances.

I agree with that @psychegram.

The animal has multiple heads of which you've pointed one.

Okay, anyways, I think that's a good place for me to call it a wrap for now. Thanks for not blowing a gasket from my earlier posts. 👍
Floyd didn't deserve to die, still the media remains silent about his true past. He is a martyr for their cause.

Playing devil's advocate here: do we even know if the cop killed Floyd from a racist point of view. Or was it just a madman who might as well have put a white or Asian guy in that neck clamp.

Anyhow, protesting 'an epidemic of racialized violence' isn't based on reality. Protesting police brutality is. The focus should lie on that.
Why is it a 'whole new low'? The lows of how the US military has been used in recent and no so recent times has been much, much worse than taking a knee to diffuse tensions. I highly doubt those who have been engineering this chaos want to see any kind of resolution being made between people on 'opposite' sides.
Oh this kneeling trend is about more than 'diffusing tensions'. Kneeling IS submission. To the mob and to the puppet masters who pull their strings, and to the lies they tell.

It's every bit submission as the useless facemasks are wrt to Covid-19.
Okay, what about kneeling to propose to a partner... Is that one person submitting to the other?

Yes, it is.

The point here (and always) is the context in which the kneeling is done. Kneeling in this context by police and random people is clearly a submission to and acceptance of the ideology that "black lives matter". Why would anyone ever have to kneel down to accept that "black lives matter", or any other self-evident statement? Do you accept that the sky is blue on a cloudless day? If so, you must prove it by kneeling down in front of me. Does that make sense?

If someone asks me if I agree that black lives matter, then I'll say yes or no, I won't kneel. Why would I? I'd say if you asked any normal person on the planet if the lives of other human being matter, they'll invariably say yes. Now, they might not show that in their day to day lives, but that's human nature, and the reasons for it are many and varied. People who don't offer a reasonable amount of respect to other people will generally be socially ostracized in some way, and if they take it too far, prosecuted under existing laws that forbid such behavior.

Of course, some agents of the state who have a prejudice against some section of the citizenry that they perceive as being different to them or less than them, will exploit their power to abuse those citizens. That happens a lot in many different ways, but that is not a social issue, and should not be interpreted as one as is happening right now) but an issue that relates to the relationship between people and the forces of law and order of the state, and historically, it is difficult for citizens to have their greivances in this regard addressed, for obvious reasons.

Every time I see someone kneeling in this context I think of this, because I think that the ideology that is acting through people who demand the kneeling has its source in something rather nefarious.

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Can anyone here imagine themselves demanding that another person kneel before them in order to apologize for something? Maybe you might accept it if the person did it spontaneously of their own volition as a chosen display of contrition (but even then I think it would be viewed as unnecessary and even inappropriate) but can you ever see yourself demanding it in order for you to accept the apology? What kind of person would want that?

Is it not more normal to prefer a sincere verbal expression of regret and a promise to not do whatever they did again? If the person then continued to do the same thing to hurt you, at any point thereafter would you want them to kneel, or would you eventually decide that this is not a sincere person and you just need to stay out of their way?
Sad to see the NY Post carry the police union's water with that pathetic character assassination of Floyd. His criminal history is somewhat relevant, but cops are trained to deal with violent criminals. That does not make Chauvin's actions less deplorable or put it into any kind of "context." Would more cops have stopped his death? No. Would they have stopped people from rioting? No. They would have just had more cops to bash heads, tear gas, and further inflame tensions. That article just reads like a political push from the police union to the mayor. They'll get more officers now, and it won't be for the benefit of the majority of people who live in Minneapolis once everything has calmed down.
It doesn't justify what happened to Floyd, but it puts the now global protests into rather lunatic context. It isn't character assassination to point out that Floyd was a man whose career included violent armed robbery (for which he served prison time) and pornography films, and was off his head on fentanyl (the 'crack' form of heroin) when stopped by police.

What are these people protesting in Vienna(!) today doing when they chant that man's name in mass unison? Standing up for Blacks against white oppression? Stopping white genocide of Blacks? I know that's what they think they're doing, but I'm afraid that they are instead calling down awful consequences on their heads...
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