Normies are slowly waking up.




Normies are slowly waking up.




View attachment 53083
In the hi-resolution version, you can see the skin pull up a couple of centimeters as the needle is retracted.

I think the unusual one-handed delivery was to create a clear shot for all the cameras.

There's no telling what was actually in the syringe, but the idiot PM and his wife definitely look like they were injected.
After watching Andreas Noack some time ago now, I concluded he was a fake. The video I saw could have been a parody of a science teacher taunting his students with the prospect of their own death given the frightening things he found in the vaccine (photos of which he presented). Following up on @Ocean's post above, Clif High states not only is there no graphene hydroxide in the shots (something Noack has claimed), but Noack is not dead, as has been widely reported -- by his wife, initially.

Only trouble is, this fraudster Andreas Noack is one of the scientists featured in this 46 page complaint (linked to below) (see p. 7).

I haven't read the entire complaint yet, but it does make one wonder how serious these people filing the complaint actually are if they couldn't detect an obvious fraud like Noack?


RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – UK officials and the most influential public health figures are accused of genocide, citing a series of statistics on the impact of “vaccines” and policies imposed under the guise of “mitigating COVID.”

A group including former Pfizer vice president Dr. Michael Yeadon filed a complaint with the International Criminal Court (ICC) (worth reading) on behalf of U.K. citizens against Boris Johnson and U.K. officials, Bill and Melinda Gates, CEOs of major pharmaceutical companies, World Economic Forum executive chairman Klaus Schwab, and others for crimes against humanity.

The ICC has acknowledged the case and has attributed the following reference number OTP-CR-473/21.

The complaint itself:

Excellent research Heather.
Something was very 'off' about Noack.

WHO Director Says 'Some Countries Are Using Boosters To Kill Children'​

Edit: added:

"So if it’s [the Covid-19 vaccine and booster] going to be used it’s better to focus on those groups of severe illness and death, rather as we see some countries are using to give boosters to kill children – this is not right."
Tranquilos, esto esta terminando, soy de España,mi esposa trabaja en un hospital ya ha recibido informacion de que esto quedara como una enfermedad endemica cada invierno, asi que no habra obligacion de vacunarse, no nos pueden obligar solo estan metiendo miedo. Aguanten que ya queda poco.
Once again, please use an online translator to translate your post into English since this is an English forum. Making everyone else here who does not speak Spanish to translate it is inconsiderate of you.

There are many people here who speak many different languages and who do use an online translator to both read the forum and to post here. Quite a few of them use to do this.

Una vez más, por favor, utiliza un traductor online para traducir tu mensaje al inglés ya que este es un foro en inglés. Hacer que todos los demás aquí que no hablan español lo traduzcan es una desconsideración por tu parte.

Hay muchas personas aquí que hablan muchos idiomas diferentes y que utilizan un traductor en línea tanto para leer el foro como para publicar aquí. Bastantes de ellos utilizan para hacerlo.

Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor
You might try getting a finger prick test for your D count on Amazon. A recent study indicates you need to see it at the very least 50 nanograms per millileter; at that level, viruses cannot penetrate the cells. ALL viruses. So, it would be interesting to know what level you're at, which would either confirm or cast some doubt on this premise.

Feel better!

Vitamin D

I’m going to raise a voice of caution concerning the nothing-burger that appears to be Omicron.

I hope I’m way off beam here – so please do correct – but I am quietly concerned.

Why would the PTB seek to leverage such an apparently ineffectual variant on everyone at this juncture when they face the greatest level of push back thus far and hence the greatest chance of their own push unraveling before such a ludicrously hyped threat?

Why is the language so apocalyptic when the tool appears too ineffectual to match its drum beat?

And why now?

Yes, perhaps its merely the only placeholder they had to hand and they bargain on the level of fear being so deeply entrenched that by now a butterfly would panic people.

But to what end?

Omicron feels like a once off card being played - one they can't play again because the surface narrative is just so weak.

Maybe (and I think this anyway) they need to get over the line and into early 2022 with no serious momentum in the push back when the chances of a game altering global cyber-attack/internet outage/financial and supply chain collapse appears very much on the cards. As Mr Schwab promised, this will make COVID appear like a walk in the park. We will then enter phase 2 of this process and Covid will be pretty much relegated as a tool.

However perhaps there’s more to this. In brief:


11 Nov 2021

Israel to hold world’s first drill to test readiness for new Covid variant

War games exercise will help prepare for the possible emergence of a lethal ‘Omega’ variant

A statement from the Israeli government press office said no such variant had yet been discovered in the country.

Note that the simulation was for what they termed the Omega variant i.e. the final solution?

13 days later….

24 Nov 2021

Omega... I mean Omicron variant suddenly appears in South Africa... of all places.

Trials for Israeli COVID-19 vaccine pill set to kick off in South Africa


Virtually no one is discussing the extremely suggestive nature of Omicron as a lab ‘escape’ or ‘release.

Firstly, we have to believe a variant with close proximity to the original Wuhan strain has been effectively sitting quietly in strict isolation for well over a year.

Omicron is not normal. No immediate progenitors are known; its closest relatives are viruses last seen in early- to mid-2020.

21.12.20. Untitledvir1b.jpg

21.12.20. Untitledvir1a.jpg

Omicron - mutation not normal.jpeg

Secondly, the distinctive and precisely effective mutations on the spike protein make no natural sense whatsoever.

Omicron carries a series of highly unlikely and suspicious mutations in its spike protein. It is hard to imagine that these mutations can have arisen via natural processes, because all but one of them are nonsynonymous – that is, they code for different amino acid sequences. Starkly mutated variants favoured by natural selection should have a great many meaningless synonymous mutations as well.

Omicron’s ancestors may have spent a significant amount of time adapting to mouse cells, before re-entering human hosts.
21.12.20. Untitledvir3.1.jpg

21.12.20. Untitledvir3.2.jpg

21.12.20. Untitledvir3.3.jpg

21.12.20. Untitledvir2.3.jpg

21.12.20. Untitledvir2.4.jpg

Thirdly, it specifically targets the only line of the 3 way immune system thus far circumvented by both the virus and the jabs – the respiratory system.

Omicron appears selected to replicate primarily in the bronchial tract.

HKUMed finds Omicron SARS-CoV-2 can infect faster and better than Delta in human bronchus

Deeper in the human lung, it functions far less efficiently than Delta or the first strains from Wuhan. This is probably why it causes mostly mild illness, and it is reminiscent of techniques used to make live attenuated influenza vaccines safer for use in humans. Such vaccines are cold-adapted, that is, selected to circulate primarily in the cooler upper respiratory tract rather than in the warmer, more vulnerable lungs.

The development of live attenuated cold-adapted influenza virus vaccine for humans - PubMed

How convenient! It’s as if it’s a sly final piece in the puzzle…


As more and more data emerges, it’s becoming clear the more jabbed you are the higher your risk of contracting Omicron – as if that was what it was designed for.

As el gato malo and others have indicated, evidence is strong that Omicron circulates preferentially in the vaccinated. In all likelihood, it is the result of gain-of-function research, in which it was passaged repeatedly through convalescent or vaccinated plasma, in the hopes of helping the virus evade acquired immunity. The purpose of this research would be to anticipate future immune-escape variants that vaccines might target.

And from today…

Triple Vaccinated 40-49 year olds are 10.3x more likely to catch Omicron than the Unvaccinated according to ONS and UK Gov. Figures

December 29, 2021

Official data published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) confirms that triple vaccinated 40-49 year olds are 10.3 times more likely to catch Omicron compared to their unvaccinated counterparts, and suggests that all fully vaccinated will have reached 100% immune system degradation, in what seems to be a new form of vaccine induced Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, within the next few weeks.



The gene therapy vaccines have a negligible effect on Omicron. Therefore the ratio between the vaxxed and unvaxxed case rates for Omicron is purely a measure of the damage done to the immune system by the vaccines. It is not masked by the vaccines training the immune system to fight Omicron. The vaccines had significant effectiveness with Delta. So the Delta vaxxed to unvaxxed case rate ratio masked the immune systems damage with vaccine mediated Delta neutralising antibodies.

But Omicron is the “vaccine apocalypse” (meaning unmasking in Greek or Revelation). So since 40-49 year old triply vaxxed case rates are 10.3 times higher than for the unvaxxed, their immune system must have degraded in general viral effectiveness by (10.3-1.0)/10.3 = 90.3%. Yes, they are now down to the last 9.7% of the immune response that the unvaxxed can muster. This means they truly have Vaccine Mediated AIDS or VAIDS.

If we use Omicron now to measure immune system degradation in all age groups we get –

omnicron imune disintegration.png

However you look at this, many fully vaccinated people will reach 100% immune system degradation for Omicron like viruses in the next few weeks.

The question then becomes how much of the immune system is involved in fighting the likes of Omicron? How much of the immune arsenal will the gene therapy vaccines have completely destroyed?

All this brings to mind the many years of experiments done on how to cull large groups of animals via Vaccines and the introduction of viral challenges.

It also brings to mind the mechanism leading to Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) which again is fulfilled by the challenge of a wild type virus.

The final coup de grâce is delivered silently when the herd faces the ‘wild virus’ in close enough an original state that it finally turns the whole immune system on the host and wipes them out in large numbers.

Known otherwise as plausible deniability.

I’m thinking that Omnicom (omega) variant seems bred to fit that purpose quite nicely. And we really do face a horror show in the next few weeks...

More likely I've been over thinking!

Feel free to dismantle the case.
I’m going to raise a voice of caution concerning the nothing-burger that appears to be Omicron.

I hope I’m way off beam here – so please do correct – but I am quietly concerned.

Why would the PTB seek to leverage such an apparently ineffectual variant on everyone at this juncture when they face the greatest level of push back thus far and hence the greatest chance of their own push unraveling before such a ludicrously hyped threat?

Why is the language so apocalyptic when the tool appears too ineffectual to match its drum beat?

And why now?

Yes, perhaps its merely the only placeholder they had to hand and they bargain on the level of fear being so deeply entrenched that by now a butterfly would panic people.

But to what end?

Omicron feels like a once off card being played - one they can't play again because the surface narrative is just so weak.

Maybe (and I think this anyway) they need to get over the line and into early 2022 with no serious momentum in the push back when the chances of a game altering global cyber-attack/internet outage/financial and supply chain collapse appears very much on the cards. As Mr Schwab promised, this will make COVID appear like a walk in the park. We will then enter phase 2 of this process and Covid will be pretty much relegated as a tool.

However perhaps there’s more to this. In brief:


11 Nov 2021

Israel to hold world’s first drill to test readiness for new Covid variant

Note that the simulation was for what they termed the Omega variant i.e. the final solution?

13 days later….

24 Nov 2021

Omega... I mean Omicron variant suddenly appears in South Africa... of all places.

Trials for Israeli COVID-19 vaccine pill set to kick off in South Africa


Virtually no one is discussing the extremely suggestive nature of Omicron as a lab ‘escape’ or ‘release.

Firstly, we have to believe a variant with close proximity to the original Wuhan strain has been effectively sitting quietly in strict isolation for well over a year.

View attachment 53092

View attachment 53093

View attachment 53094

Secondly, the distinctive and precisely effective mutations on the spike protein make no natural sense whatsoever.

View attachment 53097

View attachment 53098

View attachment 53099

View attachment 53095

View attachment 53096

Thirdly, it specifically targets the only line of the 3 way immune system thus far circumvented by both the virus and the jabs – the respiratory system.

How convenient! It’s as if it’s a sly final piece in the puzzle…


As more and more data emerges, it’s becoming clear the more jabbed you are the higher your risk of contracting Omicron – as if that was what it was designed for.

And from today…

Triple Vaccinated 40-49 year olds are 10.3x more likely to catch Omicron than the Unvaccinated according to ONS and UK Gov. Figures

All this brings to mind the many years of experiments done on how to cull large groups of animals via Vaccines and the introduction of viral challenges.

It also brings to mind the mechanism leading to Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) which again is fulfilled by the challenge of a wild type virus.

The final coup de grâce is delivered silently when the herd faces the ‘wild virus’ in close enough an original state that it finally turns the whole immune system on the host and wipes them out in large numbers.

Known otherwise as plausible deniability.

I’m thinking that Omnicom (omega) variant seems bred to fit that purpose quite nicely. And we really do face a horror show in the next few weeks...

More likely I've been over thinking!

Feel free to dismantle the case.
I think it's correct to have a sense of scepticism about all these knowing the nature of the PTB. That alone means that we should expect a "surprise" and that they won't let the pandemic "fade" into the night. For sure it looks like Omicron might be a setup of some kind - as someone who had both Omicron and Delta I can confirm the following - they don't have the same pathway of attack. Omicron is more classically "respiratory" whilst delta attacked a whole other system I can't even articulate. Omicron is also way weaker to the point it made me highly suspicious that something else was going on - Delta just doesn't jump to Omicron.

I think we'll know more over the next 3 - 6 months. I think whatever the next dominant variant will be after Omicron will tell the direction of travel.

In this whole thing the main thing people should do (if they can)

  • Avoid the jabs
  • Fortify their immune systems
I’m going to raise a voice of caution concerning the nothing-burger that appears to be Omicron.

I hope I’m way off beam here – so please do correct – but I am quietly concerned.



As more and more data emerges, it’s becoming clear the more jabbed you are the higher your risk of contracting Omicron – as if that was what it was designed for.

And from today…

Triple Vaccinated 40-49 year olds are 10.3x more likely to catch Omicron than the Unvaccinated according to ONS and UK Gov. Figures

All this brings to mind the many years of experiments done on how to cull large groups of animals via Vaccines and the introduction of viral challenges.

It also brings to mind the mechanism leading to Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) which again is fulfilled by the challenge of a wild type virus.

The final coup de grâce is delivered silently when the herd faces the ‘wild virus’ in close enough an original state that it finally turns the whole immune system on the host and wipes them out in large numbers.

Known otherwise as plausible deniability.

I’m thinking that Omnicom (omega) variant seems bred to fit that purpose quite nicely. And we really do face a horror show in the next few weeks...

More likely I've been over thinking!

Feel free to dismantle the case.
Issues with this hypothesis:
  • Daily Expose is known to publish shoddy research - in this case, they've deliberately confounded difference in "positive case" rates (which we know are unreliable and are more a function of testing frequency, with the vaxxed generally preferring to be tested more frequently) with "immune system degradation", which is a tremendous and unsubstantiated logical jump. The closest paper I've found regarding the spike impairing immunity is this - SARS–CoV–2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro - tl;dr: to the extent that spike proteins are in the bone marrow, immunity doesn't "update", this is not to say that old immunity is suddenly completely gone.
  • Have we actually observed antibody-dependent enhancement here? It's not like the vaxxed are exactly dying in droves from Rona - quite the opposite.
Might I suggest a nice cup of chamomile tea while keeping calm and killing zombies?
For all German members 🇩🇪 Maybe you can still make use of this for a while... until they ban that too.

I just registered on this website and watched the video for the certification. That could make 3G life a bit easier if you have people who are also registered there. The certification costs €10 and you pay another €1.99 per test - so it's also relatively cheap. If this is something for one of you, here is the link: Testet euch gegenseitig frei!

The provider is still working and the procedure is completely legal.

It's easy to operate together with a friend or a colleague.
If two people are certified they can issue tests among themselves.

You'll have to buy some self-tests and do the procedure which you will be certified for.
I have started doing this with a friend. If using nasal swabs is inconvenient for you, a drop of saliva will actually do.

If the test result proves negative upload the photo to the provider to have it checked by a medical doctor and the certificate will be downloaded on your phone. (German language only)
Issues with this hypothesis:
  • Daily Expose is known to publish shoddy research - in this case, they've deliberately confounded difference in "positive case" rates (which we know are unreliable and are more a function of testing frequency, with the vaxxed generally preferring to be tested more frequently) with "immune system degradation", which is a tremendous and unsubstantiated logical jump. The closest paper I've found regarding the spike impairing immunity is this - SARS–CoV–2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro - tl;dr: to the extent that spike proteins are in the bone marrow, immunity doesn't "update", this is not to say that old immunity is suddenly completely gone.
  • Have we actually observed antibody-dependent enhancement here? It's not like the vaxxed are exactly dying in droves from Rona - quite the opposite.
Might I suggest a nice cup of chamomile tea while keeping calm and killing zombies?

I understand your skepticism about Daily Expose cinnamon but my suggestion doesn't rest on that single report - and I have seen several others concerning the collapse of vaccine efficacy tied to increasing infection rates which is indicative of growing immune dysfunction. There is increasing evidence accumulating that the vaccinated are significantly more prone to Omicron than the non vaxed - and indeed as the booster gains traction this issue is increasing in concern.


there's something antigenic in denmark: boosters show negative vaccine efficacy for cases

And from a recent Mercola summary:

How the Endless Boosters Will Destroy Immune Function

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
  • December 28, 2021
Story at-a-glance

  • The COVID shots reprogram your immune system to respond in a dysfunctional manner. Aside from increasing vulnerability to infections, this can also result in autoimmune diseases and cancer
  • A paper published in early May 2021 reported the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID jab “reprograms both adaptive and innate immune responses,” causing immune depletion
  • Antigens in vaccines have been shown to induce defects in the immune system that can raise the risk of autoimmune diseases
  • Leaky or nonsterilizing vaccines can also trigger the evolution of more hazardous viruses, and the COVID jabs are among the leakiest “vaccines” ever created
  • According to health authorities, the vaccine-evading Omicron variant necessitates a third COVID injection, but this recommendation will only perpetuate mutation
A number of medical experts, scientists and published studies now warn that the COVID shots reprogram your immune system to respond in a dysfunctional manner. Aside from increasing vulnerability to infections, this can also result in autoimmune diseases and cancer.

Pfizer Shot Reprograms Both Arms of Your Immune System

A paper1 posted May 6, 2021, on the preprint server medRxiv reported that the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID jab "reprograms both adaptive and innate immune responses," causing immune depletion.

While they confirmed the jab "induced effective humoral and cellular immunity against several SARS-CoV-2 variants," the shot "also modulated the production of inflammatory cytokines by innate immune cells upon stimulation with both specific (SARS-CoV-2) and nonspecific (viral, fungal and bacterial) stimuli."

In other words, we're looking at a horrible tradeoff. You may get some protection against SARS-CoV-2 and its variants, but you're weakening your overall immune function, which opens the door wide to all sorts of other health problems, from bacterial, fungal and viral infections to cancer and autoimmunity.

After the injection, innate immune cells had a markedly decreased response to toll-like receptors 4, 7 and 8 (TLR4, TLR7, TLR8) ligands, while cytokine responses induced by fungi were stronger. According to the authors, defects in TLR7 have previously been linked to an increased susceptibility to COVID-19 in young males.

People who were "fully vaccinated," having received two doses of the Pfizer shot, also produced significantly less interferon upon stimulation, and this can hamper the initial innate immune response against the virus.

Repeated Vaccinations and the Risk of Autoimmunity

Pathogenic infections and cancer are but two potential outcomes of this kind of reprogramming. Previous research, for example, has linked defects in the immune system to a higher risk of autoimmune diseases. What's more, it's been shown that antigens in vaccines, specifically, can induce this kind of immune system dysfunction.2 As reported in the paper in question:3

"Repeated immunization with antigen causes systemic autoimmunity in mice otherwise not prone to spontaneous autoimmune diseases. Overstimulation of CD4+ T cells led to the development of autoantibody-inducing CD4+ T (aiCD4+ T) cell which had undergone T cell receptor (TCR) revision and was capable of inducing autoantibodies.
The aiCD4+ T cell was induced by de novo TCR revision but not by cross-reaction, and subsequently overstimulated CD8+ T cells, driving them to become antigen-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL).
These CTLs could be further matured by antigen cross-presentation, after which they caused autoimmune tissue injury akin to systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Systemic autoimmunity appears to be the inevitable consequence of over-stimulating the host's immune 'system' by repeated immunization with antigen, to the levels that surpass system's self-organized criticality."

Fast-forward to mid-May 2021, when a study4 in the Journal of Clinical Investigations reported that "SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines induce broad CD4+ T cell responses that recognize SARS-CoV-2 variants and HCoV-NL63." HCoV-NL63 is a human coronavirus associated with the common cold.

"Interestingly, we observed a 3-fold increase in the CD4+ T cell responses to HCoV-NL63 spike peptides after vaccination," the authors stated, adding, "Our results suggest that T cell responses elicited or enhanced by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines may be able to control SARS-CoV-2 variants and lead to cross-protection against some endemic coronaviruses."

What they did not address was that excessive CD4a+ T cell responses could also result in the development of autoantibodies and autoimmune disease.

As for the dying in droves... January and February may well bring another story.

Anyway its the bones of a working hypothesis waiting for more data.

The most important part of the evidence is that Omicron is not natural. I stand by that; its gain of function suggests strongly that it has been designed with something meaningful in mind. Sure it could well be the leverage for all those COVID pills due to come on line....

But I still sniff something far more nefarious at work.

And I don't like camomile tea, thanks.
I understand your skepticism about Daily Expose cinnamon but my suggestion doesn't rest on that single report - and I have seen several others concerning the collapse of vaccine efficacy tied to increasing infection rates which is indicative of growing immune dysfunction. There is increasing evidence accumulating that the vaccinated are significantly more prone to Omicron than the non vaxed - and indeed as the booster gains traction this issue is increasing in concern.


there's something antigenic in denmark: boosters show negative vaccine efficacy for cases

The linked boriquagato article is pointing out that we're likely observing original antigenic sin, not antibody dependent enhancement - higher severity has not been observed.

I was really worried about this (The BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 reprograms both adaptive and innate immune responses) - still need more data - but from the one case study we have, immune function isn't permanently impaired.

As for the dying in droves... January and February may well bring another story.

Anyway its the bones of a working hypothesis waiting for more data.

The most important part of the evidence is that Omicron is not natural. I stand by that; its gain of function suggests strongly that it has been designed with something meaningful in mind. Sure it could well be the leverage for all those COVID pills due to come on line....

But I still sniff something far more nefarious at work.

Or it could have been yet another lab leak.

I'm sure there are nefarious schemes in the works - even if Omicron is precisely as bad as the flu, degraded healthcare systems simply can't handle that, with resultant political implications.

And I don't like camomile tea, thanks.
So, we may not see the evidence yet in increased mortality but surely in the increased amounts of different illnesses. (Cardiovascular diseases in Germany for example have increased significantly to a never seen before high level - and have remained there since April 2021) Most of the diseases are not officially connected to damages coming from experimental genetic injections (of course).

So, maybe we are looking at the wrong spot ? The ADE reactions are perhaps found in the many different areas of diseases across the board and close attention should be paid. Then there are many diffuse (neurological) issues people show without consulting a doctor… all that is dwelling in a grey zone beyond any direct insight or numbers. On top we have to deal with the vast amount of false and reshuffled numbers and statistics :umm:

I do have real difficulties to follow the different variants and their origins and what that all could mean, etc - but I do have the feeling like sitting on a large barrel of gunpowder - because whoever fiddles around with human DNA… it will eventually have dire consequences.

Unless there are divine interventions in store, shuffling the cards discreetly. ;-)
The most important part of the evidence is that Omicron is not natural.

.... subjective statement: Omicron felt more natural than Delta. Omicron felt like a cold whereas Delta has no comparison - the flu is like a distant cousin if anything. Omicron has no unnatural symptoms... delta, beta etc you lose smell / taste amongst other things. Omicron feels very much like a cold - if there wasn't a test to say it was c19 you'd think it's just a cold. Alternatively if there wasn't a test to say delta was c19 you'd still think it's something other than flu or some super enhanced flu.
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