Search results for query: Khazars

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  1. T

    Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

    In this post there was Today, I found another article with a few more pieces of information. Compared to the previous post the following gives reasons to believe that the idea of resettling some Jews in other places is indeed being considered, Ukraine plays an important role but is not the only...
  2. John G

    Word Puns & Associations - An Exercise In Divergent Thinking

    If you look at the 4 people, their legs seem to match vertical Trent river system paths and the arms up by the heads seem to match horizontal Trent paths. The pointed to tomb with the bearded face and rearing horse would then be south of Derby. Derby is south of the Peak District highlands...
  3. 4d candidate

    A Jewish Defector Warns America

    ...The eastern European Jews, who form 92 per cent of the world's population of those people who call themselves Jews, were originally Khazars. They were a warlike tribe that lived deep in the heart of Asia. And they were so warlike that even the Asiatics drove them out of Asia into...
  4. A

    Role of Russia

    ...People return to Ukraine _ From the early centuries of the first millennia, the Khazars of Eastern Europe were known as the diabolical “Serpent People,” and now, the nation of Israel has admitted that its people are indeed, the...
  5. Leòmhann

    Can Israelis & Palestinians live in peace?, imo). For instance, we can probably safely posit that Judaism itself, already founded on myths and falsehoods, was taken over by the Khazars, and they, constituting in large part Jewish and Israeli leadership, have gone a long way toward influencing and ponerizing populations both...
  6. Laura

    Show #47 - American Heart of Darkness: Robert Kirkconnell Interview

    I notice they quote Lobaczewski (don't seem to understand it very well) and reject some of the crazier theories.
  7. SeekinTruth

    What's the plan now?

    ...Palestinians are the real descendents of "Jews" that lived on the Palestinian land. Today's "Jews" are predominantly descended from the Khazars, as was mentioned by Aquilla. They originate from circa 800 to 1200 AD (in official historic timelines) in the area of northern Caspian Sea area...
  8. Arne

    What's the plan now?

    ...these quotes from the transcripts you first have to figure out which genetic strain got this encoding. As most of the jews living in the world to day is from the Ashkenazim (German and Eastern European Jews) strain and is most likely descendent from the Khazars and not from the original...
  9. SeekinTruth

    Tasers as a Sign of the Times

    ...more info on Caesar and Rome, it could certainly be that they intermixed and integrated because of good treatment. I DO remember that the Khazars had waves of mass migrations to the west (through Hungary, if I remember correctly) many centuries before the Nazis from CoZ and other sources. And...
  10. L

    Tasers as a Sign of the Times

    ...might be supported by long periods of good treatment during Roman times (Gaul). I think he also refers to mass migrations to the West of the Khazars prior to the Nazis. And the Khazars would certainly be lacking in the original semitic blood/genes department. It may be that the controlling...
  11. SeekinTruth

    Tasers as a Sign of the Times

    ...Jews inside and outside Israel are Ashkinazim (i.e. have very little genetically in common with the Sephardic Jews - descended mainly from Khazars and mixed with others over a long time). So they (Ashiknazim) constitute around 75% of the current Jewish population around the world, if I...
  12. A

    Anyone else seen Reptilian Eyes on a human

    ...The empire they created was called Khazaria. They continued to worship the snake and slave people and eat them. They slaved the Slavs. The Khazars were pushed in to Europe by the Mongolians. It's a long story and it took a life time to track these people. Again, I am proud of you for...
  13. G

    Suspicious Deaths of eyewitnesses and those involved in 9/11

    ...the Sephardic Jews of ancient Palestine who spoke Aramaic (as did the apocryphal Jesus of Nazareth, reportedly) and others descended from Khazars of Central Asia, who converted to Judaism during the 7th to 9th centuries and then got pushed into central and northern Europe by the marauding...
  14. SeekinTruth

    Session 4 March 2012

    Yeah, there are probably many things that can be accomplished this way. The radical change in diet, lifestyle, and worldview, really, with the move to agricultural society must have opened up SO many opportunities to manipulate people in ways that would not be possible in small hunting...
  15. Graalsword

    Session 4 March 2012

    Yes, that's the idea. Also the 'genetic tweaking' the Cs talked many times, being performed by 4D on humans, could actually not be a direct abduction thing but simply genetic tweaking done by the viruses created by 4D STS thoughts for that purpose. And the change in diet, that is the switch...
  16. SeekinTruth

    Session 4 March 2012

    Good points. I was wonder about these and similar issues too. And each time there's an interaction with a comet / other celestial body and a "pollution event" that loads our atmosphere with these foreign viruses, maybe there's also a new strain of psychopathy gene that gets introduced and mixes...
  17. Graalsword

    Session 4 March 2012

    ...could have been activated by those viruses changing the DNA? I think of the rise of Hittites after the collapse of the Bronze Age, and the rise of the Huns and later Khazars after the collapse of Roman era. Or the madness of witch hunting after the Black Death, and other similar examples.
  18. Graalsword

    Second-Oldest Gene Mutation relates Arabs, Turks, and Sephardic Jews but not Ash

    Exactly Uralsky, what you just found was already discussed a few years ago here. It is not that new research is not encouraged, it's just that this is not new to this forum, it is in an already existing old thread. Any time new things are discovered, are always welcome here.
  19. Nienna

    Second-Oldest Gene Mutation relates Arabs, Turks, and Sephardic Jews but not Ash

    Yes, this is so. Research is always going on. What you wrote looked to me that you were not aware of the info that is here on the forum and in Secret History as you seemed surprised at what you had found.
  20. V

    Second-Oldest Gene Mutation relates Arabs, Turks, and Sephardic Jews but not Ash

    Again, Absolutely… Sorry for not being in sinc. I thought that the vision of this forum would encourage continuous research. And newest scientific results have never before been presented here would stir up old discussions from 2006. Aside from Ashkenazi, if Mid East Jews were genetically...
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