George Floyd's Death, Protests and Riots across the US

That is manifestly false. Do you see any rioters or looters in the footage of kneeling national guardsman? They are sent to keep order in general, and depending on their orders that obviously involves gathering in places that peaceful protestors also assemble.
I don't think so. There are many groups. Legitimate, nonviolent protestors are one group, and I'm guessing the majority. I don't have any problems with nonviolent protestors.
Besides, peaceful protesters or a mob. I don’t like the idea of kneeling because of the reasons stated.
It seems like you are sticking with the fine point of police violence against minorities in your writing. Okay, so the statistics don't bear out the idea that cops disproportionately kill blacks/minorities over whites. But I don't think that is only what people are upset about and protesting over.

About the kneeling. I also think it's appalling. Context matters here!

Imagine the police force kneeling in front of brave anti-lockdown protestors who question the whole corona thing. Or in front of Yellow Vests. Or the early Occupy Wallstreet movement for that matter. Now THAT would be a powerful symbol!!

But of course this never happens. Because these are real protests, whereas now, the protests are fake, they are a frenzy whipped up and created by the PTB. Of course, there are legitimate grievances mixed into the protests, just like with every color revolution stirred up by the PTB (think Maidan etc.). Point is: these kneeling police officers are not "spontaneously and bravely showing support for legitimate protestors", no, they are kneeling before their Dark Lords, doing their bidding, stirred up by propaganda, getting kudos from the most evil people in the world. It is turned into a symbol of darkness, just like the other famous "color revolution symbols".

And in this context, it doesn't matter whether the specific protests are violent or not. Although I think Whitecoast has a point that we shouldn't just call all the protestors "bullies" and "mobs", there are of course peaceful protests as well, and we shouldn't just hate all of them but look at the nuances. But still, this seems to be an ugly color revolution with people on both sides doing the PTB's bidding. At least that is my current take on it.

Here we go, today... a bunch of.. . people went today to Palace Government of Jalisco to "demand justice" of the murder of the person who was arrested for not wearing a mask. There seem to be few but, some were very violent, destroying, burning police car etc..problem is, it can be expanded to other cities.

It does seems that what happened in Jalisco, México, fits the riots formula in the US... hope not but it's conspicuous.

The governor of that state went full Hitler with the lockdown. He wanted to be an "example to other states" by putting much stricter measures in place... "Zero tolerance". They used law enforcement forces, which of course led to abuses... nothing new under the sun here.

Because a guy didn't wear his mask he ended up in the morgue! and then people went out to the streets to protest, but what seem to be paid rioters joined, and set cars and other stuff on fire... including a police man.

The media is exploiting this particular tragic event like it is something new and unique... and now it even made it to International news. That's kind of odd.

It's important to highlight that there is a strong polarization in Mexico that can be exploited; not about race but about political preferences.

Besides, these types of violent protests are not uncommon here, and many know about paid rioters that are used to delegitimize certain protests, or create chaos and fulfill agendas of certain people with political and economic power.

We'll see how this develop... I really hope this doesn't escalate.
The Viral Pandemic didn't work but the rage, anger, fear, emotional pandemic is working. The Antifa ISIS artical is telling its an attack from the inside out like a virus

Yes, it is looking more and more like we are witnessing PLANDEMONIUM. The rage and anger was anticipated - it didn't matter what the trigger was once the plandemic and lock down did its damage. Now that rage and anger and is being driven towards ends that serve none but the elites. That's what happens when people allow their emotions to become divorced from logic and reason. And this is the state of madness societies can be driven to that allows for their takeover by psychopathic leaders...or for starting wars.
But of course this never happens. Because these are real protests, whereas now, the protests are fake, they are a frenzy whipped up and created by the PTB. Of course, there are legitimate grievances mixed into the protests, just like with every color revolution stirred up by the PTB (think Maidan etc.). Point is: these kneeling police officers are not "spontaneously and bravely showing support for legitimate protestors", no, they are kneeling before their Dark Lords, doing their bidding, stirred up by propaganda, getting kudos from the most evil people in the world. It is turned into a symbol of darkness, just like the other famous "color revolution symbols".

Speaking only for myself, I'm trying to avoid the question of whether a person's protest is "legitimate" or not, since whether or not a person has good reasons to protest or not isn't up to any of us - that's just how the first amendment works in the United States. The point is that people are in a crowd to redress perceived grievances and police are there to preserve the law. Each of their heads is filled with a mixture of truth and programming in various degrees, and a certain level f consciousness and awareness. You can say the same of the law enforcement, assuming no bad actors on either side. Amid these imperfect conditions decent people are charged with making the best of all that in spite of their imperfect knowledge or awareness, and high emotional stakes to boot. People are free to criticize others, saying they could have made a better or more externally considerate action in the same situation, but I think that's beside the point. If they are decent people (and most people are decent) they will do their best to avoid turning the US into a bloodbath. The same can't be said for agitators or bad actors who want there to be more violence to further their agendas. Not that it means they will necessarily avoid worsening the situation, given how complex the situation is, but I suppose we'll have to see.

(And I do sympathize with some of the apathy surrounding the events in the US... I had get more than a few tears of frustration out of my head yesterday).

It's interesting that although a number of people see taking the knee as submission, a number of protestors also take a knee with police (or on their own, in the second link), where it does tend to come off as a genuine gesture of solidarity. I've even see a number of blue-check twitter accounts telling people not to share videos or photographs of police taking a knee, and also asking protestors not to do the same either. If you follow the thread a number of people legitimately thinking the knee is police propaganda, asking protestors and rioters not to take the knees with police or depict them in any kind of positive light whatsoever. Meanwhile a bunch of right-wingers are interpreting it as a sign that the police are cucked or will not fight off rioters or looters. At least on this part of the net I'm seeing them willing to still do so in spite of the symbolic gesture. We'll see what the next day brings though.

I think it is quite obvious that there is a problem with the way quite a substantial portion of police in the US are behaving. I think we can all agree on that and also on the righteousness of people pointing that out and wanting things to change there. In general, similar problems are present in varying degrees in pretty much in every other country too, while in the US the problem seems to be on the extremer side of things.

I've listened to a recent Joe Rogan podcast and I think Joe made some good points in that regard. What would go along way to make things better are basically 6 points:

- A rigorous weeding out process before people are even allowed to exercise any power over other people. Meaning that you have to be a rather special out of the ordinary person, that can handle stress and is basically decent and is skillful in de-escalating situation rather than escalating them. A person that can calmly take on a leading position with a decent and good attitude over people and groups if necessary. Just some of the things people should be good at in order to be a police officer. A police officer must be more able than the average Joe to keep his calm, even in very high stress or dangerous situations. Joe rightly points out that many police in the US are just not cut out for that profession at all and should have never been allowed into that position in the first place.

- The training/educating methods of police have to change

- The in group mentally that quickly develops in police circles of "us versus them" has to be tackled and discouraged. Police are supposed to be there FOR and in service of all people and protect them.

- Related to the last point. Police must be discouraged to develop any "I can't report my college for doing something wrong, being an asshole, violent etc" because "I would betray may in group in the police". Apparently such thinking is a HUGE problem in the police and cause for many problems.

- Police have to be accountable for anything they do

- Bad police that never should have been allowed into that position in the first place should be weeded out as quickly as possible

Having said that, implementing those things in the US is very hard since quite a number of police and police headquarters are already corrupt as hell and worse than many criminals out there. Also, the whole Ponerology angle plays a very significant role here. Unfortunately people in general and institutions like the police in particular are not aware of it, and worse even, in many cases are already fully pathologically entrenched/indoctrinated. Fact is: The police profession is a magnet for Psychopaths. In contrast to other professions, Psychopaths naturally gravitate towards that position. So there is a good likelihood that the percentage of Psychopaths in police circles is significantly higher than in other professions and the population at large.
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Speaking only for myself, I'm trying to avoid the question of whether a person's protest is "legitimate" or not, since whether or not a person has good reasons to protest or not isn't up to any of us - that's just how the first amendment works in the United States. The point is that people are in a crowd to redress perceived grievances and police are there to preserve the law.

Point taken, but sometimes we can "nuance ourselves into a corner" IMO. Wouldn't you agree that there is a difference between a color revolution staged by the full force of the Deep State/media/ruling class, playing on legitimate, but oversimplified grievances, stirring up the pot for nefarious reasons, and spontaneous, honest protest by people against the psychopaths' shenanigans?
Taking a knee could be as simple as depriving the psychopaths of what they want which is violence and chaos. Unfortunately we have to accept that a huge portion of the population believes the media's lies and since they made the play the only thing that can be done is to respond in turn. I think back to Gurdjieff painting the canaries yellow. He was selling a lie but it was to make ends meet. If the goal is to end the riots and keep the peace it works.

I'm not sure that kneeling would ultimately result in being backed into a corner. The police may actually gain sympathy from some on the left and I couldn't see minorities forcing others to take a knee once tensions cooled. It sounds like propaganda meant for those on the right when it's portrayed as a sign of submission or weakness. How would they carry on with their plan if the media was filled with these acts? Needless to say it won't happen because the media controls the narrative.

Point taken, but sometimes we can "nuance ourselves into a corner" IMO. Wouldn't you agree that there is a difference between a color revolution staged by the full force of the Deep State/media/ruling class, playing on legitimate, but oversimplified grievances, stirring up the pot for nefarious reasons, and spontaneous, honest protest by people against the psychopaths' shenanigans?

Yes of course there is a difference but we need to make the best with what we've got. The truth is not yet widespread enough to turn the tide and though there has been a flood of truth bombs coming out since Covid, people have been too distracted and stressed out to even begin to make sense of this mess. The only option that benefits anyone right now is damage control. It seems to be the most STO way until another path appears imo.

Which returns us to the kneel. Kneeling is a sign of reverence, submissiveness, deference—and sometimes mourning and vulnerability. But with a single, graceful act, Kaepernick invested it with a double meaning. He didn’t turn his back as the anthem was played, which would have been a true sign of disrespect. Nor did he rely on the now-conventionalized black-power fist.

Rather, he transformed a collective ritual—the playing of the national anthem—into something somber, a reminder of how far we still have to go to realize the high ideal of equal protection under the law that the flag represents. The athletes who followed him are showing reverence for the song and the flag, but they are simultaneously deviating from cultural norms at the moment their knees hit the grass.

People don’t really get down on one knee for much these days, unless they’re tying their shoelaces. So why do we do it when we’re proposing marriage? It’s a tradition that dates back to the days of knighthood, chivalry and formal courtship (i.e. medieval times and beyond). Knights would get down on one knee in front of their lord as a display of respect, obedience, and loyalty. It was also a common occurrence in religious ceremonies, and in those days marriage and religion were intrinsically linked. So when a courteous gentlemen was proposing to his lady, pledging his allegiance to her and declaring his undying love for her, getting down on one knee was the natural thing to do.

I'm reading about this kneeling thing and I'm not seeing where it's saying submission as the overarching thing.

With regards the protests, it looks to be linked to Colin Kaepernick and what he was doing a couple of years ago. It seems to be an alternate symbol to the black power fist that preceded it.

With regards marriage, I can't see where it states submission. More an expression of loyalty and love!

Anyways, I've read in a few places about kneeling following this discussion and from what I can see it has many meaning and significance ranging from a show of loyalty, respect, reverence (e.g. kneeling whilst praying), submission, display of love, obedience etc.

In the context of these protests, in videos where police kneel because the crowd tells them to, I can see why people take that to mean the police are submitting.

With the soldiers, personally I saw them doing that to get rapport with the crowd as no doubt they had assessed the situation (as soldiers do) and determined the best course of action in the moment (as they were trained). They didn't put down their guns - they are soldiers and ultimately if it comes down to it, they could take down the crowd if they wanted. So I don't see them kneeling as submitting as they faced zero threat and the crowd was in reverence of them. You could see people come up to them to show respect.

But anyways, people can see what they want. We don't all have to see things the same.

The commanding officer here gains respect from the crowd by using the knee. He cites the right to protest due to the first amendment.

Over here the soldiers are being asked to march with the crowd... The soldier very calmly explains why he can't.

One of the protesters asks them to take a knee. They do... Then the crowd all take the knee with the soldiers. In the end, they are kneeling with each other.

From the soldiers perspective, the situation is diffused, his post is secure, he has the trust of the crowd. Easy day for him at work, doesn't have to shoot anyone.

Commanding officer here comes out to face the crowd - showing his authority and bravery... Tells them what they can and can't do.

Tells everyone to take a knee as a sign of acknowledgement and respect for each other.

I'm looking everywhere and I can't see a video where American soldiers are submitting.

Can someone show me a video where American soldiers are submitting rather than diffusing situations and controlling the crowd?
I'm trying to avoid the question of whether a person's protest is "legitimate" or not, since whether or not a person has good reasons to protest or not isn't up to any of us...
Maybe you ought not to avoid it.

There is no systemic racism against Blacks by American police. It's a phantasm, like coronavirus-as-mass-killer.

There are INDIVIDUAL CASES of white police being racist towards Blacks. But no overall systemic racism.

So they're all out there protesting for nothing.

Worse, they're protesting for something, but it's the opposite of their intent. This black, female, immigrant American actually calls out the fundamental premise of Back Lives Matter as racist:

Maybe you ought not to avoid it.

There is no systemic racism against Blacks by American police. It's a phantasm, like coronavirus-as-mass-killer.

There are INDIVIDUAL CASES of white police being racist towards Blacks. But no overall systemic racism.

So they're all out there protesting for nothing.

Worse, they're protesting for something, but it's the opposite of their intent. This black, female, immigrant American actually calls out the fundamental premise of Back Lives Matter as racist:

We can revisit this in a couple of years or months.

As a result of these protests, there will be some reforms to how police operate in the US and more importantly, what legal actions individual officers can face if they unjustifiably kill someone.

Lets revisit later.
Here is an interesting look at how those with "white privilege" are being programmed not only through kneeling, but also through the repeating mantra-type slogans:

This is not about "solidarity", it is about authoritarian submission to a dangerous ideology and a color revolution fueled and driven by the powers that be, who seek to increase division among the population and sow chaos.

It is ironic, because through these kinds of actions the ethnic communities and ultra-left wingers are unknowingly having the opposite of the intended effects. They are actually pushing people away from supporting their cause. It reminds me of a section in Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection, which was basically showing that when the driving beliefs behind people's actions/behaviors are not aligned with objective reality, the results are often the direct opposite of what was originally intended.

Ordinary white conservatives will be pushed toward adopting a more conservative approach, some will inevitably develop a harsher judgement of ethnic communities and provide further justification for their "racist" stance. Increasing polarization is occurring and it is honestly looking like the perfect recipe for future civil war.
Mouth pieces of empire starting to talk about police reform in the US

One thing definitely coming down is police reform in the US with new laws and guidelines being put into effect following these protests.

This is going to be a thorny issue for Trump to navigate as he's now facing an insurrection in the democrat strongholds.

All it takes is another viral police killing video to break the camels back leading to more insurrection!

Trump needs to take a leaf of Putin's playbook and find a way to quell the division within his own country and assert authority in a way that earns him respect rather than in a way that pushes the city dwellers to think he's some tyrant.

I personally don't want to see America fall and I think Trump is the best president and candidate to keep it together but he needs to start bridging that left / right divide.

Watch this space. #cmonamerica!

Ps, it's a bit disconcerting that some top brass elements within his own military are now showing insubordination. Trump needs to be aware that he's facing an existential threat to his presidency. Things are only going to heat up.... For example he may end up riling his conservative base by mandating vaccines when a covid vaccine is released... (Whatever happened to project warp speed?)

They were talking about a second wave... Imagine a second wave hits now or America gets hit by a cat 5 hurricane flattening a city (we're in hurricane season) and the gov response is mediocre... Trump faces challenges from everywhere.

The man needs to get in touch with Putin and ask for advice.
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Or was it just a madman who might as well have put a white or Asian guy in that neck clamp.

Watching him calmly kneel on the neck, with his hands in his pockets, as if he was just waiting for some time to pass, while the bystanders kept watching and filming, that certainly seems as if he was mad or a drug numbed zombie.

Anyhow, protesting 'an epidemic of racialized violence' isn't based on reality. Protesting police brutality is. The focus should lie on that.

And protesting the tyrannical government and the Federal Reserve. They bailed out the big banksters like Jamie Dimond and Lloyd Blankfein. Yet the story on Floyd is that he had a phony 20 dollar bill.

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