Artificial Intelligence News & Discussion

I had hoped to transcribe this interview, but I have too many projects on the go at the moment. I found following several of the leads he mentions in his testimony, the researchers, institutions, and lectures given, are documented and for real.

Hybrid World - The Plan to Modify and Control the Human Race Behind closed doors scientists and corporations have breached genetic codes that separate the individuality of all animal and plant species on earth.
Laboratories around the world are honing their skills while our humanity and dignity as a species is on the operating table like a universal Frankenstein, subject to a wholesale psychic and physiological re-design under the guise of "progress."
The proponents claim the field of "Transhumanism" will change the world by eliminating sickness and famine while at the same time, governments and military groups around the globe are having clandestine meetings to discuss super soldiers, super intelligence, and even super animals to maintain military dominance and control over the populations of the world.
Even more horrifying they must create committees to implement plans to defend their nations against future terrorism performed by transhumans (modified human beings) with the universal.
2012 Star: Thomas Horn
During my recent vacation into reading romantic fiction which, as most of you know, is set mostly in the English Regency period, I did take a look at some romances set in modern times to see if any fit the criteria. For the most part, no they did not. Either they were too leftist/libtard or too BDSM or worse (yes, there is worse!), which is a bizarre situation in and of itself.

However, during my scanning of titles and book descriptions, one caught my eye: "The Russian Billionaire" by Georgia Le Carre.

Now what, I wondered, would that be about in this climate of anti-Russian propaganda? Is it more of that???

So, I got the kindle version and began to read. Oh boy, talk about a Regency romance type character on steroids with an initial scene designed to shock and tittilate! Hoo boy!

What really piqued my curiosity was that the hero, one Konstantin Tsarnov, is palsy with Putin. WaPo is mentioned as the enemy, and the political anti-Russian climate is mentioned specifically.

Okay... so, despite the raunchy beginning, I wonder just what is up here? Is this some kind of propaganda?

So, I read on. I'm not going to spend time here talking about the plot, dynamics, etc, just be warned that it is racy as all get-out. But then, comes the surprise: a very serious purpose reveals itself.

A character in the book who is a friend of Konstantin, a guy named Blake, is thinking to himself here following a quote at the beginning of the chapter:

“What good fortune it is for governments that people do not think.” -Adolf Hitler

I put the phone down after speaking to Konstantin and swivel my chair around to stare out of the window. Things are starting to happen, but I can’t help feeling worried. There is a tight ball of anxiety in my gut. It is all too easy. I alone, from everyone in our group, understands our enemy.

I know because I am their spawn.

Only I know how utterly ruthless and powerful they are.

The others are full of hope, zeal, and innocence. They have never met the enemy. Only I have seen their faces and known their dastardly deeds. Only I know how depraved they are. It is almost impossible to tell the others about them. They will wither away in shock. The human mind cannot conceive of the pure evil that lurks in the true psychopath. He is actually insane. He looks totally normal, he functions perfectly, and can blend into society seamlessly, he may even be considered charming, but he is criminally and irreparably insane.

And it is his kind that rules our world.

There is a quick knock on my door and my oldest son, Sorab, comes into the room. I swivel around and smile at him. Every time I see him my heart swells with pride. He is seven now, and it is almost impossible for me to think of him as humanity’s hope, but if I do this right, he will be. One day, he will battle the dark forces that seek to destroy life as we know it and win.

“Hi, Dad,” he says, as he uses his palms to hoist himself onto my desk next to me.

“Hi,” I reply. Just by looking at his face I can tell something is troubling him.



“Why can’t I have a smartphone? All the other kids do,” he complains.

“Because smartphones are bad for kids.”

“But if smartphones are so bad how come all the other parents allow their kids to have them?”

“What does it matter what other people do?” I ask gently. “If something is wrong, it is wrong, and you shouldn’t do it.”

“I don’t understand what is so wrong about it. I just want to play some games, talk to my friends.”

“Tomorrow when you go to school, I want you to watch your friends while they are on the phone. I want you to watch their faces. You see them staring at their screen with a vacant expression in their faces. Do you know why that is?”

He stares at me, his eyes as blue as mine. Only they have not seen the horrors I have.

“No,” he replies sulkily.

“Because they are in a literal state of hypnosis as they automatically and mindlessly browse and scroll while losing track of time and the world around them. Each additional daily hour of screen time increases the child’s risk of becoming addicted, or even affecting his or her long term mental health.”

“But, Dad. I only want to use it for short periods. I promise I won’t use it for ages and ages like the other kids. I don’t want to be the only one who doesn’t have one.”

“Okay. So you’ll only use it for a short time. During that short time you are in a state of hypnosis, who and what is going to have a direct line into your head?”

“What do you mean?”

“Do you think what you have on the net comes out of nowhere? It is produced by corporations that are only interested in profit. They do not care for you. In fact, they want you to become addicted so you will keep on browsing mindlessly for the rest of your life.”

“Don’t the other parents know that?” he asks.

I shrug. “Some do and don’t care because they want a bit of peace, others have no idea they are not only giving amoral corporations direct access to their children, but also allowing them to shape their young minds into whatever they want.”“Yeah, but I’m the only one who doesn’t have one,” he mutters, looking gloomily at his feet.

“I know it’s hard for you, but you know, you’re not like all the other kids, right? You have to be ready for when they come for you.”

He lifts his head and looks at me. I feel my heart break at the expression on his face. He just wants to be a kid, but he can’t because we are one of the hidden thirteen bloodlines of intergenerational wealth families the conspiracy theorists talk about. For hundreds of years we have ruled from the shadows until I stepped out. Said no. They still want my son. They will come for him and he must be ready to stand up to them or they will destroy him.

“Yeah, I know,” my son says sadly.

“Good. I love you, my dear, dear son and I will give up my life to protect you. Always remember that.”

He smiles. “Smartphones are stupid anyway.”

I ruffle his silky hair. He gets that from his mother. “That’s my boy. Shall we go practice some Jiu Jitsu?”

He jumps off the desk eagerly. “Okay, Dad.”

Okay, that really grabbed my attention.

Later in the book, Konstantin is talking to Raine, the heroine of the story, about his participation in a secret project and the following exchange takes place beginning with Konstantin:

“What do you know about singularity?”

“Absolutely nothing,” I confess.

“The definition of singularity is a hypothetical point in time when technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, resulting in unforeseeable changes to human civilization. Now, it may seem to the ordinary person that moment is far away in the future, but he would be very wrong to think that. Our civilization is actually moving at breakneck speed towards humanity+.”

I gaze into his eyes. “Humanity+?”

“It’s another way of describing transhumanism.”

“Ah, the merging of humans with machines and the rise of the superhuman.”

He strokes my hair. “That’s the Hollywood movie version, and how transhumanist proponents sell the idea to the public. Humans accessing the internet without having to plug something into their bodies must mean the interface with the machines can better serve humans. But if you study the scientific papers they publish, you will quickly find that what they tell you is a barefaced lie. In fact, it is about giving the machine better access and control of the human body. It is about monitoring what goes on inside the human body: synthetic telepathy and reading our emotions. It goes without saying that if you can read it out, then you can also play it in using the same channel. Transhumanism it turns out is the perfect method of control. It is the wet dream of every government and every control crazed sociopath. They will be able to decide how you feel and what you think.”

“Jesus!” I exclaim, shocked. “That’s what transhumanism is truly about?”

“Yes. Without going into the complicated scientific explanations of encapsulated quantum dots, DNA absorbing light photons, and nanotubes and fibres, that is the simplest way I can explain it to you.”

I lean away from him. “That sounds terrible. Why would anyone want to do that to themselves?”

“The problem is most people will not understand what they are getting into. They will not do their own research. They are too busy putting food on the table and paying their bills. They will simply Google it, and since Google is one of the major players in the push towards transhumanism, it is unlikely they find the truth anywhere on Google’s search results. Once they have Googled it they will feel they have done their due diligence, Next step is to go ahead and sign up to become a superhuman. The effect will only become apparent when the machine has taken over, when it is too late.”

I shake my head in wonder. “Would governments really do that to their own people? I mean, I can hardly believe it.”

“Governments have poisoned and killed their own citizens since time immemorial. As I said before, the research and implementation is going at breakneck speed. They are almost at the cusp of rolling it out. All they need is an excuse which they will create at their pleasure. There is only a small window of opportunity left to warn people not to fall for the trick.

“Is that what you are doing, warning people?”

“No. That’s not my expertise. I am building an alternative internet platform.”

“An alternative internet? Why?”

“The time will come when anyone who is not part of the AI hive mind will be prohibited from utilizing the internet. That is when our system will come alive. It will be separate from their centralized internet and exist completely outside their control. Which means they can never shut it down.”

“There are people trying to stop you, aren’t there?”

“Yes, there are very powerful people trying very hard to stop us, but our alliance is very strong and we have a secret advantage they do not know about.”

Konstantin and Raine go through some real trials and then, finally, marry. At this point, an even more astonishing exchange takes place.

We honeymoon at the beautiful island of the Seychelles. Ah, what a happy time. We are indescribably happy. I almost dread coming back to the States. Coming back would mean facing up to all the problems, and sure enough our return is hard for me. Konstantin would lock himself in his coding room for hours at a time while he slowly built his alternative internet, one string of zeros and ones at a time, all in his mind. And all that time I would sit around and start to worry about what would happen if the alliance doesn’t win. I keep thinking of Helena’s cautionary tale of the rat with the venom in his body. Running, thinking it’s wounded but it has escaped, but in fact, it is already more dead than alive.

The more I think and imagine scenarios in my head, the more convinced I become that the cabal will win. To the extent, I become paranoid about it. Sometimes I will lie awake after Konstantin is sleeping. I’ll listen to his deep even breathing, put my hand on my belly, and be afraid for the future.

Until one day I can bear it no more and I confront him while we are sitting together outside on the terrace. There is a full moon and it’s a beautiful night, but my mind is chaotic with ugly thoughts.

“What happens if they force us all to take the chip, or the injection, or whatever it is that will turn us into AI integrated cyborgs?”

He shakes his head firmly. “They won’t do that.”

“Why not? If they are as evil as you say, what’s to stop them?”

“Because Blake was once one of them, before he met Lana, and turned away from that life. So he knows how they think, how they operate, and what rules they are bound by. And they are very firmly bound by the rules of their religion.

He makes air quotes around the word religion.

“Even though it may seem to us as if transhumanism is merely an exercise in turning humanity into slaves or batteries that they can use to mine for energy, there is an unseen but very important spiritual element to all of it. Just like the Aztec’s tore out still beating hearts and sacrificed them to their serpent God, these people believe they are harvesting souls for their God. But they can only harvest willing souls. Their rules say they are allowed to trick someone into saying yes, or make them so fearful that they say yes, but they must agree to their own enslavement.”

I frown. “How can they trick us into accepting something so horrendous? Who’s going to fall for something like that?”

“The same way they tricked you into agreeing to go to war with Iraq based on a lie about WMDs. Because you allowed them to fill your with unthinking fear, and because you didn’t care enough to do your own research, you blindly believed the propaganda and gave your power to them. As long as humankind is not vigilant, they will tricked into giving their consent. Once they have that they can harvest your soul with no repercussions.”

“Okay,” I say slowly. “I get it. Like Dracula. You have to invite him in or he cannot enter your home.”


I take a deep breath. “It seems so impossible though, that governments, the media, and other international bodies that have been set up to protect humankind have been so captured by these ghouls.”

“No, it is not as impossible as you think. Thorne once told me that he’d used his AI to map all the blue-chip companies in the world. And what he found was that no matter what industry, be it oil, pharmaceutical, food, air transport, weapons, utilities, tech, or media the majority shares of those firms are held by about ten different companies. The shares of those ten companies are mostly held by five or so companies. And the shares of those five entities are mainly owned by two companies, Blackrock and Vanguard. Then he found out the really interesting nugget of info. The biggest holder of Blackrock is Vanguard. And who owns Vanguard? We will never know, because it is privately held. Do you understand now how concentrated wealth is in our world? They own everything and everyone in power is beholden to them.”

I scoot closer to him, because I feel fear in my heart for my unborn child, and I don’t want to feel that.

“If they own everything, how can we possibly win?”

“They want us to think there’s no use fighting. They want us to give up in defeat, but the outcome is not set in stone. We are born with freedom in our bones, and that is our divine right. In this war against tyranny we have three things in our favor. First, we are many and they are few. Second, we do not extract from them, they extract from us, so they need us more than we need them. Third, they are secretly terrified of us, because they exist in a strict hierarchy of order and control, and we stand for freewill and freedom for all of humanity.”

Feeling slightly more reassured, I nod. “Okay. What would be the worst-case scenario? Will we end up with a two-tier society?”

He looks sad, really sad. “If humanity doesn’t come together as one and fight as one, it won’t be two classes of people anymore. We will split into species. Two entirely different species.”

He holds me tightly and gazes deep into my eyes. His eyes are full of sincerity. “But they won’t win, Raine. I know, just as I know without any doubt in my body that our child will never be anyone’s slave. Yes, they will harvest the souls of those who are not vigilant, but they won’t get us, or all the people we are slowly reaching. Day by day more and more people are joining us. It is like a flame that is being passed from one heart to another. Every heart we reach, then goes out into the world, and finds more hearts to light up. That is why they are have doubled their efforts. At a certain point, the tipping point will be reached, and it will be too late for then them to do reach their goals… and we will win.”

I was even more curious and looked into this author and some other books. Most of them are just excuses for a kind of porn, but a few of them carried fascinating messages. "Blackmailed by the Beast" is about the guy, Thorne, mentioned in one of the above extracts.

Then, there is a couple introduced in the book about Konstantin and Raine, Rocco and Autumn Rosetti. Their story is in "The Other Side of Midnight." Get this, Rocco is a vampire who says that his kind were originally "The Shining Ones", fallen angels! He has turned against the evil vampires and is helping humanity. In that book, there is a whole lot about "underground bases" that is quite amazing considering things Cs have said.

So it seems that this author is pulling out the stops trying to get messages across in her particular genre and beginning to tap into other sub-genres. I saw that some of her fans were NOT happy with her turn to "conspiracy theory" and "supernatural" elements.

What really interested me was to note that there were several important dialogs that expose things Cs have explicated. And, of course, after reading the description of "Transhumanism" in "The Russian Billionaire", I could help but think about the Cs saying that what was coming was "amalgamation."

With the above in mind, I think it would be useful to revisit some things the Cs have said that might be related.
Here's the exchange about the underground facilities in "The Other Side of Midnight". Rocco has just told Autumn that he is a vampire.

Come in and sit down, Autumn,” I invite softly. My body feels rigid and tense, but it will be a relief to finally get it out.

She walks forward and sits stiffly at the end of the chair opposite my desk. Her back ramrod straight with dread.

I remain standing. “Who… or what am I? I am the descendant of an ancient race of immortal beings who can live for many thousands of years. Our kind have lived on earth alongside humans since the beginning of time. It’s a long story, but human history is not as your rulers have taught you. Anyway, our relationship with mankind was peaceful, and we were viewed as benevolent guardians, and with fear. We were called the Shining Ones, and there were many glowing accounts of us in your most ancient texts and could be found in all great libraries, but they are all buried under the sea now.

“Originally, we were the keepers of knowledge and guardians of humanity. Especially, whenever there are extinction event cataclysms on earth that happen in cycles, every twelve to fourteen thousand years. When one of these catastrophes, which we callEMPOCs, happen, the damage is unimaginable. There is death and destruction everywhere. Everything is obliterated. Huge parts of continents sink into the sea, drowning all its inhabitants and leaving not even a trace of their civilization, while other parts of land full of sea creatures will rise from the ocean. And sometimes the earth burned for days, obliterating everything in its path.

“The bible tells one story of a people who were devastated by a great flood, but there have been many other such cataclysms that have befallen earth. During this time, all technology is lost, and the trauma and shock is so all encompassing the survivors collectively suffer a mind wipe of sorts. They walk around in a daze and it has always been our kind who guided them in the rebuilding of their destroyed cities. We brought seeds that we had saved in underground vaults and taught them agriculture.

“If you’ve ever wondered why archeologists sometimes dig up artifacts that carbon date back to hundreds and thousands of years, but those items show signs of being cut by laser machinery or made by some other historically impossible technology and advances, it is because the real history of the earth has been deliberately hidden from you. Humankind has attained greater heights during other cycles of civilization.”

She stares at me, her face white and incredulous. Her body frozen in shock.

“During the golden age of Egypt, my descendants took a wrong turn. The same way the fall of humankind was caused by Eve being tempted into eating the forbidden fruit, one of us was seduced by the dark magic of the powerful priesthood of that age. She let one drop of human blood fall on her tongue, and all of us lost the ability to fly. We fell into the sin of craving blood above all else. And there we have remained ever since.”

Autumn’s eyes widen with shock as she gasps furiously, “No. This cannot be true.” She shakes her head in disbelief and puts her hands over her ears. “No, this is a sick, sick joke. Vampires do not exist.”

“It’s not a joke,” I say calmly. “In your heart, you know it is true. You saw me lift your car. You just didn’t want to believe your own eyes so you blocked the memory. You wanted to pretend to yourself for a little longer. There is no more pretending, Autumn.”

She closes her eyes, then reopens them. All the light in them is gone. She looks at me dully. “You’re a vampire.”

Shame fills my body, but I don’t look away from her. I am what I am and she is what she is. Nothing will change that. “When we fell, we became the exact opposite of what we had once been. Our skin that was illuminated and glowing with white light was taken away from us, and sunlight became deadly to us. Even the weakest ray of sun can seriously burn our skin. Physically, we were still beautiful, but we had become creatures of the night. Predators, who had to hide our true natures from humanity.

“Blood lust is something no human can ever understand. Yes, there are humans who become Satanists and they drink blood at ceremonies, and they probably quite enjoy the wickedness of it all, but it is not like that for us. The only way you can even begin to understand how it feels, is if you try to imagine you are starving.

“You haven’t eaten for days, then someone puts a wonderful, favorite hot meal in front of you. You can see it, and smell it. It is right in front of you, but your hands and feet are tied and your mouth is taped shut. As I stand here now I can hear the blood rushing in your veins and I can smell it. Smoky sweet and seductively innocent. You had onions at lunch. And the adrenaline from your encounter with those intruders is still flowing in your blood. Adrenaline is like a drug. A drug far, far more addictive than the purest heroin.

“Do you want to drink my blood?” she asks, her voice shaking with horror.

“Yes, I want to,” I admit brutally. “And I cannot stop the blood lust, just like you cannot stop your heart from beating, or your kidneys from doing what they are supposed to do. You see, our greatest punishment is not that we lost our light, or we have to slink and slither by night and can never feel the wonderful warmth of the sun again. It is having to endure the curse of this relentless clawing thirst for blood, day and night... for eternity.”

She shakes her head in rejection at my words. “No. No. Oh, my God, no. I cannot believe this. This is just so incredible, so unbelievable. And to think I laughed when I read Interview With A Vampire at the absurdity of vampires going around killing humans every night. As if they wouldn’t be found out. And here you are telling me you and your family are going about doing just that.”

“You were right to laugh, because that is not how it is done. We couldn’t, as you put it, go around killing humans every night, or we would have quickly aroused suspicion, become known to the communities that we blended into, and eventually destroyed. The solution was obvious. We had to have our own supply. Like the Massai tribes who drink the blood of the cattle without killing them.”

She presses the heel of her hand to her head in disbelief. “Oh God, you own humans?”

“I don’t, not anymore, but my family and the others of my kind do.”

She frowns. “How? I mean where are these poor people kept?”

“In underground facilities.”

She covers her gaping mouth, and shoots to her feet. “Jesus, I have to get out of here!”

“You cannot run from this any longer, Autumn. I know you are shocked and horrified, but please sit down and let me finish. I have to tell you everything because you have to know everything, no matter how distasteful. It is the truth.”

Slowly, she lets herself fall back on the chair.

“When I say underground facilities, I don’t mean sordid little prisons dug into the ground. Earth is not a solid ball, it is more like Swiss cheese with many deep tunnels, and massive secret underground caverns, some are humongous with ceiling heights as tall as a New York skyscraper. Some of these spaces are owned by humans and called DUMBs (deep underground military bases), but they are mostly owned by Vampire families who bought up the land above these caverns a long time ago, then built homes with secret elevators that travel into the caverns underneath.

“Some of these settlements are so big they are spread out over areas bigger than Hunter’s Cross. They are powered with electricity, have rail networks, and are fitted with sophisticated aqueduct and filter systems that purify and distribute water and air. There are schools, shops, offices, coffee shops, a bar, a club for the young, a Church, a Police station, and a clinic.

“People live in comfortable units fitted with all mod-cons and have access to beautiful parks with tame birds and animals. Each person is given a hydroponic allotment garden where he/she can grow their own food if it so pleases them. They have no bills to pay, and food is plentiful so they have no need to work or produce anything of value, unless they want extra credits which will allow them to shop at the luxurious stores. They are free to spend their time on leisure activities; painting, sewing, making furniture, distilling whiskey, playing video games. There is no crime. The inhabitants fall in love, marry, bear children, and bury their dead. They have no idea about life on the surface of the earth and yearn for nothing. Once a month they go to the clinic and donate a pint of blood. They don’t know why they do it, but it has always been done that way.”

She tilts her head and looks at me the way someone would if they rescued a stray kitten the night before and have walked into their kitchen and found a fully grown, hungry panther prowling around.

“And your family has one of these... settlements?”

“Yes. It is called The Parallel.”
There is an older thread on this topic that should be merged with this one.

I have just posted two interesting items in the older thread.
Reading these excerpts I cannot help but think that this is somebody who has connections with our Forum. The breadth of deep knowledge seems to be extremely similar. If this is not the case then it is very fortunate to find that someone out there is aligned with us to a certain extent.
It would be a good idea if we could make contact with her, and hopefully too, those of her readers/followers most like-minded?

It is certainly the time to join forces with as many such peeps that we 'find'. For solidarity and sharing of facts.
The C's did say that there were some similar groups out there, and that 'in the future' there may be opportunities to align together?
Oddly this is something that had been on my mind much of the time recently, and which I mentioned to a friend here yesterday who I share our findings with thankfully.
I have even been praying asking Julius Caesar if he could help such people find our lighthouse - bizarre maybe, but if you don't ask lol....

The prospect of having out own internet system is great but hopefully not just wishful thinking.
I am so glad you followed your instinct Laura, and ordered that book!
Felt kinda strange, but positive, reading info that melded coming from an external source :-)
Everything sure seems to be speeding up now...
Later in the book, Konstantin is talking to Raine, the heroine of the story, about his participation in a secret project and the following exchange takes place beginning with Konstantin:
Just a couple days ago the thought occurred to me we'll need our own internet if they shut the current internet down. Her recent book, the Russian Billionaire is, I think, miles better than her three years ago written vamp story. Its as if the two books have been done by a completely different writer! She improved drastically.

Years ago, when we began to talk about serious weather changes, the [then] contemporary movies and TV Shows all were introducing us to the protagonists wonderful research rooms. These rooms were usually a "central research station" and all the hardware there were tied-hacked into the Earth satellite system - and the banking + CCTV systems - with many large monitors displaying real-time results of the elaborate computers running all kinds of tracking software.

So our heroes in these movies could track / investigate the bad guys: I thought, OMG, our group could really use such a research hub to track the weather and UFOs!
There is an older thread on this topic that should be merged with this one.

I have just posted two interesting items in the older thread.
Came across this article about the findings that graphene oxide appears to be in the stuff being injected into people. This part stuck out for me after perusing this thread:

Bioweapons can come in many forms, and this is the new tactic of war against the people by this and other governments. The powerful controlling element of society and its corrupt government partners care nothing about you or your families, but only about power and control over you. The real bioweapon is not any ‘virus,’ but is the ‘vaccine’ delivery system itself, along with masks, and testing, as perpetrated by the very entity (government) claiming to be your savior. The elimination of this government is in order.

It seems that the death of billions is sought, and a new master and slave society controlled by technocrats in a transhuman environment is the desired outcome. Today, science fiction has become reality!

Here’s the rest of the article:

“Today, La Quinta Columna has made an urgent announcement that they hope will reach as many people as possible, especially those involved in health and legal services, as biostatistician Ricardo Delgado, Dr. José Luis Sevillano and the team of researchers and professors with whom they have been conducting their research have confirmed the presence of graphene oxide nanoparticles in vaccination vials.”

Translated by Orwell City

Since no such thing as Covid-19 has ever been separated, isolated, or identified, and not one attempt to satisfy Koch’s Postulates to determine if a novel ‘virus’ even exists has been attempted, what is really happening and why have governments worldwide shut down their countries and declared war on their citizenry? What is the real plot, and how many will die due to this fraudulent pandemic scam?

My position since very early on concerning this so-called ‘pandemic’ has been that the SARS-CoV-2 or ‘Covid-19’ was just the excuse being used as a government tool to instill great fear into the people, so as to build a system of total control over the masses. The real bioweapon evident is the poisonous injection mislabeled as the ‘Covid vaccine,’ and the tactics and mandates that have not only destroyed economic activity, but decimated the health and immune systems of the people at large. This includes every aspect of the lockdowns, quarantines, job loss due to the forced closings of businesses nationwide and worldwide, mask and false testing mandates, and the general terror purposely brought about by the controlling ‘elites’ and their government partners.

By this time, most should, but few do, understand the poisonous and toxic nature of what is being called a ‘vaccine,’ and the wide array of deadly adjuvants, live animal tissue, biological additives, metals, nano-particles, gene-altering messenger-RNA, and of course many other unknown or purposely hidden toxins in this deadly concoction. But what else is in this devil’s brew?

Just recently, reports coming from a team of doctors, scientists, researchers, and professors from the Spanish organization, La Quinta Columna, have stated emphatically that the highly toxic graphene oxide is not only present in vials of ‘Covid vaccines’ from most all pharmaceutical manufacturers, but is also being delivered in masks and through ‘Covid’ testing. This is very startling information, and answers a lot of questions about not only the symptoms present for many, but also may further expose another part of this nefarious agenda that is depopulation.

As stated by this group of researchers:

The masks being used and currently marketed contain graphene oxide. Not only the ones that were withdrawn at the time, as indicated by the media, the swabs used in both PCR and antigen tests also contain graphene oxide nanoparticles.

The COVID vaccines in all their variants, AstraZeca, Pfizer, Moderna, Sinovac, Janssen, Johnson & Johnson, etc., also contain a considerable dose of graphene oxide nanoparticles. This has been the result of their analysis by electron microscopy and spectroscopy, among other techniques used by various public universities in our country.

The anti-flu vaccine contained nanoparticles of graphene oxide and the new anti-flu vaccines and the new and supposedly intranasal anti-COVID vaccines they are preparing also contain enormous doses of graphene oxide nanoparticles. Graphene oxide is a toxic that generates thrombi in the organism, graphene oxide is a toxic that generates blood coagulation. Graphene oxide causes alteration of the immune system. By decompensating the oxidative balance in relation to the gulation reserves. If the dose of graphene oxide is increased by any route of administration, it causes the collapse of the immune system and subsequent cytokine storm.

Also, according to this study, levels of graphene oxide in certain ‘vaccine’ vials contained up to 99% graphene oxide and little else. This toxin can cause pneumonia when the nanoparticles enter the lungs. Graphene also causes a metallic taste and inflammation of the mucus membranes which can lead to a loss of taste and smell. It can as well cause strong magnetic responses inside a host organism, and can also cause red blood cell damage. When deposited on most any surface, it can be converted into an electronic conductor. This would lead one to question many ‘Covid’ symptoms and the possible uses of graphene oxide in the so-called ‘Covid-19 vaccine,’ as this study group also claims that graphene oxide actually causes what is erroneously described as ‘Covid.’ If this is the case, then the ‘vaccine’ is indeed the bioweapon.

The very many adverse effects of graphene oxide delivery into living organisms has been long studied, but virtually nothing about this has been mentioned by the pharmaceutical companies, the government, or the mainstream media. In fact, there has been express denial of any nano-particle use in the flu and ‘Covid’ injections by these same sources in the past. The information in this report is staggering, but little effort is required to understand the high risk of using these toxic nano-sized particles in ‘vaccines.’

Graphene microparticles, and therefore graphene by injection, can lead to major respiratory sickness, including lung cancer. Once these particles are inside the body, and in the cells, the human immune system has not the ability to rid itself of these deadly nano-particles, and they become permanent and can cause extreme physiological harm in the body at the cellular level.

Bioweapons can come in many forms, and this is the new tactic of war against the people by this and other governments. The powerful controlling element of society and its corrupt government partners care nothing about you or your families, but only about power and control over you. The real bioweapon is not any ‘virus,’ but is the ‘vaccine’ delivery system itself, along with masks, and testing, as perpetrated by the very entity (government) claiming to be your savior. The elimination of this government is in order.

It seems that the death of billions is sought, and a new master and slave society controlled by technocrats in a transhuman environment is the desired outcome. Today, science fiction has become reality!

Source: Is Graphene Oxide Causing What Is Falsely Being Referred to as ‘Covid-19?’ - LewRockwell
Another article related to this too

Graphene is one of three disruptive technologies that will usher in Technocracy within 10 years. Synthetic skin is only one application of many, but it will pave the way for human-like cyborgs that are more capable than humans. Graphene is one of three disruptive technologies that will usher in Technocracy within 10 years. Synthetic skin is only one application of many, but it will pave the way for human-like cyborgs that are more capable than humans.

Some interesting older posts on properties of graphene.

This sounded interesting, healthy and simple - environmentally and biologically. Then again, there is the downside, the waste by creating cheaper (more affordable) products, simplifying production/innovation driving for a faster move to less privacy.. On the tech side, I find it rather interesting.

Levi Beckerson (Blog) - August 14, 2009 8:18 AM

Super low-cost manufacturing method could provide inexpensive flexible electronics and more.

Like the ubiquitous carbon nanotube, graphene is another wonder substance composed entirely of carbon molecules. In fact, you can think of carbon nanotubes as sheets of graphene rolled into a tube. Graphite is also made from sheets of graphene stacked atop one another.

There are a few things about graphene that make it a fairly desirable material. First is its ability to conduct electricity and it does so quite well. Research into this property of graphene has made the future of flexible electronics quite tantalizing.

Second is its strength as compared to other substances on a molecular level. Graphene is 200 times stronger than steel, and the strongest of any material tested at present. This property also makes it ideal for flexible applications as the circuits constructed of graphene are much less likely to break under distortion.

The only trouble with graphene is until now it's been expensive or wasteful to produce. Typically, graphite oxide would be rendered into graphene using either high temperatures or toxic chemicals. While the heat treatment is less problematic than the chemical variety, it still has some drawbacks. If the chemists wanted to mix the graphene with another substance, such as a polymer, the intense heat may destroy the other substance. In the chemical treatment, the mixture substance could prevent a reaction with the graphite oxide, making the technique useless.

Jiaxing Huang, an assistant professor with Northwestern's McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science, along with Rodolfo Cruz-Silva, a postdoctoral fellow, and Laura J. Cote, a graduate student under Huang, may have, in a flash of inspiration, made the former techniques obsolete. In fact, about the only piece of modern technology necessary for Huang's process is an ordinary camera flash.

Huang says of the process, “The light pulse offers very efficient heating through the photothermal process, which is rapid, energy efficient and chemical-free.” By simply positioning the camera flash over graphite oxide and firing the bulb, the substance is instantly reduced to graphene.

The process is both incredibly simple and remarkably versatile. Not only does the flash instantly transform the graphite oxide, it will also bond it to an insulating polymer, creating a conducting composite.

Another approach is to etch a circuit design onto a sheet of overhead transparency and use it as a mask. Similar to photo-lithography, where the flash's intense light falls, the graphite oxide will be converted to graphene while the dark areas will remain unchanged. The beauty of this simple process is that while graphene is a great electrical conductor, graphite oxide is the exact opposite – a great electrical insulator. This produces, instantly, a precursory flexible circuit.

Huang's group still has more planned to improve the process. At present they have used only thick films in their research, but intend to refine the technique in order to create circuits on a single-atom sheet. A quick and easy micropatterning system is not out of the realm of possibility.

Should a single layer circuit printing process come about, manufacturers would simply have to alternate layers of the circuit with layers of normal graphite oxide or another single-atom, flexible insulator, and inexpensive, flexible and durable electronic parts are right around the corner. Some such electronic systems already exist, but they lack the efficiency at manufacturing level that Huang's technique could provide. It could be a boon for both military and consumer system alike.

An excerpt of the Northwestern trio's work can be found here.

Graphene aerogel is seven times lighter than air, can balance on a blade of grass

Amazing Material. A cubic centimeter of the graphene aerogel weighs just 0.16 milligrams — or, if you’re having a problem conceptualizing that, a cubic meter weighs just 160 grams (5.6 ounces).

Aomething for Science & Technology

This posted on The Corbett Report, where he interviewed Whitney Webb regarding the article posted on her website Unlimited Hangout.

Whitney Webb of joins us once again, this time to discuss her latest article, “A “Leap” toward Humanity’s Destruction.” Even if you’re familiar with the transhumanist agenda, what the ex-DARPA, ex-Silicon Valley old hands at the newly created Wellcome Leap are planning to do in their quest to transform the human species in the coming decade will blow your mind

She discusses the bullet points of her article, but for more detail, link to the article posted in the show notes above.
Even if you’re familiar with the transhumanist agenda, what the ex-DARPA, ex-Silicon Valley old hands at the newly created Wellcome Leap are planning to do in their quest to transform the human species in the coming decade will blow your mind

They already are modifying our DNA with the vaccines. Now they want to modify us even further by turning us into cyborgs.
Here's an excerpt from session 18 March 2000 mentioning the "amalgamation."
Q: Whitley Strieber and Art Bell have published a book about a "global superstorm." Is any of the information they have given in this book fairly accurate?

A: Derived from non-human sources known for stark accuracy, when convenient.

Q: What makes it convenient at the present time for them to be "starkly accurate?"

A: Fits into plans.

Q: Plans for what?

A: Do we not know already?

Q: In other words: world conquest and the takeover of humanity?

A: Not as simple.

Q: What would make my statement more accurate?

A: Call it amalgamation.

Q: I do want to ask about this head of Tutankhamen: why was his head so extremely elongated, as well as the heads of the other members of that family?

A: Trace gene.

Q: Where did the trace gene come from?

A: Last "call."

Q: The last visit of the Nephilim?

A: Close enough.

Q: Did the gene come through Ankhenamen or Nefertiti?

A: One sound like nephilim, or your "Nefilim."

Q: So, Nefertiti. Where did Nefertiti come from? She is a BIG mystery. I had been formulating the idea that she was Sarai, the wife of Abraham, and the whole story about the pharaoh of Egypt stealing Abraham's wife and this caused an "affliction" was really the story of the marriage of Nefertiti to Ankhenaten and explained his peculiar physical characteristics. Supposedly Abraham's wife was very beautiful, and the name "Nefertiti" is supposed to mean "A Beautiful Woman Has Come," and that sort of fits. Nobody seems to know where she came from... or who she was. Then, she disappeared from history; nobody has ever found her body or the body of Ankhenaten. It's just such a big mystery. Where did she come from?

A: We will let you search some more.

Q: So, I guess that means I will figure it out from clues yet to be found. Now, I want to go back to what you said about Whitley Strieber and Art Bell getting their information from "non-human" sources about world conquest and domination. Are Art and Whitley consciously aware of their connection to this source of information?

A: Amalgamation, we did not say "conquest."

Q: But, on previous occasions you have discussed the alien plan to manipulate humanity via time travel, creating an infrastructure for taking over the world. Are you saying that it will be done in such a way that there is no "outward" sign that it has happened?

A: Close.

Q: So, in other words, the world is being taken over gradually, right now, as we sit here and speak, and most people aren't even aware of it?

A: Sort of....

Q: Are people, at any point, going to become aware of it? Are they going to wake up... or is it just the way of nature?

A: Natural processes.

Q: So, aliens are never going to appear in the sky; there is never going to be a battle as you have previously stated; there is never going to be...


Q: Well, that's kind of what you are saying!

A: No. You are impatianet for a quick, packaged definition.

Q: What I am trying to get at is; you are saying it is a natural process; you are saying we are being taken over; it is not a conquest; though you did not say that it was not domination, of course - clearly domination is part of it, is that correct?

A: One could call it evolution.

Q: Well, still those things make one tend to think of natural processes that do not involve a war in the sky, spaceships shooting lasers...

A: Who says such rules apply?

Q: I'm just saying that it how you are making it sound; that it is just a strictly natural process. We are talking about 4th density beings... I guess they could...

A: Natural processes are not restricted by your preconceived boundaries.

Q: Then, let me come at it from another direction: are these beings who are behind Strieber and Bell's book part of those who will participate in some sort of battle? The problem here is that you have excluded the word "conquest." (A) I think they excluded conquest because, to a large extent, for most people, it is not a conquest; they just simply allow it. So, there is no conquest for most...

A: That is part of it, but we know you can exceed your programmed ideas if you try. Conquest, or lack thereof is a matter of opinion/perception.

Q: Let me get this straight: how is this book by Strieber and Bell going to play into the plans of STS aliens?

A: Not the book, the events depicted.

Q: So, are you saying that Whitley and Art are doing a favor for all of us by publicizing this information, that it could be helpful?

A: Makes little difference.

Q: Is there anything that COULD make a difference? Or is it necessary to make a difference?

A: In the biggest picture, no.

Q: So, it's not necessary to make a difference?

A: The soul, she counteth. The body, she doth not!

Q: So, that's the biggest picture. Narrow the picture down: is there something that could make a difference? Clearly, in the biggest picture, nothing makes a difference...

A: Native Americans asked similar questions once!

Q: Which brings up the subject of Native Americans. A big part of what is being taught by them at the present time is that the aliens, the Grays, and assorted others, are good guys - the "star people" coming here to teach us and to help us advance! They claim that it is a "good" thing to have contacts, abductions, and so on and on.

A: No. Corrupted message. Some early contacts were with benevolent STO beings.

Q: And now they are confused because they think that the present contacts are with the same beings of the past contacts?

A: Close.

Q: Okay. Now, there is a peculiar side effect going on with our little mail group. These are folks who are well-read and pretty much aware. But, what seems to happen is that, when folks start to read our material, to become aware, they start to have all kinds of weird stuff start happening to them. Some of this stuff is SO bizarre!

A: You know this already.

Q: Are there any words of advice you can give to the group, in general?


Q: It seems that once they start getting some clues, the attacks increase and it becomes very discouraging. How can they survive this stage of the process?

A: One must know of attack, expect it, then counteract. Some of your correspondents are too naive.

Q: Any other advice? Some of them are getting hit pretty hard just now...

A: You can take it from there. And you are tiring now...

Q: I know, but I have one quick one. We have this guy, Johan M*** in Belgium, who claims to have had a sort of Epiphany on a night train to China some years ago. Apparently, this involved Cassiopeia, and he believes that he is "in touch" with you guys. He is coming to Florida next month and wants to meet with us. Is he really in contact with you, or is he a spy? Even if a friendly spy?

A: Who cares? Learning is fun! Even if one or two toes falls off.

Q: You said before that there were going to be all kinds of events resulting from the article. So far: zero, zip, zilch. Not a word, not anything. I am beginning to think it was just a twenty minute wonder...

A: So far is so far.

Q: Can you tell us anything about what is coming up?

A: No.

Q: Are we gonna like it?

A: Wait and see.... good night.

End of Session
I think that to understand how far this technology has reached, with the alphabet agencies, I suggest, watch this video presentation, it's on you tube, the only reason I can think that it continues to be allowed on YouTube, is, one to scare the hell out of people, and look at us, (rhetorically speaking) this is what we can do, you have no chance against us, so give up the fight now. But my question, is this viable, in reality? And also, is it true or just some fantasy in the minds of those that seek control? There is intimation of dark experiments, out of the control of conventional lab experiments.

I don't doubt it is possible, but sooner or later, that will be confirmed by diligent researchers, dealing with reality on the ground. I am reminded of the work of, apologies, the name escapes me at this time, from Eastern Europe, and the labs created and funded by the US collecting and developing biological substances, that involved human experimentation.

Then we come into the weird world of AI and human augmentation using this technology. Again James Corbett comes up trumps, with a host of characters, some known and unknown to the general population. The links he has provided in the show notes, from the cast of characters, videos, in their own words and worlds, strike me as nothing more that a megalomaniac inspired fantasy, that is driven by fear and power, for control, of everything and everybody, and I don't dismiss the hypothesis of inter dimensional control.

Designing Humans for Fun and Control.

But to end on a positive note, I came across this essay the other day, it's short and to my mind gives one of the explanations of the STO/STS dynamic in the Universe. Love is the Most Powerful Force in the Universe.

From the article:

I’m not a “woowoo” guy. I’m really a hardcore science and technology guy, but a few months ago, I had an “aha!” moment. Call it spiritual. Call it whatever, but I’ve been thinking about it a lot more and more, and I want to share this with you, if you will.

My question to you is “Is the quantum fabric of the universe constructed of love? Is the physical smallest sub-atomic unit of space, also the fundamental unit of love? Is there an actual physics interpretation of love?”
My argument is “Yes, love is the fundamental unit of action”, the quantum of action, and that without the physics of this action, love, there could be no universe. Here is my reasoning.

Sharing my thoughts.
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