Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

For STS I suspect this IS taking time for themselves.
Anything that inflicts suffering (preferably as painful and drawn out as possible).
This is their DELIGHT.

Hard to comprehend, but your soul is not saturated with darkness like theirs.
It is hard to comprehend indeed.
And mostly a sad state of affairs for them in particular.

What you give to the world is what you get

May Karma sort out each one according to their weight 🪷
In any process, it is important to learn and adapt. It turns out that the Russian army adapts much better than the enemy.
Ukraine's losses during the counteroffensive amounted to 8 to 1 compared to the Russian ones
During the counteroffensive, Ukrainian losses amounted to about 8 to 1 compared to Russian losses, as Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview with the Media Corporation of China. Putin stressed that Russia has always sought a peaceful resolution of the conflict and conducted relevant negotiations in Istanbul.

According to the Russian leader, after the retreat of Russian troops from Kiev, the Ukrainian side abandoned the previously reached agreements, declaring its intention to achieve "Russia's defeat on the battlefield" and "Russia's strategic defeat." The active hostilities that began on June 4 in the form of a counteroffensive from Ukraine, according to Putin, did not bring the expected results, except for significant losses in troops.

The Russian President's statement was a response to Ukraine's decision to continue fighting, despite the proposal for a peaceful settlement of the conflict.

It should be noted that today is the 600th day since the start of the special military operation.
Потери Украины во время контрнаступления составили 8 к 1 по сравнению с российскими

AFU got into the "Bakhmut meat grinder" near Rabotino
According to the Military Chronicle, mine threats are increasing in some areas of the territories, posing a significant risk to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to the source, the initial scale of the bombings was great, but the situation is consistently getting worse, thereby aggravating the situation on the ground.

The main problem is compounded by the strategy of repeated mining of territories, which creates difficulties with safe movement without specialized sapper units that are not always available in positions. In search of relative safety, anti-tank ditches are becoming preferred for use as shelters.

Some of these ditches are left intentionally: the tactics of flexible defense used by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the relevant areas allows the leadership of the troops to consciously choose which areas to send the infantry of the Armed Forces. This approach further provides the possibility of destroying enemy troops using artillery.

It is reported that special emphasis is placed on the use of 152-mm howitzers, which, allegedly, have been involved less and less in the last three weeks due to the active use of remote mining systems "Zemledelye". The use of such weapons, as well as the regular work of sappers and special forces, leads to the fact that anti-tank ditches become dangerous due to the abundance of anti-personnel mines.

For the AFU platoons, getting into such mined positions is fraught with colossal losses.
ВСУ попали в "Бахмутскую мясорубку" под Работино

В любом процессе важно учиться и адаптироваться. Получается, что Российская армия адаптируется гораздо лучше противника.
A bit of truth continues to get out into the mainstream - starting sow the seeds for getting rid of Zelensky once elections come around perhaps:
A former Ukrainian presidential adviser has described Kyiv’s stalled counter-offensive as a “disaster” and accused Volodymyr Zelensky of making strategic mistakes.

Oleksiy Arestovych said that Mr Zelensky and his military commanders have failed to break through Russian lines and that Ukraine now needed a new leader.

“They are not telling the truth. There will be no return to the borders of 1991, and there will be no Crimea in the near future,” he said.

Mr Arestovych resigned in January as a presidential adviser after a row over the effectiveness of Ukraine’s air defence systems.
In a statement released on X, formerly known as Twitter, Mr Arestovych said that Mr Zelensky had made “corrupt and inadequate decisions”, and described the counter-offensive as a wasted opportunity.

“Behind the strategic mistakes in the field loom strategic mistakes in public administration, foreign and domestic policy,” he said.

Public criticism of Mr Zelensky in Ukraine is rare, although after 20 months of war frustrations are growing. The US wants Ukraine to hold a presidential election next year, as scheduled, and has also encouraged Mr Zelensky to clamp down on corruption.

Some Western officials have also said that Ukraine’s Nato-backed counter-offensive has failed as it has only managed to recapture a sliver of territory along the extensive frontline.
'The Zelensky's visit to Israel is aimed to ask for more money, weapons and ammunition.'

11 Oct, 2023

12 Oct, 2023
Israel has rejected Zelensky's visit.

16 Oct, 2023
Scott Ritter digs deep into the Zelensky PsyOp.

Agent Zelensky - Part 1
As a former intelligence officer, I’ve been wondering why has no one done an investigation about Volodymyr Zelensky, the President of Ukraine? His rise to power, in my opinion, represents an incredible manipulation of world opinion that will go down in history as a classic case study in social psychological engineering: an ordinary comedian who came to power because he promised a long-awaited peace, who then dragged his fellow citizens into a bloody war that can only be described as a massacre.

With the help of colleagues and experts with first-hand insights into Zelensky, I have poured over documents and video to produce a film that captures this investigation. This story has so many twists and turns that I had to break it into two parts. In the first episode, presented here, I will answer the question about Zelensky’s improbable rise to power, and how the Ukrainian President accumulated his vast wealth, a sum that has only become larger since the war with Russia began. And, perhaps most importantly, why I decided to call this film “Agent Zelensky.”
A little late, had completely missed Ritter's Agent Zelensky's Act (part 1), and although pieces were not unknown, featured were the many producers, script writers, set dressers, foreign and local actors in the big Zelensky play - oh, and money, reams of it.

Scott does a good job. What a grand world evil con.

The 3-month old YT link does not work for me, however here is the one from rumble:

P1 - A Scott Ritter Investigation: Agent Zelensky - Part 1
P2 - A Scott Ritter Investigation: Agent Zelensky - Part 2

Noted in P1 was Michael Springmann, who was on SOTT.net with his Visas for al-Qaeda story - worth the listen as these things all tie in:

The owners of Ukroreikh act this way out of desperation, but why does Russia act this way? Attempts to behave "like a gentleman" are perceived by them as a weakness and only so. Why is this, which has already become regular, designation of "red lines", then their confident overcoming by the enemy and... is nothing going on? (If you do not take into account the super tough statements of Iron Dimon) This applies to missiles supplied to ukrops, satellite intelligence, and previously delivered cluster munitions, depleted uranium ammunition, tanks ets.
The AFU began using American ATACMS missiles
According to the information received, the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) have started using American MGM-140A ATACMS Block 1 tactical missiles. These missiles, manufactured back in 1996, are equipped with an inertial guidance system and can carry up to 950 M74 submunitions. Their maximum firing range is 165 kilometers.

The wreckage of at least one of the missiles was found in the Berdyansk area. This is reported by the Telegram channel "Two Majors". It should be emphasized that according to available data, the missiles were not transferred to Ukraine through official channels, which indicates the fact that the United States began to conceal the supply of its weapons to Ukraine.

The use of such missiles creates an additional threat, since the affected area will increase many times.
ВСУ начали применять американские ракеты ATACMS

Western reconnaissance satellites may become a legitimate target of the Russian Aerospace Forces
Quasi-civilian objects and infrastructure in space used by the United States and its allies in the framework of the conflict in Ukraine may become a legitimate target for a retaliatory strike by the Russian Aerospace Forces.

This, according to Russian media, was stated by Vladimir Ermakov, director of the Russian Foreign Ministry's Department for Nonproliferation and Arms Control.

"As a result of the actions of Western countries, the sustainability of peaceful space activities, as well as numerous socio-economic processes on Earth, on which the well—being of people depends, primarily in developing countries, are exposed to unjustified risks," Ermakov added.

According to him, such a provocative use of civilian satellites at least raises questions in the context of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, which provides for the exclusively peaceful use of outer space, and requires the most serious condemnation by the international community.

Spacecraft are dual—use products by default.

"On the one hand, the satellite can distribute the Internet, on the other — the military can receive a summary of the enemy's position. There is a technology of reprogramming, redirection to different orbits and much more," explained Yulia Arkhipova, head of the Space Technologies Consortium.

Alexey Podberezkin, director of the MGIMO Center for Military and Political Studies, Doctor of Historical Sciences, is confident that without the support of GPS satellite communications, American precision weapons, which are used by the Armed Forces against Russian troops, will not be able to work, which means that there are already many facts proving that the United States uses outer space for military purposes against Russia.

The military expert pointed out the established cases of calculating the coordinates of objects of Russian bases by Ukrainians using American space satellites, which is already a function of the combat control system of the armed forces. For example, the transfer of data from space to the Ukrainian Armed Forces about Sevastopol in September, after which Kiev launched a missile attack on the city and the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet.

Therefore, according to Podberezkin, Russia should decide on the need for a response at least with the help of electronic warfare. He also stressed that such actions are a direct violation of the 1967 Treaty on the Peaceful Use of Outer Space, since Washington uses outer space to help the Armed Forces of Ukraine for military purposes and in the destruction of Russia's infrastructure.

There are enough examples of "constructive interaction" between American space satellites and the APU. So, in June last year, Maxar Technologies' Worldview-1 commercial satellite was filming the Novoshakhtinsky Oil Refinery. Three days later, the company — the largest supplier of petroleum products in the south of Russia — was attacked by Ukrainian drones.

A little later, in early July, the media found out that the GeoEye-1 commercial satellite of the same company could take pictures of Belgorod three days before the APU hit the city.

In September, satellites of the same Maxar Technologies took pictures of Sevastopol twice. On September 19, the city was filmed by the WorldView-3 camera, on September 20 — by WorldView-2.

"At the time of launch, the satellites had the highest spatial resolution among all commercial vehicles, allowing for highly detailed images," the company assured.

On September 22, the AFU struck Sevastopol. Air defense systems shot down five missiles, the historic building of the Black Sea Fleet headquarters was damaged.

"Against the background of the night attack on Crimea and Sevastopol, we once again raise the question of the role played by TOPAZ military satellites in planning missile strikes and amphibious landings.

From October 1 to October 3, 45 images of various objects on the peninsula were taken. These include air bases, suspected areas of location of air defense equipment and personnel.

Especially interesting is the activity of the "Topaz" at Cape Tarkhankut on the night of October 2, that is, a day before the attempt of the landing of the GUR to land in the Crimea. The Black Sea, Olenevka, Kalinovka and Novoselskoye were filmed — it was there that they tried to attack the DRG.

Also, with increased attention, there is monitoring of airfields in the Crimea and geographical heights (it is logical to place air defense systems in such places). Thus, the West determines the most suitable targets for possible cruise missile attacks.

Therefore, by tracking the activity of the satellite grouping, it is possible not only to roughly understand the short—term plans of the enemy, and what strike directions can be chosen, but also to take counteraction and camouflage measures," military expert Boris Rozhin expressed his opinion.

The fact that HIMARS missiles are aimed at a target "is carried out with the help of American military satellites, and US military personnel on the ground coordinate satellite and intelligence information," Russian permanent representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzia drew the attention of the whole world back in December 2022.

The fact that the United States is already actually "waging war" against Russia, including by supplying the APU with satellite data, was stated a month ago by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on the Rossiya-1 TV channel to journalist Pavel Zarubin.
Западные спутники-разведчики могут стать законной целью ВКС РФ

Хозяева Укропии действуют так из за безысходности, но почему так действует Россия? Попытки вести себя "по джентльменски" ими воспринимаются как слабость и только так. Зачем вот это , уже ставшее регулярным, обозначение "красных линий", затем их уверенное преодоление противником и... ничего не происходит? (Если не брать в расчет супер жесткие высказывания Железного Димона) Это касается и ракет, поставляемых укропам, и спутниковых разведданных, и ранее поставленных кассетных боеприпасов, боеприпасов с обедненным ураном, танков.
Examples of the inhuman attitude of ukrops even to their "brothers" have been cited many times. There's just another example. The ukrops themselves posted this recording from the FPV drone to the network, i.e. they are proud of it as a kind of achievement. And what do we see? The FPV drone attacks a pickup truck, in the back of which four bound captive ukrops are clearly visible. The result of the attack - all captured ukrops were killed, the driver was wounded, the second Russian soldier, who was in the cockpit, was shell-shocked.

Уже много раз приводились примеры нечеловеческого отношения укропов даже к своим "побратимам". Вот просто еще один пример. Укропы сами выложили эту запись с FPV дрона в сеть, т.е. они гордятся этим, как неким достижением. А что мы видим? FPV дрон атакует пикап, в кузове которого явно видны четверо связанных пленных укропов. Итог атаки- все четверо пленных укропов погибли, водитель ранен, второй российский военный, бывший в кабине контужен.


Dirk Pohlman - regarding
thermonuclear explosions in the Baltic Sea
in Danish/Swedish territory
Corona Investigative Committee, Berlin No 177 "Confirmation"

In 🇩🇪 German Language • 1 hour 33 minutes

I thought this was very interesting detail in the nefarious terrorism which has been carried out in Danish & Swedish waters back on 26 Sep 2023

Dirk Pohlman, the investigative reporter which is the same guy who spoke at the UN Security council not long time ago - mention for example - that the most powerful bomb the Swedish Marine has, is a 600 kg bomb. They used it a couples of times when they tried to blow up "Russian underwater vehicles" back in the days. Now one of the guys in the Swedish marine said, that such a bomb creates a 60 meter high water pillar, but only a couple of meters in diameter.

Here is however, a photo taken only a few minutes after the explosion which blew up the massive Nord Stream pipelines:
Now go figure - the kind of tremendous power unleashed at 80 meter (at the deepest point), ripping off (disintegrating) 250 meter of the pipeline, and the ends stood up 8 meter high (such details was ever reported in German media or elsewhere). Also: every 12 meter of the Nord Stream pipeline weighs 24 tons. How can you blow up 250 meter pipeline with a conventional bomb ?

You cannot.

Only a thermonuclear bomb(s) have the power, that can accomplish such an enormous raise of water 350 meter in diameter, and the major destruction at the Bornholm depth.

Latest finds:
It has now been found (albeit is not talked about), that the fishes in the Baltic sea now have elevated amounts of radioactive Caesium in their bodies, as well Cobalt ! :scared:

Kinzhals Best

And last but not least, as King Lear was wont to say, I have this piece, from just this morning. This is what happened:

An American Global Hawk drone of the RQ-4B brand was flying over the Black Sea, just minding its own business and doing its thing, i.e., reconnaissance for Ukrainian attacks. Like Pavlovian dogs, the Russian navy has gotten used to the idea that whenever a Global Hawk is spotted in the sky, something bad is about to happen on the ground. Like, a Ukrainian attack on some piece of Russian infrastructure.

But this time was different. The Global Hawk suddenly lost its connection, squeaked out a distress signal, turned around, and flew back to its base in one of the nearby NATO countries.

Reporter Vera Basilaya hints that the incident might have something to do with an announcement, made yesterday by Russian President Putin, that Russia has initiated a campaign of continuous patrolling and “visual control” over the entire Black Sea (including international waters), using MIG-31’s armed with hypersonic Kinzhal missiles. Putin added that this was not a threat, just a statement of fact.

Serious technologies and equipment are used.
ATACMS missiles transferred to Ukraine have expired validity
The American magazine Forbes published an article claiming that the United States secretly transferred expired ATACMS missiles to Ukraine. According to the information, in the arsenal of the US Army there is a large number of expired or approaching the expiration date of M39 missiles — one of the modifications of ATACMS.

"The administration of US President Joe Biden, bypassing public attention, sent some of these missiles to Ukraine, having previously checked the condition of their solid—fuel rocket engines," the article says.

The publication emphasizes that the price tag for this type of weapon is estimated in millions of dollars, but it is impractical to use them against Russian armored vehicles because of their low efficiency.

Earlier, The Wall Street Journal also reported on the secret delivery of ATACMS missiles to Ukraine. These missiles can hit targets at a distance of up to 165 kilometers, which allows their use against objects located on the territory of Russia.

According to various sources, the United States has transferred from 20 to 50 ATACMS missiles to Ukraine.
Переданные Украине ракеты ATACMS имеют просроченную годность

The AWACS E-3B "Sentry" aircraft monitored the Crimea during the AFU attack
Today it became known about a missile strike on the territory of Crimea, which was coordinated from the air with the help of an E-3B "Sentry" long-range radar detection and control aircraft. This AWACS aerial radar is equipped with AN AN/APY-2 complex radar and AN AN/AYR-1 multi-band electronic reconnaissance complex. The latter is capable of detecting active radar stations and radars of anti-aircraft missile systems at a distance of up to 700 km, which allows operators to identify and determine the "blind spots" of the enemy.

The main place where the missiles fell was registered in the Balaklava area. At the same time, the successful operation of anti-aircraft missile systems of the Russian Aerospace Forces was recorded: some of the enemy missiles were intercepted and destroyed. Currently, the process of identifying the type of missiles used is underway. The attack was combined.
Самолет ДРЛОиУ E-3B "Sentry" следил за Крымом во время атаки ВСУ
An American Global Hawk drone of the RQ-4B brand was flying over the Black Sea, just minding its own business and doing its thing, i.e., reconnaissance for Ukrainian attacks. Like Pavlovian dogs, the Russian navy has gotten used to the idea that whenever a Global Hawk is spotted in the sky, something bad is about to happen on the ground. Like, a Ukrainian attack on some piece of Russian infrastructure.

But this time was different. The Global Hawk suddenly lost its connection, squeaked out a distress signal, turned around, and flew back to its base in one of the nearby NATO countries.

I wonder if that was the same drone i saw yesterday on flightradar24.com circling back and forth over the Back Sea at 57000 feet / 17 km height ? I noticed it only because of the many rounds it had made what looked like 30+ times before it went back (towards what i assumed would be Sigonella airbase (?), near Catania in Sicily) albeit i did not follow its entire return path.

My impression was that it run out of fuel or something because it already had made so many rounds over the Black Sea.
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