Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

On the part of Russia, "goodwill gestures" will not end in any way. The enemy is not able to perceive them adequately, but we stubbornly threaten them with a finger and say all the time: ay-yay-yay, you can't do that.
Russia is ready to start using cluster munitions
At the XI Moscow Conference on International Security, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced the possibility of reviewing the decision on the non-use of cluster munitions by Russia. Up to this point, the Russian side has refrained from using them, relying on humanitarian considerations.

"I wanted to draw attention to the fact that we also have cluster munitions in service. Until now, for humanitarian reasons, we have refrained from using them. However, this decision may be reconsidered," Shoigu stressed.

Such a statement by the Minister followed in response to the decision of the United States of America to supply cluster munitions to Ukraine. Shoigu expressed concern about the consequences of the use of such weapons, especially given their impact on civilians.

"Previously, American representatives have repeatedly stated that the use of cluster munitions is a war crime. Today, Washington and its accomplices are committing this crime in Ukraine. As expected, there is no condemnation from humanitarian organizations," the minister added.

Such behavior, according to Shoigu, indicates double standards in international practice.
Россия готова начать применение кассетных боеприпасов

Here are almost the most advanced allies. They put a weapon, but forbade its use. Why does it only work for the British? How nice it would be if the others forbade the Ukrainians to use their weapons. Including Russia, as the successor of the USSR, would prohibit the use of Soviet weapons.
I had an improvised hit parade of Ukrainian allies in terms of their degree of advancement in relation to heavy tanks:
1. The USA is the most cunning, they did not give tanks at all (yet)
2. UK-tanks were given, but they were forbidden to use them in battles.
3. France- did not give heavy tanks, got off with old, light AMX-10.
4. Germany is in last place. These poor devils were unwound to a pile of Leo2 (half of which have already been unwound across the fields) and to an even larger pile of Leo1. In general, it seems that things are very bad with Germany. If Merkel was still trying to portray the appearance of some kind of independent policy (the Ameikans needed to listen to her phone in order to control), then Scholz openly merges everything in favor of the United States and apparently it is not necessary to listen to him - he himself writes detailed reports about each of his movements.
Some NATO sheep today proposed, as a peaceful option for Ukraine, joining NATO as a "compensation" for the territories occupied by Russia. However, one of the goals of the special operation declared by Russia was the non-entry of Ukraine into NATO. Now, looking at such "peaceful" proposals, Russia will probably have to strain itself and not leave a single piece that could be called Ukraine and that could be accepted into NATO.
The UK has banned Ukraine from using Challenger 2 tanks until further notice
The UK has expressed its concern about the use of Challenger tanks supplied by London during the first phase of the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU). This decision was made after several German-made Leopard tanks fell into the hands of the Russian army.

British intelligence, analyzing the losses and tactics of using military equipment on the Ukrainian front, concluded that the use of Challenger tanks could be "irrational" and potentially dangerous in combat operations against Russian troops, especially when storming fortified positions on the Southern Front.

The delivery of Challenger tanks to Ukraine was part of the UK's military assistance to Kiev. However, given the current situation on the battlefield and the risks associated with the loss of expensive and modern military equipment, the British government decided to temporarily restrict the use of these tanks in active combat operations.

It should be noted that to date, Challenger tanks have never been seen in battles in the zone of their own.
Великобритания запретила Украине использовать танки Challnger 2 до особого указания

Со стороны России никак не закончатся "жесты доброй воли". Противник не способен воспринимать их адекватно, однако мы упрямо грозим им пальчиком и все время говорим: ай-яй-яй, так нельзя.

Вот почти самые продвинутые союзники. Поставили оружие, но запретили его использовать. Почему это работает только у британцев? Как было бы хорошо, если бы и остальные запретили украм использовать свое оружие. В том числе Россия, как правопреемница СССР запретила бы использовать советское оружие.
У меня родился импровизированный хит-парад украинских союзников по степени их продвинутости по отношению к тяжелым танкам:
1. США- самые ушлые, вообще не дали танков (пока)
2. UK-танки дали, но запретили их использовать в боях.
3. Франция- тяжёлые танки не дала, отделалась старыми, легкими AMX-10.
4. Германия на последнем месте. Этих бедолаг раскрутили на кучу Leo2 (половину из которых уже размотали по полям) и на еще большую кучу Leo1. Вообще с Германией похоже дело совсем плохо. Если Меркель еще пыталась изображать видимость какой то независимой политики (амеиканцам нужно было прослушивать ее телефон, чтобы контролировать), то Шольц открыто сливает все в пользу США и его видимо и прослушивать не надо- он сам пишет подробные отчеты по поводу каждого своего телодвижения.
Какой то НАТОВСКИЙ баран сегодня предложил, как мирный вариант для Украины- вступление в НАТО в качестве "компенсации" за территории занятые Россией. Однако одной из заявленных Россией целей спецоперации было невступление Украины в НАТО. Теперь, глядя на такие "мирные" предложения, России видимо придется поднапрячься и не оставить ни одного кусочка, который можно было бы называть Украиной и который можно было бы принимать в НАТО.
Just caught this on my nightly news round up, Maybe Ukraine it's loosing its appeal and utility

Senior NATO official: Ukraine could join alliance if it cedes some territories to Russia

"I'm not saying it has to be that way. But it could be a possible solution," said Stian Jenssen.
The director of the Office of the NATO Secretary General, Stian Jenssen, suggested Tuesday that Ukraine could join the Atlantic Alliance if it cedes some territories to Russia.

"I think one solution may be for Ukraine to cede territories and get NATO membership in return," Jenssen said, quoted by the Norwegian newspaper VG.

The senior official said that Kiev must decide for itself "when and on what terms it wants to negotiate," while stressing that the issue of ceding territory is not an idea put forward only by him. "I'm not saying it has to be. But it could be a possible solution," he concluded.

For his part, Ukrainian President's advisor Mikhail Podoliak expressed that "exchanging territory for a NATO umbrella" is "ridiculous". Meanwhile, Ukrainian Foreign Ministry spokesman Oleg Nikolenko called Jenssen's statements "totally unacceptable".

In this context, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev indicated that "the idea is curious." "The only issue is that all their so-called territories are highly disputed. And to join the bloc, the Kiev authorities will have to give up even Kiev itself, the capital of the former Rus," he wrote on his Telegram account.
There have been several explosions in Russia in the past week or so, the first one was on that plant outside of Moscow, then today there were two reported, one in a gas station:

And one in an oil field in Talinski

Maybe it's unrelated, but maybe not? I find the timing curious, what do you guys think? could it be directed from the west/Ukraine?
Guys, which automatic translation from Russian to English is better?


Periodically, there are reports that the federal security service has detained someone who was preparing a terrorist attack on the instructions of the Ukrainian security service or someone who was passing data to the Ukrainian side or preventing an attempted infiltration of dispersed intelligence groups or preventing an attempted terrorist attack. Even more recently, there's been a wave of attacks on railroad tracks and and power lines. I think that we will not even know about the prevention of some of these terrorist acts.
International terrorism is also a tool to intimidate the population. Therefore, local authorities may conceal the true causes of an event in order to reduce panic. On the other hand, any explosion may be caused by negligence.
The explosion at a gas station in the suburbs of Makhachkala occurred because of greed and avarice of those who violated security measures, believes the head of the region, Sergei Melikov.

"Greed and greed are at the top of the list. When people try to violate security measures in order to make a profit. A service station cannot be located next to a gas station. If only for the reason that maintenance involves welding work, and a refueling complex involves storage of flammable liquids and gas," Melikov said.
But I am absolutely sure that Western and Ukrainian special services are trying to sow panic among the Russian population as much as possible, by any means. I hope that Russian special services will be as effective as possible in this war.

Periodically, there are reports that the federal security service has detained someone who was preparing a terrorist attack on the instructions of the security service of Ukraine or someone who passed data to the Ukrainian side or to prevent an attempted infiltration by dispersion intelligence groups or to prevent an attempt to commit a terrorist act. More recently, there has been a wave of attacks on railroad tracks and power lines. I think that we will not even know about the prevention of some of these terrorist acts.
International terrorism is also a tool for intimidating the population. Therefore, local authorities can hide the true causes of an event in order to reduce panic. On the other hand, any explosion can be the cause of negligence.
The explosion at a gas station in the suburbs of Makhachkala occurred due to the greed and greed of those who violated security measures, said the head of the region, Sergei Melikov.

"Greed and greed are at the forefront. When people try to violate security measures in order to profit. A service station cannot be located near a gas station. If only because the maintenance involves welding work, and the gas station involves the storage of flammable liquids and gas ", Melikov said.
But I am absolutely sure that the Western and Ukrainian special services are trying to sow panic among the Russian population as much as possible, by any means. I hope that the Russian special services will show themselves as effectively as possible in this war.
Guys, which automatic translation from Russian to English is better?


Periodically, there are reports that the federal security service has detained someone who was preparing a terrorist attack on the instructions of the Ukrainian security service or someone who was passing data to the Ukrainian side or preventing an attempted infiltration of dispersed intelligence groups or preventing an attempted terrorist attack. Even more recently, there's been a wave of attacks on railroad tracks and and power lines. I think that we will not even know about the prevention of some of these terrorist acts.
International terrorism is also a tool to intimidate the population. Therefore, local authorities may conceal the true causes of an event in order to reduce panic. On the other hand, any explosion may be caused by negligence.

But I am absolutely sure that Western and Ukrainian special services are trying to sow panic among the Russian population as much as possible, by any means. I hope that Russian special services will be as effective as possible in this war.

Periodically, there are reports that the federal security service has detained someone who was preparing a terrorist attack on the instructions of the security service of Ukraine or someone who passed data to the Ukrainian side or to prevent an attempted infiltration by dispersion intelligence groups or to prevent an attempt to commit a terrorist act. More recently, there has been a wave of attacks on railroad tracks and power lines. I think that we will not even know about the prevention of some of these terrorist acts.
International terrorism is also a tool for intimidating the population. Therefore, local authorities can hide the true causes of an event in order to reduce panic. On the other hand, any explosion can be the cause of negligence.

But I am absolutely sure that the Western and Ukrainian special services are trying to sow panic among the Russian population as much as possible, by any means. I hope that the Russian special services will show themselves as effectively as possible in this war.

Hi f1esk.

Both translations are adequate, but both contain errors; for example:
The DeepL version says: "... tracks and and power lines..." which is wrong; a simple error of duplication.

The Google version says: "... any explosion can be the cause of negligence." This is nonsense.
The DeepL version says correctly "... any explosion may be caused by negligence."

DeepL: "...because of greed and avarice of those..." should read: "...because of the greed and avarice..."
Google: "...due to the greed and greed..." This is patently wrong.

Both translations wrongly say: "Greed and greed are at the forefront..." This is obviously wrong too.

There is not very much to choose between them. On balance, I would choose the DeepL version.
There are several articles from this gentleman on SOTT, here is the new one where he talks about his new book in which he writes about Soviet Union’s relations with Western Europe and the United States during the years 1917 and 1945:

You can also find several other links about this topic in this article:

Yesterday, the breakthrough of the Ukrainian DRG in the Bryansk region was prevented. In itself, this is not very interesting, because such attempts occur regularly. In this case, it is interesting that the Ukrainian terrorists carried kamikaze drones with the symbols of Russia and the FSB, i.e. some kind of provocation was being prepared a la Butch, Irpen, and this once again reveals the true face of the Ukrainian terrorist junta.
I am sorry for writing as the main Soviet newspaper "Pravda", but this is the truth without quotes. ("Pravda" in Russian is truth)
Senior Border Guard: About yesterday's events. I'll start with the most unpleasant. None of the official sources (military officers / bloggers) really gave exhaustive information on the actions of the border guards who prevented the penetration of the enemy DRG into the depths of our territory. They got off with a vague statement.

So, yesterday, the enemy DRG, presumably in the number of 15 people, came to the hidden forward position of our border mortar group performing reconnaissance. A short-range shooting battle immediately ensued.

Despite the superior forces of the enemy, the border guards gave a tough rebuff, as a result of which the enemy began to retreat. During a small-arms battle, our brother, a border guard, received a bullet wound, unfortunately, the wound turned out to be fatal - on the way to the hospital, the border guard died of blood loss. Covering the retreat of the DRG, the enemy opened mortar fire at the place of the clash, as a result of which two more border guards received concussions (one heavy). Reinforcements were promptly pulled into the area. The breakthrough attempt was successfully eliminated.
Thanks to the heroic actions of the border guards, it was possible to prevent the penetration of the enemy DRG into the depths of our territory. The enemy suffered significant losses - four two hundredths, and this is only according to confirmed objective control data.
The FSB of Russia has published a video of the destroyed sabotage and reconnaissance group of the enemy, which yesterday tried to cross the border near the village of Kurkovichi, Bryansk region.
The footage shows four well-equipped liquidated members of Ukrainian formations. Among the finds, you can also see FPV drones with Russian symbols and inscriptions "property of the FSB" for carrying out provocations.
According to some reports, the group consisted of 15 saboteurs who stumbled upon a hidden position of Russian border guards. After a short-range battle, the enemy retreated, abandoning the bodies of the dead. Unfortunately, there were losses on our side — one fighter was wounded and died on the way to the hospital.
17.08.2023 Резервная 82 бригада ВСУ атакует РАБОТИНО! Карта боевых действий сегодня: видео перехваченной ДРГ ВСУ с дронами ФСБ (19 видео) смотреть онлайн в хорошем качестве

A long-noticed effect. As soon as a Western politician acquires the prefix ex, he almost immediately begins to say reasonable things. So Sarkozy did not escape this, but only partially. Speaking about the illusory nature of Ukrainian attempts to regain Crimea, he also declares the need for new referendums "under strict international control," of course, meaning control by the "free democratic world." I want to say: thank you, dear, no need to worry. It is already well known how all sorts of elections and referendums take place in the "free democratic world", including C's told us about it.
Ukraine's chances of returning Crimea were called illusory
Ex-French President Sarkozy called the idea of Ukraine to return Crimea an illusion

The idea of Ukraine to return Crimea to its composition is illusory. This statement was made by former French President Nicolas Sarkozy in an interview with Le Figaro newspaper.

He stressed that attempts to return to the past, which Ukraine is trying to achieve, are no longer possible.

"When it comes to Crimea, which was Russian until 1954 and where the majority of the population has always felt Russian, I consider any step back illusory," Sarkozy said.

The former French president added that in order to confirm the existing status of the peninsula, it is necessary to hold a new referendum under strict control from the international community.

The politician added that the same voting should be held in the new regions of Russia. This will allow Ukraine to finally close the issue if it really wants the end of hostilities.

In 2015, as President of France, Nicolas Sarkozy compared the annexation of Crimea with the partial recognition of Kosovo. He stressed that it is impossible to recognize the independence of one territory and deny it to another.

Ukraine's rejection of Crimea may become a condition for the end of the conflict. This idea was expressed by the political consultant of the US State Department and the US Defense Ministry, Edward Luttwak. He explained that if Zelensky's office takes such a step, it will stop regular strikes on the territory of the country, as well as preserve the independence of Ukraine.
Шансы Украины на возвращение Крыма назвали иллюзорными | 360°

The Polish authorities stubbornly climb on the "rake" of 1939. Then they were preparing to rob others together with Germany, the result is known. Now they are going to do the same thing under the leadership of the USA. I wonder what convinces them of the success of such aspirations?
Ukraine is losing. In Poland, they announced preparations for war
Myśl Polska: Poland buys weapons for war amid Ukraine's defeat

MOSCOW, Aug 17 — RIA Novosti. Poland's large-scale purchases of offensive weapons indicate preparations for war against the background of Ukraine's imminent defeat, this opinion was expressed by Eugeniusz Zinkiewicz, a columnist for the Polish edition of Myśl Polska.
"We are witnessing bold plans for arming the Warsaw government and purchasing a large number of offensive weapons <...>. Based on the announced list of purchases of these weapons and their quantity, I have a strong impression that we are preparing for war. Hence my question, when is the war?" he wrote.

The Polish government, according to Zinkevich, does not take into account the Ukrainian experience when it places excessive hopes on Western weapons. He warned that the "terrible technical condition" of these weapons, their extreme unreliability and inefficiency leads to the inability of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to conduct a "victorious battle" with the modern armed forces of Russia, even after changing the tactics and strategy of the Ukrainian army.
"Forced tactics on the battlefield, introduced by NATO strategists for the warring Ukrainians, leads to serious losses of human lives <...>. Due to the manpower losses suffered by Ukraine, the current change in strategy and tactics cannot significantly change the situation on the battlefield. This can only slightly delay the complete defeat of Ukraine," Zinkevich said.
Poland in 2022 signed a contract for the supply of 250 Abrams M1A2 SEPv3 tanks along with related equipment, logistics and training packages. In 2023, Poland signed another contract for the supply of 116 Abrams tanks in the M1A1 version.Polish Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak stated that Poland wants to buy 96 Apache helicopters in the United States, but until that happens, the US Army will provide Poland with eight Apache helicopters from its own reserves.
The Polish Defense Ministry is also actively purchasing weapons from South Korea, 1,000 tanks, 600 howitzers, more than 280 Chunmoo long-range missile systems and 48 FA-50 light combat aircraft have already been purchased.
Украина проигрывает. В Польше заявили о подготовке к войне

Вчера предотвращен прорыв украинской ДРГ в Брянскую область. Само по себе это не очень интересно, т.к. подобные попытки происходят регулярно. В данном случае интересно то, что украинские террористы несли с собой дроны-камикадзе с символикой России и ФСБ, т.е. готовилась какая то провокация а-ля Буча, Ирпень и это уже в очередной раз открывает истинное лицо украинской террористической хунты. Сорян за то, что пишу как главная советская газета "Правда", но ведь это и есть правда уже без кавычек. ("Правда" по русски правда)
Давно замеченный эффект. Как только западный политик приобретает приставку экс, то почти сразу начинает говорить разумные вещи. Вот и Саркози не избежал этого, но только отчасти. Говоря об иллюзорности украинских попыток вернуть себе Крым, он также заявляет о необходимости проведения новых референдумов "под строгим международным контролем", конечно имея ввиду контроль со стороны "свободного демократического мира". Хочется сказать: спасибо, дорогой, не нужно беспокоиться. Уже хорошо известно как проходят всякие выборы и референдумы в "свободном демократическом мире", в т.ч. нам об этом рассказывали C's.
Польские власти упрямо лезут на "грабли" 1939 года. Тогда они готовились дербанить окружающих вместе с Германией, результат известен. Теперь они собираются проделать тоже самое под водительством США. Мне интересно, что убеждает их в успешности подобных устремлений?

That is quite the sick racket:
The children taken from the school in Chtchastye had been taken away without any identity documents (they were not yet old enough to have passports, and their birth certificates were with their parents). When she got her daughter back, Liliya discovered that they had produced a new “original” birth certificate for Kira, who had been declared an orphan (even though her mother is alive and well)! According to Kira, the group of children with the new documents were to be sent to Poland!

The only reason they got her back was that she had memorized the phone number and called and her mum's perseverance.

The children were even forbidden to call their parents to tell them where they were. But Kira knew her mother’s telephone number by heart and managed to call her to let her know that they were in Lvov and then Khoust. Thanks to Liliya’s determination to find her daughter (she went to look for her in western Ukraine), we discovered how Kiev ‘exports’ the children it abducts.
The children taken from the school in Chtchastye had been taken away without any identity documents (they were not yet old enough to have passports, and their birth certificates were with their parents). When she got her daughter back, Liliya discovered that they had produced a new “original” birth certificate for Kira, who had been declared an orphan (even though her mother is alive and well)! According to Kira, the group of children with the new documents were to be sent to Poland!

Without the perseverance of Kira and her mother, no one would have known where and how the children had been taken. This is how Ukraine makes the children it abducts disappear, preventing anyone from finding out what happens to them: the parents are not informed of anything, the children are forbidden to contact them, and they are given false papers (that’s the best way to describe it, given that it’s impossible for the authorities to produce an original birth certificate when it’s in the hands of the parents) and declared to be orphans, before being sent abroad.

This is surely what happened to the children of Nikolayevka, who were taken to a holiday camp to “shelter” them, but whose parents now have no news of them.

Why use such illegal methods if the real aim is simply to shelter these children from the war? Well, because there is nothing legal about the real aim.
The children taken from the school in Chtchastye had been taken away without any identity documents (they were not yet old enough to have passports, and their birth certificates were with their parents). When she got her daughter back, Liliya discovered that they had produced a new “original” birth certificate for Kira, who had been declared an orphan (even though her mother is alive and well)! According to Kira, the group of children with the new documents were to be sent to Poland!

Without the perseverance of Kira and her mother, no one would have known where and how the children had been taken. This is how Ukraine makes the children it abducts disappear, preventing anyone from finding out what happens to them: the parents are not informed of anything, the children are forbidden to contact them, and they are given false papers (that’s the best way to describe it, given that it’s impossible for the authorities to produce an original birth certificate when it’s in the hands of the parents) and declared to be orphans, before being sent abroad.

This is surely what happened to the children of Nikolayevka, who were taken to a holiday camp to “shelter” them, but whose parents now have no news of them.

Why use such illegal methods if the real aim is simply to shelter these children from the war? Well, because there is nothing legal about the real aim.

Apparently similar was done during WW1 & WW2 in some countries. Parents were told that children were being moved from war zones for their safety, then the parents were told that the children had died, and the children were told that the parents had died.

I remember seeing a documentary the children were then sent to other countries as servants or slaves. The documentary focussed on children removed from England and sent to Australia and it was those children that as adults kicked off the campaign against institutional child abuse IIRC.
The common place is the lack of resources. There is not enough for everyone, hence the riots and escapes and splits.
Half a thousand Ukrainian servicemen staged a riot and refused to advance in the Zaporozhye region
According to the data provided by Balitsky, about 500 Ukrainian soldiers in the Zaporozhye direction decided to abandon offensive actions. Such a decision may indicate the unwillingness of part of the military to participate in actions that, in their opinion, may lead to a large number of casualties among their own personnel or the civilian population.

In addition to this, Balitsky stressed that during the last night, the Armed Forces of Ukraine suffered serious losses during attempts to attack in this direction. Specifically, the loss of 132 people was confirmed.

This fact indicates the complete demoralization of the Ukrainian military, who in two months of the counteroffensive actually did not achieve any serious successes on any of the front lines.

At the same time, it became known earlier that the AFU began to actively use combat aircraft in this sector of the front.
Полтысячи украинских военнослужащих устроили бунт и отказались наступать в Запорожской области

Hungry AFU soldiers swam across the Dnieper to surrender to the Russian military

GENICHESK (Kherson region), 17 Aug – RIA Novosti. A Ukrainian soldier who swam across the Dnieper with two comrades on a boat and surrendered, told RIA Novosti that they made this decision because of the bad attitude of the commanders, lack of combat training and hunger.
According to him, in the "textbook" in the Zhytomyr region, he was trained for only five days.

"I don't understand, is it possible to learn something during this period?" – he wondered.
After the "training", the soldier was sent to the 123rd brigade of the Ukrainian Defense. On the second day after arriving in the Kherson region, where the brigade is stationed, he found himself in positions on the right bank of the Dnieper.
"Constant artillery and mortar attacks from the left bank, we could not fulfill any of the assigned tasks from the commander – the call sign "Tick". I only saw him on the first day. He was in the rear all the time and never came to us. On the third day they began to starve. The ration, as they said, is not being delivered, because there is no fuel. It's like they buy it for their own money. And our pockets are empty," the defector complained.

The fighter refused to risk his life in such conditions without preparation.
"I made a decision for myself to surrender at the first opportunity," he explained.
According to him, the opportunity to escape presented itself in about a week.
"Being at the extreme position on the bank of the Dnieper River in the afternoon, I noticed a boat. At night, with two of my comrades, who also agreed with me on the whole, we swam to the left bank. They found a white rag, tied it to a stick and swam. We had three machine guns and a grenade launcher with us. It was very scary, because our people could start shooting at us at any moment," the former Ukrainian military said.
Three defectors were detained by a Russian patrol on August 8 at about 23:00 in the area between the settlements of Velikaya Lepetikha and Zavodovka on the left bank of the Dnieper. They had with them three AK-74 submachine guns, 360 rounds of 5.45 mm caliber, a hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher and three shots to it.
Голодные солдаты ВСУ переплыли Днепр, чтобы сдаться российским военным

A split is brewing between the AFU command and the Zelensky administration — Newsweek

In Ukraine, a split is brewing between the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the administration of President Zelensky, caused by the unsuccessful counteroffensive of the Ukrainian army, writes Newsweek.

The counteroffensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces "does not delight," the publication states, but only strengthens the debate at the highest level of the Ukrainian leadership.

The commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny and the military command want to continue the counteroffensive, while a number of Ukrainian politicians are calling for a stop and prepare for a possible autumn-winter offensive of the Russian Army, explains Newsweek.

The Zelensky administration initially voiced "excessively rosy assessments" of the counteroffensive, which misled the political leadership of the country, the author of the material concludes.

Общее место-нехватка ресурсов. На всех не хватает, отсюда и бунты и побеги и расколы.
Guys, which automatic translation from Russian to English is better?
I usually choose DeepL as the better one but on occasions, Google seems more accurate, at least at places where it matters most. Sometimes, I combine those two, which can make the style and use of tenses inconsistent but is closer to the real meaning. In some cases, have to look up a word in a Russian-English dictionary to find its meaning matching a given context, clearly missed by both translators. It all depends on the available time and importance of those questionable passages.
Ukies kept them as a relic, but now let's look at this "wunderwaffle".
The last breakthrough of the AFU: the best British tanks in the world went into the breakthrough

Kiev fans of Hitler, who until recently hoped to turn the tide of the war with numerous "wunderwafls", still decided to lay out a trump card that they had kept in the sleeve of the embroidery for a long time: according to confirmed sources, after the crews returned from training in Zaporozhye, the next "best in the world" British Challenger 2 tanks are being put into battle.
"Challengers" are going to turn into dust Russians within the framework of the last major grouping of the Armed Forces of Ukraine "Marun", namely as part of the 82nd airborne assault brigade, which Kiev stoically kept in reserve for a victorious march through the broken defense of the Russian Armed Forces.

But it didn't happen to break through the defense anywhere — and instead of a march, minced meat turned out. On the fields of the remnants of Ukraine, many dozens of previous Western miracle tanks are quietly rusting (including about fifty invincible Leopards), and the cart with watermelons is still there.
Nevertheless, as both early and recent history shows, Westerners (and those who are from the European garden and who speak Mov) have an amazing ability to self-excite from another "weapon of help" against the background of obvious failures.
The last aphrodisiac was the English Challenger 2 main battle tank. Well, how not to spread your pinched wings at the sight of such beauty? This is the heaviest Western tank (75 tons), it has the magic Dorchester 2 armor, a power reserve of 340 miles on the road and 160 off it, can crush Russians at a speed of 59 kilometers per hour, has a built-in protection system against nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, can fire depleted uranium core projectiles and in general, according to Western experts, it outshines all competitors with "accuracy and lethality", as well as "the most modern weapons system in the world". No more, no less.

In enthusiastic publications of the Western media, it is signed that the Challenger tanks "have never suffered losses at the hands of the enemy," and the meeting with Soviet-made tanks in Iraq was not a battle, but a "massacre." According to experts now sure of success, "there is no reason to expect (in Ukraine) a different outcome of the meeting with Russian tanks." The Minister of Defense of Ukraine Reznikov called the Challenger "fantastic tanks" and, emboldened, said that now the vaunted defense of the Russian Armed Forces with the so-called dragon teeth made of concrete will shamefully fall and that "if the dragon has teeth, then there will be a dragon dentist on them."
We are ready to agree that Challenger tanks fit perfectly into the world of pink ponies, rainbows and endless rewinds, but in the harsh reality, things are infinitely more likely to go very differently.

Due to their weight and technical features, these miracle tanks simply cannot move anywhere except in the fields of Zaporozhye. To deliver such a jewel to the place of "slaughter", special tank trucks, bridge-laying machines, engineering services, and often new roads are needed. Having trained on the "Leopards", our warriors will be happy to burn the "Challengers" floundering in the mud.
The vaunted uniqueness of British tanks also leads to the fact that they need to build their own system of technical support, repair, logistics and evacuation. Shells from tanks available to the Armed Forces of Ukraine are not suitable for them. If the spare parts will not keep up because of the "nasty Russians", you will have to disassemble the neighboring "Challengers" for spare parts for repairs. A sharp increase in the number of bouquets of geraniums to the warehouse and transport hubs of Ukraine also guarantees that the royal car service "Challengers" will not be seen.

In addition, "Lancetam", "Malkam" and mines do not care at all how much and what is stuffed and hung in grams on the Challenger: they will burn like pretty ones — with or without uranium cores.
And most importantly, as many as 14 miracle tanks arrived to defeat the Russians, which is equal to a maximum of a couple of days of quiet work for our guys, who have been waiting for both "Challengers" and "Abrams" for a long time.
Kiev needs a breakthrough before the onset of the autumn thaw, and the Ukrainian cargo cult in relation to the "Challengers" is designed to give the deflated Ukrainian troops cheerfulness. According to Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, Ukraine's military resource is almost exhausted, which is why the Armed Forces of Ukraine are forced to throw into battle their last reserves, which were planned to be used for the "liberation of the Crimea", and pretend that now the help will definitely happen.

According to Western military observers, "the Kremlin is concerned about the arrival of British tanks in Ukraine."
We can agree with this statement, but with one amendment: our military leadership is rather worried that there are too few "Challengers" and not everyone will be able to practice on them.
And as for the brave dentists, we will be happy to demonstrate again what remains of the world's best tanks after Russian caries.
Последний рывок ВСУ: в прорыв пошли лучшие в мире британские танки

Хранили хохлики их как реликвию, но теперь все же посмотрим и на эту "вундервафлю".
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