George Floyd's Death, Protests and Riots across the US

A few years back I read a FB post of yours where you put forward the possibility that the impossible situation whites have been put in is deliberately designed to produce a condition of psychological and emotional pressure that will ultimately lead to a violent explosion. Sent chills down my spine. It's far too plausible.

Here's the FB post you mentioned, it was back when the whole Charlottesville thing was going on:

Somehow I just don't want to follow the news on this one too closely. Don't even want to log into social media... Perhaps it would be different if I was in the US, but at this point, it's kind of like "okay, whatever". It seems obvious what's going on, there isn't a lot to understand or study or observe... They are playing the race game, the media is hyperventilating, criminals and criminal minds are getting high on looting, white lefty idiots are sitting in their mansions celebrating the riots (wonder how they would react if the looters showed up on their front doors)....

Maybe I'm just tired of it all, or lazy, or hiding from it, but right now, I'm just like... whatever. :huh:
In agreement with you on this, its another propaganda by the PTB to further test their control on humanity across the globe.This has been blown way out of proportion. The same HIDDEN HAND in place over the past 500 years is still wrecking havoc.
As an African i am very proud to have escape from the plantation of mental slavery.
I am following the thread but i have some books of greater interest at the moment which need to be covered before Laura releases the long awaited thriller.
If I'm understanding the explanation correctly, blacks are a minority population and blacks are killed by cops at a level higher than expected when considering population alone, and the reason is blacks commit more crimes than expected when considering population alone.


I watched all of the 6:46 video that was linked. I don't see a full version linked.

Here's the one that was posted somewhere earlier in the thread:

If I'm understanding the explanation correctly, the reasons for the lack of fathers are minimum wage, welfare, and feminists. The timeline was after JFK was killed.

That's pretty much my current understanding.

I'm not familiar with how affirmative action is a problem to black communities. I guess one day I'll see what Sowell says about it.

Here's a short video that covers a number of different aspects of why affirmative action hurts more than it helps:

Wish I could remember the exact wording and/or the source of this supposed truth, that the horrific subjugation of indigenous men by former conquerors/colonists results in long-term harmful psychological effects that manifest as addictions, alcoholism, spouse and child abuse, failure to mature into a productive, emotionally stable adult capable of becoming a responsible husband and father. It's been too long since I encountered this information and I don't remember now if a likelihood of criminality was mentioned although if addicted to drugs, one would think that would be the case. I believe natives in New Zealand were the population being spotlighted. I was struck by the possibility that it was true and how terrible it was that male self-esteem is so completely destroyed. I did find this document (haven't read it - scanned the Contents) that appears to be what I'm referring to:

The Colonizing Environment An Aetiology of the Trauma of Settler Colonisation and Land Alienation on Ngai Tahu Whanau
Looks like an interesting article. I just glanced at it, but see it's distinguishing between PTSD and the kind of trauma that comes about via colonialism.

This song (below) by Sinead O'Connor comes to mind in that she's talking about the kind of trauma that happens to a people, in this case she's describing the so called "famine" that happened in Ireland.

I had been thinking about the role that dissociation plays in acting out violently -- even those being paid to do so are very likely acting outside themselves. For there's a real disconnect going on if they allow themselves to be used in this way.

Of course, given the invasiveness of all the programming we're all being exposed to, we all have the potential to be "colonized," to shift the meaning here. And, yes, ultimately, it is up to the individual to wake up to all manner of (dissociating) personal/group trauma in order to begin the work of healing, grieving, and acting responsibly toward oneself and others, as one strives for wholeness.

I just thought of the liberal/conservative divide, with liberals perhaps tending to over indulge the wounds, while conservatives might tend to dismiss them in emphasizing personal responsibility. Both could learn from the other.

OK, I want to talk about Ireland
Specifically I want to talk about the "famine"
About the fact that there never really was one
There was no "famine"
See, Irish people were only allowed to eat potatoes
All of the other food, meat, fish, vegetables
Were shipped out of the country under armed guard
To England while the Irish people starved
And then, on the middle of all this
They gave us money not to teach our children Irish
And so we lost our history
And this is what I think is still hurting me
See, we're like a child that's been battered
Has to drive itself out of its head because it's frightened
Still feels all the painful feelings
But they lose contact with the memory
And this leads to massive self-destruction
Alcoholism, drug addiction
All desperate attempts at running
And in its worst form becomes actual killing
And if there ever is gonna be healing
There has to be remembering and then grieving
So that there then can be forgiving
There has to be knowledge and understanding

All the lonely people
Where do they all come from
Of course, given the invasiveness of all the programming we're all being exposed to, we all have the potential to be "colonized," to shift the meaning here. And, yes, ultimately, it is up to the individual to wake up to all manner of (dissociating) personal/group trauma in order to begin the work of healing, grieving, and acting responsibly toward oneself and others, as one strives for wholeness.
And as Laura has posted regarding the hyperdimensional realities, it is the Lizzies' entire game - inflict as much trauma and PTSD as can be done and that's what really everything boils down to. And, it appears we're in the thick of it now with the roller coaster flying faster and faster. What happens if it flies off the tracks?

Interestingly enough, my family used to visit Buckeye Lake amusement park that had an incredible wooden roller coaster with a very high intial incline. I was around 6 at the time (so apprx 1957) and although I loved roller coasters, that one looked too scary for me. Tragically, the very next summer there was a terrible accident of this roller coaster:
What year did the Buckeye Lake Park open?
The original park was for tourist. The first Hotels opened in 1902 and the Interurban Trains brought the visitors. The amusement park came along in 1931 when "The Dips" roller coaster was built.
When did the roller coaster wreck?
The Dips Roller Coaster wrecked in the summer of 1958, during it's 28th year. It was never operated again. There were no fatalities from the wreck but several people were injured and transported to the Newark, Ohio Hospital.


Arial view of the Buckeye Lake Amusement Park in the 1950's. This was the Disney World of it's time. Fun seekers from all over the Midwest flocked here for the rides, skill games, food, boat tours and big name entertainment

The Dips Roller Coaster built in 1930 quickly became a favorite attraction. Adults and teenagers alike bragged about their thrilling ride that took them out over the lake. The roller coaster wrecked in the summer of 1958, during it's 28th year. It was never operated again.


When did the Buckeye Lake Amusement Park officially close?
The Amusement Park closed in 1970 after an attempt failed to revive it as a Country Western theme park.
"Nothing lasts forever." - Cs
A few more details regarding The Dips roller coaster:

Height: 215 ft (66 m)
Top speed: 72 mph (116 km/h)
(Remember, built in 1931, of wood)

By comparison:

Magnum XL-200, colloquially known as simply Magnum, is a steel roller coaster built by Arrow Dynamics at Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio. Wikipedia

Height: 205′
Max speed: 72 mph
Opened: May 6, 1989

Yeah, no wonder I didn't ride The Dips! Haven't ridden the Magnum either, but my daughter is a roller coaster fanatic and pretty much rides them all! I went with her to King's Island near Cincinnati, OH and did ride several of the "tamer" coasters. Later, I said I rode the roller coasters at King's Island and I've got the bruises to prove it! I hadn't been on coasters for some years and couldn't believe how fast and jolting they are now. I may be done with 'em.
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Well, one thing I think we can say is this: anybody who is not aware of hyperdimensional realities and the denizens of same, cannot ever, possibly, figure out what the heck is going on.

With that in mind, I think of some things the Cs have said over the years about the creation of a master-race to "take over" with the transition to 4D and that said master-race was caucasian. That leads me to think that the current situation is designed lead to the mass destruction of a lot of innocent people when the inevitable snap-back of the spring comes.

I also see this, and I have noted how this particular "divide and conquer" meme has been promoted and internalized by many who should know otherwise over the years. And it's progressed significantly just over the last week.

As I have shared on the Corona virus thread, I follow the news aggregator website "Zero Hedge" and I have been a poster there for almost six years. I have learned much from their comments sections in that time, as many very educated people post their views and links to critical material there. Along the way, I think I have developed a pretty good handle on who reads those articles and what the demographics of that site are.

As that site is one of the few that seems to be posting relevant truthful material at this time (though with its own biases), and it has a larger viewer base than SOTT, it might be worthwhile to share what I'm seeing there as it provides material relevance to your ruminations.

I would say that the great majority - perhaps in excess of 80% of the posters - are white males, mostly 35+ years of age. Almost all of them (with some overlap) are college educated graduates - with some former military; some business owners; some who work in the banking industry; and most have very conservative political leanings - and they are among the upper third of wage earners in America. I think it's a large enough pool of people (at least several thousand) to provide a handle on what much of American conservatives are experiencing, and expressing, during these times to be representative of them as a whole.

Most of them are avowed "constitutionalists" who believe in the bill of rights, freedom of speech, and the second amendment.

Many of them are gun owners, and have written repeatedly that they would use them to take down Marxists and others who would threaten to take away their liberty.

Many of them have now seen that our government is not serving the interests of the people, and they post constantly about waiting for the proper time to "strike".

Many of them have written about their hatred of politicians, bankers, and leftists; and how they want to dispose of them when the time comes.

But what I am seeing now in the threads of most of the articles after the George Floyd killing and the resulting riots is an overriding hatred of minorities - especially blacks. And this hatred is presently being adopted even among many of the long-time posters I have followed who have previously seemed reasonable and knowledgeable. There also are a lot of new members who are posting inflammatory information about blacks and other minorities, and also Jewish people (which makes me wonder if they might be government trolls - and if many supposedly knowledgeable people who have posted there all along also have "paid for" agendas).

All of this has blown up to levels that are beyond belief in just a week, which scares the hell out of me. I do think something may be about to snap. And this is being facilitated by our own government, which seems to be laying down arms so as to allow all of this to happen.

Don't take the bait, is what I am praying for. And I've seen enough from the videos presented here that maybe the worst can be averted. But I'm ready for anything, and I think that is what anyone living in America today needs to do as well. I really don't want to see or experience violence in any form, and maybe if enough people were to express the same, it can be goes my own "wishful thinking", anyway...
Here's the FB post you mentioned, it was back when the whole Charlottesville thing was going on:

Are we now seeing the beginning of this prophecy? Seems they are trying their hardest to instigate white genocide.

Black Lives Matter To get $1 Billion from Bank of America!
BofA Pledges $1 Billion Over 4 Years

Wal-Mart pledges $100 Million (to White Genocide)

Like many companies that have recently adopted the view that America is plagued by systemic racism, Walmart is not aiming only to change itself. It has moved on to the second stage of woke corporatism, which involves attempting to reform the world according to the left wing agenda.

From McMillon’s letter:

To influence and lead change in society more broadly, we are going to invest resources and develop strategies to increase fairness, equity and justice in aspects of everyday life. We will find the natural overlaps between Walmart’s core business and society’s larger needs that perpetuate racism and discrimination. Specifically, we’re going to focus the power of Walmart on our nation’s financial, healthcare, education and criminal justice systems.
In addition to leveraging our business to drive these outcomes, Walmart and the Walmart Foundation are committing $100 million over five years through a new center on racial equity. The goal of the center will be to address systematic racism in society head-on and accelerate change. Through the $100 million commitment, the center will support philanthropic initiatives that align with the four key areas noted above. The center will seek to advance economic opportunity and healthier living, including issues surrounding the social determinants of health, strengthening workforce development and related educational systems, and support criminal justice reform with an emphasis on examining barriers to opportunity faced by those exiting the system.
Employees of Walmart were instructed that they must not only comply with Walmart’s internal and external changes but must believe in them “authentically and more deeply.”

“As an associate at Walmart, you are expected to truly, authentically and more deeply embrace inclusion,” McMillon said. “We must work together to actively shape the culture to be more inclusive and not just accept our differences but celebrate them – all the time – within every team.”

The email made no mention of the violence seen in cities across America or the victims of riots and looting.

Facebook $10M!
Facebook Pledges $10 Million To Racial Justice Campaigns

Facebook has committed $10 million to anti-racism groups, CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced Monday, as protests continue nationwide and companies speak out on racism following the death of George Floyd in police custody last week.

Zuckerberg announced the money would go towards supporting the work of “groups working on racial justice.”
He wrote in a Facebook post on Monday: “The pain of the last week reminds us how far our country has to go to give every person the freedom to live with dignity and peace.”
He added: “It reminds us yet again that the violence Black people in America live with today is part of a long history of racism and injustice. We all have the responsibility to create change.”
Like a number of corporations that have released statements in recent days, Zuckerberg said that Facebook stands with the black community “and all those working towards justice in honor of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and far too many others whose names will not be forgotten.”
The 36-year-old added that the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative he founded with his wife, Priscilla Chan, invests around $40 million annually in organizations “working to overcome racial injustice.”

Money going to BLM global main fund ("Black Lives Matter Global Fund") goes through ActBlue which is purportedly a DNC money laundering group.

Black Lives Matter Global Fund: A global organization in the US, UK, and Canada, whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes. Home - Black Lives Matter

Corporate Donations Tracker: Here Are The Companies Giving Millions To Anti-Racism Efforts
Jun 3, 2020, 10:23am

Home Depot has contributed $1 million to the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law.

Gaming companies have joined donation efforts to anti-racism organizations: EA has pledged $1 million to groups including the Equal Justice Initiative and the NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund; Square Enix has donated $250,000 and is matching employee donations to Black Lives Matter; Ubisoft has contributed $100,000 to the NAACP and BLM.

Minnetonka-based United Health Group is donating $5 million to the YMCA Equity Innovation Center of Excellence and another $5 million, as well as 25,000 hours of employee volunteer time, to help rebuild businesses in Twin Cities neighbourhoods affected by riots.

Facebook pledged $10 million to organizations campaigning for racial justice, CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced on Monday.

Apple CEO Tim Cook announced unknown donations would be made by the company to organizations including the Equal Justice Initiative, “a non-profit committed to challenging racial injustice.”

Chipmaker Intel is donating $1 million to community efforts fighting racial injustice including Black Lives Matter and the Centre for Policing Equity, CEO Bob Swan told employees.

Beauty company Glossier has committed $500,000 to Black Lives Matter and another $500,000 to support black-owned, CEO Emily Weiss announced on Sunday.

Other beauty companies have made smaller donations to anti-racism efforts, including DECIEM, which pledged $100,000 to the NAACP and BLM, SheaMoisture which pledged a further $100,000 to activists fighting for social change, and Sunday Riley, which is donating $50,000 to the NAACP. e.l.f. Beauty is donating $25,000 to Color of Change.

Fitness company Peloton is donating $500,000 to the NAACP’s legal defense fund, CEO John Foley said.

Levi’s is donating $100,000 to the ACLU and a further $100,000 to the mass incarceration campaign group Live Free USA, the company announced on Monday.

Clothing retailer Banana Republic has donated $250,000 to the NAACP and EmbraceRace.

It's interesting that there's a rainbow behind the nazi. Rainbow has become a very prominent modern symbol of the left.
I've also noted a couple of things about this old image which make more sense in light of the recent years.

The rainbow starts off bright and strong on the Left, but then soon fades away into a trail of (smoke?). -I find myself reminded of the fate of the rodents in the "Rat Utopia" experiments; as the societal stress levels rose, the rats moved through a few stages of sexual fluidity (and sexual violence), until finally becoming entirely asexual. Then dead.

As well.., the image of the dove flying ahead of the sword point is interesting, obviously deliberate in its placement. A weapon striking from camouflage, behind a symbol of peace. That's the social justice Leftist in a nutshell. -And maybe even this whole 'taking a knee' thing.

I have to wonder what the deal is with all these legions of kneeling troops. Stuff like that doesn't happen spontaneously. There was obviously a meeting somewhere and directives handed down. -Maybe from genuinely well-meaning commanders who are not simply calculating the best social hack on the advice of their public relations officers. That would be nice, but it's hard not to view with suspicion anything so clearly stage-managed.
Following on from my previous post, (George Floyd's Death, Protests and Riots across the US) below is a partial list of companies that now fund and support Black Lives Matter.

Partial list of hundreds of companies to now fund BLM :
I have to admit I havent watched any video in this thread for the reasons you state yourself. I watched only that one with Floyd and that "cop" kneeling on him ... And when I saw all the stuff that screamed false flag I just knew theres no need to watch anything anymore. ....
Oh Agron! when I read your post, a link came to my mind:

A coincidence? A time superposition on information field (futur and present at the same time)? a premeditated scenario? Or just hasard? Anyways reality gives us shows more incredible as movies.


  • knee5.PNG
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Oh Agron! when I read your post, a link came to my mind:

A coincidence? A time superposition on information field (futur and present at the same time)? a premeditated scenario? Or just hasard? Anyways reality gives us shows more incredible as movies.
Yeah. Ive noticed that "the movies" are now done live. In front of un-suspecting onlookers. But it doesnt surprise me. Its the same how political agendas have increasingly come into the movies and tv-series. Thats why in last 2-3 years I have stopped watching them completely. Thank God I was never interested in UFC and violent contact sports. They are the greatest detriment to humanity. And thank God Im old enough to remember and appreciate life without mobile phones :-D
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