Anart said:
I suppose the simplest way to find out, viscerally, why it is so important to 'keep silent' is to not keep silent and see what happens. I would NOT suggest this, simply because every example of this I have ever personally seen has resulted in enormous damage that was not possible to reverse.
I agree with Anart. Unfortunately, when I was starting to “wake up” I think I may have made such a mistake. I had the naive notion that by inserting myself into circumstances in which I could direct a conversation towards esoteric concepts and/or about information concerning the reality of this world I would actually be doing something and be of service to others. In essence, I suppose I was incorrectly doing the following (though at that time I hadn’t read a word of Boris Mouravieff’s Gnosis):
Gnosis I – Exoteric Cycle by Boris Mouravieff said:
The hero, while working on
himself, must apply himself to create new circumstances around him, which
will enhance the unfolding of the action towards its originally intended
conclusion. His exterior efforts must above all be directed towards the
creation of these circumstances, not towards seeking direct influence over
people: this kind of influence often seems opportune, but in the great
majority of cases it is an error. Instead of unravelling the situation, the
influence creates karmic debts which complicate things all the more. One
must be very prudent and circumspect. Yet new circumstances must be
created in a way that effectively helps those interested to act in the direction
desired. Once again, man should seek to serve, not to impose himself.
Patience, perseverance and faith are qualities of great practical value in this
At the time I genuinely felt that what I was doing was in the best interest of not only myself but also to those whom I divulged such information, I now realize that my actions were manipulative and only complicated the matter. I was forcing information onto my friends and family that had no interest in the information I was manipulatively giving to them. I feel the following may also apply:
Gnosis I – Exoteric Cycle by Boris Mouravieff said:
In our actions in the milieu in which we live, we must take care not to believe that those around us automatically follow our evolution stage by stage, and that they are at
each moment at the level we have reached by following conscious and
sustained efforts which they have not made. Such an idea would certainly
be absurd; but does not man live in the absurd?.........
I have spent a large portion of my life in introspection with the desire to understand not only myself but also to understand the gulf that exists between what the world could be and what it is actually. I think it is possible that in some ways I may perceive the world on a level different than my peers as an effect of these efforts. But at the back of mind I always had the thought, “You never know, maybe he/she has thought similarly, is open and may think like I do…..and the only way to find out is to give it a shot and see what happens.....I want so much for someone else to realize the state of our situation for him/herself …” This, of course, was only a lie to myself based on false assumptions under the false guise that I was somehow serving others when I was actually just serving myself. In other words, my subjective love was in overflow and all I wanted to do was talk to ears that would listen:
Gnosis I Exoteric Cycle by Boris Mouravieff said:
The feeling of liberation, even though partial, and the joy felt after each victory over oneself, surpass the limited and weak understanding of exterior man; and he feels the need to express them. This need is in a certain
way legitimate. We must nevertheless be prudent. The Tradition's rule on this subject is explicit; it prescribes: 'keep silent' But it would be an error to think that it requires a true vow of silence. To keep silent, in the esoteric sense, means to talk, but to talk within well defined limits: man must say what must be said, when it must be said, and to whom it must be said. This naturally
excludes all gossip and loquacity………… Nevertheless, people whose magnetic centres have made their appearance and are developing feel the need to talk about it. 'It is out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks.' But let them only share their joys and
experiences with those who, like them, have undertaken esoteric work.
Besides, the rule of keeping silent is not obligatory, except at the beginning
of esoteric training. Soon, by virtue of his conscious efforts, man starts to
evolve and perceives the futility of most mundane relations. To mix the
fruits of evolution with this life is always erroneous.
In essence, I had not realized this “well defined limit” (and possibly still don’t). By speaking I was only doing it for myself while mistakenly believing that I was doing it for the sake of others. In other words, a “conversation of the deaf” as mentioned by Mouravieff:
Gnosis I – Exoteric Cycle by Boris Mouravieff said:
Another prescription, which we must force ourselves to respect from
our first step in esoteric work, is added to the rule which prescribes silence.
If we observe people who participate in a conversation or general discussion,
we will constate that, instead of listening for themselves, in order to
learn, and speaking/or others, each speaks for himself, and listens to others
out of politeness to them. We do not escape this rule. Everybody wants to
insert his ideas somewhere, and searches for the most suitable occasion to
do this. While waiting for our chance, we listen with patience and more or
less attend to what is being said. When a conversation is being led in such a
way, it is of course a conversation of the deaf, where we can rarely learn,
and where generally we learn nothing. When they separate, each participant
takes back the luggage with which he came, with this difference, that
this sort of conversation provokes a considerable loss of fine energies.
By “creating circumstance” in this way I thought I would increase the possibility to learn something useful about the action of the General Law (4D STS at that time). I thought with full confidence that by making observations of the vectors presented to me via the General Law I would somehow be able to more effectively discern the various "tactics" used to keep me in my place and avert such vectors successfully. I realize now the foolishness of this type of thinking.
He who
studies esoteric science must not naively oppose 'A' influences. That would
only succeed in bringing catastrophe. This was Don Quixote's instructive
experience —so wrongly understood. 'A' influences play a positive role in
the economy of the Universe. They combine with devastating force to
oppose anyone who tries to attack them directly in their ensemble. The
task of the seeker is different. Instead of trying to annihilate the 'A' influences,
or to carve out a path between them for himself by his exploits,
while continuing his esoteric education, he should instead escape their grasp........
To say that the following statement (
emphasis mine, "I would NOT suggest this, simply because
every sample of this I have ever personally seen has resulted in
enormous damage that was
not possible to reverse", is
haunting would be a
severe understatement . I have indirectly written of such possible effects both
here and
here. I hope the damage incurred thus far is not of a nature such that my current efforts are in vain. I understand more fully now what Boris Mouravieff may have been alluding to in the following excerpt from Gnosis I - Exoteric Cycle:
Though logic tends to formulate clear definitions on the
intellectual plane, it remains no less true that the working of intelligence is
controlled by Illusion, which distorts our judgment in many situations.
On the emotional plane, the situation is even more muddled, as it is very
difficult to orient ourselves and in a clear cut way —to differentiate — that
which is born from ourselves from that which is the result of exterior
impressions; in other words, it is difficult to know what is and what is
not me. The easy differentiation between object and subject in the physical
world, already less easy in the intellectual world, is particularly difficult in
the emotional world, but the emotional life is the primary object of esoteric
work. That is why we attach so much importance in esoteric teaching to
the development of a critical spirit directed towards ourselves, that is to
say, towards the phenomena of our inner life.
In retrospect, I sincerely wish I had only studied the material related to The Work in much greater detail and not subjected myself to the "invisible combat" with only an arsenal of good intentions and introspection without the proper armor of knowledge. I realize more than ever the frightening gravity of truth within the proverb "the road to hell is paved with good intentions". Thus, whenever I find my heart finding its way to my lips I bite my tongue and remain silent.