Search results for query: "Depleted uranium"

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  1. Possibility of Being

    Leuren Moret

    Leuren K Moret, Gamma Scout Meter, No Depleted Uranium In Hawaiian Air Leuren K Moret, Berkeley, California, activist, claimed on KITV that she measured above normal radiation using the Gamma Scout Meter...
  2. P

    In defence of nuclear power

    In defence of nuclear power. I recently made some comments about nuclear power on the thread involving the recent Japanese earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis. I decided to start a new thread in order to present my views on nuclear power. Judging from the reaction to my comments, I seem to...
  3. Buddy

    Nuclear Radiation Detox

    In light of the current meltdowns of nuclear fuel rods in Japan at the moment, I thought this thread might be rather timely. I originally wanted to get some info from the following sites: How to Detoxify Radiation and Radioactivity From Your Body Naturopathic, Homeopathic, Nutritional and...
  4. Approaching Infinity

    Session 13 Feb 2011

    Just want to point out that it Psyche took a look at this section, and it seems like that wasn't what Lobaczewski was trying to get across. Here's some info Psyche found on the things mentioned in that paragraph: In the context of the chapter, Lobaczewski is saying that those affected by...
  5. mada85

    Session 13 Feb 2011

    Thank you, Laura and crew, for another intense and intensely interesting session! Mrs Tigersoap, the following excerpt from Political Ponerology is relevant to your question regarding your daughter. It's on pages 156-157 in the edition with the red cover. Edit (added): also have a look at...
  6. R

    Leuren Moret

    Re: Leuren Moret Vancouver 911 Truth Speech The only thing factual is that Moret is a past President of the Association of Women Geoscientists. She is a superb organizer and self-promoter. Scientists for Indigenous People is not recognized by the US IRS or the State of California and...
  7. Laura

    Julian Assange Discussion

    Wednesday, 1 December 2010 Wikileaks Is Zionist Poison by Jonathan Azaziah – Mask of Zion October 28, 2010 Disinformation is defined as ‘misinformation that is deliberately disseminated in order to influence or confuse rivals.’ It is used by governments to mislead and brainwash their citizen...
  8. ScioAgapeOmnis

    Analysis of the "prime directive" and the savior syndrome

    Interesting video analyzing Star Trek's "prime directive" - what's good and bad about it, and the errors of its application: _ For those unaware of what the prime directive is: Basically it amounts to respecting the sovereignty and free will of other...
  9. Bernhard

    Julian Assange Discussion

    Ken O'Keefe posted this article on his FB page the other day: - Wikileaks Is Zionist Disinformation
  10. Laura

    Copper Deficiency?

    Found this interesting blog on the net and thought that even the religious rant part was interesting in terms of psychopathy. I don't know how true the health claims are, but maybe somebody has some info on that? Wednesday, 17...
  11. Finduilas495

    Leuren Moret

    Re: Leuren Moret Vancouver 911 Truth Speech The Swiss online magazine published the following article in 2005. I'll attempt a translation. I don't think Leuren Moret is a very common name, and I think it's much less likely that there are two female radioactivity experts of...
  12. GRiM

    If the US-government says it, then it must be true..

    _ Site info *Meta tags dc_publisher: Department Of State. International Information Programs Conspiracy theories exist in the realm of myth, where imaginations run wild, fears trump facts, and evidence is ignored...
  13. vinny

    C's Transcript After 28th Sept 02

    the main point being that 'global warming' is a thorny subject with much confusion - that is intentional from the 'powers that be' (PTB) point of view. Glad you took a look at the linked article, prp, and that it cleared up any confusion. To elaborate a little, it seems that global 'climate...
  14. Nathancat7

    Volunteer(s) Needed!

    George Bush committed War Crimes in Iraq with the dropping of white phosphorus in Fallujiah and use of depleted uranium not just on and to the detriment of citizens in Iraq but also journalist and and pretty much anyone that moved in the "War Zone." His phrase "Mission Accomplished" has had...
  15. paralleloscope

    Volunteer(s) Needed!

    thanks Perceval and Nathan. last query: In the section 'Not enough people care' it starts: As a motivational header we probably need more recent figures, an entirely different example, any thougths?
  16. Nathancat7

    Volunteer(s) Needed!

    Freyr wrote: You are being too kind to me--which is to say that rather than critiquing the topic summary, I should have given it a go and typed up my version. That is the subtext underneath the current text you sense. The point I was making though, is that the lie perpetrated by the...
  17. paralleloscope

    Volunteer(s) Needed!

    To quote you need to select and copy the relevant bit and paste it into your reply, then again select the text and press the yellow speech bubble, 2nd from the rigth in the row above the smilies. Or you can add [q.uote] where the quote should start and a [/q.uote] where it should end (without...
  18. Joe

    Volunteer(s) Needed!

    how about this For Iran I would simply stress the fact that the CIA installed a dictator in 1953 that led to 26 years of brutal rule for the Iranian people until the revolution in 1979. Since then Iran has increasingly been in the sights of the Global elite with the US and Israel pushing for...
  19. paralleloscope

    Volunteer(s) Needed!

    Ok yes, I guess it got crowded up there with questions going all over the place. Collaboration would be nice. To start with the middle east situation, here is a draft for a revised entry needs more info? On the subject of Iran I am not clear on how to describe Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's relations...
  20. Laura

    Smoking is... good?

    Re: "Young Men Who Smoke Have Lower IQs, Study Finds" Yeah. Never mind that mercury, gluten and milk are destroying people's lives right and left... it's all about smoking... we can kill you with mercury and poisoned food all day long, and Depleted Uranium, and starvation, and whatever, but...
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