George Floyd's Death, Protests and Riots across the US

But there is, IMO, righteous anger out there and I don't see it as an illusion created by the media or hystericization - although some of that is occurring as well. It seems you are so focused on the specific point of police violence that you are missing out on the above points and that's creating a separation in seeing the situation objectively that other members see as black and white thinking.

Well, that begs the question as to whether blacks are, in fact, unjustifiably targeted by police for lesser forms of harassment. Do the numbers bear that out? I rather suspect that they don't, and that the reason blacks have more contact with police (I don't dispute that they do) is that they're far more likely to be engaged in criminal activity. In which case, their higher level of contract with LEOs is an entirely predictable consequence of their own behavior.

Now, certainly the police have become far more overbearing in general over the last decades, not just to blacks. This has occurred simultaneously with the rising authoritarianism and spinelessly obsequious behavior demonstrated by modern westerners, as exemplified by politically correct speech codes, cancel culture, etc.

But that's not what these protests are about. They are not protesting for freedom. They are not protesting against generalized authoritarianism from law enforcement. They are protesting, in fact, for the opposite of freedom, and they are doing so because they have been fed a false understanding of reality, by the lying media and the indoctrination camps that have replaced universities, specifically in order to weaponize them and thus create a radicalized lumpenproletariat which can be directed at the political enemies of the existing elite parasite class.

Fake news.

The man in that tweet isn't a 'rich NBA player'. This man isn't even an NBA player past or present!

He's a reporter who used to work for ESPN according to this article by the Sun.

He has almost no internet presence. Like the only thing that comes up on him if you Google his name is stories about this tweet.

The amount of literal fake news on Twitter is starting to worry me.

People are literally finding tweets that align with their views and using them for confirmation bias. Looks like tweets are being made to cater to different types of views people might have and are being used to make people think their views are correct thus entrenching the divide between the different warring groups.

I have no proof of it but I'm thinking Twitter might be getting used by the CIA et al to divide people and fuel the carnage.
But are you allowed to criticize the government or to buy a gun?

The government won't prosecute your speech. It will stand by and allow big tech to censor you, and howling outrage mobs to destroy your life, if you say anything against the constantly evolving and increasingly narrow range of permitted thought. In practice, the 1A is dead, regardless of what the letter of the law says.

The other part of the 1A, regarding religion, is obviously out given that Christian worship (or any other kind) was summarily banned during the lockdown. A truly unprecedented step in the history of Christendom.

As to the 2A, well that rather depends on which state you live in.

The 4A is also right out, given that the state has the power to monitor your communications.

On balance I'd say the Constitution, though nominally still the law of the land, is inoperative at this point from any functional perspective.
I did not say that. I do think that some police will treat people differently based on a few different factors.

But are you allowed to criticize the government or to buy a gun?

Thanks for the clarification.

I personally could buy a gun. But I know 2 people personally who went to prison for questioning the government (non violent offense), yet now their right to bear arms is infringed. Also know one who went to prison for non violent drug crime, but now cannot bear arms. The gun laws do not differentiate between violent criminals and others.
This is nuts,

It will stand by and allow big tech to censor you, and howling outrage mobs to destroy your life, if you say anything against the constantly evolving and increasingly narrow range of permitted thought. In practice, the 1A is dead, regardless of what the letter of the law says.

I criticize the gov't all the time on social media and elsewhere.
For the past several days since this whole drama and roller coaster of emotions, igniting for some the laws of entropy. I have felt somewhat depressed, trying to assimilate the emotions that have erupted in me, primarily of disgust and suppressed anger, I have felt a heavy weight on my shoulders, pushing me down. How can one explain to an undecided mass of people the dynamic in place at this timeline.

My computer is in a spare room, where I do almost all of my smoking and thinking, I leave a window open to dissipate the smoke in consideration of non smokers in the building (fortunately I signed a lease before the smoking ban in buildings). In the morning, I have noticed a distinct rotten egg smell. I am reminded of when I worked the night shift, checking on patients in their slumber, and thinking how vulnerable we are to outside forces in our so called dream state.

I cannot help the feelings and narrative running through my mind at this time, a pivitol point, as I think of it.

This whole situation is so bizarre to any normal thinking person. For one to see the murder (and that is what it was by any use of language, blasted by MSM worldwide) by a police officer for what could be considered really something not really significant, the passing of a fake $20 dollar bill, so we are told (when money is electronically placed in the world economy as and when is needed by a financial cartel).

The event itself is momentous, when people are beginning to see the the absurdity of the lockdowns the loss of jobs, small community businesses, that were not able to survive without the help and support of a viable community, the effects of life in every sphere of thriving communities, something that has taken place for millennia and has allowed humanity to continue for generations. The narrative was failing, so another story line had to be inserted to keep the masses in a state of fear and obedience.

Enter the riots and those under the influence from the NPC players those that have no care of their own being and are influenced by outside forces (could be from a vaccine, who knows, without significant data to demonstrate this, we are left in the dark).

One thing I did find interesting, the business of bending the knee, an act of subjection in my mind, and the emergence of this practice, going back to the black lives matter from my cursory search started in earnest with sport figures in the US starting in 2016 and again in 2018

Wasn't 2016 the year Trump came into office?

From the article
San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick says he refused to stand during the national anthem Friday because of his views on the country’s treatment of racial minorities.

“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,” Kaepernick told NFL Mediaafter Friday’s game. “To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”

And this article from 2018

It is from a UK MSM source, so it could be taken with discretion, but I thought the reference to kneeling was significant, in light of those in the US that have presented themselves to the public as "taking the knee". Such a false display, all they are concerned about is protecting their own asses.

Again from the article

“All team and league personnel on the field shall stand and show respect for the flag and the anthem”: that is how the NFL worded their edict that players who kneel during the national anthem will be fined.

I am reminded of the Black lives matter movement. Nuff said, I think there is enough information on this thread regarding the originator of the movement.

I found this interesting regarding the bending of the knee from Medieval times and the question of loyalty to a group at that time, the word used was fealty, from wikki, sometimes the source is reliable, anyway, here is what is found interesting.

In medieval Europe, the swearing of fealty took the form of an oath made by a vassal, or subordinate, to his lord. "Fealty" also referred to the duties incumbent upon a vassal that were owed to the lord, which consisted of service and aid.[1]

The connotation of the word, fealty to my mind in modern meaning. Means to agree to the power structure of the PTB

One part of the oath of fealty included swearing to always remain faithful to the lord. The oath of fealty usually took place after the act of homage, when, by the symbolic act of kneeling before the lord and placing his hands between the hands of the lord, the vassal became the "man" of the lord. Usually, the lord also promised to provide for the vassal in some form, either through the granting of a fief or by some other manner of support.

Describes to me the blackmail structure of a psychopathic elite, to mind mind anyway.

So where am I going with all these ramblings of my mind. A failed Pandemic, a new story line, this suggests to me another trial run. To judge the effects on how a society will react to a true crisis, which will be a real crisis, food shortages, a population in severe hunger and starvation because of agricultural failures, and catastrophic environmental events, how a population can be controlled fighting at one anthers throats, full of anger and despair, asking for answers, when none will be given by and power structure, that cares nothing for the people, it's all about in a truth psychopathic sense. Grab what you can now, and to hell with the rest (meaning humanity). That has been the message throughout the history of humanity.

So what is a body to do, seek to not align with the message of entropy, do not get caught up in this created drama, if one sees such a situation occurring, get as far away as possible. Many innocent lives have been lost, because they sought to get involved, or were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

But strangely, I do see a new day dawning, like some catastrophic event in ones life, it was all chaotic, you did what your had to do at the time, there was a lull a period of calm. I have a dream and vision in my mind (it is a recurring memory) of a lake a place of calm, I was in a Canoe, the place we had once lived was destroyed, I lived on a lake all that was left was only smoke, I paddled along with my son, the only two left, to a new world.

Just my impression and though at this time.
I'm sorry, I don't wish to cause any problems but on this specific subject, reading the last few posts I think @bjorn and @psychegram have some underlying agenda.

I can't quite pin it but their messages are in unison and to the same flavour.

I don't understand the reason for this but this agenda to me seems to be driving the divide and make people more polarised (an us vs them mindset).

I'm just vocalising what I'm sensing.

Reading that whole thing from @psychegram about kneeling and the significance of it made me think it was definitely getting over-thought! The whole thing behind the science of it - submission etc was like, 'what, really?!?!?'... This isn't game of thrones where they were using the term to take the knee to mean to submit! This isn't a TV show!

Like people used to kneel to be knighted for example... Is that submission? Like seriously, things can have more than one meaning and there's always the context - the 3rd factor.

It doesn't take a genius to see that in some of those kneeling videos (including that one with the soldiers), the authorities are doing it to build rapport with the crowd and diffuse the us Vs them mentality... Like it's pretty obvious, no?

Right, stopping the rant now! Will go back to trying to figure out which of these tweets being posted to drive certain narratives are fake news or not.
I'm sorry, I don't wish to cause any problems but on this specific subject, reading the last few posts I think @bjorn and @psychegram have some underlying agenda.

I can't quite pin it but their messages are in unison and to the same flavour.

I don't understand the reason for this but this agenda to me seems to be driving the divide and make people more polarised (an us vs them mindset).

I'm just vocalising what I'm sensing.

Reading that whole thing from @psychegram about kneeling and the significance of it made me think it was definitely getting over-thought! The whole thing behind the science of it - submission etc was like, 'what, really?!?!?'... This isn't game of thrones where they were using the term to take the knee to mean to submit! This isn't a TV show!

Like people used to kneel to be knighted for example... Is that submission? Like seriously, things can have more than one meaning and there's always the context - the 3rd factor.

It doesn't take a genius to see that in some of those kneeling videos (including that one with the soldiers), the authorities are doing it to build rapport with the crowd and diffuse the us Vs them mentality... Like it's pretty obvious, no?

Right, stopping the rant now! Will go back to trying to figure out which of these tweets being posted to drive certain narratives are fake news or not.

Bjorn and I appear to agree with one another on some issues. As do others on this thread. I don't have any 'agenda' aside from wanting the analysis to be based on facts, rather than feelings.

I've been pretty clear that it's obvious that this whole thing is about causing division and chaos.

Pulling this part out:

Like people used to kneel to be knighted for example... Is that submission?

Yes. That is literally the origin and meaning of that ritual. The subject is kneeling before the sovereign, demonstrating submission and pledging fealty. The sovereign touches the subject with the sword as a reminder that the sovereign holds power of life and death over the subject.
Antifa running scared in Klamath Falls, Oregon as the towns folk meet them with a hornet’s nest” of “shotguns, ARs, rifles, pistols” to defend their homes and businesses.

View attachment 36667

Antifa thugs determined to wreak devastation upon Main Street, Klamath Falls more than met their match when the entire neighborhood met them with a hornet's nest of & shotguns, ARs, rifles, pistols to defend their homes and businesses.
Newspunch is an actual fake news site, just FYI. The account may be accurate though, depending on where they got it from.
I'm sorry, I don't wish to cause any problems but on this specific subject, reading the last few posts I think @bjorn and @psychegram have some underlying agenda.

This is my agenda, wrote it back in September: 9/11, Identity Politics And The Coming Storm --

If you think it is causing division and chaos let me know.

As for my posts about the whole knee bending business which makes you think we have some underlying agenda. Perhaps I’m overreacting like I mentioned.
Bjorn and I appear to agree with one another on some issues. As do others on this thread. I don't have any 'agenda' aside from wanting the analysis to be based on facts, rather than feelings.

I've been pretty clear that it's obvious that this whole thing is about causing division and chaos.

Pulling this part out:

Yes. That is literally the origin and meaning of that ritual. The subject is kneeling before the sovereign, demonstrating submission and pledging fealty. The sovereign touches the subject with the sword as a reminder that the sovereign holds power of life and death over the subject.

Okay, what about kneeling to propose to a partner... Is that one person submitting to the other?

Point I'm trying to make is I don't get why we are using some dominate / submit rule of the jungle sort of thinking to interpret the majority of this to the point where it's an either / or viewpoint... You're either dominating or submitting...

That whole series of posts you made about kneeling made me think like we're in some sort of wildlife documentary getting told how animals interact in the wild.

Where's the human element? Where's the 3rd factor? Where's the thinking that looks for those things? Why just interpret as an either / or on pretty much everything on this subject? I don't get it!

I'm sorry, I couldn't keep quiet about this anymore! It was just going to new levels someone had to say something! In any case, saying something has restored my sanity, I don't mean to offend or antagonise.

Please don't interpret this post with the dominate / submit mindset. I mean not to challenge, dominate nor submit. :nuts:
That whole series of posts you made about kneeling made me think like we're in some sort of wildlife documentary getting told how animals interact in the jungle.

Most humans are basically animals, if being human is considered to involve use of the higher brain functions - rationality in particular. The instinctive basis of human behaviour is entirely animal. When humans stop using their reasoning faculties, they really do become animals. In such instances it is entirely appropriate to analyze their behavior in terms of primate social dynamics.

Even those humans who can be rational, spend most of their time in an animal state - mechanical and instinctive.

It is safe to say, looking at the behavior of the rioters, at the crazed eyes of the protestors, that their rational faculties have been deactivated; they are therefore behaving as animals.

Now, my instinctive reaction upon seeing all these videos of people kneeling was that it is a gesture of submission. Many, many others, not just here but elsewhere, had precisely that immediate, gut reaction; therefore it can be inferred that this understanding of the gesture really is primal. Primal gestures - laughter, smiling, tears, etc. - predate our reasoning faculties and their proper interpretation is at the instinctive level, OSIT.

To imagine that this is not understood by TPTB and exploited for the purposes of social manipulation is naive.
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