Pyramids in Bosnia?

angelburst29 said:
A few Post's back, it was mentioned the climate difference inside the Bosnia pyramid in working in the tunnel clearing out debris, and how the workers felt "a serge of energy" that took away stress and lead to a feeling of well-being. That same affect is also being reported in the uncovering of an underground pyramid in the Crimea Peninsula. It's being reported that there are actually 37 pyramids between Sebastopol and Crimea, buried in centuries old sediment. Apparently, the first one was discovered in Crimea in 2011 by a man searching for possible underground water sources for drinking purposes.

The video below goes into more detail on their discovery and the experts involved that have located 37 pyramid structures in the area. Testing that simulated synchronized holograms in the sky (stars) and Earth sites with pyramids (Egypt, Himalayas, England, Mexico, Sevastopol, Easter Island, Bermuda, etc.) in tracking energy streams on holograms, found that 2 groups of pyramids are ruled by each Star in the Northern Hemisphere. One group serves as an energy receiver and another, it's transmitter to the Stars. Stars are located at the angle of 120 degrees in relation to each other and create an electro-magnetic field, influencing the Earth.

A Becher-Hagan grid map was used to identify ley line intersections and a map of the pyramid locations surveyed - superimposed over it. It was found that a major ley line ran directly through Sebastopol Crimea. 7 underground pyramids - form a straight line near the shore and the locations of the other 30 are on a grid or ley line.

It's amazing that this information is kept - localized and not making major headline's. In many ways, it's been given the "Bosnia treatment." Deny it exists.

Wow! "Learning is fun". Except for the strong religious gloss about Yaweh is was really very interesting. Most of the data was 13 going of 14 old which makes it more apparent how long the cover-up has continued. Thanks. :) :cool2:
goyacobol said:
angelburst29 said:

The video below goes into more detail on their discovery (snip)

It's amazing that this information is kept - localized and not making major headline's. In many ways, it's been given the "Bosnia treatment." Deny it exists.

Wow! "Learning is fun". Except for the strong religious gloss about Yaweh is was really very interesting. Most of the data was 13 going of 14 old which makes it more apparent how long the cover-up has continued. Thanks. :) :cool2:

You're right goyacobol, he does have a slight religious bent and he often repeats himself but the information that he provides is very thought provoking. I was surprised when he mentioned there were pyramids buried on Eastern Island, also. I understand from one of his video lectures, that the information on Eastern Island is in another segment. When time allows, I'll try to review some of his other video's to see if I can locate the information and what documentation he gives to back up his claims.

I have an interest in the work done in Bosnia, for both sets of my Grandparents migrated to the U.S. in the late 1930's - early 40's from Yugoslavia. It had been their wish to return but it never happened. My early childhood was filled with story's of their life and events. Plus, I have a fascination for pyramids and the discovery in Bosnia gives the opportunity to learn more about the area.

I have often wondered, if the pyramids were some kind of Global communication grid and unearthing them, reactivates the energy and compromises "the present day communication and surveillance system?" And, if the pyramids also acted in unison on the grid - as a protective electro-magnetic field surrounding the Earth?
angelburst29 said:
goyacobol said:
angelburst29 said:

The video below goes into more detail on their discovery (snip)

It's amazing that this information is kept - localized and not making major headline's. In many ways, it's been given the "Bosnia treatment." Deny it exists.

Wow! "Learning is fun". Except for the strong religious gloss about Yaweh is was really very interesting. Most of the data was 13 going of 14 old which makes it more apparent how long the cover-up has continued. Thanks. :) :cool2:

You're right goyacobol, he does have a slight religious bent and he often repeats himself but the information that he provides is very thought provoking. I was surprised when he mentioned there were pyramids buried on Eastern Island, also. I understand from one of his video lectures, that the information on Eastern Island is in another segment. When time allows, I'll try to review some of his other video's to see if I can locate the information and what documentation he gives to back up his claims.

I have an interest in the work done in Bosnia, for both sets of my Grandparents migrated to the U.S. in the late 1930's - early 40's from Yugoslavia. It had been their wish to return but it never happened. My early childhood was filled with story's of their life and events. Plus, I have a fascination for pyramids and the discovery in Bosnia gives the opportunity to learn more about the area.

I have often wondered, if the pyramids were some kind of Global communication grid and unearthing them, reactivates the energy and compromises "the present day communication and surveillance system?" And, if the pyramids also acted in unison on the grid - as a protective electro-magnetic field surrounding the Earth?


I am not so sure about the pyramids intended original or current intended use. It would be nice if they would be used as a "protective electro-magnetic field" but maybe they never were used for that. In the video (which shows the article comes from the Before it's News website) it is saying the newly discovered Crimea/Ukraine pyramids are 65 million years old. That would be much earlier than the Atlantis era that used pyramid shaped crystals according to the C's. I don't think he mentioned crystals in the pyramids although something was creating a detectable frequency that they tuned into to find more of them.

According to the C's it was the greed for more crystal power that finally destroyed Atlantis as a civilization.

Session 19 November 1994

Q: (T) What power did these crystals gather?
A: Sun.
Q: (T) Was it necessary for them to have power gathering stations on Mars and the Moon. Did this
increase their power?
A: Not necessary but it is not necessary for you to have a million dollars either. Get the correlation?
Atlanteans were power hungry the way your society is money hungry.
Q: (T) Was the accumulation of this power what brought about their downfall?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Did they lose control of this power?
A: It overpowered them the same way your computers will overpower you.
Q: (V) Is it similar to them gaining a life and intelligence of their own?
A: Yes.

Today it looks like HAARP may be the preferred interface with the crystals:

Session 4 May 1996
Q: (L) You once said that HAARP was something that was to be used to "transfer perimeters." I am
assuming that this means to manipulate space, time and density.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is it possible that they are planning to use this to bring up the Atlantean crystals to utilize?
A: Not so much to "bring up," as to utilize.

The crystals may be a separate system from the pyramids but I think they have also been used together. It isn't clear to me yet.

The video is full of interesting claims such as an alien body underneath with a crown, workers feeling a vitalizing energy like they were swimming in it and a sphinx image on one of the faces of the pyramid.

I don't know there could be a bit of disinfo in there to throw us off of the real purpose of the pyramids. With the weather situation it seems that HAARP is being utilized fairly successfully these days. The C's did say that was another application for it among others it seems.

Here is a quote about the Atlantean or some ancient civilization's crystal ice melting ability that the C's mention:

Session 5 December 1998
Q: (L) There is something I am missing here. (A) Much of the planet
was covered by ice, but not all.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, instead of using the areas that were NOT covered by ice,
why, in particular, was Antarctica...
A: What?!?
Q: (L) What I am getting at is: why go to all the trouble to thaw out
a whole big island if it might have been easier to have been
somewhere else?
A: Well, first of all, we thought this was Ark's turn. But, since you
have asked, is it not obvious by now? Magnetic power grid physics .
EM utilization. Crystals, and the like. Seeking paths to the interior?
The "Poles" know best!
Q: (A) ) Okay, now we have been brought to electromagnetism, and
that was my next question. I got some very old papers by
A: EM generators usually employ a grid. 'Tis for field creation.
Q: (A) When you say this, you mean A grid, not THE grid?
A: Yes. Looks like a waffle iron.
Q: (A) You mean like a waffle iron that is used in transformers?
A: Okay. Why? To duplicate nature. Earth has a web, and so doeth

It does get you thinking. I'll just leave it there for now. Sorry to get carried away. Maybe you can expand on the ideas. Thanks :) (February, 2016), if remember right several years ago, the presentation is not bringing something new, it's almost the same speech like in previous years. However, it's interesting that beside mainstream, many "alternative" archeologists or pseudo-archeologists, like Robert Schoch and Graham Hancock, still don't support the existence of Bosnian Pyramids. Perhaps to get even slight recognition by the mainstream scholarship for their own ideas decided to stay neutral or negative on the "controversial" or "fringe" Bosnian pyramids. Unfortunately the pace of the excavation in Bosnia is not helping. Pity, because whatever the result (if they are or not Pyramids), the excavations are interesting, could result with some other culture, and especially the tunnels existence is intriguing.
Considering pyramids issues i'm pretty wary for some time - they seem to be sts creations unlike remnants of circle civilizations like Stonehenge. Maybe those in Visoko are the cause of all the misfortune of peoples in Bosnia and nearby. Even some rumors reached me that claim that pyramids in Visoko are guarded by grays...FWIW
Pyramids in La Mana, Peru? __
Found it here __ which is an interesting site concerning megalithic structures around the world.
Veteran Argentine Ufologist Discovers 'Alien Pyramid' in Pacific Ocean

Argentinian ufologist Marcelo Irazusta has caused consternation with a puzzling find on the floor of the Pacific Ocean; theories about the object's origin range from fallen UFO, to the remains of an ancient civilization.


This 'pyramid' was found by using google earth. Have to admit that it looks like a pyramid, allthough why not visit the spot yourself if you are so convinced. Not only for your sake but also for the sake of objectivity. Gather some actual evidence.
bjorn said:
[...]Have to admit that it looks like a pyramid, allthough why not visit the spot yourself if you are so convinced. Not only for your sake but also for the sake of objectivity. Gather some actual evidence.

I have to agree. Could be anything, from an image artefact to something real on the ocean floor. Because that spot is so blurred and other objective informations are missing, it is quite a huge stretch to declare it is definitively a UFO or Pyramid!

If there is actually something in the ocean there, I guess you would need to dive down there, which is pretty difficult I would assume.
clerck de bonk said:
Pyramids in La Mana, Peru? __
Found it here __ which is an interesting site concerning megalithic structures around the world.

Well, I looked at the video.

I found it quite frustrating while watching, because he or they spoke about this or that area, or this or that stone, being definitely made this way, and for this purpose.

A lot of pure assumptions, declared as a matter of fact. I'm pretty sure that a lot of the stones, structures and shapes could also be explained, simply by geological rock formation processes and how specific types of stones can break and form "unusual" shapes in that way.

I'm not saying that all of this, are just necessarily geological structures, but that the way those guys "examine" and "study" those stones and "structures", has probably more to do with believe then an actual scientific approach.

The website is quite interesting though, since they have gathered a lot of interesting places worldwide, into a google maps format.

Some of those places might also be just natural formations and/or a combination of natural + manmade structures, but it is nonetheless interesting to look at and where tose are located.

Even found a couple of interesting sites near my place! Cool!
Came across this very interesting lecture by Sem Osmanagic on youtube posted Sept. 2016, dealing with pyramids around the world. He talks & demonstrates the electromagnetic fields produced/magnified as well as the geopolymer mixtures used. Very interesting to say the least. Ancient Pyramids Proof that Recorded History is Wrong [FULL VIDEO],
Persej said:
Interesting finding. You have a subtitle on second video.

This little stone ball has a touch screen ability. Other rocks don't.

How do we know if that those stone balls in the videos are those ancient ones that can be found in the area?
If it is really that kind of stone ball (and not some kind of fake ball that is made from another material that is conductive) it could be that it is composed of conductive material. I guess if you hold a piece of gold or platinium in your hand you coul see something similar on the phone.
Pashalis said:
How do we know if that those stone balls in the videos are those ancient ones that can be found in the area?

We don't. But for anyone that goes to that area, or finds similar stone balls, it could be an easy experiment.

If it is really that kind of stone ball (and not some kind of fake ball that is made from another material that is conductive) it could be that it is composed of conductive material.

Yes. But I don't know how often are stones conductive?

I guess if you hold a piece of gold or platinium in your hand you coul see something similar on the phone.

You are right. I just tried with a golden ring and it works. Iron spoon doesn't.
goyacobol said:
Here is a quote about the Atlantean or some ancient civilization's crystal ice melting ability that the C's mention:

Session 5 December 1998
Q: (L) There is something I am missing here. (A) Much of the planet
was covered by ice, but not all.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, instead of using the areas that were NOT covered by ice,
why, in particular, was Antarctica...
A: What?!?
Q: (L) What I am getting at is: why go to all the trouble to thaw out
a whole big island if it might have been easier to have been
somewhere else?
A: Well, first of all, we thought this was Ark's turn. But, since you
have asked, is it not obvious by now? Magnetic power grid physics .
EM utilization. Crystals, and the like. Seeking paths to the interior?
The "Poles" know best!

Q: (A) ) Okay, now we have been brought to electromagnetism, and
that was my next question. I got some very old papers by
A: EM generators usually employ a grid. 'Tis for field creation.
Q: (A) When you say this, you mean A grid, not THE grid?
A: Yes. Looks like a waffle iron.
Q: (A) You mean like a waffle iron that is used in transformers?
A: Okay. Why? To duplicate nature. Earth has a web, and so doeth

It does get you thinking. I'll just leave it there for now. Sorry to get carried away. Maybe you can expand on the ideas. Thanks :)

This is not related to the properties of the newly discovered stone balls but as I was refreshing my memory I noticed my previous post about the "poles". It makes me wonder why Kerry and Obama went to Antarctica recently. Could the "paths to the interior" be part of the recent interest in Antarctica? Some think there are pyramids there too although they look more like natural rock formations to me.
Think the better question is why were they looking for a path to interior?
To me when you take into account cave people in France, Spain, underground city Derinkuyu in Turkey, even with all their technology they could not defend against cataclysms and comets so were looking for escape to interior and their civilisation survived, advanced and thrived while we the surface dwellers got stuck in repetetive cycle of destruction and building it all again from scratch, knowledge being lost and plus that thanks to mutations we got psychopaths.
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