angelburst29 said:A few Post's back, it was mentioned the climate difference inside the Bosnia pyramid in working in the tunnel clearing out debris, and how the workers felt "a serge of energy" that took away stress and lead to a feeling of well-being. That same affect is also being reported in the uncovering of an underground pyramid in the Crimea Peninsula. It's being reported that there are actually 37 pyramids between Sebastopol and Crimea, buried in centuries old sediment. Apparently, the first one was discovered in Crimea in 2011 by a man searching for possible underground water sources for drinking purposes.
The video below goes into more detail on their discovery and the experts involved that have located 37 pyramid structures in the area. Testing that simulated synchronized holograms in the sky (stars) and Earth sites with pyramids (Egypt, Himalayas, England, Mexico, Sevastopol, Easter Island, Bermuda, etc.) in tracking energy streams on holograms, found that 2 groups of pyramids are ruled by each Star in the Northern Hemisphere. One group serves as an energy receiver and another, it's transmitter to the Stars. Stars are located at the angle of 120 degrees in relation to each other and create an electro-magnetic field, influencing the Earth.
A Becher-Hagan grid map was used to identify ley line intersections and a map of the pyramid locations surveyed - superimposed over it. It was found that a major ley line ran directly through Sebastopol Crimea. 7 underground pyramids - form a straight line near the shore and the locations of the other 30 are on a grid or ley line.
It's amazing that this information is kept - localized and not making major headline's. In many ways, it's been given the "Bosnia treatment." Deny it exists.
Wow! "Learning is fun". Except for the strong religious gloss about Yaweh is was really very interesting. Most of the data was 13 going of 14 old which makes it more apparent how long the cover-up has continued. Thanks. :)