JFK by L. Fletcher Prouty


FOTCM Member
Has anyone else read this book? It's not just another book that goes endlessly over the evidence (or lack) of the JFK assassination, it is much, much more than that. Prouty was a gov insider and in his effort to explain how Viet Nam and the Cold War "happened," he provides a ton of insight into the minds and attitudes of the "insiders" or the "power elite." I think it is a "must read" for anyone who wants to understand what is going on in our world today.
Have read a lot of books on JFK but most of them just talk about the government, CIA and conspiracy theories and don't offer any new or really useful information. Maybe this book has a little more to offer. Would be interesting to read about some background issues and how Vietnam and the Cold War came up.
After finishing this book, I was doing some research on Prouty. Obviously, there is an effort to debunk him. One such debunker [_http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/prouty.htm] points to some very interesting commentaries by Prouty that show that the guy knew a lot. While these commentaries might serve to convince some that he was a crackpot, they indicate to me just the opposite.

Here is the first, a commentary on UFOs:
UFO SIGHTINGS: ON THE RECORD From an article October 1983

Something is out there! There have been so many sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFO's) by reputable witnesses, that the fact cannot be denied. And obviously, the Air Force agrees; Years ago, they established an office charged with the collection of data on UFOs.

Officials as well placed as Senator Barry Goldwater - a major general in the Air Force Reserve - have demanded this information and they've always been turned down. Today, although there is a growing awareness of valid sightings, information on UFOs is even more secretly hidden than ever before. Let's consider one undeniable case. An experienced Military Transport Service aircrew and many passengers on a long overwater flight from Hawaii to Tokyo, clearly saw a UFO. The year was 1954.

They had left Midway Island shortly after sundown, climbed to 8,000 feet, and set the aircraft on a course for Tokyo. It was a clear night. Even in the dark they could see low clouds hanging over the warm Pacific.

Sometime after midnight, the copilot noticed an object - or at least a source of light from some definitive form - on the right side of the plane, moving along with them at about the same altitude, a little faster than they were.

As he glanced outside again, he saw this large object, not quite as large as their aircraft, had moved closer and slightly ahead. The luminescence from this object resembled the light from a fluorescent lamp with some areas of intense light emanating from a dimmer, but clearly defined, main body.

Although this craft had moved a little closer, there were no other distinguishing features other than this pattern of light. The copilot called to the flight engineer and showed him what he had been watching. They pointed it out to the pilot, who had no trouble seeing it from his side of the plane. All three watched for some time, and all agreed they were seeing the same pattern: a large airship and a source of light. They called other crew members to see it, and at about that same time, one of the flight stewards came forward to report that many passengers were watching this same thing, near them and "off the right wing."

This object had one distinct characteristic that set it off from any known aircraft and from normal flight: It would dart ahead of them, soar high above them very quickly, and then dive below them - effortlessly.

These nine or ten experienced aircrewmen were convinced, beyond any doubt, that what they were watching was a UFO. They made an initial report to their commanding officer; and later, after a night's rest, they returned to make out individual, formal statements. Their formal reports were then forwarded, to Air Force Headquarters, in Washington.

The reason I've chosen to cite this factual UFO case from 1954 is because I was that commanding officer. I have heard nothing more about that incident since that day. However, I have heard about UFOs flying along beside the world's fastest aircraft, the Spyplane (SR-71), and I have heard that the Air Force has two "bodies" or extraterrestrial objects in storage on one of its bases. Most UFO stories contain elements I cannot believe; this case has been my only direct contact with an actual responsible sighting. I knew my crewmen well and believed their individual stories. I have never doubted that. Those men were too experienced to have mistaken other aircraft: weather phenomena: aurora borealis; St. Elmo's fire; shooting stars; and all other strange, but natural wonders of the world of the airman. That object over the Pacific that night in 1954 was a UFO.

L. Fletcher Prouty

If only Prouty had known about the work of John Keel....

The next is Prouty's comment that oil is not a fossil fuel and that the idea that it is such is promoted by the oil barons to maintain inflated prices.

Greasing the Palms of the Oil Barons

In the first place what is oil? Is it 85% carbon, 13% hydrogen and 0.5% oxygen with traces of sulfur and nitrogen. Most geochemists ( in the pay of oil companies) believe that the oil originates from the decomposition of organic matter. They would have us believe that because organic matter - that is, formerly living organisms - is quantifiably a very limited source, the supply of oil itself must be limited.
It is not.

Oil is often called a "fossil" fuel; the idea being that it comes from formerly living organisms. This may have been plausible back when oil wells were drilled into the fossil layers of the earth's crust; but today, great quantities of oil are found in deeper wells that are found below the level of any fossils. How could then could oil have come from fossils, or decomposed former living matter, if it exists in rock formations far below layers of fossils - the evidence of formerly living organisms? It must not come from living matter at all!

Furthermore, if all the plants, insects and animals that ever lived were all squeezed into a massive ooze, there is no way they could have amounted to the volume of oil that has been found to date. They just would not make that much juice. On top of this, oil geochemists will admit, if pressed, that if all the oil wells ever drilled by their so - called scientific methods of divining had been drilled totally at random, they would have found as much oil with random drilling as by " educated " drilling. In other words, there is a lot of oil down there.....most everywhere. Just drill for it - and if you don't strike it, drill a little deeper.

There can only be one answer to the misinformation we have about oil. The oil men have always wanted a monopoly control, and with it, they want to charge as much money as they can for every gallon of gasoline. With this, they gross hundreds of billions of dollars per - year. They want us to believe that our present rate of oil consumption, we have possibly 20 to 30 years before we run out. They make this sound credible with their " decomposed organic matter" fable.

By bursting this bubble and pulling the plug on this scenario, we discover that petroleum is a natural organic product that is rising, in enormous quantities, from deep within the earth; with deeper drilling, as wildcatters are already doing, there will adequate oil for a long, long time, even at the present rate of consumption.

From 1956 to 1971, the number of giant oil fields more than doubled as drills go deep into the Paleozoic strata and below. Today, there is a glut on the market, and those who control oil are doing all they can to limit production in order to keep the prices very high. To do this, they get a lot of government help.

Shortly before William J. Casey became the head of the CIA, he made a speech before the American Bar Association during which he advocated "international agreements to establish commodity reserves and maintain prices". This is the kind of policy oil men like. At the same conference, Hans Heymann, one of Casey's deputies at the CIA, talked about the "enormous oil inventory building that we've had", and that " we (CIA) developed a system of institutions and codes of conduct that make it far easier for those who influence the international marketplace to exercise that influence". It is " those who influence the marketplace" who are the oil barons, and they are taking us for hundreds of billions of dollars every year - with the aid of almost all Western governments.

L. Fletcher Prouty
As you say, these two items only make Prouty look more "in the know".
I'd have to dig up the article, but as I posted in a comment, Prouty also dug up another reason why JFK was assassinated---he was acting to dismantle the "Federal Reserve." Prouty really does a good job of making the case that Kennedy was acting to take back power from the pathocrats. Prouty was really bothered by the Coup d Etat and worked to get the word out, I think.

"in his works after "JFK, the CIA, Vietnam and the Plot to Kill Kennedy," Prouty became aware of another major reason why the pathocrats and NWO architects plotted to kill Kennedy--he also planned to dismantle the "Federal Reserve System" and had already begun to issue Silver Certificates on his own presidential authority--outside the control and power of the privately owned-- ultra parasitic "federal reserve."

One can find many articles by Prouty at http://www.ratical.org/rhrIndex/authorP-Q.html under "Prouty" that give a very good idea of what he had to tell--also: www.maebrussell.com/Prouty"

Edit: Laura, in your interview with Michael Collins Piper, he states that he knew Prouty personally. That may be an interesting avenue to pursue.

Edit 2: In the article "By For and of Psykopaths," the author contended that Prouty was something like 95% accurate I think--the part he missed was psychopathy. "Finally, you come to the 95%+ true disinformationists, such as Fletcher Prouty and Greg Palast. Obviously, you can learn a lot from the 95%+ truth spooks. If you can discover their lies, what it is that they are protecting, essentially you have the entire picture."
Yossarian said:
I'd have to dig up the article, but as I posted in a comment, Prouty also dug up another reason why JFK was assassinated---he was acting to dismantle the "Federal Reserve."

So this suggests that Prouty's "Power Elite" are in fact, a financial elite.

C's said:
A: Mossad is near the apex of the 3D consortium. The lines blur at that level.

Prouty agrees with the C's here in that intelligence agencies work for the financial elite, or the "apex of the 3D consortium". Prouty's inside information on the military/intelligence level of the consortium is complemented by Quigley's inside information on the financial level.

Simon Davies & Donald Hunt said:
Who runs the World?

Before delving into the murk please consider how you would answer the question, "Who runs the world?"

The short answer is "Bankers". Key to our entire system of existence is money and the control of money, for through the control of money comes control of the affairs of man. Bankers control money therefore bankers control mankind. It really is that simple when you boil it down.

The world's first intelligence networks were private networks established to ensure that bankers had access to information faster than anybody else. One of the most famous of these networks was the Rothschild network; so successful that Nathan Rothschild was able to fool the participants in the London stock market that England has lost the Battle of Waterloo (when he knew before anybody else that they had in fact won) that the price of bonds fell through the floor at which point Rothschild financial agents bought them all up just prior to their value rocketing when it was discovered that England had in fact won that famous battle.

Nothing has changed. Most people live under the illusion that the world's intelligence agencies work for the state and that the state works for the people. Nothing could be further from the truth. The state is the public means by which the ruling elite (banking/corporate) exercise their power over the people and amass great wealth, intelligence agencies are the private means by which the same ends are achieved. If you doubt this fact then you haven't been paying attention to the real effects of the action of your government and its agencies. The CIA was even established on the funds provided by a select group of wealthy Americans.

If you're reading this you probably already know this. The problems come when examining who the Bankers are and how they exert their control. Needless to say, a great deal of the confusion is deliberately generated so as to obfuscate the truth.

Throughout history, bankers have formed circles and clubs around them, the present is no different. The members of these circles, of which there are inner, intermediate and outer, some interlocking some not, are bound by common values and psychology (psychopathy and characteropathy) , by blood, inheritance, education, history, money and ultimately of course, power and the desire to retain it absolutely. Carroll Quigley the highly respected historian, detailed the many aspects of this web in his extraordinary Tragedy & Hope and The Anglo-American Establishment.

The members of the inner circles are hardly ever seen in public life and generally do not hold public office. Our presidents, prime ministers, government ministers, politicians, business leaders, banking heads and other public figures belong to the intermediate and outer circles. They might migrate inwards but only after leaving public office.

By their very nature these circles are secret and the members, particularly of the inner circles, known only to a few. With whom the ultimate power lies is a matter of much debate. While there are undoubtedly those whose families have remained at the top for many generations, membership is not necessarily perpetual; there are always challenges and always intense competition especially at the lower levels. For members or 'players' to rise through the layers they have to be cunning, ruthless and ultimately, survivors. To retain power the members of the elite have to always 'be in the game'. It is crucial to understand that while we are all excluded from these circles such that they may seem like a cozy club from the outside; on the inside the competition is intense. What we see on the world stage is the result of these competing forces. While the general direction has been agreed upon by the members of the inner circles of power, the details are always being fought out between themselves at the highest, strategic level, and between the members of the intermediate and outer circles at the tactical, territorial level. This is exactly what is happening with the current "financial crisis".

Article:Down the Rabbit Hole towards a New Economic World Order

And if we bring the hyperdimensional element from Keel/Vallee/Laura, etc., we discover just how horrifyingly all pervasive the control system really is. Essentially, you have a psychopathic financial elite creating murderous polices in various "think tanks". Since they own the intelligence agencies, they can institute said polices either through direct use of covert operations, or by using their psychopathic stooges (e.g. the Neocons) to manufacture intelligence to trick the public into authorizing military action. Of course, they will play the "incompetence card", throw in a few false news stories via Operation Mockingbird-type COINTELPRO and a few "debunkers" to neutralize whistleblowers and voila- you have public acceptance of utterly psychopathic policies.

Sott's recent articles have been excellent and I think I am finally beginning to see at least a glimmer of primary reality. The McNamara and 7/7 articles were particularly brilliant imo- keep up the excellent work!
Kesdjan said:
Yossarian said:
I'd have to dig up the article, but as I posted in a comment, Prouty also dug up another reason why JFK was assassinated---he was acting to dismantle the "Federal Reserve."

So this suggests that Prouty's "Power Elite" are in fact, a financial elite.

That seems to be very much the case, or at least the mechanism of (fake) economics and fiat debt is the one that is most used to control us and which forces its influence into everything else. It is, as you put it: "the apex of the 3D consortium". If you read 'Wave 7' with Laura's research on John Nash and how game theory has come to be the elite mindset this makes even more sense.

Many prominent figures throughout history have also commented on this.
L. Fletcher Prouty said:
By bursting this bubble and pulling the plug on this scenario, we discover that petroleum is a natural organic product that is rising, in enormous quantities, from deep within the earth; with deeper drilling, as wildcatters are already doing, there will adequate oil for a long, long time, even at the present rate of consumption.

From 1956 to 1971, the number of giant oil fields more than doubled as drills go deep into the Paleozoic strata and below. Today, there is a glut on the market, and those who control oil are doing all they can to limit production in order to keep the prices very high. To do this, they get a lot of government help.

Shortly before William J. Casey became the head of the CIA, he made a speech before the American Bar Association during which he advocated "international agreements to establish commodity reserves and maintain prices". This is the kind of policy oil men like. At the same conference, Hans Heymann, one of Casey's deputies at the CIA, talked about the "enormous oil inventory building that we've had", and that " we (CIA) developed a system of institutions and codes of conduct that make it far easier for those who influence the international marketplace to exercise that influence". It is " those who influence the marketplace" who are the oil barons, and they are taking us for hundreds of billions of dollars every year - with the aid of almost all Western governments.

Lindsey Williams talks about his first hand knowledge of Alaskan oil reserves larger than any on earth. And he talks about how the oil companies and U.S. government won't send it through the pipeline for U.S. citizens to use.

If you missed this Flashback, I recommend viewing it--note especially the deal worked out on how the US payment for foreign oil is mandated. . .in US dollars and that a portion of that money is mandated to purchase our country's debt! And this is the key as to why we will never see any of the massive oil reserves of Alaska's north slope flowing into our refineries and our gasoline stations. Just another link in the chain that is being tightened around our necks and moving forward the agenda of the NWO. Oh, and one other thing. There were two countries that would not go along with this plan--Iraq and Iran. You know the story on Iraq and the story on Iran is unfolding as we speak. And it was all planned out decades ago. And as our cities, counties, states, and our country slide further and further into economic catastrophe, with all the resultant human misery and suffering, the PTB take greater and greater control and ownership of the world's wealth. But let's keep waving our flags and sending our noble citizens to the middle east to spread democracy, to guard us against terrorism, to ensure that we all remain FREE. . .to starve to death!
JEEP said:
There were two countries that would not go along with this plan--Iraq and Iran. You know the story on Iraq and the story on Iran is unfolding as we speak. And it was all planned out decades ago. And as our cities, counties, states, and our country slide further and further into economic catastrophe, with all the resultant human misery and suffering, the PTB take greater and greater control and ownership of the world's wealth.


The PTB understand history as a theater of operations. It looks like the Persians have been offered a deal they couldn’t refuse and have accepted a leading role in the Nabucco Pipeline Game named after the Italian opera. Turkmenistan plans to route gas through Iran weeks after their main pipeline to Russia exploded.


M K Bhadrakumar said:
How a trans-Caspian gas pipeline project came to be named after the 19th-century Italian Romantic composer Giuseppe Verdi's famous opera Nabucco remains obscure. The opera is based on a Biblical story about the tragic plight of persecuted Jews exiled from their homeland by the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar. Maybe, the opera's enchanting story of love and struggle or its tendency toward melodrama was considered an apt metaphor for the acute Caspian energy rivalry.


F William Engdahl is a historian of the oil industry. His views of history emerge from a conventional view of empire rooted in national sovereignty rather than empire as an anonymous cabal staging games on the stage of history and geography to mesmerize and enslave mankind. His work is valuable as the above mentioned 95% percent truth and 5% lies. I begin to see that there are lies for everyone, even Engdahl.

The intelligence apparatus are centers of information, deception, and assassination as Prouty describes in the Secret Team. These Secret Teams have seized power repeatedly in history from ancient Rome, the Soviet Union, to perhaps the USA. How would Prouty’s anonymous Cabal maintain control of an intelligence apparatus with unparalleled resources? Why would a Secret Team remain loyal to an earthly power?

edit: one hour later

This might answer my question.......


Keel said:
Operation Trojan Horse Keel argues that a non-human or spiritual intelligence source has staged whole events over a long period of time in order to propagate and reinforce certain erroneous belief systems. For example, the fairy faith in Middle Europe, vampire legends, mystery airships in 1897, mystery aeroplanes of the 1930s, mystery helicopters, anomalous creature sightings, poltergeist phenomena, balls of light, and UFOs. Keel conjectures that ultimately all of these anomalies are a cover for the real phenomenon.
JEEP, have you heard the latest from Lindsey Williams? His "predictions" in the past have been pretty good, though he seems to like Jeff Rense and Alex Jones. He's back with more words from his mysterious, aging elite source, who says (paraphrased from _http://www.mybloglog.com/buzz/community/apocalypticchurch/ - click the link there):

Within two years you will not recognize America. The elites have altered the timeline of their plans. It was enabled by the 2.5 trillion dollars given to the elite in the last two months of the Bush admin by the US tax payers.

Inflation will escalate over a period of two years, by the end of which the US will be so poor the people will not be able to rebel. The dollar will be "dead" by 2012 and no longer the reserve currency of the world. Gold and silver are all you can rely on. Both will escalate rapidly in price.

War is planned, after two years, in the middle east, likely in relation to Iran. Gas will resultingly go to 7-10 dollars per hour. War will then spread. Within two years nearly everyone will be working for the gov't. Gov't will be head of GM, Chrysler, the banks, and the whole healthcare system (thus all those employees will effectively work for the gov't).

We'll see. The C's did, after all, say that the US is headed for "destruction."
Wow, I had no idea that gas could go to 7 to 10 dollars per hour - is that per hour you use it or how far it carries you per hour? ;)

I don't think any prediction that says 'in two years you will not recognize America' is a prediction. I don't recognize American one year to the next, starting on September 11th, 2001. Those who control the country have taken it through one unrecognizable change to another over the past 8 years and - from all indications - have no intention of stopping.

As far as people being so poor they can't rebel - they already can't rebel, but wealth has nothing to do with it. It's not about being poor, it's about being dumbed down, hypnotized, malnourished and living behind a frequency fence that keeps them complacent. The pervasive poverty (increasing daily) just adds to the problem, though one wonders what will happen once the balance is tipped and the vast majority have nothing left to lose?

I don't know - I really wonder if some of these peddlers of predictions even live in the same country I live in - the signs have been so obvious for so long and they state it like it's some mysterious prediction... and like there is even an America left to lose ( and I mean that in the sense of the Greatest Country on Earth, America, those who were born here were raised and brainwashed into believing in).

It just seems like yet another showman talking to those who are sound asleep about the obvious - the details don't really matter.

Of course, that's just my take and I apologize if I'm coming across as a bit intolerant... ;)
Yeah, the remark about gas being 7 to 10 dollars per hour caught my eye. :lol:

But the line about everyone working for the government also caught my eye. That is the kind of remark that definitely has the right-wing, free market spin on it. I would think the real problem when it comes to jobs is not who you are working for (govt. vs private) so much as are you working at all.
That's a good point, anart, about the perspective -- I wonder if I would recognize America now from a few years ago! Actually, Williams claims that these aren't predictions -- he says he's merely repeating what an unnamed "elite source" told him. Regardless, it's sure not much new.
Just finished this book two weeks ago. It was an amazing read, I'm pondering doing a second read-through just because of all the information he presented, the depth, the names, events and places - there's just so much material there and he really paints a brilliant picture of why and how JFK was killed.

It really brought me back to a class I took in college, it was called 'Oliver Stone's America' and it was basically liberal history from JFK forward. We studied the pentagon papers and watched Stone's JFK - but we never heard of Prouty, or his work, or the fact that he was Man X. In fact, we often debated whether or not man X was a real or fictional character made up by Stone. It kinda blew my mind because Stone would come to the class once a semester and give talks, it makes me wonder how Prouty's work got pushed out of the picture when it's so obviously involved. Cosmic COINTELPRO indeed.
I've just finished reading this book, absolutely amazing inside information, and that's on top of what I've already read in The Secret Team by the same author.

Both books are a must read, in my opinion, to understand some of the driving forces behind where we find ourselves now.
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