I find myself fascinated at the progress and on going project for the existence of pyramids at Bosnia. I have to give Dr. Semir Osmanagic credit to over come the negative stance of Zahi Hawass and other personalities that have strongly criticised Osmanagic and his Pyramid hypothesis. Evidence keeps mounting that the mountain structures are pyramid shape and align to the Cardinal points. I'm curious as to what might be located inside? Below is part of an article describing testing done on the location and structures.
9 Cases That Prove the Existence of Pyramids in Bosnia
The Bosnian Pyramid of Sun, Moon and Dragon each have their four facets perfectly aligned towards the cardinal points, North, South, East and West. This orientation is a common property shared amongst many of the globes ancient Pyramids including the Pyramids of Egypt; Giza and those of China; Shaanxi Province (Photos 3&4). Unique however to the Visoko complex is the fact that the three main Pyramids each have one of their sides built into the landscape surrounding them, providing an “access plateau‟ to their peaks, which is unlike the common “free-standing” pyramid design seen elsewhere around the globe. Confirmation of the Bosnian Pyramids exactitude with geographic North has been obtained by both topographic mapping and satellite imagery. Measurements carried out by Dr. Amer Smailbegovic using the “Automated Linear-Anomaly Detector” satellite system, used for measuring tectonic lineaments, confirmed break angles of 43.822 degrees (+/- 1.6) at three of the undamaged corners (Figure 2). The exception is the South West corner of the Sun Pyramid, having become eroded in recent times, possibly due to the presence of an abandoned quarry where material was extracted from. The strong outer casing of the ancient giant pyramid structure was used in order to build the now ruined medieval fortress at the top of the Sun Pyramid, where Bosnian royalty once resided. [5]
As well as being aligned with the four cardinal points, the Pyramidal structures of Visoko also share alignments that are relative to each other (Figure 3). The first and most striking of the structural alignments present is the near perfect equilateral triangle formed between the peaks of the Sun, Moon and Dragon pyramids. Each side of this triangle is 2.2km in length (+/- 2%) and has three internal angles of 60°. Further, by producing a circumcircle around the equilateral triangle it encapsulates the peak of another topographic highpoint South-West from the Sun Pyramid. Named Cetnica, this spot height is the second highest peak in the area and is also found to have four facets, each orientated according to the cardinal points. Nearby, the highest peak within the local vicinity of Visoko is Krtnica, found west from Cetnica. By drawing a line (1) between the two highest peaks and extending that line eastwards, it indicates that both Krtnica and Cetnica are aligned with the Sun-Moon-Dragon equilateral triangles barycentre.
Within the Visoko Pyramid Valley a second group of topographic alignments also exists concurrently with the primary group, extending far beyond the central equilateral triangle. Figure 7 shows how various spot heights are aligned with each other along two separate axis (black lines), one running exactly North-South, the other approximately East-West (Note; alignments extend beyond the limits of the included figure). This arrangement, which may at first appear simply as a chance occurrence, by connecting Centnica peak found along the N-S axis with the spot height of Cella on the opposite side of the valley upon the E-W axis, it produces a triangle with base angles of approximately 51° (solid red lines). The significance of finding such a triangle hidden within the Visoko Pyramid Valley topography is made apparent when one recounts that the Great Pyramid of Giza‟s slope inclination is measured as being 51° 50′ 40″ and therefore is of the same proportion. [7]
Charles Hapgood, who produced a magnificent cartographic investigation through his book “Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings,” studied amongst others, the Piri Reis map (Figure 10). Composed by an Ottoman admiral in 1513, Hajji Ahmed Muhiddin Piri collected cartographic fragments from many different sources in order to compile his famous map. Many of these fragments are believed to be copies of copies, passed on through the ages prior to coming into the possession of Piri Reis himself. One of several important observations made by Hapgood and others is that the Piri Reis map can be seen to depict the coastlines of Africa and South America with a longitudinal accuracy discrepancy of less than half a degree. An anomaly to say the least as at the time of composition it was thought impossible to accurately calculate longitude, due to technological limitations of timekeeping. Not only this but it is also believed that the map contains an accurate representation of parts of the Antarctic coastline prior to how it appears in more recent times with its extended ice sheet cover. Hapgood was able to surmise that the centre of the Piri Reis map was calculated around Egypt having realised that the underlying geometry behind the map was based upon the use of 8×8 grids. Similar to the Ancient Greek 4×4 8 wind navigation system, the 8×8 grid system produces 16 wind Rose des vents with intervals of 22.5°. By using the 8×8 grids it allowed for accurate mapping of a spherical surface upon a flat plane as a separate grid could be used for each map fragment, using different north’s, in order to compensate for the deviation of parallel meridians as they became located further and further afield from the centre of the map.
Figure 11 is a topographic map of Visoko and its surrounding pyramids overlaid by an 8×8 grid as used by Hapgood to calculate the centre of the Piri Reis map. It can be observed that the centre of the grid is located in the same position where we find the barycentre of the Sun- Moon-Dragon equilateral triangle within the previous alignment map. All of the highest topographic spot heights within each area of the grid can be seen to occur along the gridlines. The most important locations i.e. Sun, Moon, Dragon, Love, Krtnica, and Cetnica all occur at intersecting points on the grid, where two or sometimes even three lines cross each other. The only exception here is Temple of Mother Earth, which remains considered as an important site, though does not follow the pattern of falling on one of the intersecting points. Regardless of the reason why this is the case however, the spot height still occurs along a gridline. The red dots signify known sites of archaeological interest, including Bedem, South-West of the Dragon Pyramid, where another medieval fort is situated on top of an unusually shaped topographic high. The river Fojnička that runs through the Pyramid valley also appears to run its course according to the overlaying grid, as does the orientation of the street plan of Visoko town itself, coincidentally or otherwise.
In “Map of the Ancient Sea Kings,” Hapgood hypothesised that the existence of the Piri Reis map was proof that there had, at some point in the far distant past, been a global mapping project and that the original cartographers of certain map fragments used within the Piri Reis map had full knowledge of advanced mathematics, astronomy, navigation skills and therefore had indeed the ability to accurately measure the spherical globe.
By the above example, we find then that the use of an 8×8 grid 16 wind system in the ancient past appears to not be limited to cartography and navigation but extends to being used within the underlying design principles of huge architectural projects as is seen within the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids and also at the Giza pyramid complex, Egypt (Figure 12). In Bosnia, the existence of multiple systems, both an underlying grid as well as the noted topographical alignments in the previous section, co-existing together within the same space, indicates a truly remarkable feat of multi-dimensional architectural design, planning and execution.
More recently, using the ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emissive Radiometer) Multispectral EOIR satellite system, two separate scans were made of the area, one during daylight hours and one during the nigh time. By subtracting affects of albedo, topographic shading and effects of vegetative cover using Near-Infrared imagery, it allowed for the measurement of the apparent thermal inertia of the materials beneath the soils around Visoko. Several confined areas of low thermal inertia were detected, highlighted within the square boxes (Figure 13), indicating that the materials below the surface in these areas cool faster than those of the immediate surroundings. Lower densities, increased porosity and internal cavities are expected of buried artificial structures and as such would affect the rate at which heat is irradiated from the surface.
Further evidence brought forth by biologist Dr Sulejman Redžić from the Faculty of Natural Sciences at the University of Sarajevo supports the interpretation of the satellite data. He made the observation that the biodiversity growing upon the flanks of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun is different to that of the surrounding hills beyond the Pyramid Valley. He was able to identify several plant species better suited to a warmer, Mediterranean climate which usually do not grow within the climatic conditions of the area. It was later observed that the soil temperatures were approximately 5 degrees warmer on the Pyramid of the Sun than elsewhere locally. The existence of hollow spaces below the soil surface reduces overall density and therefore not only increases the rate at which heat is lost but also increases the rate at which the area heats up.
In 1982 Joseph Davidovits, an expert in materials science and geopolymer chemistry analysed a piece of limestone sampled from the ascending passage of the Great Pyramid of Giza. His observations prompted him to suggest that rather than the stone blocks simply being shaped after quarrying, the materials used within the construction of the Great Pyramid had been artificially manufactured on the scale of microns and were in fact a form of ancient geopolymer technology. What Davidovits found with an optical microscope (Photo 6) is that the stone material used within the pyramid contained amorphous, undefined silicates whereas limestone originating from the Turah quarry nearby contained the „as would be expected‟ crystalline formed silicates. For Davidovits, the lack of silicate crystallization inferred that the silicates within the Pyramid stone must have precipitated within a very short timeframe, contrary to geological processes, and that this was evidence of a cementitious process. [10]
More recently, Davidovits has put his specialist knowledge of geopolymer chemistry towards the testing of materials sampled from the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids. Specifically, a sample was removed from within the Tumulus Vratnica and was part of the extremely dense and hard material mentioned in the previous section above, which destroyed a drill bit trying to penetrate through it. Davidovits, with the aid of an electron scanning microscope (Photo 7) concluded that the material is calcium/ potassium based geopolymer cement consisting of quartz crystals and muscovite mica. The sample also displayed similar instances of air bubbles to those identified within the 1982 Giza sample. [11]
Supporting Davidovits findings, similar analysis have taken place on material sampled from the outer casing of the Pyramid of the Sun. Often being mistaken as naturally occurring “conglomerate,” it has been confirmed by at least five institutions including “The Politecnico Di Torino” Department of Chemistry and „The Institute for Materials at the University of Zenica, as being an artificial concrete-like material. Testing carried out by Dr Azra Kurtović at “The institute of Material and Construction” within the University of Sarajevo confirmed the samples displayed not only properties of concrete but that the strength of those samples were superior to most concretes produced by today’s modern industrial processes (Photo 9). A strength exceeding 70Mpa was measured though some samples tested at the University of Zenica were recorded as having strengths of over 130Mpa, whereas modern day concrete usually will not exceed 40Mpa. The same material was also found to be as much as 5 times more resistant to water than its modern day counterpart, with its capability for absorption rated at no greater than 1.1%, making it an extremely resistant material.
Chemical analysis has found the Pyramid of the Sun concrete to be predominantly composed of carbonates followed by silicates and kaolinitic clays.
Further evidence for the artificial nature of the material the Pyramid of the Sun is composed of is the permanent geomorphologic drainage features upon the structure, or rather, the lack of.
In 2010, Physicist Slobodan Mizdrak detected an unusual electromagnetic phenomenon at two locations across the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids. Using a scalar gauss meter to detect the presence of magnetic fields and to measure their strength, Mizdrak identified a 4.5m wide confined beam of electromagnetic energy emanating from the top of the Pyramid of the Sun and a similar, though smaller, beam at the top of the Tumulus of Vratnica. Mizdraks preliminary recordings of the electromagnetism indicated that the beams energy was stable and resonating at regular intervals of 4.2 KHz, up to a frequency of 28 KHz. The strength of the beam was measured as developing 30mV when the gauss meter was being held within the beam at a distance of 1m from the surface of the pyramids peak. The voltage was recorded as increasing by a factor of over 130 to 4V when the meter was held at 3m distance from the surface. Hertzian waves are known to dissipate energy as distance increases according to Maxwell’s equations. By the observations made by Mizdrak, that the energy increases with distance from source, it appears that the electromagnetic waveforms being generated and observed on the Pyramid of the Sun are non-Hertzian, longitudinal or “scalar‟ in nature.
A year later in 2011, two more investigators independently confirmed Mizdraks initial findings by repeatedly detecting the electromagnetic phenomena, employing a variety of different apparatus to that which Mizdrak utilized. Using a custom made shielded coil antenna paired with a spectral analyser, Physicist Davor Jadrijević was able to ascertain that the electromagnetic beam is unidirectional, in that it has only a single vector which occurs perpendicular approximate to the surface of the structure. Goran Marjanovich, an electrical engineer who works with Tesla designed technologies, after taking his measurements within the Bosnian Pyramid Valley noted that the height at which the top of the Pyramid of the Sun sits above sea level (762m) is almost the same measure as Nikola Tesla’s transformer’s secondary coil wire length (781m) and that of his “Extra” coil solenoid (778m). The length of these wires within the coils were fundamental to the frequencies at which Telsa’s devices operated at, which for his wireless electrical transmission experiments operated between the frequencies of 1-100Khz, favouring frequencies between 25 – 35KHz which Telsa found “to be most economical‟ and are coincidentally within a range to that of the Bosnian Pyramids EM frequency. [13][14]
In the same year as Mizdraks 2010 electromagnetic study, research team SBRG came to Visoko and studied the archaeoacoustic properties of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun. The team, led by anthropologist Prof. Paolo Derbertolis and assisted by sound engineer Heikki Savolainen, used professional sound recording equipment allowing measurement and recording of both audible sound and inaudible subsonic and ultrasonic mechanical waveforms. During their investigations SBRG detected ultrasonic emissions present at the top of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, near to the source of the EM beam. It was found that the ultrasonic frequencies being emitted by the pyramid had an almost exact and continuous frequency to that of the electromagnetism (28 kHz) [15].
The production of the pyramid ultrasound can be attributed to the presence of large amounts of quartz within the construction material of the Pyramid itself. The quartz, when an electrical field is applied, generates an amount of internal mechanical strain within each individual crystal, causing it to vibrate at a frequency high enough to produce ultrasound. This phenomenon, known as the piezo-electric effect, is therefore a response to the electromagnetism that the pyramid is emitting.
As can be seen by the silhouette formed by the Visoko pyramid landscape (Figure 16), it resembles that of the constellation Cassiopeia. The mytho-historical narrative displayed via the landscape presented from Ginje Mound is undoubtedly through the depiction of this star constellation, which in the past would have risen from behind, to directly above the centre of the landscape immediately after the winter solstice sunset, approximately 16000 years ago (Figure 17).
Note: Graphs and additional information at the link.