Show #47 - American Heart of Darkness: Robert Kirkconnell Interview

'Bout half way through Manufactured Terrorby Joe and Niall. This collection of articles is very good. The common elements that the most recent acts of terrorism share with the Kennedy assassinations, MLK, and others is interesting, and Joe and Niall did an excellent job of illuminating these. The "lone assassin" mantra is repeated over and over again, but these two writers dissect the cover stories piece by piece. Their analysis of events such as the Sandy Hook shootings, the Boston Marathon bombing, and others is superb.
Robert, have you ever read this?

A Comprehensive History of Zionist Crimes

Revised November 26, 2011 (removed Bali "micro nuke" story - insufficient evidence; updated 9/11 information)

I've just started looking it over. It looks pretty well sourced just on an initial survey.
I notice they quote Lobaczewski (don't seem to understand it very well) and reject some of the crazier theories.

The best indications are that the world's arch-villains are part of the Khazar tribe. There is a partial correlation between "Jews" and the Khazars, but this is hard to quantify. It is also quite possible that the plotters of murder and mayhem are the descendants of a small association of Khazar families. It is therefore reasonable to conclude that just as Gentiles have been abused and cheated, the vast majority of the Jewish people have been cruelly exploited and deceived by the crooked cabal who lead them.

There is no doubt that almost all Jews sincerely believe in the "Holocaust" legend (as do many Gentiles), and the criminals have seized on these fears of persecution by using it as a recruiting sergeant for Mossad terrorist operatives, who are led to believe that they are serving their nation and helping to "save Jews" around the world. The cabal were only too happy to sacrifice Jews in World War Two. Yitzhak / Izaak Greenbaum said that one cow in Palestine was worth more than all the Jews in Europe (Poland or the diaspora in some accounts). But even if the true death toll in the camps - mostly from typhus, and a breakdown in the supply chain leading to starvation - was only 100,000, that was 100,000 too many. Acquiring a sovereign territory was a necessary but not sufficient element of the criminals' program for world domination. In order to achieve the required political power, it was necessary to populate the territory with millions of people who would both imagine themselves as, and be perceived as, a persecuted minority.

Hypotheses holding that all Jews are part of a conspiracy would require some quite extravagant postulates. For example, if an advanced alien species had landed on Earth in 2000 BC and created 50 pairs of Jews with unique brain hard-wiring ("ROM") to induce supremacist tendencies and confer a competitive advantage, a population growth rate of just under 0.3% p.a. (almost three times the human mean) would lead to 11.2 million Jews by 1900 AD. And the interesting corollary is that Creationism and Evolution would both be correct, to varying degrees. It is possible that emergent civilizations could be subject to a test, in order to protect an interstellar community from any technologically precocious but intellectually immature horde of savage barbarians who would simply shoot everyone, blow everything up, pollute the galaxy, and wreak havoc.

A more chilling alternative is that the dinosaurs never became extinct, instead evolving into humanoid form - and then making up for their lack of numbers and hedonistic tendencies with cunning, brutality and wickedness. Combining elements of each premise would posit that a race of reptilian humanoids (reptoids) invaded earth several millennia ago. In order to throw people off the scent, a theory about "reptilians" would be promoted by a character who had already been turned into a figure of ridicule by his claim to be "the son of God". Truthful information about a conspiracy by the elite would be mixed with distracting nonsense about instantaneous "shape-shifting" and blood-drinking royals.

However, there is no empirical support for the alien or reptilian hypotheses, and Occam's Razor favours the previous explanation that the Mafia warlords play on people's fears of persecution. Another theory that should be borne in mind in any general theory of evil is that of "political ponerology", which is about evil being used for political purposes. According to Andrew (Andrzej) Lobaczewski, “an ever-strengthening network of psychopathic and related individuals gradually starts to dominate, overshadowing the others. This rapidly develops into a pathocracy of a system wherein a small pathological minority takes control over a society of normal people.” Lobaczewski says that sociopaths constitute about 6% of the population of any given group, which appears too high, but would explain a lot. His theory does not account for the Khazars being strongly linked to atrocities {actually, it would if applied that way} (often against Semites, and then these Caucasian Turkic Khazar descendants have the effrontery to cry "you're an anti-Semite" whenever someone exposes Caucasian crimes against Semites!) A missing link in the ponerology theory, e.g. harsh winters in the climate of northern Khazaria selecting for ruthlessness, or a degenerate pursuit of hedonism by the Khazars, or possibly some feature of the Khazar flora, might explain the relatively high preponderance of Ashkenazi Turkic so-called "Jews" amongst the psychopathic, conscience-lacking fringe. {There are other more plausible theories such as Neanderthal mixing or cosmic caused mutations via comets or viruses.}

In favor of the political ponerology theory, we all start out relatively naive, imagining that people are basically good. When we find that a group of people are fundamentally evil, it is only natural for each race or tribe to imagine that the evil ones must be the "other" tribe. It is hard to see how political leaders could carry out mass murder against their own citizens, and the obvious explanation is that it must be another tribe, e.g. Ashkenazi Jews or Khazars, who have infiltrated the government. And there is plenty of evidence of inordinate Zionist Israeli (Ashkenazi Jewish) influence in the governments and mainstream media of the "Western democracies". But if the likes of George W Bush and Tony Blair are sociopaths, able to present themselves as "normal" individuals but utterly lacking any trace of a conscience, then there would be no need to posit that these are "crypto-Jews", or being blackmailed into submission.

Only a fool would claim that there are no differences of proclivities between various tribes or races. But we are all part of the human race, and a common characteristic of the various subgroups is that they all feature a decent, honourable majority and a crooked minority, and the ordinary people are oppressed (to varying extents) by their leaders who are almost invariably part of the crooked minority. This analysis concentrates on Zionists, Israelis or Jews because their criminal leaders have become more powerful than their Gentile rivals. In order to improve the human condition, these crooks must be exposed and brought to justice.

The Mafia cabal's tactics include hiding behind the Jewish people by asserting that an attack on the tiny crooked elite is an "anti-Semitic" racial attack on all Jews. They hope to deflect attention by pretending that research into Zionist atrocities and lies will lead to "hate crimes". However, the well-intentioned researcher has better things to do with his or her time than to simply select some group to hate. It is high time for a new alignment based upon ethics rather than ethnics. The cost of doing nothing would be catastrophic for humankind: the criminal elite's plans for global enslavement would come to fruition.
Yes, Laura and all. Thanks for sharing this. It does seem to be well grounded and sourced. I can't say I agree with every bit of it, but all in all seems like a good compilation of info largely off the radar screen. Maybe I was too close to some subjects to be objective such as the space program, but I am convinced that yes, we did go to the moon. There are good friends of mine that take the opposite position and that's fine. They might be right!
I sent the last message out a little prematurely and did not check my facts. Looks like the article was not putting forth the proposition that the moon landings we faked, but that this issue was used as a subterfuge to portray 911 critics as related to moon landing critics. All and all this article seems to be really good.
One significant connection that I found intriguing in A Comprehensive History of Zionist Crimes was the "debate" created by Zionists in the US Media over whether or not the moon landings actually happened. This was done shortly before 911 and allowed the actual 911 perpetrators, who knew that researches would deconstruct the 911 attacks, to link the researchers to the "tin foil hat" crowd associated with the "fake moon shot" controversy. Expert manipulation of minds.
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