Olympic games in Paris (2024)

What does a bull have to do with the chorus? Decoration? A sculpture that was already there and they decided not to remove it?

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This is the symbolism for Baal. They used it frequently.



Some historical perspectives :

The Cabal or dark occultists, also known as the Illuminati or NWO, revere the destructive forces in the Universe, represented by many different symbols and names, among them, Ba’al and its derivatives.




At least South Africa stood in support of Russia - we were also not featured in the opening ceremony- but maybe that was as a result of standing up to Israel in the ICJ?
I think South Africa was the fourth or fifth or third? country featured, as the countries were featured in alphabetical order.... Afrique du Sud. As for Russia, shame on the organizers for the continued boycot. They even had the refugee team but they did not have the athletes competing on the olympic banner.
Did anyone see China or Iran? I seem to have miss both.
Updated 10:52 AM GMT+2, July 26, 2024
PARIS (AP) — On a typical summer day, tourists flock to the historic Marais district of Paris, wandering its charming medieval streets dotted with ultra-chic boutiques, gazing at stunning private mansions, strolling through the elegant 17th-century square Place des Vosges, and filling humming restaurants and bars.
But this summer has hardly been typical, and those streets, shops and cafes have been markedly emptier in the days leading up to the Paris Olympics — leaving businesses like Stolly’s Stone Bar, a pub popular with English speakers, pining for summers past.

It’s a far cry from what business owners expected when they first heard the Olympics were coming to Paris, says David Carroll, who stood behind the bar on a recent, slow weekday.

“It’s sure not the Olympics we were hoping for — so far, anyway,” said Carroll, a Canadian who has been working in the neighborhood for 20 years. “It’s the same for everyone around here.”

Carroll attributes the light crowds to multiple factors, but first and foremost the chilling effect from security measures that have had tourists encountering metal fences, police checkpoints and demands for a special QR code that they may have neglected to obtain — a digital pass required to access some popular areas before Friday’s highly secured opening ceremony along the Seine River.

Now, visitors are facing major disruptions after officials reported fires and other sabotage to the high-speed rail network.

Some would-be tourists decided to avoid Paris altogether during the Olympics, fearing high prices, crowds or general chaos. On top of that, many Parisians have escaped the city in their usual summer exodus — likely even more so this year.

“Many tourists haven’t arrived yet and Parisians have left, so it’s kind of a combination,” Carroll said. And as for the tourists who are here, “people aren’t able to move around, so wherever they are, they’re kind of stuck in their areas.”

He’s hopeful this is “the calm before the storm” and that after Friday’s opening ceremony, things will loosen up. But for now, it can be an ordeal to make even a simple urban trip.

Just ask Gillian Levison and Richard Mitchell. The British couple traveled by train from London this week precisely because, Mitchell said, they figured flying during the Olympics would be “a nightmare.” The rail journey went smoothly until they arrived at the Gare du Nord, the train station in the north of Paris, and found their pre-ordered taxi had been canceled.

There was a “terrific queue” for taxis at the station, Levison said, and while they felt lucky to find one, the odyssey to their hotel on the Left Bank took two hours and cost 200 euros ($217), exponentially more than it would normally cost.

The irony is that the couple, who live in Dorset, England, have no interest “in those blessed Olympics,” as Levison puts it. “Definitely not here for that,” she said. Rather, they are attending a family wedding in the countryside and wanted to spend a few days in Paris first.

“It seems they didn’t think much about how people were going to get across the river,” Mitchell said of Paris authorities.

It’s all been certainly hurting the business hopes of Jean-Pierre Salson, who owns Factory’s Paris, a shop in the Marais specializing in menswear. Salson estimates business is down 30% compared with this time last year and probably 40% among American customers.

“It’s been very slow since the beginning of June,” he said, “and July is worse. There’s a lot less tourists, from all the countries. I think they’re avoiding France and Paris because they’re afraid of the Olympics.”

And for those who are in Paris, it’s especially hard to get to the center, he added. “There are restricted areas you can’t get to by car. So you need to walk, and some subway stations are closed.”

Analysts say the high costs of travel to Paris this Olympic season — and staying there once they arrive — means some planes are landing with empty seats and hotels are not as booked as they normally would be in the summer high season.

Olivier Ponti, vice president of insights at ForwardKeys, a travel data company with access to airline industry ticketing data, said arrivals to Paris in the three weeks before the Games were down 13% from a year earlier, meaning typical tourists are holding off on trips. But those coming to Paris for the Games have sent arrivals up by 8% during the Olympic period, he said.

Some tourists who would traditionally have been pouring in at this point of the summer “have been put off by high prices and communication on the number of new obstacles created by the Olympic Games,” such as landmarks being closed or difficulties getting around, he said. “Those traditional travelers have decided that it would be probably great to visit Paris, but not at that time.”

Airlines are feeling the pain. Ponti said that some planes arriving in Paris are not full after many airlines increased capacity for the Games and charged “really high fares.” Air France-KLM said it expects a 150 million to 170 million euro drop in revenue from the Games in the third quarter, while Delta foresees a $100 million hit from June to August.

Those visitors who do get to Paris face high prices at hotels, leading to rooms sitting empty, according to Tim Hentschel, CEO of Hotelplanner, a hotel booking platform. Paris hotels are seeing 70% occupancy compared with 90% at the same time last year, he said this week, noting that the average rate was twice as high as it usually is — at 700 euros a night.

“The prices that they were charging for Paris hotel rooms and Paris travel over those Olympic days were just too high for consumers to bear,” Hentschel said, adding that hotels are now starting to drop rates dramatically.

Airbnb, on the other hand, has not seen the same issues. It said in a statement that the Paris Olympics is “one of the biggest hosting events in Airbnb history, with more guests staying in local homes on Airbnb than at any event, ever before.”

Some business owners say they believe — or simply hope — that things will get better as the city becomes easier to navigate after Friday’s opening ceremony. Though officials say the rail disruptions may last at least through the weekend.

“It’s true, it’s very quiet now,” Guillaume Faller, who manages the Feria restaurant in the Marais, said this week. “Much quieter than the same period last year. But I think it will bounce back in a few days. In any case, I hope so. But for now, the (situation) is clearly not what we expected it to be.”

Salson, the clothing shop owner, believes it’s just a matter of patience.

”I (just) have to wait,” he said. “I’m sure they will be back, because I had many American customers telling me in the spring: ‘Well, see you in September, October and November!’”

Can the Olympics Save the Summer?
In the nick of time from Paris: Sprinters, ballers, leapers, break dancers (!), Seine-swimming triathletes (!!) and robot Al Michaels (!!!) are here to provide badly needed seasonal relief
One minute read with Audio

The Secret Russians at the Paris Olympics
Two-minute read or with Audio

It is good that they are complaining, it would be good if the other delegations would do the same.

On purpose, is plant based food menu agenda. If there was artistic decadence, there is also decadence in other fields. Surely the delegations were not warned about such detail. At least the GB athletes can take their/being sent food with/to them and/or others from Europe, due the proximity. The rest of the world will have to put up with it.
Add...until they complain.

Paris Olympics: Vegan is the way to go as Games Village reduces meat, cheese, dairy products on menu to reduce carbon footprint
And don't forget they will be getting their protein from insects! As per the cockroaches agenda.
But you can guarantee that they will be diving in to the best bon file, escargot, entrecote and truffles at the L'ouvre banquet for the elite!
Updated 10:52 AM GMT+2, July 26, 2024
PARIS (AP) — On a typical summer day, tourists flock to the historic Marais district of Paris, wandering its charming medieval streets dotted with ultra-chic boutiques, gazing at stunning private mansions, strolling through the elegant 17th-century square Place des Vosges, and filling humming restaurants and bars.

Can the Olympics Save the Summer?
In the nick of time from Paris: Sprinters, ballers, leapers, break dancers (!), Seine-swimming triathletes (!!) and robot Al Michaels (!!!) are here to provide badly needed seasonal relief
One minute read with Audio

The Secret Russians at the Paris Olympics
Two-minute read or with Audio

Cross sign made with both hands sequentially in the clip with the blue outfit bearded woman, by the minions of the Antichrist.
About algorithms.
No way I will watch this 'ceremony'.
But I wanted to see how people generally react, so I opened the Instagram, to place my finger on the 'cultured' people artery. 🤔
I usually found similar text under the pictures:

' Uncultured people don't recognise art and giving uneducated opinions.'
' Paris just changed the opening ceremony game. Magnifique.'

And critical messages were usually hidden....
I am glad to see quite a lot of French people on social media feeling disgusted by what they witnessed last night. In previous Olympics, the opening and closing ceremonies made the citizens of the hosting countries proud of their heritage. Last night Macron's government showed his citizens that he doesn't represent them, he insulted all French Christians, and showed the world that France has no culture other than degenerate, perverted, cannibalistic, satanic creepiness. Which is absolutely not true! It might be his way of coming out of the closed, but the French are paying the price, figuratively, and literally in taxes.

Olympics are about the perfection of the human form and its ability to perform extraordinary fits, but none of this was even hinted at Macron's drag show. I bet the Russian athletes feel relieved to be excluded now.
I watched the tape delay broadcast in the US and I can scarcely believe what a titanic load of (mostly) garbage I witnessed. The USA announcers were annoying, blabbering idiots who added next to nothing.

Lady Gaga's bit was ridiculous. The metal band Gojira stationed on balconies of an antique building with the opera singer in boat on the Seine was powerful and bizarre, especially when the crimson streamers blasted out of the windows echoing the blood spurting from Marie Antoinette's severed head.

I too was thinking each major network in each country would have their own unique media cuts and spliced in BS. For example, I can’t imagine the ménage a trois dans la bibliotheque cringe-fest playing well in a Muslim country. Awkward.

The “chick” from Mali (looked and moved like a dude if you ask me) made me wonder if the dance moves by his/her/its dancing cohort are perhaps not dark magic incantations. These dance moves are not fluid, neither masculine nor feminine and have become universal standard dance moves.

Dude playing Debussy (I think?) in the rain was awesome. Rendition of Imagine was pathetically weak. The identity of the rider on the silver horse was never discussed by the idiots on American TV who obliterated the drama of the horse racing across the Seine by jacking their jaws the whole time. I concluded it was a vague unacknowledged nod to Jean d'Arc. Throw a small bone to the Catholics. (see Alana's comments above) Of course they had to bury that religious reference. The imagery they achieved was fantastic. (give credit where credit is due) Jean in her armor looked like the transfigured Jesus concept of a person of light. Celine Dione was amazing and powerful on a poignant (and difficult to sing) Edith Piaf song to cap it off.

On balance the wokeness was WAY over-the-top. The programming and messaging was thick. The Eiffel Tower light show was awesome but probably created a sinister opening to input the programming. So why did I watch? I knew it would be something the Vigilant Citizen will dissect and show how evil it was.

I watched to see. To make snide remarks, roll my eyes and to test out my armor. If the field of play is going to be equalized and all sides will be able to see each other, then the time to get in shape for that confrontation and level of awareness/seeing is at hand. The evil aspect of their shows is a laughable farce. I am reminded of the French on the ramparts in Monty Python's Holy Grail. "I fart in the general direction of your almighty laser light show and refuse to bow down to your Silly Lady Men." Something like that.

OF course I could be wrong about that horse and rider after seeing what Keit wrote! LOL
I think South Africa was the fourth or fifth or third? country featured, as the countries were featured in alphabetical order.... Afrique du Sud. As for Russia, shame on the organizers for the continued boycot. They even had the refugee team but they did not have the athletes competing on the olympic banner.
Did anyone see China or Iran? I seem to have miss both.
Yes, South Africa was among the first delegations to parade, China and Iran were there, there even was a delegation from Hong-Kong and Tapei/Taiwan😉 . I waited until the end hoping Russia would at least send a small delegation... I am disgusted that countries like Israel, Sudan, Azerbajan were here, but Russia was excluded. In a better world, all countries would have been present. This is a parody of the Olympic spirit and frankly, that's childlish.

The show was promising at the beginning, but when they started throwing that polyamarous LGBTQXWY ++, I felt ashamed for them. Really, how can one be so disconnected from reality that you believe people around the world are going to resonate with a parody of the Last Supper, a drag show with a child dancing for adults, a a fashion show that is light-years away from what Dior or Chanel would produce?

The highlight of the event for me was the lady who sang La Marseillaise on the rooftop, that's what I call talent:

So they chose a character from Assasins Creed as worthy to carry the torch ? Well he's still walking around the event where a gay "style" seems to predominate.

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The Assassins Creed also has an oath that initiates to the order swear:

“Where other men blindly follow the truth, remember, Nothing is true.

Where other men are limited by morality or law, remember, Everything is permitted.

We work in the dark to serve the light. We are Assassins.”
I haven't seen any of the opening ceremony footage that is being played in Australia. Given channel 9's staffing issues apparently only highlights were shown and there was no mention of any of the woke stuff, so Australian viewers may be unaware of all that is going on and it seems that a lot of youtube footage is blocked from view here.
I haven't watched the opening ceremony outside of what I've seen in this thread.. Very sad, but not very surprising. Except the lacklustreness/incompetence of some of it, I hadn't really expected that. Probably should've.. makes sense. I'll be interested to hear what my family (who are all really into the olympics, or at least were in the past) made of it all. edit: oh, seeing Jones's comment above, maybe they won't have seen much of it..

A few days ago the TV here was showing "highlights from olympics opening ceremonies", and at first I misunderstood, thinking it was highlights from the 2024 one (didn't know it hadn't happened yet at the time).. Watching some of that, I WAS surprised. I thought "wow, it's actually good and normal!?"... Then realised it was all from the beforetimes..
Yeah, quit catastrophic. The Marseillaise is sang by a black girl, the republican guard go with a black girl, they really try to change the vib of the country. And nothing spectacular, small show not appealing at all.

Look at Sochi 2014 in Russia by comparison....

I see your point with the lady who sang the Marseillaise, but I wouldn't fault her, she did an great job. Granted, her skin color probably helped, but she has talent. We have oversee territories and the people there are mostly black. What's unhealthy is this attemps to erase French culture, values and people and make a mockery of it.

If we were living in a country were people's wishes and values were respected, with no mass immigration or white-bashing, a country more like Russia, I don't think that lady's color would have caused a problem.
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