Search results for query: propaganda

  • Before: Feb 18, 2024
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  1. Ryan

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine that eventuality. In Navalny's case, beaming would almost certainly result in a precision disposal that could be timed for maximum propaganda effect. It would be interesting to know whether any other prisoners or personnel at the facility reported cardiac events or disturbances on that...
  2. Y

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    ...and quality of all kinds of "shit" about Russia, ranging from "innocent" manipulations to outright lies, which is splashed out by Western propaganda and, accordingly, absorbed by the masses, amazes me when I come across this. Here is the last example in which the author, opposing Tucker...
  3. Natus Videre

    Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

    United Kingsrael... United States of Israel... Canadisrael... Austrael... New Zisraeland... Now it's becoming crystal clearael...
  4. fifty_five

    Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

    It's something I have been pondering for a long time. Maybe it's OT and I apologize if of the case delete it, but don juan's assertion that reason testifies the effects of tonal is spinning around in my brain :lol:. And tonal is everything we describe, god(s) and wannabe gods included. And it's...
  5. Jebra

    Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide Israel, and the Lowkey video shows just one facet of this capture. I feel so hopeless here watching this wicked evil taking place and feeling powerless to do anything about it while the propaganda saturates everything. I really worry what might happen here if/when Israel gets it's just...
  6. W

    Predictions and Prophecies a SINGLE STATEMENT she made in the actual affadavit that she gave Sydney Powell. That type of argument is nonsensical and just obvious propaganda. I thought I made it clear in my very first post on this matter I did not blanketly trust her. The exact quote was "I tend to wonder if she...
  7. Evan

    Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

    If it helps at all Liza, I feel exactly the same way. You’ve articulated my feelings perfectly. Hopefully together we’ll all raise the frequency of our collective souls and bring about some kind of peace. The world needs us. Like Aragorn and yourself, I feel bereft and hopeless every time I open...
  8. loreta

    Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

    Let's be witnesses, and if we have to be silent, because soon it will be forbidden to talk about the Palestinians, about Gaza, about genocide. Fortunately we have this space here to speak and reflect because what they want is to prevent us from reflecting and loving the Palestinians, loving them...
  9. Alejo

    Tucker Carlson interviews & ideologies

    ...I specially liked his take on the shopping carts "so you can't take them to your homeless encampment lol" Goes to show you the level of propaganda and how deep down it goes in the West that it's shocking that Russia has supermarkets and that their economy is doing well, and that their...
  10. Possibility of Being

    Tucker Carlson interviews & ideologies

    That's a shame that "Simplicius" left out any credits for the interview, snippets of which he posted in several tweets. Interesting indeed! Pavel Zaburin is considered one of the most prominent young stars in Russian journalism. Known for his exclusive reports for Russia-1 and other main...
  11. happyliza

    Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

    ...(which of course nukes do too). The mere mention of the plight of the Palestinians gets people imprisoned now, yet 'they' promote their propaganda wherever they wish, and have always done so. There are far more weaponised anti Israel countries now in the world, yet the hubris of the...
  12. EmeraldR

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    ...similarly censored and silenced. Together, they have created The Cape Byron Lighthouse Declaration to raise awareness about the widespread propaganda and censorship of expert scientific opinion. You can read and sign the declaration here: – adding your...
  13. mabar

    Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

    We will have to keep observing. One would want to see all the propaganda collapse like a house of cards. Putin at Carlson's interview stated that he could not win to west propaganda, that's why he is doing things in most strategic ways. In the meantime, Israel, the US and Egypt seem to be...
  14. XPan

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    ...on. You see, that's where Nazism started! So if it is so widespread, we should also think about building up this anti-fascist, anti-Nazi propaganda and work on a global level. I repeat, on a global level. And it should not be done on a state level. It will only be effective if it is done at...
  15. XPan

    Tucker Carlson interviews & ideologies

    ...on. You see, that's where Nazism started! So if it is so widespread, we should also think about building up this anti-fascist, anti-Nazi propaganda and work on a global level. I repeat, on a global level. And it should not be done on a state level. It will only be effective if it is done at...
  16. Laurentien2

    Biden-Harris Administration: The Empire Strikes Back

    ...the expert were rushing to explain it as a reentry of a satellite into the atmosphere but, haven't read anything so far from any agency or expert. A quick search gave nothing else but the video and photos. So yes, let keep our eyes and ears open there may be more than propaganda behind this.
  17. irjO

    Tucker Carlson interviews & ideologies

    ...gotta give credits where credit is, I had the same sentiment Chaze had as well, but is not so white and black situation, remember that the propaganda against Putin and Russia is so high, that Tucker somehow needed to balance the way he approached the interview. Was the best approach? I...
  18. Alejo

    Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

    ...has been clearly anti Israel. And then, there's this, Moscow is holding meeting for Palestinian leadership to address one of the biggest propaganda pieces by Israel, that Palestine has no way to change leadership. It's also interesting what may come out of this meeting, in terms of...
  19. W

    Tucker Carlson interviews & ideologies those terms. It is just two different mentalities, which to some extent better explains why Russia really is not doing as good in the propaganda war. Putin would have been well served to have an American like Scott Ritter come in and help him prepare some talking points that would stick...
  20. Evan

    Tucker Carlson interviews & ideologies

    Think whole situation with the literally over a billion people having seen this, and the great reorientation that’s occurring makes me look at the Cs many remarks about networking from an entirely next level perspective. Networking on this forum has been what I’ve taken it to mean, but now we’re...
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