Search results for query: Sephardic

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  1. BlackCartouche

    Session 10 February 2018

    ...crux of IQ and subsequent success. Anyone studying Jewish-diaspora ethnicity will quickly find it a right can o'worms - Semite Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Khazars, Mizrahi... Where does one become another - and where do any stated retain from non-Jewish neighbors? The cultural habits and traits...
  2. A

    Slavoj Žižek: Is something rotten in the state of Turkey?

    ...Arabs, and Israelis who have been reluctant to discuss the presence in Turkey and elsewhere of of a sect of Turks descended from a group of Sephardic Jews who were expelled from Spain during the Spanish Inquisition in the 16th and 17th centuries. These Jewish refugees from Spain were welcomed...
  3. T

    Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

    In this post there was Today, I found another article with a few more pieces of information. Compared to the previous post the following gives reasons to believe that the idea of resettling some Jews in other places is indeed being considered, Ukraine plays an important role but is not the only...
  4. John G

    Word Puns & Associations - An Exercise In Divergent Thinking

    If you look at the 4 people, their legs seem to match vertical Trent river system paths and the arms up by the heads seem to match horizontal Trent paths. The pointed to tomb with the bearded face and rearing horse would then be south of Derby. Derby is south of the Peak District highlands...
  5. Gaby

    Location, location, location

    Here is another possibility, which I don't know what to make of yet: The list of approved official surnames was published here: The list of surnames is ginarmous! And actually, my surname is listed and the timing coincides with the emigration of my family from Spain. :huh: I don't know...
  6. SeekinTruth

    Tasers as a Sign of the Times

    Yeah, you could be right. I had forgotten that part in "Controversy of Zion" (I've only read it once about 6 or 7 years ago). Now with more info on Caesar and Rome, it could certainly be that they intermixed and integrated because of good treatment. I DO remember that the Khazars had waves of...
  7. L

    Tasers as a Sign of the Times

    I think Reed alludes to the same lack of semitic blood/genes in the Sephardic due to long integration times prior to the Nazis. This might be supported by long periods of good treatment during Roman times (Gaul). I think he also refers to mass migrations to the West of the Khazars prior to the...
  8. SeekinTruth

    Tasers as a Sign of the Times

    ...of sources (many carried on SOTT and perhaps the forum) that somehow, very conveniently, the majority of those killed by the Nazis were Sephardic Jews (i.e. those genetically closely related to Arabs and descended from middle eastern backgrounds) and now a large majority of the Jews inside...
  9. G

    Suspicious Deaths of eyewitnesses and those involved in 9/11

    ...brief disclaimer here, followed by a statement. I don't dislike people of Jewish heritage, by which I mean those descended from either the Sephardic Jews of ancient Palestine who spoke Aramaic (as did the apocryphal Jesus of Nazareth, reportedly) and others descended from Khazars of Central...
  10. Nević Nenad

    Songs of Eastern Europe

    ...on Balkan claims it is their and all of them have its own version with the same lyrics. But, the latest researches claims it to be of Sephardic origin. When they were banished from Spain many Sephardi jews came to Bosnia, eastern Serbia, Macedonia, and generally all other parts of Ottoman...
  11. grini

    Songs of Eastern Europe

    Wow! Great songs were posted here :) Here are some Sevdah (or Sevdalinka) songs, very popular genre in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and was also popular in former Yugoslavia: Safet Isović - Moj Dilbere (My Dilber) Himzo Polovina - Čudna jada od Mostara grada (Strange...
  12. SeekinTruth

    Second-Oldest Gene Mutation relates Arabs, Turks, and Sephardic Jews but not Ash

    Yes, there's quite a bit of information on these websites about how Sephardic Jews are very closely related genetically to Arab groups but not at all to Ashkenazi Jews. The Ashkenazi genetics are very different from the Middle East groups.
  13. V

    Second-Oldest Gene Mutation relates Arabs, Turks, and Sephardic Jews but not Ash finding too. However, they did not mention what I thought was the main point: that the AMN mutation was found with high frequency in Sephardic Jew only but not in Ashkenazi Jews. There is not a word about it in the original report in OSU website. You need to read the article and only at...
  14. V

    Second-Oldest Gene Mutation relates Arabs, Turks, and Sephardic Jews but not Ash

    Second-Oldest Gene Mutation relates Arabs, Turks, and Sephardic Jews but not Ashkenazi Jews Original paper “Ancient founder mutation is responsible for Imerslund-Gräsbeck Syndrome among diverse ethnicities“ published in the Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases can be accessed here...
  15. G

    Haaretz: Zionism uses religion to define national identity

    Judaism serves as a plastic mythology, a vehicle for psychopaths of the Zionist orientation or for humanists of the Toledo school of Sephardic Judaism in Lyndon LaRouche's essay on the Secrets Known Only To The Inner Elite. LaRouche's model of history admits humanist and anti humanist elites...
  16. shijing

    The Neanderthal Legacy by Paul Mellars

    ...portion of the Hungarian population and established enclaves in other Eastern European regions, where they were eventually discovered by Sephardic Jews, much to their surprise, in numbers that ultimately dwarfed their own population. Bradley mentions that Russian anti-Semitism may have been...
  17. RyanX

    Nigel Kerner - Gray Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls

    On the question of "Who are the Semites" and the excerpts that Laura posted from SHOTW, I think this is finally starting to make sense to me now. It's amazing that having read the book, SHOTW, a few years back, I'm finding so many things that went completely over my head the first time I read...
  18. hnd

    What are you listening to? experimental band from London, England, which formed in the late 1990s. Their sound draws on Jewish music from both the Ashkenazic and Sephardic traditions, including both klezmer and Judaeo-Spanish music, as well as Eastern European, especially Hungarian folk music, as well as...
  19. Juba

    Are Russian Jews Descended from the Khazars?

    ...received by their former vassals, the Magyar kings. The Hungarian Jews are definitely a fusion of Semitic German Jews, Khazars, Kabars and Sephardic immigrants who came to Hungary by way of Italy fleeing from the Spanish inquisition. Concerning the Jewish communities that remained in the...
  20. S

    Origins of Violence: Climate Change in the Sahara 7,000 Years Ago l'esclavage d'Égypte. IV) Les organisateurs Retenons quelques noms: l'-African Hebrew Organisation’, la 'King Solomon Sephardic Federation (KSSF) ' et la diaspora juive rassemblée dans le 'Groupe industriel RIVKIN TECHNOLOGY' V) La Bible, les Mythes et les fausses...
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