The Living Force
I was thinking to put the following 5-min video of Jacques Attali from July 2021 into some other thread, e.g.
and also here with English preliminary translation and that article fits better here and it's worth reading. Attali is a member of WEF, close to Klaus Schwab, but Schwab seems to be a puppet to me while Attali appears as more of a designer of some of the transhumanistic ideas.
In the video he's talking about Changing the Code. [video in French, automatic English translation in settings]
The preliminary translation of Katasonov's commentary follows, with emphasis mine:
Attali et la comète
Various interesting things in French : documentaries, etc.
but it was published with commentary from Prof. Valentin Katasonov, originally in Russian here,and also here with English preliminary translation and that article fits better here and it's worth reading. Attali is a member of WEF, close to Klaus Schwab, but Schwab seems to be a puppet to me while Attali appears as more of a designer of some of the transhumanistic ideas.
In the video he's talking about Changing the Code. [video in French, automatic English translation in settings]
The preliminary translation of Katasonov's commentary follows, with emphasis mine:
“Jacques Attali, the famous globalist theorist and mentor to French President Emmanuel Macron, predicted on French television in 1979 that a special health passport would appear in the United States and Europe in the future, affecting what a person would and would not have the right to do.”
Source and video interview : World-wide Fascism on the horizon? Globalist plans for 2021 - United World International
He is also president of the Positive Planet initiative, part of the World Economic Forum.
Jacques Attali and Klaus Schwab, are two of the most publicly visible architects of The Great Reset. They formulated the rules, chose the pieces and set the board decades ago. Now they’re tipping the board, as they have planned to do from the outset.
This clip was removed from public access on Youtube hours after it was posted on the 19th July 2021. The video was published via this YT account, which appears to have almost 500 subscribers but no public content. The account name, “Triste Constat” is French (or Romanian) for “Sad Report”.
“Good morning.
To change code, change what? Dress code, food code, secret code, phone code, software code.. social code? The code of behaviour towards one another, the code of politeness, the rules of the road? The code refers to a set of laws, a set of rules.
Do we have to change all the laws and rules that govern us? Probably. There is much that can be changed. Do we need to change the genetic code? Maybe also to make sure that we get better as human beings, and can be more responsible, a little more compassionate, a little more empathetic.
Maybe, we need to touch that. Maybe we shouldn’t touch that? What must remain man’s own? When we look at the history of humanity, we realise that humanity touches everything, including itself, and that the history of humanity is a language translation of the living being, into an object, into an artefact, gradually. We are supplemented with prostheses, and then the prostheses come into us, and we gradually become ourselves without realising it. Our genetic code itself, gradually known, and that is fine. We are increasingly able to combat its shortcomings, and that is how it should be. We are very capable of creating vaccines that will protect this code, improve it, and defend it against viruses, and that is how it should be.
Then in the long term, what is it? The one made in an artificial way from this code and all the rest of what makes up life; artificial beings? Will there one day be a barrier that we will put in to protect the essentials of life against the artificialisation of codes? Or will one day be a long time?
Speak well of this mastery of codes and objects like the others who believe themselves eternal because they have been artificially manufactured, since it is in the artefact that the truth lies. Perhaps you want to talk about the codes in a much more mosaic way. Do we have to change the code of politeness? it is done every day and what we need to change, our food codes. We have to do it. We have to eat differently. We have to eat healthier. Do we need to change our codes of relationship with one another to be empathetic, softer, more tolerant, more respectful, more benevolent, more altruistic? Yes, and the social code must transition from the code of selfishness and greed to a code of altruism and respect.
How to do it, will it be a sudden change? Will it be a voluntary change? Will it be a gradual change? We will move from the code of selfishness and greed to the code of altruism and empathy. It will come after a shock no doubt. It is up to us to start doing this for this reason to realise that in the current crisis, all the codes are being called into question. All the rules are called into question and in particular the one that determines the nature of what we see, what we do with what we think. We are now thinking in the short term, each for himself. You have to think long term for others. And so in the long term for future generations.
The real code must be the one that makes life possible for future generations. That is the key to our destiny. We will not survive ourselves if we do not give the means to live to future generations, our life depends not on our past, but on our future. Our lives depend not only on our parents, but on our children. If we do not create the conditions for a decent life for children, we will not live.
That is why I call for the creation of a positive society and within, a society of an economy of life. That is to say, of an economy or are truly tolerated by all codes, only those sectors that are useful to life and not the sectors that they poison.
Do not allow sugar. Do not allow tobacco, do not allow alcohol, do not allow oil, do not allow everything that arises from these activities that are a large part of the diet. A small part of agriculture, a large part of the transport industry (automobile, air, railway). A large part of the mechanical industry, the chemical industry, the textile industry. Whereas we should develop the economies of life, that is to say, the sectors of health and hygiene, food, education, culture, digital, security, democracy, sustainable housing, sustainable energy.
If we do all this, we recreate a code of life around an economy of life at the service of future generations, and we will have succeeded in creating the conditions for this world that we miss so much.
I wish you all the best.”
Jacques Attali, 19 July, 2021
That sounds a lot like this does, just “softer”... (V.Katasonov)