Search results for query: Ashkenazi

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  1. SocietyoftheSpectacle

    Huge west London tower block inferno – Grenfell Tower fire

    ...tower block inferno – reports RT This is Mind Blowing , and Not the first time a Big Event has CHIMED with the TEXT found on the chabad Ashkenazi scriptural site, <iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> The...
  2. Ca.

    "Pizzagate" Explodes

    Re: "Pizzagate" Explodes After Man Arrested In Comet Restaurant Shooting Hey I am learning too goyacobol :grad:. The session's continue to be a big click up on the learning curve.
  3. goyacobol

    "Pizzagate" Explodes

    ...the "Consortium" level which is even more difficult to get any real information. "Jews" was in the video title. That is why I included the Ashkenazi reference to point out the Zionist connection but I wasn't very clear. If you watch the video you will see that connection too. I have read...
  4. goyacobol

    "Pizzagate" Explodes

    ...I think we should be careful to remember these perpetrators are not all Jews or true "semites" some think they tend to be a subset of the Ashkenazi Jews but I think that is a narrow focus. Nor is every pedophile from the same religious group or even religious at all. We are dealing with...
  5. A


    ...1954. Yemenite parents were told by doctors their children had died, while in reality the children were kidnapped and given or sold to Ashkenazi families. In all, over 1,000 families have expressed suspicions their children were taken in this manner. Three government probes were conducted...
  6. JEEP

    Steven Universe, gender fluididty, and crystal aliens

    While meandering thru assorted topics on the forum and articles on Sott, I ended up w/ this past article by Pierre w/ it's connection to his book, Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection...
  7. A


    ...of children were kidnapped in the 1950s from their Jewish mothers and fathers who had fled Yemen, before being given or sold to Jewish Ashkenazi families. Israel Finally Admits Kidnapping, Selling Yemeni Jewish Children The official...
  8. Keit

    Poland and Ukraine will turn into NeoIsrael?

    ...fleeing the country when the sh*t will really hit the fan. In this respect Poland is often the natural choice, because many, if not most Ashkenazi Jews have Polish or Ukrainian roots. Jews are known for their survival skills, so yeah, that's what they try to do in case it will be needed one...
  9. Sol Logos

    Who controls the BIS?

    Seems to me now that rather than a single organisation, family, country, government, agency or monarchy, there's a ponerised thread that weaves through any one of these at any point in time to make best use of them. Another book I'm reading I found an interesting tidbit that links this thread...
  10. Eboard10

    Nuclear Whistleblower: State Is Punishing Me Because I'm of Moroccan Descent

    Another account of the still ongoing racist attitude of Israeli forces towards their own kin. Whistleblower Vannu, who in 1988 leaked details to the Sunday Times of a nuclear weapons production site in Israel, is still barred from leaving the country, despite others like Ehud Adiv having been...
  11. Altair

    Forced Christianization of Russia and Tartaria Magna

    ...than Russian. Till recently all that was carefully concealed from Russian people. What do you think about that? If it's all true then Ashkenazi Jews/Khazars managed to distort belief system of Russians at least twice: in 988 by forcing them into the export version Judaism - Christianity and...
  12. H-KQGE

    Session 10 January 2015

    Just catching up with this latest session. Thanks guys! You may be onto something here. When Netanyahu popped up & started with that "welcome home" guff, I thought "what possible reason would he have for saying this.... now." Who benefits is always the question. And when a massive psychopath...
  13. goyacobol

    Session 10 January 2015

    First of all Thank You, Laura, The Crew and The C's! :thup: This time I have decided to not try to do so many quotes and links but I probably will do a few. I just have felt a great chakra connection with the replies. I first of all think that we should not underestimate the enemy of truth...
  14. whitecoast

    Session 10 January 2015

    With the exception of Ashkenazi Jews, aren't the genetics of Israeli and Arabs basically identical? I was lying in bed last night, and the thought struck me that perhaps there's a reason the Jews are being encouraged by Israel to "come home". Mossad's support of antisemitic groups in Ukraine...
  15. SeekinTruth

    Session 10 January 2015

    ...that comes to mind is that there are a lot of non-Arab Muslims in Europe and France, such as Turks. How are they going to differentiate these Muslims to put the emphasis on the Arab Muslims being destroyed? The Turks are not Semitic and are related to the Ashkenazi Jews. Just some thoughts....
  16. T

    Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

    In this post there was Today, I found another article with a few more pieces of information. Compared to the previous post the following gives reasons to believe that the idea of resettling some Jews in other places is indeed being considered, Ukraine plays an important role but is not the only...
  17. T

    Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

    ...million world wide. The Azkhenazi population of Israel makes up some 75 % of the Israeli Jews according to _ After the collapse of the Soviet Union close to a million people, mainly Azkhenazi jews emigrated to Israel according to...
  18. Laura

    The reality of the Jewish Holocaust

    ...nowadays in respect of Muslims. You could even say that this is just a continuation of the Hitler/Zionist program by Hitler's heirs, the Ashkenazi Jews, since most present day Muslims are descendants of Jews who did not join the diaspora from Palestine, but rather converted. The major...
  19. Laura

    Show #47 - American Heart of Darkness: Robert Kirkconnell Interview

    I notice they quote Lobaczewski (don't seem to understand it very well) and reject some of the crazier theories.
  20. Arne

    What's the plan now?

    ...these quotes from the transcripts you first have to figure out which genetic strain got this encoding. As most of the jews living in the world to day is from the Ashkenazim (German and Eastern European Jews) strain and is most likely descendent from the Khazars and not from the original...
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