2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

Regarding last info on Pence :
2 possible output :
It's a false move to let the PTB think he's (Pence) on their side, or, he's really on PTB's side and he's one of the last "big fish" Trump wanted to catch.
I also suppose that Trump takes into consideration the pressions that the people in who he trusts are actually experiencing, and I would suppose that he took the right measures to limit these pressions and protect these people. By protecting these people I mean them and their families, knowing that murder blackmailing is probably common to anyone surrounding and supporting Trump closely.

This new US series is really wonderfull, what a show ! :wow:
To all : do not fall in despair, final output will be positive, just that the path to achieve it will probably be eventful.
That's a good point, @dredger: Trump would have in place extra security measures for those in his inner circle, including Pence.

Interesting back-and-forth. Tom Fitton lays out a constitutional argument for not accepting votes.

I found this interesting CASS discussion, hope it has not already been posted, on the French Elections on Session Date: May 13th 2017.

(Pierre) What were the results of the first round of the French election? They want to know about Asselineau on the forum.

(Joe) How much did Asselineau get in the first round? He got less than 1% officially, but unofficially?

A: 29

Q: (Pierre) And Le Pen in the first round?

A: 61

Q: [Exclamations of disbelief all around] (Niall) She would have been president automatically!

(Pierre) But together combined it's 90 percent!

(Niall) The two real anti-establishment candidates almost took everything.

(Chu) And she should have been president...

(Pierre) After only the first round! So they moved the figures not by 20% like with Segolene in 2007, but by 40%! They dropped Le Pen from 61% to 21%...

(Niall) They have a situation now in the country where 90% of the people didn't vote for the guy who just became president.

(Pierre) That's a powder keg.

(Joe) Well, they didn't...

(Chu) How can you have 48% voting Macron when in the beginning she had 61%?

(L) Because they reduced the choices.

(Chu) But she had 61% before...

(Pierre) First round they vote Le Pen, but then in the second round they often vote differently. But just to confirm, Macron got 48% in the second round?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Well, so it's that. People got scared. That's a documented thing. The first leaks from Macron's servers was those documents from a NATO/CIA-sponsored foundation in France that was pushing for a lot of migration and a lot of mosques and stuff. I was wondering if his main mission is to bring in migrants and stir things up to lead towards a civil war?

A: US wishes to destabilize EU similar to Syria so that they can come in and "fix" things. i.e. rule and control resources and trade the "American way". Everyone will speak English!

Q: [laughter] (Pierre) They sure have a sense of humor, but I'm not sure that will be the only consequence...

(L) So basically, some kind of cabal in the deep state of the US is at the bottom of some kind of One World Order plan to really basically bit by bit take the entire planet under its control. Is that it either overtly or covertly?

A: Covertly at present, but overtly eventually.

Q: (Joe) That's been the goal for a long time.

(L) That means that Trump is a real thorn in their flesh because he's kind of an isolationist and a nationalist. He wants to go the opposite way, and that's why they wanted to get rid of Le Pen. And anybody else who's a nationalist is basically a "bad guy". The only good guys are the ones who do what the US says. Do they really realize how weak they are? I mean, their own country is falling apart. Their own infrastructure is going to the dogs. The education of their people is deplorable. The health of their people is deplorable. The death rate... They're not paying attention to ANY of those things, and yet they're trying to rule the world? That's not a very good example to set.

A: Psychopaths are "reality blind".

Q: (Joe) The funny thing is that one of the major ways that they attempt to achieve this is through rigging elections. That's basically a really bad idea because eventually they'll push it too far. Even the people who have no clue are gonna go, "Really?!" It happened already in Scotland. The vast majority of Scottish people are highly suspicious about that last referendum. Everyone was saying "Yes independence, yes independence!" and then the result was "NO"?! And then they go around and ask each other, and it's like, "I can't find anybody who voted no..." Eventually, the cat's gonna come out of the bag. You can't keep rigging elections in a way that puts someone in power that NOBODY voted for. You can't do that forever and not expect people to eventually go...
Eventually go... to the show? Kafluey? Feral? Don't miss the next episode.
Louisiana Rep.-elect Luke Letlow with his wife and children.

Posting the article with a little bit of relevant info is good enough to lure our attention. I don't think there is a need to place the full article including the photo of his family. I also find it to be unnesssary depressing to see the photo. There is already enough bad news going around. Let's keep it with the ones we really have to look at. Hope that makes sense.
Posting the article with a little bit of relevant info is good enough to lure our attention. I don't think there is a need to place the full article including the photo of his family. I also find it to be unnesssary depressing to see the photo. There is already enough bad news going around. Let's keep it with the ones we really have to look at. Hope that makes sense.

It belonged in the covid thread so I moved it there.
One senator has signed on, so at least there'll be a bit of a kerfuffle on the 6th.

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Missouri) is being accused by Biden supporters of “threatening” democracy with his newly-announced plan to object on January 6 to the certification of the Electoral College’s vote. “I cannot vote to certify the electoral college results on January 6 without raising the fact that some states, particularly Pennsylvania, failed to follow their own state election laws,” Hawley said in a Wednesday statement.
It belonged in the covid thread so I moved it there.
I can't speak to Ocean's input on this, but my second post on this fleshed out what I was indicating in the first post: that due to the circumstances of this death -- a healthy 41 year old with no prior conditions -- further research may be in order. It's in that vein that the second post belongs in this thread since it relates to this election, and the possibly suspicious circumstances of this newly elected Republican representative's death.
Lin Wood@LLinWood

It is time for We The People to take all available non-violent actions of civil disobedience to effectuate removal of GA Governor @BrianKempGA from office & from our mansion on West Paces Ferry Road. Enough is enough. Kemp is a traitor. Organize. Lock him up or lock him down.

Donald J. Trump



Hearings from Atlanta on the Georgia Election overturn now being broadcast. Check it out. @OANN @newsmax and many more. @BrianKempGA should resign from office. He is an obstructionist who refuses to admit that we won Georgia, BIG! Also won the other Swing States.

2:26 PM · Dec 30, 2020

To me the death of this politician (Luke Letlow) is "simply" a murder, an assassination if you prefer. I would even dare to add that it's obvious.
I agree. Just thinking about the factors and probability:

1. Be a congressman in the USA: There's only what? about 530ish of them? Out of 330 million people?
2. Be 41 without any pre-existing conditions, which gives you a 99.8+% chance of survival.
3. Actually contract the specific Corona Virus.
5.. Get transferred to another hospital and then die a week later.

Nah. This pings my BS-O-Meter hard core.
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SLAM! Sen. Josh Hawley Dunks on Walmart for Attacking His Election Objection

Joseph Vazquez

December 30th, 2020 2:46 PM

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) broke the internet when he announced that he would be objecting to certification of the Electoral College results on January 6.

He also broke one of America’s leading retailers. Walmart attacked him for it in a quickly deleted tweet that read, “Go ahead. Get your 2 hour debate. #soreloser.” Hawley was ready for them, and his response was brutal.

In a follow-up tweet, Hawley went for the critical blow: "Thanks ⁦@Walmart⁩ for your insulting condescension. Now that you’ve insulted 75 million Americans, will you at least apologize for using slave labor?” Hawley didn’t let up, and proceeded to kick the liberal business giant when it was down for the count: “Or maybe you’d like to apologize for the pathetic wages you pay your workers as you drive mom and pop stores out of business.”

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