Search results for query: holocaust

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  1. zak

    Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

    ...For me, this is a conscious setting in motion, as for the Nazis of a superior Aryan race, here of the chosen race proclaimed by the messianic/revisionist Zionists with divine power and the Shoah under their arm, all that stands in their way will simply be killed by bombardment, by famine, by...
  2. Approaching Infinity

    "Enjoying The Show" As The World Burns

    Yeah, more or less. What's your point, though? Mine was that not all lessons are based on a profile, and not all people even have a well-defined profile, so ascribing events to "karma" won't always be accurate. For example: I think this is probably the most extensive discussion mentioning karma...
  3. iamthatis

    Various interesting things regarding Canada

    ...descendants. When Europeans resist, the Jews raise the alarm over ethnocentrism, which is a short step away from anti-semitism and another Holocaust. Meanwhile, they themselves maintain their ethnocentrism, and also sense of superiority. European resistance to immigration or other...
  4. meadow_wind

    Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

    ...and then to steal their land. And this is what other Israeli leaders think. They think God is telling them to carry out a slaughter, a Holocaust, of Palestinians. Turns out they're inbred genetic defects who are hearing voices because of the schizophrenia. Yeah. So the people who claim...
  5. Miracle

    "Enjoying The Show" As The World Burns

    Perhaps a related question here is if the Palestinian people are expunging some karmic debt with their current situation? If yes, that would at least put their current suffering into a lesson profile context. Not that that would make the situation enjoyable, but it would make it more...
  6. Bastian

    Tales of infanticide have stoked hatred of Jews for centuries. They echo still today

    ...Jewish community organisations, the legal charge of "crime against humanity" should be reserved to the WW2 Jewish genocide... (AKA Shoah / Holocaust -- BTW I strongly dislike this last term, because it means "(voluntary) sacrifice by fire"... one can guess for what intent !). My first...
  7. Evan

    Hitler and WWII

    I’m reminded of a friend I had in high school in the early 1980s. He was from Augsburg and moved to Southern California as a boy. He used to sit in his room and listen to albums of recordings of Hitler’s speeches. He didn’t hate Jews per se, but referred always to “dirty Jewish lies”. He once...
  8. Alejo

    Hitler and WWII

    ...perhaps gets associated with jews in general period. Which is halfway wrong, but right enough for people to associate Hitler with holocaust and the prospect of removing a bad influence from positions of power in the world, looking less shocking considering the lens through which it is looked...
  9. Evan

    Hitler and WWII

    ...become what it has. It’s been mentioned in this thread how many Jews died in Russian programs. It could actually be more in total than the Holocaust’s numbers. Not to mention there are many who believe those numbers were greater inflated as has virtually everything in Jewish history and...
  10. Joe

    Hitler and WWII usually overly demonized. But was Hitler a "good guy"? Hardly. In the final analysis, his targeting of Jews led to what is called the Holocaust and that has been used since then to justify the creation of the state of Israel and everything that has gone with it. At the very least then...
  11. A Jay

    Hitler and WWII

    @Jim Daniels, I recommend that you read the C's transcripts on Hitler as it becomes abundantly clear in them that Hitler was not fighting a morally justified war of self-defense. Also, Laura wrote a good post here on the topic of Hitler that should dispel any illusion that Hitler was 'fighting...
  12. hiker

    Session 17 August 2024 front of the camp; perhaps seeing the place for the first time, knowing its heavy history, had its effect also. We then walked (I was with a friend) the grounds and visited the buildings on our own. Yeah, the concept of the Holocaust is taken advantage of and is used for nefarious purposes.
  13. taratai

    Session 17 August 2024

    ...ourselves - those in charge of Auschwitz today WANT people to feel uneasy when going there, and it the entire tour was designed to invoke those feelings. It is supposed to have a negative impact on visitors, and to feed the "Holocaust Was The Worst Thing That Happened To Humanity EVER" egregore.
  14. hiker

    Session 17 August 2024

    ...mentioned, I remembered seeing him on the evening news back in the nineties and how he was being portrayed as a madman for "denying" the Holocaust. In the snippet shown, people actually spat on him, and there was almost a lynch mob mentality occurring. Apparently it was a smear campaign...
  15. luc

    Hitler and WWII

    ...hand of Poles after Versailles, and the Poles under the Nazis; the Britains massacred Palestinians in 1937 in a way that rivals the worst Holocaust gore stories. The British were blown to pieces and hanged from lampposts by Zionists. Britains savagely firebombed German civilians, and millions...
  16. Fireflybee

    Elon Musk: Tech Genius! Green Warrior! Biz King! Good Oligarch?

    ...good people, spread fake truth, not really truth, moderate truth etc making X to make normal people feel like being in the digital holocaust for human souls, as in parallel all he do is working hard to put it down literary any government or system or anyone in person he doesn't like, and what...
  17. Ca.

    Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

    What strange bedfellows in the Israel-Gaza Conflict and the Dutch alliance 00:00 Introduction 01:35 Nora Barrows-Friedman delivers news report 18:22 Abubaker Abed reports live from Gaza 40:46 Hatem Abudayyeh of US Palestinian Community Network on where the protest movement goes next, and the...
  18. Ca.

    Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

    ...11:06 AM · Mar 5, 2024 Electronic intifada > How Zionists collaborated with the NazisActivist and blogger Tony Greenstein, a veteran of the Palestine solidarity movement in the UK, about his new book "Zionism During the Holocaust: The Weaponization of Memory in the Service of State and Nation."
  19. Laura

    Session 17 August 2024

    I didn't ask 'why' because I pretty much know why. Read Douglas Reed's book "Controversy of Zion" for your answer. Added:
  20. Laura

    Session 17 August 2024

    Exactly. We don't know the further parameters of this change in the plan. True enough. Perhaps they are sacrificing themselves to open the eyes of humanity to the real nature of the 'master race', i.e. the Jews. Amen to that! One also might want to consider the nature of prayers and the...
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