"Enjoying The Show" As The World Burns

Great discussion and thanks for bringing so many different input to it.
Ditto and I thought I'll give my 2 cents.

One of the things that came up as extremely problematical for me was a past life as a Jewish girl. Whether real past life or not, it felt real as my material body. It was basically the equivalent of what the Palestinians are being subjected to. Back then, before that past life recollection, I was stuck in a victim mentality that was having pathological consequences. Touched by evil, as it were.

The energy pattern stuck in me was "why me" and "why nobody came to save me" "why the abandonment?" "what did I do to deserve that?". The help that came my way was from a "healing angel" that went through the same experience back in her day on this plane. The healing experience was so unexpectedly effective, that from that point on, I just didn't felt the urge to feel like the victim anymore. I was finally able to focus in what was in front of me without major anticipations or expectations, I was just fine learning the lessons in front of me. I understood that I was given a second chance and according to my timeline, it took at least a couple of lifetimes in between and a lot of knowledge and asking before I was able to metabolize what happened "back then".

It made me think how a future self could be just as essential in the healing process as the problematical past life, and how "healing angels" beyond this reality like when do SRT are also essential, how complex everything is related and how non-material realms are even more essential.

Even though I can't find a logical argument I would not trade that experience for anything in the world, I think it was a key soul quest experience.

Relating with their experience and knowing there's light at the end of the tunnel makes their healing more possible. Just how I felt when that "healing angel" came to assist in my cleansing.

The entire discussion does remind me as well of the concept of Crucifixion:

Q: (L) Well, choosing makes me think of what the Apostle Paul was saying when he talked about making... I mean, basically what it amounted to was making your choices based on the unseen world or on unseen realities. In a funny sort of way, today I had like a little realization because I was trying to understand why for Paul, the death of his Christ or the crucifixion was THE most important thing. For him it was the death, not the resurrection. It finally occurred to me that the reason it was so important was because - and this is according to Paul - his Christ went to his death with absolute faith even in the face of everything being wrong and against him. The way it's depicted in the Gospel of Mark, not only did the disciples not understand, not only is he abused, tortured, and rejected by literally everybody... I mean, everybody flees from him in the Gospel of Mark, which is the first gospel. Everybody. There are no women at the cross. There are no supporters. There's nobody. He did that willingly - the way it's depicted, and it's an allegory - because his faith in the unseen necessity and the other world and what would happen after the death was so strong he could and would do it. It was a matter of this faith that what was unseen was more real and lasting that the seen reality. Am I right? Seeing the unseen is the key?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So Paul was concerned with restoring humanity to the Edenic state. He uses the symbol as one man, the First Adam, and death came to all. And then by one man life came to all. It struck me that the possibility... Well, what the C's have said is that when the Fall happened, it happened to everyone. It wasn't just like one person. It happened to everyone. So it seems to me that this primal man that is Adam is a representation of all. It's not just one man that caused everybody to go kaflooey. And they've said that it was the female energy consorted with the STS reality. Is that what we're looking at here, only the reversal of the process? In other words, a group of people that have that kind of faith that in the face of everything being literally awful as it is in our world today, that they still have faith in the other reality, they still have faith in doing good, doing right, being loving, that they do not buy into the whole Darwinian materialistic thing, and basically they don’t believe those lies and by those means they are able to, at a certain point in time that Paul called the culmination of the ages, be restored to this Edenic state... in other words a 4D STO reality. Am I interpreting that correctly?

A: Oh that was beautiful!! We are impressed!
What if they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time? As another example, using nukes wouldn't be a huge sin if it was all just karma and a manifestation of higher-choice free will to have your body and soul ripped to pieces.

I think the Cs have said that our idea of karma isn't quite right. 'Karma' seems to be, more or less, just lessons based on your 'profile'.

I don't think so. Free will isn't always respected.

I think the point was that free will is always 'respected' if the definition of free will is that it is based on knowledge. It's basically cause and effect.
I think the Cs have said that our idea of karma isn't quite right. 'Karma' seems to be, more or less, just lessons based on your 'profile'.

I think the point was that free will is always 'respected' if the definition of free will is that it is based on knowledge. It's basically cause and effect.
I think that's along the lines of what I was thinking when I was trying to separate free will from just "wanting" something. There's a lot of things people want or don't want but have no power to affect. STO would respect people's preferences whenever possible, STS just does what they want to anyone they can do it to. So if I want something, but don't have the knowledge of how to accomplish it, can I blame anyone but my own ignorance or incompetence? What's infringing on my free will in this case? And conversely, if I'm a 6D dude, there's nothing 4D can do to stop me from doing whatever I aim to do.

So attempting to apply it to Trump's assassination and the C's comment about it, one way to look at it is that a lot of people have the desire to keep him safe, and the PTB for some reason have to respect this desire or suffer some kind of cosmic consequence. Maybe, but the comparison to violating gravity kinda seemed like it's literally difficult if almost impossible for them to accomplish in some way - like something literally impedes their efforts. So is it possible that all those prayers for Trump isn't simply "a lot of people really want this" situation, but maybe it creates a literal barrier of some sort that is difficult to penetrate, some kind of aura of protection.

One possible example of such is the hyperdimensional bubble of protection over the Chateau. If it's as protective as the C's suggest, is it so because of our collective desires to keep the occupants and their mission safe, and the universe punishes anyone who contradicts the desire of a large group of people with karma - or is it an actual "firewall" - a literal "fence" for all intents and purposes?

I think it would be neat to clarify free will violation with the C's - like what exactly makes it "difficult" or "impossible" in some cases? Is it the case of something simple like knowledge protects, and hyperdimensional shields protect? Or does the mere existence of many people desiring a particular thing, even if they don't have any knowledge or strive to erect a barrier, do something?

Of course desiring is not exactly the same as praying either. Praying might work differently and involve someone with knowledge answering a prayer and providing a literal bubble of protection or whatever.
I think the Cs have said that our idea of karma isn't quite right. 'Karma' seems to be, more or less, just lessons based on your 'profile'.
Yeah, more or less. What's your point, though? Mine was that not all lessons are based on a profile, and not all people even have a well-defined profile, so ascribing events to "karma" won't always be accurate. For example:
Q: (Ark) I understand that there were many factors that came together. But question is if such an end was somehow written in her karma? (Joe) Did she choose? You know, other sources always talk about people choosing to die - at some level there’s a choice made. Is that the case here?

A: Too much credibility is given to the idea of “karma”. Anybody can be “taken out” if their awareness is not sufficient to the situation. But as is the case, it follows the general rules of 3D reality. 4D STS can maneuver through agents mainly, environment, and that sort of thing.
I think this is probably the most extensive discussion mentioning karma in the transcripts:
Q: (L) Well, I certainly intend to do that. Now, I want to slide in a personal question. Regarding my present living conditions, I would like to know if this is karmic?

A: All difficulties in personal life are karmic in one way or another. [Does this apply to everyone, just souled people, or even just L? And are all difficulties in personal life the result of karma, or do some just initiate it?] Especially those involving interactions with other souled beings. [This seems to imply a souled/not-souled distinction.] And the closer the interactions, the more karmic they are. This you already know.

Q: (L) Well, the difficult thing is to know what is the best thing to do.

A: Learning images is the process that is ongoing throughout all existence, and is achieved by one action or another. Any and all actions, any and all possible actions, any and all directions of actions facilitate continued learning. Therefore, it is not possible in the ultimate sense, to make mistakes. But, one must experience whatever is karmic to its full extent. The choices made reflect choices made prior to entering the physical plane of third density, combined with the opportunities that present themselves with the variability of reality in its fluid state. Therefore, the decisions to be made will present themselves when they are to be made, and it is only one’s ability to accept interpretation objectively that determines whether the learning process will deliver greater or lesser degrees of pain.

Q: (L) Why does learning have to be painful?

A: It doesn’t.

Q: (L) Well, it seems that it invariably is for me.

A: That is according to the perceptions of the experiencer, not according to any absolute criteria.
At least in the early sessions, the way the C's use the term seems pretty standard, e.g. an imbalance is acquired in interactions with a person in one life, creating unresolved issues that carry over into a future life with the same person, and involving some "punishment" for some past action and often a role reversal (e.g. parent/child, Nazi/Jew).
Q: (L) Could you tell us what karma was being expunged in that activity [the Holocaust], and what group the Jews represented?

A: This is not germane, but it was Atlantean overseers “expunging” guilt from that life experience.
Q: (L) Are you saying that the Jews were not the only ones in the holocaust?

A: No special karmic significance to being “Jewish”, special significance is experiencing holocaust for purpose of purging extraordinary karmic debt.
A: Karma. Punishment for past society which was cruel master hierarchical.
Q: What is the nature of the karma?

A: Role reversal.
Q: (L) What caused Frank to spend so many years interacting with a person such as N___ E___?

A: That was part of the learning process and was also karmic in nature.
I think the point was that free will is always 'respected' if the definition of free will is that it is based on knowledge. It's basically cause and effect.
Yes, I just don't think that's a very useful way of defining it. It's like "all is one" - true on some level, but not very helpful or reflective of what actually happens here. For all intents and purposes - i.e. as it applies to people living in 3D, and interacting with 4D - free will is violated all the time. In those cases where it is, it provides the opportunity to learn a lesson, like how to gain more knowledge so that your free will isn't violated the same way in the future.

While searching the transcripts, found another relevant to the discussion here that echoes points others have already brought up:
Q: (L) I would like to know what is the Karmic ramification of the killing of those two little boys in South Carolina by their mother? Everybody in the U.S. will be interested in this one, maybe not Katmandu, though.

Pain teaches.

Q: (L) And, in this case is the mother suffering the pain?

A: And all others involved including the whole nation. All is lessons.

Q: (L) Did these two little boys volunteer to come in for this purpose?

A: Yes. Were higher density beings on mission. [L's note: "Well, I don’t know about that; I do know that reading the story of the mother who committed this awful deed was very sad. She was very damaged herself and the whole thing was an ugly mess."]
Yes, I just don't think that's a very useful way of defining it. It's like "all is one" - true on some level, but not very helpful or reflective of what actually happens here.
Free will clashes are kind of odd. Whether a 'violation' exists or not seems to have a kind of superpositional nature. On one hand, there appears to be a sort of 'domination' of one idea oppressing another, yet there appears equally to be a sort of 'submission' by one idea to allow the other to 'dominate'. Did one side dominate the other, or did one side agree to submit? Is this just semantics, or is there a qualitative difference of perspective between the two options?

The way I see it at the moment, is that the notion of a free will 'violation' is an STS perspective that derives from the STS reality we unfortunately still inhabit. It contains the implicit assumption that something can happen to a person which they, on some level, didn't choose, which opens the door to an abnegation of responsibility and loss of creative power.

Even if you consider the perspective of knowledge and how someone can choose freely if they are unaware of an option, naivety, at the highest level, is also a choice: the choice of a consciousness unit to "fall" from 7D and exist outside of unity with All Knowledge/All.

So the 'problem', as you point out, is not really whether free will is always respected, it's whether using such a concept is useful for communicating with traumatised people who have been conditioned, on some level, into thinking their free will can be 'violated'.

Well, the specific situation is going to win there every time. At the same time, can we say that generally it's more useful to use one concept than the other? I think we can; that it's generally more useful to speak the truth than it isn't. Therefore, free will violations do not exist and any appearances of such are merely artistic representations - using a lie to reveal a greater truth, or so I think.

The larger context to this particular point seems to be an endless back-and-forth on various topics on this forum between, when there is a mismatch between what is true and what is useful for communication, whether what is useful can somehow be justified as generally 'more true' because it is useful for communication. It cannot, and I think a lot of people would save a lot of time and effort if they just accepted this and stopped trying to make that particular square peg fit the round hole.

Of course, there are many very serious, even grave, implications that need to be accepted with this, so I do empathise with the difficulty, but at the end of the day, a spade is a spade.

'Enjoy the show', my quotes, expression from the Cs, and only for this instance, meaning
1. The show, What is shown, as narrative or narratives which indeed can be seen as a show which ,should go with popcorn, aka do not allow the full brain type emotions anxiety and fear to overwhelm.
2. Enjoy, don't brush aside and don't avoid the seemingly terrible 'news'. Be present and alert and bring the best out of you to the party.
Free will clashes are kind of odd. Whether a 'violation' exists or not seems to have a kind of superpositional nature. On one hand, there appears to be a sort of 'domination' of one idea oppressing another, yet there appears equally to be a sort of 'submission' by one idea to allow the other to 'dominate'. Did one side dominate the other, or did one side agree to submit? Is this just semantics, or is there a qualitative difference of perspective between the two options?
This is getting very abstract. Have you ever deliberated over a decision of how to behave with another person, and whether or not you will violate their free will by behaving in a particular way? I'm guessing yes, because I think we all have, at least on this forum - we've even discussed such situations explicitly. By the same token, have you ever violated another's free will out of impetuousness or ignorance, or any other reason? Again, probably yes.
Even if you consider the perspective of knowledge and how someone can choose freely if they are unaware of an option, naivety, at the highest level, is also a choice: the choice of a consciousness unit to "fall" from 7D and exist outside of unity with All Knowledge/All.
Yep, just like at 7D "all is one."
So the 'problem', as you point out, is not really whether free will is always respected, it's whether using such a concept is useful for communicating with traumatised people who have been conditioned, on some level, into thinking their free will can be 'violated'.
That's definitely a problem, but not the problem I was pointing out.
The larger context to this particular point seems to be an endless back-and-forth on various topics on this forum between, when there is a mismatch between what is true and what is useful for communication, whether what is useful can somehow be justified as generally 'more true' because it is useful for communication. It cannot, and I think a lot of people would save a lot of time and effort if they just accepted this and stopped trying to make that particular square peg fit the round hole.
How about this instead: on a very abstract and remote level, "all is one" and everything that happens in creation is a freely made choice because the cosmic mind chose to divide itself up and experience itself as separated units unaware of their intrinsic unity. On the human level, all is not one, and free will violations exist. Both are true.

Pretty sure one at least one of these was already quoted in this thread, but here are a few transcripts again. Needless to say, given what I've written above, I currently believe these are true:
Q: (L) And, if you send ‘buckets of love and light’ to such a one, and that is their path, you are violating their free will?
A: You might as well send “buckets” of vomit as that is how they will react.
A: If one “gives” where there is no request, therefore no need, this is a free will violation!
A: And your reality is such that lies and liars have prevailed in violating free will for millennia. They do this most effectively by programs that are designed to perpetuate it, such as “Turn the other cheek,” and “If you ignore it, it will go away.” Give what is asked for by a lie: Truth.
I would say these bits are more than just artistic phrases useful for communication but which are fundamentally untrue.

That said, I think the idea that there is no such thing as a free will violation may be useful for communication, perhaps by providing a larger meaning in which to make sense of one's own suffering without adopting a victim mentality. That doesn't mean violations do not happen, just that it might help jolt a person out of seeing all their problems as being sourced outside of them and not making the choice to actually use or increase their free will by learning better ways. Doesn't help much learning how to respect free will, though, or learning how to spot potential violations in the future, IMO. For that, you need to accept the premise that such things actually happen.
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A very thought provoking thread and I truly appreciate everyone’s insights. I haven’t quite clarified my thoughts on the presence of evil & the horrors of our current situation. It is certainly getting more & more difficult to ‘enjoy’ the show, so I’m looking forward to seeing what the Cs have to say about that.

Regarding the below:
Personally, what cats do on their own is their business, but if I’m around, the mouse gets saved and put outside, or killed quickly to put it out of its misery.
Agreed. Despite cats being cats, we still have a free will to save the mouse from being tortured for hours. Not doing anything is a choice and says something, if there is something that can be done to prevent it.

I guess this example can also apply to other situations, if they are in the scope or the sphere of our influence.
I’d save the wee mouse too & put it out of its misery, although, I’m not sure if that is some reflection of me not accepting the many faces of God. My little doggie will attack reptiles in the yard, especially blue tongue lizards, it’s in her DNA & no amount of scolding makes any difference.

This discussion reminds me what Laura wrote in the Wave about the newly hatched turtles trying to make it to the ocean- would we intercede on their behalf and stop the ravenous birds from eating them? Her contemplation on the Eclipsing Realities experience is also enlightening.

From Chapter 11 of the Wave (emphases mine):
So, when the realities eclipsed, some sort of choice was made at a deep level as to whether I was going to continue to live in STS-oriented wishful thinking that all would become “love and light”, if I just kept trying to “fix it”, which constitutes the ongoing condition of being food for higher density beings; or if I was going to open my eyes and see…What actually happened was, I opened my eyes and I completely lost hope in the world as it is ever being anything other than full of darkness and deception and horror and pain, and I chose to continue to live in this world, to do what I could, but not be “of the world”.
I made a conscious choice to limit my participation in this deception foisted on mankind. I consciously decided that I was no longer going to lie — to myself or to anyone else — about how I felt or what I wanted...When I looked at a flower I was going to remember the decay and death in the soil from which the flower drew its nourishment. When I looked at a cat or a dog, I was going to remember the fleas and parasites and killing and eating of other creatures that goes on all the time in the animal world.
Because I was no longer lying to myself about anything that existed, least of all myself, my nature, my being, I was free to choose what to manifest in every instant. Knowing that all of these shadows existed within me, in my very DNA, my flesh, my evolved self; knowing that I had experienced many lifetimes dealing death and destruction on my own, or suffering the same at the hands of others, I was free to choose
As Ra said: The ALL blinks neither at the darkness nor at the light.

There was no longer any blame for anything. It was just what is. This is nature. This is God. And God has two faces: Good and Evil. We can love them both, but we can choose which face we manifest, while always loving unconditionally both faces.
If one were present at such an event as the hatching of the turtles, would it be right to rescue the turtles, to kill or scare away the birds? Both represent aspects, or Faces, of God, and both have a right to exist in their own context and to survive in their own way, so it would be wrong to interfere. But I would be hoping that some of the baby turtles would have the sense to wait until dark to make their dash to the sea! Perhaps I might walk back and forth along the beach to act as a “scarecrow” against the devouring birds. Perhaps that is how knowledge can work in our lives? Perhaps that is how the Cassiopaeans relate to us — only with somewhat more complexity.

Well, I can honestly say I don’t think I’m close to loving psychopaths or the evil they perpetuate in our society. I can only educate myself myself and use that knowledge to avoid being prey and bear witness to their victims and the suffering they leave in their wake. Is that wishful thinking on my part or some sort of inability to accept reality- I genuinely don’t know.
The C’s have stated that every thing is an illusion, really real one, our 5 senses and emotions are included in that. May be that’s what we should be trying to enjoy? The immersion in a 3D reality which makes us react to what we are seeing, feeling, tasting, touching, our responses to horrifying events, our responses to when a child is saved, or a truth is revealed.
Every day I make sure I am a witness for Gaza, everyday I feel blessed that it’s not my child, every day I send blessings of courage and unity, every day I’m reminded of the bigger picture by being involved.

prefix: en-; prefix: em-
  1. 1.
    (added to nouns) forming verbs meaning ‘put into or on’.

  2. 2.
    (added to nouns and adjectives) forming verbs expressing conversion into the specified state as in encrust, ennoble, or (in combination with the suffix -en ) embolden, enliven.

  3. 3.
    (added to verbs) in; into; on.

And we know what joy means, may be the C’s mean that we should embrace or engulf ourselves with joy, laughter, happiness etc while at the same time observing the reality we created.

I really do try to view everything from a higher detached perspective while also feeling what I feel.
I don’t know how to reconcile this with pain and suffering yet I’m hugely aware that without it nothing really changes.
Well, I can honestly say I don’t think I’m close to loving psychopaths or the evil they perpetuate in our society. I can only educate myself myself and use that knowledge to avoid being prey and bear witness to their victims and the suffering they leave in their wake. Is that wishful thinking on my part or some sort of inability to accept reality- I genuinely don’t know.

I’m personally inclined to think that on our level of being/existence it isn’t really useful to even try to “love psychopaths“ (or evil in 3D, 4D or higher, if you will). In fact, I think at our level of existence more or less the opposite is true and needed for someone decent or wanting to become more STO: It is helpful both for ourselves to grow and the world around us to receive a balancing positive force, by strongly rejecting Psychopaths and what they do, not necessarily via hate, but simply by rejecting that kind of path for ONESELF, by rejecting it, putting boundaries up and separating oneself from that way of being.
So I think at our level rejecting Psychopaths and what they do and helping those inflicted by them as best as possible when they ask is just the right and appropriate thing to do for any decent human being. And I don’t think you need to concern yourself at this level with Karma either in terms of when you are confronted with 3D/4D evil and what you could/should do.
Negative emotions may seem to be nonmaterial at first glance. However, they often transform into physical reality in the body. An example on my mind is high stress causing the body to create a lot of reverse T3 thyroid hormone, making the person hypothyroid. Another example is a spouse dying of a broken heart after a long marriage when the other spouse passed away. So in my view, enjoy the show is a practical survival method to counter the effects of negative emotions on the body (mode of attack and counter). When there is nothing we can do out there, there is something we can do in here (our perspective).

Also, Castaneda said something about mastering this reality in order to be able to take on the next one. If we can be happy go lucky in a hell on Earth, then 4D STS will have a more difficult time cracking us.
Been thinking along similar lines. The Cs have mentioned "balance" again and again in various contexts. We are faced with all these paradoxes: "sitting back" vs. taking action; empathy for the oppressed vs. bigger spiritual picture; creating energy via movement in this realm vs. the traps and dead ends of 3D; not "shutting out" reality vs. transcending the "fleshly" reality, and so on.

All those contradictions we are faced with also "open up a space" between them, where one may find a sort of finer energy - tension produces all sorts of results, after all (like the bow shooting an arrow, a string generating music...). How this plays out in practical terms is somewhat different from person to person I suspect, but for example, when looking at the Palestine situation, part of "balancing" might simply mean to take breaks from staring at the situation and instead try to look beyond the daily carnage. Use that energy on doing something or learning something - which might ultimately honor the victims of those psychos in its own way. Our very discussion here is just such a thing. Looking into the history of Zionism to comprehend what's going on in a wider context might be another (it did help me, although it certainly can increase the anger too).

Another aspect to the idea of balance is that creation is vast, and there is a lot of beauty, insight, growth, compassion etc. in it as well. Allowing ourselves to be drawn to the dark aspects of reality exclusively or lopsidedly in a sense means "shutting out reality" too. And, again, there is a tension here that might actually produce a useful and "higher" energy. This, too, is part of the "show" - not only the suffering and cruelty. There was a LOT of suffering just over the last 5-10 years alone, and yet there has been an acceleration of the transformation of our world that is nothing short of breathtaking, and it is grand and necessary. Another one of those perspectives that can't exist on its own - only as a part of a wider picture, a picture we can only attain via skillful balancing and conscious work with all these paradoxes, as opposed to just being hammered back and forth by them.

I think it was McGilchrist that said something along the lines of 'you can't know a thing very well in a vacuum, you know it through it's relationships with other things.' That makes the study of paradoxes and the relationships between contradictory bits of information important I think.

The rest is said at the risk of victim blaming and I feel a bit ranty about some of the following because the victims are suffering so much, but I think that the Palestinians might bring something to the table that allows the situation to continue.

Kurt Gödel in his outline of his philisophical world view:

14: Religions are, for the most part, bad– but religion is not.

I played around on the World Population Review website to get an idea of the concentrations of different religions in different countries. Palestine, for example has 85% of the population practicing Islam, but if you narrow that down to Gaza , that concentration climbs to 99%. In fact it seems that any country that has a population concentration over 70 -75% of any religion has come to the predatory attention of the West at some point in time.

13 Sept 2009:

(Joe) There's that question that you wanted to ask for the people on the forum about soul smashing? (L) Oh, the soul smashing! Can you frame a question around it? Or you, you're the expert on that topic Keit. Make a question. (Keit) Well, basically is what I said was close...?

A: Pretty darn accurate. An example of "getting smarter!"

Q: (Joe) Does that mean Keit?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) What was your theory? (L) She was talking about Illion's Darkness over Tibet and the descending spiral and that it's a choice and you have to...

A: We couldn't have explained it any better!

Q: (Scottie) Did you write about this on the forum? (Keit) Yeah. (Scottie) How did I miss that?? (A***) Yeah. (Keit) I have some more to say about this. (Joe) So that was about trying to smash all these souls back into primal matter, was that it?

A: Yes

Q: (Allen) Could you just explain it, because I didn't read it. (Keit) What I said is that... I brought this in quotes and quoted from Darkness Over Tibet. The author mentions that there are two possibilities in development: upward and downward. And there is a possibility of losing one's soul, but it should be a conscious decision, it's a choice. And it can't be taken by force. (L) But they can make you choose by wearing you out. (Keit) Exactly, and I gave my personal example where I felt that traumatic experiences in our lives kind of manipulates us into choosing the downward development. And we basically choose something that is against our own level of being. And it's so traumatic for the soul, that it twists the soul and puts it in a downward position. The eventual outcome of this event is basically smashing the soul, even if the final smashing event is relative small. And that's why there is so much suffering and pathology in the world, where they force and manipulate souls into choosing. (L) Against their own nature. (PL) And Illion said that the worse thing for a human being is the sin against their own soul. (Keit) And sinning against the soul is going against your own level or nature of being. So, like narcissistic tendencies and everything, that's why for our own sake we need to clean ourselves. (DD) Is this why they've injected so many drugs into the culture to just weaken people?

A: Yes and remember also transmarginal inhibition principles.

Q: (L) One of those principles is that even strong dogs that could not be broken in ordinary ways, if they subjected them to physical trauma like surgery, or illness, or something like that, that that would weaken them to the point where they could be turned. So torture is also part of this process.

A: Yes

Q: (L) And we live now in a culture of torture which is basically a soul-smashing culture.

A: Yes

Q: (L) So there are souls that are being twisted and deformed to the point where they will... I mean, a lot of these people think that they will be going to heaven because they're imposing their god's will on other people, and they think that whatever they have to do to bring in the rule of their distorted version of Jesus Christ on Earth or whatever - ya know, these fundies - that basically they themselves are putting themselves in the position of being soul smashed because they are completely going against not only the teachings of Christ, but also against their own natures. I think many of them really mean well, but they have been so gradually and so incrementally twisted by pathological individuals in positions of power and in high positions in churches, and pathological individuals that create doctrines and theologies that are twisted, that they are essentially agreeing to the sale of their own souls to the devil. (Joe) I wonder if it extends to people who aren't directly involved in it, but are just ordinary members of the population whose minds are so twisted that in their own minds they sanction it or they agree with it. Even when they're faced with the facts, they're not being lied to so much, but they realize the whole thing about torture and the CIA and torture camps...

A: Silence in the face of "evil" is equal to participation unless there is a good reason for the silence that serves a higher goal.

Q: (Joe) That's really interesting because it kind of explains the whole debate over torture, and how they've been trying to get people to accept torture. And more and more facts coming out about the reality of the CIA having tortured and trying to twist that around to get people to accept that as something that is conscionable.

A: Acceptance of torture is the "mark of the beast."

I can't say exactly what it is like being Islamic living in a country with such a high concentration of that religion. Imagine living and being raised in an area where the majority of the population follows the religion that you have been raised in. I think that even if a person living in those of circumstances of high population concentration of one religion felt the tug of truth and was entertaining questions about their religion, they'd possibly be much less likely to consider any degree of apostacy because they may not even have access to that notion that there is something different and where the moral authority is held by clerics who may consider the death penalty for such crimes at the worst and bringing shame and humiliation to their families at the least. Most of us have struggle enough overcoming our childhood programming where we see everything through the lens of that programming even when it's basically delusional. The Islamics in Palestine possibly have not had exposure to much of anything different than their religious programming to help them undo it.

I'm glad that Karen Mitchell has reinforced the word 'predator' in her work because if there's one thing I know about prey drive it's that a predator generally learns to be more energetically efficient with greater control over their predatory impulses over the course of time- exert the least amount of energy possible for the highest possible gain. A bad hunter burns up more caloric energy for a lower caloric gain - which could be a net loss. With that in mind, maybe the predatory class have learned that countries that have a high concentration of any particular religion are basically going to be pushovers, something that would make a predator smile, no doubt. Not only can they gain access to all the riches of that country, but they can do it by creating the maximum amount of suffering as loosh for their 4DSTs overlords without expecting too much by way of resistance.

If anything about this idea of religious concentration in a population is correct, cost of giving primacy to religious ideology over truth - jeez, they have watched their kids, families, homes and livelihoods being bombed, shot up and shredded for 75 years! Under these circumstances they refer to their dead as martyrs because they held onto their dodgy religious ideologies instead of learning to question them and their own minds until the end, fer cryin out loud! If that's not an acceptance of torture and a total resistance to learning what the hell to do differently to avoid it, I dunno what is. But for them their whole country is basically their monastery and they are surrounded by it no matter what they do and where they go. How much do they have to suffer until they do learn the simple and karmic? The knowledge that protects? When do they reach the level of suffering where they experience the transmarginal inhibition that undoes their religious conditioning? How do parents stand watching their kids shot and blown up without deciding to do what they have to get the hell out?

I don't know how many Palestinians would say, 'I want no part in this game, how do I get out?' instead of turning into terrorists themselves to seek revenge and becoming the monster that they fight. Maybe there are a few and perhaps it would be good to include them in prayer.

Ultimately, perhaps the situation in Palestine could only happen because Palestinians are Palestinians. Maybe overall they are more like gardeners in a war, instead of warriors in a garden like the Russians and Chinese who also have lower concentrations of any one religion in their countries. In this respect, and keeping the power of programs in mind, perhaps the Palestinians can't learn anything from the situation in the way that knowledge can protect them and their children. That is probably the most painful realisation when witnessing the atrocities, that the Palestinians are perhaps unlikely to be able to do or be anything different.

The only way any enjoyment could come out of that situation is if the Palestinians did learn something and could resolve the situation.
I’m personally inclined to think that on our level of being/existence it isn’t really useful to even try to “love psychopaths“ (or evil in 3D, 4D or higher, if you will). In fact, I think at our level of existence more or less the opposite is true and needed for someone decent or wanting to become more STO: It is helpful both for ourselves to grow and the world around us to receive a balancing positive force, by strongly rejecting Psychopaths and what they do, not necessarily via hate, but simply by rejecting that kind of path for ONESELF, by rejecting it, putting boundaries up and separating oneself from that way of being.
So I think at our level rejecting Psychopaths and what they do and helping those inflicted by them as best as possible when they ask is just the right and appropriate thing to do for any decent human being. And I don’t think you need to concern yourself at this level with Karma either in terms of when you are confronted with 3D/4D evil and what you could/should do.

And that IMO includes, if we can, to outwardly express/broadcast that we for example strongly reject what Psychopaths are doing to Palestinians, or at the very least, that we are trying to not give any of that evil BS they are doing any energy/support. For example, by just staying silent instead of agreeing or arguing with brainwashed people who express/think otherwise. I‘m thinking about strategic disclosure for example here, where a person might not be in a sensible position to say so out loud directly because it could make their own life (and those close to them) unnecessary hard or even miserable and thus probably/potentially reducing their ability to send positive signals out in this respect and/or other ways in the here and now and in the future.
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I think this ties in with the idea of "limiting emotions". I was thinking about my empathy for the Palestinians and thinking that if I drew it as a pie chart, how much of that is empathy for them, and how much of it is anger at the Israelis? And that then raises another question: are either or both my empathy and anger limiting emotions?
How would they be limiting in this situation? I think that if those emotions lead a person to sit in a corner in despair ending up depressed for a long time, then I think those emotions can be limiting, but if for example a person chooses to research the history of Palestine (as many did seeing the current situation) then those emotions weren't limiting. But maybe I'm mixing up actions vs emotions.

to believe (have faith) in a positive meaning to suffering (and a conscious plan to creation) when we cannot really prove to ourselves that it really exists.
The C's said "limiting emotions based on assumptions", I guess if a person makes the assumption that there is no positive meaning to suffering, then maybe those emotions (of sadness and anger) can be limiting. But if a person has faith that there is meaning to it, then those emotions of sadness and anger don't have to be limiting, they can be acknowledged, understood and used to act in ways that can be helpful to others and themselves (in a controlled or conscious manner).

I look into the mirror of the Palestinian plight and I feel my own powerlessness in the face of evil.
I wonder how powerless we are. The C's said that Trump was saved by divine intervention by his higher self which was "powered by mass prayers". And who knows what our meditation sessions do in ways we may not understand currently.

Considering the following:
Session 30 July 1994
A: Jews called upon us to save them - could not. And natives of your land from your race - could not stop that either. Natural progression, see?
Session 28 December 1994
A: We cannot interfere to help, knowledge protects, ignorance endangers. You can help yourselves to gain knowledge, we can be the "conduit."
Session 23 January 2016
A: Joy to the world!

Q: (L) And why do you say that?

A: It will be soon now.

Q: (L) What will be soon?

A: Glad tidings!

Q: (L) Why do I distrust that expression? Why am I suspicious? Why do I suspect that, "Joy to the world" and "Glad tidings" is from an entirely cosmic perspective and may not be so perceived by the majority of the people on this planet?

A: Accurate perception. But would you like for the present state to continue on its present trajectory?

(L) Well, no.

A: We once said that the Earth benefits from occasional cleansing. Nothing lasts forever.
and the bit that Alejo mentioned:
(L) Is there anything... I guess it's a stupid question to ask, but: Is there anything that can stop this madness?

A: No there isn't nor would you want to stop it!

(L) Why wouldn't I want to stop it?

A: Cleansing.

Q: (L) It's a cleansing. In other words, these people...

(Pierre) You're going to end up with the destruction of the bad guys.

So if you had the means to interfere and did so, you might end up messing up the natural progression which could lead to an even 'worse' situation from our perspective. But we can maybe help by meditation/prayers/spreading truth which could help those who choose to receive it. FWIW.
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