Looks like the C's were right, again. Sweden is experiencing a big surge in "cases" and the PM is now calling for tighter restrictions. WHO is recommending Swedes to use masks. Some have already demanded that Tegnell should resign. The "Swedish experiment is over"! It's sad to see this happening. :-(

I'm very curious about how 'they' are orchestrating this, any ideas? Sweden had to be punished, that's obvious. So, how to get those case numbers to rise? Provide more sensitive/tweaked test kits? Change the criteria for what's a positive test? Plant hubs of the virus in crowded places?

If you look at the numbers in the article you quoted, it says

Hospitalizations have also increased dramatically, with more than 1,000 patients with COVID-19 being treated in hospitals, a 60% increase from last week. The figures were reported by the state broadcaster SVT and cited by The Guardian.

Sweden's per capita death rate from the coronavirus is one of the highest in the world.

1000 patients in hospital!? In country with 10 million people? How frightening! If you click on the second link, it tries to spread fear by saying "among the highest per capita death rate", with - oh no!! - 4000 deaths in the entire "pandamic". And of course, "among the highest" means there are other countries doing tight lockdowns with an even higher "death rate", whatever that means anyway with such small numbers. It's ridiculous.

As to how they can rise "case" numbers (and therefore also hospitalization/death numbers) it's simply a matter of how many tests they do, and how many CT cycles they run in the laboratories. I'm sure the Deep State has its ways to influence these simple variables. As for Tegnell, he seems to be walking a very fine line between affirming the official story and defending the "Swedish model". I wouldn't be surprised if they massively threaten him by now.

As a side note, I recently saw the Arte documentary (available in French and German) "Sicherheit contra Freiheit", which was very good for mainstream standards. They interviewed a professor in Sweden who was against the Tegnell plan, i.e. she recommended tighter restrictions. But she seemed somewhat reasonable and willing to have a real conversation about this. However, she said that all discussion about the Tegnell line was shut down completely during the lockdown, there was pressure on "dissenters" and that she even now is afraid to speak out against the government. I found that interesting. Maybe she's just making it up or is hysterical, but I wondered if there wasn't some "authoritarian follower activation" / "obedience ray" or whatever being deployed on a global level to further make the population more malleable. And it just so happens that Sweden's authorities decided differently, and THEIR authoritarian followers obeyed THEM? Just a thought.
I think this is positive brothers and sisters

I'm very curious about how 'they' are orchestrating this, any ideas? Sweden had to be punished, that's obvious. So, how to get those case numbers to rise? Provide more sensitive/tweaked test kits? Change the criteria for what's a positive test? Plant hubs of the virus in crowded places?

There probably is more virus around. With increased detection, there would be more discovery.

It's interesting what the Poles surmise about this new Euro strain. That it is a much more virulent strain, with even lower morbidity.

Ultimately, there would have to be several variables at play here.
Now that the vaccines are pretty much here, we need to pay attention to the onslaught of propaganda that will be coming out.

It's likely some of us will be taken in by something and the applied pressure may be too much for some to cope with.

Ultimately, I think they intend to do the opposite of what they say. We're about to be bombarded by doublespeak like never before.

Networking I think will be crucial.

2021 I think will go up a notch. 2020 was merely the opening act.
washington post.jpg

While many healthcare professionals have voiced the Corona virus scam lately, the pro-media media are also taking action. Independent and The Washington Post made a news using a nurse. Using pain and sentimental words they supposedly show people the reality of corona. They mock people's minds. The nurse says:

“I think the hardest thing to watch is that people are still looking for something else and they want a magic answer and they don’t want to believe that Covid is real … their last dying words are, ‘This can’t be happening, it’s not real’.

The ones that stick out are those who still don’t believe the virus is real. The ones who scream at you for a magic medicine and that Joe Biden is going to ruin the USA. All while gasping for breath … They tell you there must be another reason they are sick. They call you names and ask why you have to wear all that stuff because they don’t have Covid because it’s not real. Yes. This really happens. And I can’t stop thinking about it,



Maybe this nurse just shares her feelings. But we know that phrases like "right up until death" are used to frighten and worry people. They want to make people doubt the facts they understand really.
Oh no. The Grand Wazoo speaks.

Well they just can't help but brag and bray about what's up next! Yes it does seem as if we can expect some kind of Russia/China based false narrative about why the internet, all our power services and a whole range of other tech 'calamities' all materialize in one 'new-next-9-11' moment some point in the early new year.

Or maybe Christmas day? To really ram home the point! Schwab as the Grinch makes perfect casting sense!

Edit: can we assume this is what Sweden has been told they will be first to 'preview' if they don't know come join the COVID camp!?

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I feel like I’ve maybe seen something about this here on the forum but I couldn’t find anything with the search function, though I’m no search-guru. I also wasn’t sure if this deserved it’s own thread, or if there is another thread better than this one, but since this thread is highly visited I thought I’d place it here.

Makes you wonder if you haven’t been already just what in the world they are trying to introduce with their CON-vid vaccine.


The Viral Origins of Our Intelligence
Neural Communication & Brain Architecture Is Optimized by a Retroviral Ancestor
July 11, 2019

“.….what, if anything, happened to humans that transformed our brains into a powerhouse, giving us the ability to not only survive but dominate our planet? Recently, a surprising new theory emerged regarding how organisms inherited such a power: viruses gave it to us.”

You Are Barely You

We like to imagine that life is simple. A single egg-and-sperm combination carries all of the genetic materials that create us. It is the foundation of who we are, whether we’re a single cell, a newborn baby or a fully grown adult.

But the reality isn’t as simple. For example, you might know that bacteria inhabit our gut and help us with the process of digestion. Funny side effect: those bacteria affect your physical health (obesity, diabetes, etc.) as well as your mental health (autism, anxiety, depression). Also, those bacteria aren’t the only ones that inhabit us; in fact, microorganisms outnumber our own body’s cells 10 to 1.

Retrovirus Ancestor Fossilized in our DNA

Scientists have a term for the genetic code of an organism that can be traced back to retroviral origin: endogenous retroviruses (ERVs). When talking specifically about humans, sometimes it’s referred to as human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs).

Why specifically retroviruses and not other types of viruses? Because retroviruses do things a bit differently. A normal virus finds a host cell, injects itself inside and hijacks the cell’s controls, like how pirates might jump aboard a ship to take it for themselves. But unlike a pirate, a virus uses those cell’s controls to make the cell create clones of the virus. Those clones then escape the cell (frequently by brute force, killing the infected cell) and find other cells to infect.

Retroviruses do things a little differently, and they do it with the help of an enzyme they have called Reverse Transcriptase. Reverse transcriptase is like watching a transcriptase video on rewind. Transcriptase is also an enzyme; it uses DNA to produce RNA. A retrovirus, though, has RNA inside of it, so it uses reverse transcriptase to turn its RNA into DNA. That DNA then finds its way into the nucleus, where it can attach itself to the cell’s existing DNA.

If that explanation was a bit dense, all you need to know is that retroviruses can turn their code into DNA, which can then be added to the a cell’s existing DNA.

This viral-injected DNA adds an extra line of code to the cell’s DNA, telling the cell to make more of the virus. The cell does it without a second thought because it’s now brainwashed. The newly cloned viruses are formed along the edge of the cell at the membrane, and leave after the cell opens the door and waves goodbye to them with a brainwashed smile on its face. While this seems isolated to an individual human, imagine that the retrovirus’s genetics found its way into an egg or sperm cell. At that point, the literal building blocks of the next life will have retroviral DNA included.

Noah’s Arc


Arc gene under a scanning electron microscope ( J. Ashley et al., Cell 172, 1–13 Jan. 11, 2018. 2017 Elsevier Inc.)

With all of that background information out of the way, we are finally getting to the most relevant part: piecing together ERVs and the brain. It starts at the synapse, which is the part of the nerve cell that transmits electrical or chemical signals to other nerve cells. After the synapse sends out a signal to another nerve, something magical happens. A gene called Arc activates and begins creating RNA. That RNA carries a message, which is transmitted to the other nerves. The RNA is encapsulated and sent out of the cell. If you recall, this is what a retrovirus does.

Effectively, Arc infects’ other neurons with the raw materials of memory.

That’s because researchers believe that Arc is an ERV. At this point, we don’t know exactly what the message is that’s encoded in RNA and delivered, but we do know that Arc plays a very important role in the brain, especially with regards to storing information — over time, it tells the nerves how to organize themselves to store more information efficiently. If the Arc gene is not properly sending instructions, synapses of the nerves die out; the gene has been implicated in neurological disorders. When researchers removed the Arc gene from animals, those animals could still store short-term memories, but could no longer store long-term ones. In other words, Arc is kind of a big deal.

While we have been looking at intelligence from the lens of human intelligence, I want to point out that the Arc gene is not unique to humans; it is found in many organisms, and it behaves in a similar way. That being said, the researchers responsible for making this discovery independently of each other (Budnik’s group looked at Arc in flies, while Shepherd’s looked at Arc in rodents) think that the Arc genes “seem to have evolved from two distinct retroviruses that entered the species’ genomes at different times.”

It’s very different than what we’ve been taught in science class, but new discoveries such as the Arc gene’s origins require us to be open-minded and change how we understand the core of who we are, and how we became intelligent. So far, research has shown that around 8% of human DNA comes from retroviruses, but that might be just the tip of the iceberg. Regardless of what other strange origin stories lie beneath, we do know that Arc’s existence inside our brains is something we can be grateful for to our viral ancestors.

How information is transmitted to different neurons in the brain is a key piece to understanding intelligence, but it’s not the only one. One big factor that sets human brains apart from other organisms’ brains is the density of neurons in our cerebral cortex, as discussed in Chapter 1. Chapter 3 will examine this density anomaly and tackle how it came about.

Why We Will Win and They Will Lose​

The other one, that you posted on 2020 thread, fits better here i think, and seems to have been overlooked so far:

Really well written, and it cleared up something i wondered about: in my country in the partial lockdown a rule was added that you could go drive somewhere, but not aimlessly. This seemed illogical from a sanitation standpoint. Dave said in the new normal we cannot keep our cars and cannot drive around the countryside because of carbon/climate reasons.
The lockdown is there to make us get used to the limited traveling allowed for normal people in the new normal.
As i live close to a formerly buzzy airport, i have never seen so many private jets.. Sailing is still allowed.

'Recipients being misled to a criminal extent': What's not being said about Pfizer's new Coronavirus vaccine​

Bill Gates is actively financing and promoting new untested vaccines supposed to keep us at least somewhat safe from a ghastly death from the novel coronavirus and supposedly allow us to resume somewhat "normal" lives. The Pharma giant Pfizer has now announced what they claim were spectacular results in initial human tests. They use an experimental technology known as gene editing, specifically mRNA gene-editing, something never before used in vaccines. Before we rush to get jabbed in hopes of some immunity, we should know more about the radical experimental technology and its lack of precision.
Both US and EU authorities and presumably also Chinese, waived the standard animal tests using ferrets or mice and have gone straight to human "guinea pigs." Human tests began in late July and early August. Three months is unheard of for testing a new vaccine. Several years is the norm. Because of the degree of global panic engendered by WHO over the coronavirus, caution is thrown to the wind. Vaccine makers all have legal indemnity, meaning they can't be sued if people die or are maimed from the new vaccine. But the most alarming fact about the new Pfizer-BioNTech gene edited vaccine is that the gene edited mRNA for human vaccine application has never before been approved. Notably, two year peer reviewed tests with mice fed genetically modified corn sprayed with Monsanto glyphosate-rich Roundup first showed cancer tumors after nine months as well as liver and other organ damage. Earlier Monsanto company tests ended at three months and claimed no harm. A similar situation exists with the gene edited mRNA vaccines that are being rushed out after less than 90 days human tests.
Yeadon then went on to declare, "If any such vaccine is approved for use under any circumstances that are not EXPLICITLY experimental, I believe that recipients are being misled to a criminal extent. This is because there are precisely zero human volunteers for...whom there could possibly be more than a few months past-dose safety information."
The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is experimental and far from guaranteed safe, despite the fact that Pfizer, the EU and the notorious Dr Tony Fauci seem ready to roll it out even before year end to hundreds of millions of humans.
Quijano warns of, "the danger that the vaccine might actually "enhance" the pathogenicity of the virus, or make it more aggressive possibly due to antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), as what happened with previous studies on test vaccines in animals. If that should happen in a major human trial the outcome could be disastrous. This serious adverse effect may not even be detected by a clinical trial especially in highly biased clinical trials laden with conflicts of interest involving vaccine companies. Even when a serious adverse event is detected, this is usually swept under the rug."
Quijano writes in the extensively documented article, "among other dangers, the virus-vectored vaccines could undergo recombination with naturally occurring viruses and produce hybrid viruses that could have undesirable properties affecting transmission or virulence. The...possible outcomes of recombination are practically impossible to quantify accurately given existing tools and knowledge. The risks, however, are real, as exemplified by the emergence of mutant types of viruses, enhanced pathogenicity and unexpected serious adverse events (including death) following haphazard mass vaccination campaigns and previous failed attempts to develop chimeric vaccines using genetic engineering technology."
Bill Gates, the mRNA vaccine makers including Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna, and their close allies such as Dr. Tony Fauci of the NIAID are clearly playing fast and loose with human lives in their rush to get these experimental vaccines into our bodies.
Clearly the well-established Precautionary Principle — if in serious doubt, don't — is being ignored by Fauci, Pfizer/BioNTech and others in rushing to approve the new mRNA vaccine for coronavirus. Messenger RNA technology has yet to produce an approved medicine, let alone a vaccine.
Hungary just bought the Russian Covid vaccine 'Sputnik'. It should be available in larger quantities by mid-January. As someone who lives between two European countries, this is potentially good news for me. If I'm absolutely forced to get it in order to be able to see my family, that's the only one I reasonably trust not to turn me into a brainless potato. It's probably as bad as 'normal' vaccines, as opposed to its Western counterparts using mRNA technology. Normal vaccines can be detoxed out of the body. The ones that are meant to engineer our genes make the dangers of adjuvenants, such as mercury and aluminium, look like an innocent puppy.

Personally, I'll do my absolute best to steer clear of any of the mRNA vaccines - and vaccines in general - but it's good to know that there's a country in the EU that has the Russian vaccine available.

by permission ..
Well this quarantine stuff has gotten out of hand. Why is everyone in such a panic about a "virus" with a 99% survival rate?
I'll just round off the decimal as reports (from the WHO/CDC - although neither should be trusted.) vary between .6 and .8.
We shut down the world economy for this?
And is it really "their" fault? They merely served the kool-aid. We drank it.
What if we decided that we have had enough of the punch? We have enough information to discern that this is not actually a "pandemic" but a "man-demic", a man made ghost story complete with fabricated statistics. It is clear that the actual death count due to COVID and not other causes does not rise to "pandemic" levels. And because they could not fabricate enough deaths by coerced reporting in the medical field, they SHIFTED the definition to "cases". Cases with a 99% survival rate.
And even the test used to determine cases is admittedly flawed. This observation is also on the WHO/CDC website.

We should not be afraid of COVID, we should be afraid of those who are foisting a REAL death sentence on everyone:
1. Unlawful shutdown orders based upon false evidence, and causing economic and social destruction far worse than the virus itself.
2. Unlawful mask requirements which are PROVABLY bad for your health and may actually INCREASE the likelihood of coming down with something.
3. Masks and social distancing are classic methods of destroying human interaction. Such isolation can cause mental issues. (like believing everything you hear on TV because you are talking to yourself. )
We just find it hard to believe that our elected officials would be that stupid, or find it hard to believe that they aren't stupid but are actually in on it. They seem so sincere and polished when announcing their next set of restrictions handed to them by their controllers. Conspiracy theory? What else could it possibly be?They have a responsibility to vet this data before they announce plans which are provably ineffective at virus control, but highly effective at mind control. Could the agenda be anymore clear?

If we are "in this together", then maybe we should start by informing the Governor and local officials that we are no longer accepting this type of treatment as it defies logic.

Are you more afraid of your PUBLIC SERVANTS -whose job is supposed to be protecting you- than you are of the benign COVID virus?
That is not the way we set society up and we need to take responsibility for our servants trying to run the ranch.
Just because it is on TV 24 / 7 doesn't make it true.
There is an article about the story that children transmit the virus and shutting down schools. These statistics and datas show that children do not spread the disease. This is one of the stupid lies

The evidence to date suggests that children spread SARS‐CoV‐2 virus relatively rarely and that children are usually infected by symptomatic or pre‐symptomatic adults (in the first 48 h before they become symptomatic). During contact tracing, the China/World Health Organization joint commission recorded no episodes where transmission occurred from a child to an adult. A review of 31 family clusters of COVID‐19 from China, Singapore, the USA, South Korea and Vietnam, found only three (9.7%) clusters had a child as the index case and in all three clusters the child was symptomatic.5

Child care clusters of COVID‐19 have been notable for their extreme rarity in reports from around the world, although this could be for lack of testing. A current child care outbreak in Sydney was initiated and spread by infected adults. SARS‐CoV‐2 is mainly spread by droplets and through touching contaminated surfaces. Studies show SARS‐CoV‐2 can be detected by polymerase chain reaction in the stool of affected infants for several weeks, raising the possibility of faecal–oral spread. Reassuringly, German researchers found no live virus in stool despite viral RNA being detectable, suggesting the positive test is due to dead viral debris shed from the respiratory tract rather than active virus. One would expect child care clusters to be common if asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic pre‐school children were even moderately infectious.

School outbreaks are also rare, but can be serious. New Zealand's single biggest cluster of COVID‐19 was at a secondary girls' school, Marist College, Auckland.6 The outbreak reportedly started with an infected teacher who attended a school cultural event, following which 94 staff and pupils became infected. The extent of any child‐to‐child or child‐to‐adult spread is as yet uncertain.6 An unreviewed study of 15 New South Wales schools found nine staff and nine students who had tested positive for SARS‐CoV‐2.7 Only one of their 168 primary school contacts and only one of 695 secondary school contacts became infected; both were probably infected by schoolmates.7 It is possible that asymptomatic and mildly infected children are important transmitters of SARS‐CoV‐2, but the evidence to date suggests children rarely spread the virus.

A systematic review of school closure to control COVID‐19 found insufficient data to comment on efficacy.8 Studies suggest school closures in China, Hong Kong and Singapore had little or no effect on control of the 2003 outbreak with the related SARS virus, which like infection with SARS‐CoV‐2 was much milder in children than adults.8 However, we should be cautious about extrapolation from SARS to SARS‐CoV‐2. Modelling studies suggest school closures would prevent fewer than 5% of COVID‐19 deaths, much less than other social distancing interventions, and would have major adverse effects on children and on the workforce, but modelling studies are only as good as the data.9

In conclusion, the available evidence to date suggests children are unlikely to be major transmitters of SARS‐CoV‐2, the coronavirus that causes COVID‐19. In Australia and New Zealand, very few children or health‐care workers have been diagnosed with SARS‐CoV‐2 despite intense testing. Health workers who develop symptoms compatible with COVID‐19 should be tested and should stay away from work until cleared, which will protect children, their families and other staff. Hospital staff who follow infection control recommendations regarding social distancing, hand‐washing and appropriate use of personal‐protective equipment are at very low risk of catching SARS‐CoV‐2 from children.

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