There's an area of resistance in Southern California, Orange County. Resistance businesses are not being shut down by the county. The Orange County sheriff isn't enforcing the governor's curfew. I had a nice dinner at Arc Restaurant Food and Libations, where none of the staff wore a mask.God bless them, cops across the US refuse to enforce the Covid orders. If Biden becomes president (if that happens) the police will be in open rebellion. I like that idea.
Law enforcement across the US overwhelmingly REFUSING to enforce COVID orders - Will the public follow?
As literally millions of people take to the streets all across Europe to protest new COVID orders as many face a second "lockdown" this year in the name of COVID, there is growing evidence that as states in the U.S. try to order more people
Here is another story of a defiant business refusing to close near Toronto -There's an area of resistance in Southern California, Orange County. Resistance businesses are not being shut down by the county. The Orange County sheriff isn't enforcing the governor's curfew. I had a nice dinner at Arc Restaurant Food and Libations, where none of the staff wore a mask.
Lol, you beat me to it. But how did you know? Yours is the first post on the page. I guess there's a certain number of posts per page.
You beat me too.
Surveys reveal vaccine hesitancy
Researchers from the University of California Los Angeles’ Karin Fielding School of Public Health surveyed healthcare personnel working in the Los Angeles metropolitan area. As the Washington Post reported, they found that two thirds (66.5%) of healthcare workers “intend to delay vaccination,” meaning they do not intend to get the COVID vaccine when it becomes available. They plan instead on reviewing the data once it’s widely administered and proven safe.
Yet, some information published by the company appeared to be quite puzzling, while some data seemed to be lacking.
AstraZeneca might eventually find itself in need of answering key questions about its would-be jab as it rushed to get regulators’ approval for it.
Relatively more good news...
There is a push to scrap some of the harsh virus rules brought in at the height of the pandemic, with fears they are doing more harm than good.
I posted it on 21st November, but yes it is worth repeating in case others missed it.Has this been posted? It's worth repeating incase anybody was in any doubt.
Dr Roger Hodkinson: "This Is The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated On An Unsuspecting Public"
Address To The Edmonton Council Chambers 11/13/2020 regarding an extension of a bylaw requiring the wearing of face
When History of this period shall be written in 4D, our descendants will print this thread and name it something along the lines of "COVID. Testaments of the Cass folks".Dearest Coronavirus Thread,
Congratulations for a thousand pages!
View attachment 40407
Fun facts: Assuming that one page of this thread has around 35k characters, this whole thread by now has 35 million characters.
An average book page contains about 3000 characters. So we have around 11.7 thousand book pages so far. Assuming that the average book contains about 350 pages, people have written 33 books in this thread!!
That surprised me jupiterbeing as I assumed the word 'Vaccination' was not yet part of the public discourse that early in the century (unlike its predecessor 'Inoculation' with its subtly but importantly different meaning).
Thanks to your post I went digging and came across an interesting text on the US National Center for Biotechnology Information - namely a detailed study of the history of UK vaccinations (and yes it confirms the 1853 campaign) as one of a series of 'social histories of medicine' published by Manchester University Press and written by Gareth Millward, Research Fellow at the Centre for History in Public Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and funded by the Wellcome Trust. So a tidy union of PTB interest. Its title 'Vaccinating Britain' tells you a lot and as it came out in 2019 just ahead of the COVID takeover; between the lines it makes for very revealing reading. The association of virus with 'foreigners' - others - non-British - and therefore unpatriotic was a something of an eye opener. Of course - hence COVID and China... of course...
Here's the Conclusion chapter in full - makes very useful background reading, particularly with regard to the process of deceitfully grooming and achieving mass populous acceptance of the need for and demand for mass vaccination as a norm of a civil, prosperous 'healthy' and modern society.
So, some clear pointers to the underlying disquiet in the system ahead of 2020 that was - as with the rise of nationalism, yellow vests, independent media, etc - raising concerns that the compliant vaccinated herd was beginning to show complacent signs of wondering off piste if something wasn't done and done quickly.
So though we know this 'reset' has been long in the making for far deeper reasons than just the above, it's still a good indicator that pressure was building up in the vaccination control system that suggested a new crisis was needed otherwise they were in danger of losing control of the long-term narrative through complacency and self-education. That line 'the consequences for vaccine manufacturers could be devastating' stands out as a clarion call to action. Hence perhaps one reason why this well funded UK book was posted in full on this US industry resource.
As a final note I hadn't come across this 2017 ruling and its implications before. Something for us all to note - may come in handy.
Finally, a link to the full book. I know we would not normally do this for a recent publication but they appear keen to pass it around freely (I wonder why!) as per the following on the website:
Notice that the ss of that post has zero likesNeo Nazis to start emerging... Look at this comment from a "reader" though I suspect it's from a soup-run bot