Search results for query: Weather modification

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  1. Niall

    Coming solar eclipse casts its first U.S. shadow on Eagle Pass, Texas

    ...theory is that the quantities of 'stuff' involved are relatively insignificant for the spraying's two main alleged purposes: weather modification and mass poisoning. A single volcanic eruption like that one in Tonga a couple of years ago can 'burp' more 'stuff' into the atmosphere (and thus...
  2. JEEP

    Coming solar eclipse casts its first U.S. shadow on Eagle Pass, Texas

    There's been some hard speculation that the spraying has widely deposited aluminum nanoparticles and is contributing to the extreme devastation of recent wildfires, particularly those ignited by DEWs - excerpts:
  3. rognaill

    Coming solar eclipse casts its first U.S. shadow on Eagle Pass, Texas

    ...still need to go through the federal agencies, there is not enough transperancy like these types of long term initiatives (_Weather Modification Frequently Asked Questions) but alas, we commoners of this world just have to look up and see there is not much to 'speculate' on. The tickle in...
  4. Ravintsara

    Chemtrails? CONtrails? Strange skies...

    ...was in the bill was actually going on we would be calling for a stop to it," he said. "It's not happening." Geoengineering, weather modification and 'chemtrails' The legislation focuses on geoengineering, a very broad category which includes mostly theoretical large-scale action to mitigate...
  5. Mark

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    Here's what I found, not sure if there's any more. Excerpts below. This first session has a bunch of related talk so most of the session is included:
  6. H

    Biological, chemical, nuclear, radiological, energy, and other potentially seriously harmful weapons

    thank you. yes, it is the perfect illustration of how much we love our fellow humans. it also shows the failure of religion to bring peace. all we can do is pray...
  7. T

    Biological, chemical, nuclear, radiological, energy, and other potentially seriously harmful weapons

    ...From Where I Sit: Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head - Forum, general, "weather weapons" Forum, general, weather weapons Weather modification Title: (1) Iranian general thinks Israeli weather modification is to blame for country's drought Summary: (16) Chemtrails, Disinformation and the...

    Actualités du jour en France

    ...been introduced in New Hampshire: "An act prohibiting the intentional release of polluting emissions, including cloud seeding, weather modification, excessive electromagnetic frequencies, and microwave radiation, and providing penalties for violations of such prohibition." "The General Court...

    Bio NanoTubes / FerroElectric nano-Networks created by DNA Nanotech from breathing Chemtrails / IoBNT

    ...been introduced in New Hampshire: "An act prohibiting the intentional release of polluting emissions, including cloud seeding, weather modification, excessive electromagnetic frequencies, and microwave radiation, and providing penalties for violations of such prohibition." "The General Court...
  10. meadow_wind

    Bio NanoTubes / FerroElectric nano-Networks created by DNA Nanotech from breathing Chemtrails / IoBNT

    This is going to be a long post. Although the info is a bit scrambled, I'm convinced there is some valuable information scattered through, and I think it's worth sharing it here for archiving purposes and/or to help others pursue research in that field. I've never been into conspiracy theory...
  11. treesparrow

    SOTT monthly Earth Changes Summary video translations

    Sorry, I should have been a bit clearer. I added the comment on the SOTT page, see at bottom: So if you can add the modifications to both video and google sheet that...
  12. mantle

    Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

    ...that manipulation of the weather has been going on for a long time. That signed agreements not to use it have been broken. That Weather modification is today a weapon of choice to create horrors and to force changes that eventually will create such mayhem that world battles will be won. A...
  13. M

    Session 23 September 2023

    ...advocate Richard Hoagland spoke and has pumped that fact in his tapes incessantly since then), Dr. Puharich had warned of "weather modification" weapons and other planetary influencers, which he had suggested were part of collaborative efforts by powerful elites on our own "plane" and planet...
  14. PERLOU

    Actualités du jour en France Risques dévastateurs liés à la transition vers l'énergie « verte » : l'exploitation minière des minéraux destinés à l'alimentation électrique a laissé 23 millions de personnes exposées à des déchets toxiques, 500 000 km de rivières polluées et 16 millions d'acres...
  15. D

    Nuclear physicist: WTC pulverized by nuclear plasma weapon? weaponry, does the initial poster here still have the same opinion of Wood's suggestion? I suggest reading her book. Weather modification figures prominently, as in the ignored hurricane heading for NYC that day, veering when presumably it was no longer "needed". The "jumpers"...
  16. T

    The Politics of Climate Change: Green New Deal And Other Madness

    A few patents for geoengineering schemes including some claiming to reduce the warming from the Sun. Before proceeding in this direction, here is what the Cs have said: Session 25 February 2023 Among the ideas there is the proposal to release more sulphur aerosols into the atmosphere. However...
  17. lilies

    New Show: MindMatters (RIP Truth Perspective)

    ...the Expanded Present. 4. I noticed on many occasions, that I developed Mind-Muscle Fatique when I did those Winter / Summer weather modifications - that I reported about (check my content/posts in the Weather Thread "making rain"). After a couple days of intensely concentrating on this...
  18. Voyageur

    Bill Gates funds covert vaccine nanotechnology

    Mercola, referencing Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and his recent talk with Dane Wigington (, jumped into the debate citing Wiginton's insistence of Chemtrails, HARRP et cetera. It seems to be further mudding of the climate waters. Gates is mentioned: At the end (with the two...
  19. mkrnhr

    Session 14 January 2023

    ...(stupider than usual) like using earthquake-inducing technology in the war against Russia (hence the "rocky" reference), or weather modification technology for war or to fix global warming[TM] and it goes out of control, for instance provoking a chain reaction of earthquakes. It goes so out...
  20. S

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    A Sensation That Went Unnoticed: The UN “Cancelled” Ukraine 2 days ago NEW – August 26, 2022 In New York, where the UN headquarters is located, an event happened with a true meaning that remains unclear: the world is burying Ukraine, Russia is winning the battle for the minds and hearts of...
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