I’m going to raise a voice of caution concerning the nothing-burger that appears to be Omicron.
I hope I’m way off beam here – so please do correct – but I am quietly concerned.
Why would the PTB seek to leverage such an apparently ineffectual variant on everyone at this juncture when they face the greatest level of push back thus far and hence the greatest chance of their own push unraveling before such a ludicrously hyped threat?
Why is the language so apocalyptic when the tool appears too ineffectual to match its drum beat?
And why now?
Yes, perhaps its merely the only placeholder they had to hand and they bargain on the level of fear being so deeply entrenched that by now a butterfly would panic people.
But to what end?
Omicron feels like a once off card being played - one they can't play again because the surface narrative is just so weak.
Maybe (and I think this anyway) they need to get over the line and into early 2022 with no serious momentum in the push back when the chances of a game altering global cyber-attack/internet outage/financial and supply chain collapse appears very much on the cards. As Mr Schwab promised, this will make COVID appear like a walk in the park. We will then enter phase 2 of this process and Covid will be pretty much relegated as a tool.
However perhaps there’s more to this. In brief:
11 Nov 2021
Israel to hold world’s first drill to test readiness for new Covid variant
Note that the simulation was for what they termed the Omega variant i.e. the final solution?
13 days later….
24 Nov 2021
Omega... I mean Omicron variant suddenly appears in South Africa... of all places.
Virtually no one is discussing the extremely suggestive nature of Omicron as
a lab ‘escape’ or ‘release.
Firstly, we have to believe a variant with close proximity to the original Wuhan strain has been effectively sitting quietly in strict isolation for well over a year.
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Secondly, the distinctive and precisely effective mutations on the spike protein make no natural sense whatsoever.
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Thirdly, it specifically targets the only line of the 3 way immune system thus far circumvented by both the virus and the jabs – the respiratory system.
How convenient! It’s as if it’s a sly final piece in the puzzle…
As more and more data emerges, it’s becoming clear the more jabbed you are the higher your risk of contracting Omicron – as if that was what it was designed for.
And from today…
Triple Vaccinated 40-49 year olds are 10.3x more likely to catch Omicron than the Unvaccinated according to ONS and UK Gov. Figures
All this brings to mind the many years of experiments done on how to cull large groups of animals via Vaccines and the introduction of viral challenges.
It also brings to mind the mechanism leading to Antibody-dependent enhancement (
ADE) which again is fulfilled by the challenge of a wild type virus.
The final
coup de grâce is delivered silently when the herd faces the ‘wild virus’ in close enough an original state that it finally turns the whole immune system on the host and wipes them out in large numbers.
Known otherwise as plausible deniability.
I’m thinking that Omnicom (omega) variant seems bred to fit that purpose quite nicely. And we really do face a horror show in the next few weeks...
More likely I've been over thinking!
Feel free to dismantle the case.