Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

An article from Caitlin Johnstone quoting The New York Times about how Ukrainians are reluctant to go dying:

Big Brave Western Proxy Warriors Keep Whining That Ukrainian Troops Are Cowards
Amid continuous news that the Ukrainian counteroffensive which began in June is not going as hoped, The New York Times has published an article titled “Troop Deaths and Injuries in Ukraine War Near 500,000, U.S. Officials Say.”

Reporting that Ukrainian efforts to retake Russia-occupied territory have been “bogged down in dense Russian minefields under constant fire from artillery and helicopter gunships,” The New York Times reports that Ukrainian forces have switched tactics to using “artillery and long-range missiles instead of plunging into minefields under fire.”

Then the article gets really freaky:

“American officials are worried that Ukraine’s adjustments will race through precious ammunition supplies, which could benefit President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia and disadvantage Ukraine in a war of attrition. But Ukrainian commanders decided the pivot reduced casualties and preserved their frontline fighting force.
“American officials say they fear that Ukraine has become casualty averse, one reason it has been cautious about pressing ahead with the counteroffensive. Almost any big push against dug-in Russian defenders protected by minefields would result in huge numbers of losses.”

I’m sorry, US officials “fear” that Ukraine is becoming “casualty averse”? Because safer battlefield tactics that burn through a lot of ammunition don’t chew through lives like charging through a minefield under heavy artillery fire?

Full article:
Claims that 10,000 people from Poland have died in Ukraine
I find it hard to believe, how would it be possible to hide? I can't find the original, though there are many paraphrased articles.

It was refuted by one of the Myśl Polska redactors, Mateusz Piskorski:
This morning, a number of Russian media have been referring to the Myśl Polska, citing information about 10,000 Polish mercenaries who were to die fighting on the Ukrainian side in the current conflict. Nobody shows the source of this information, nobody indicates its author. As a member of the editorial staff of the weekly Myśl Polska, I explain to my Russian colleagues: the material that is allegedly quoted does not exist. It is worth checking the sources, and not dealing with the loss of the image of those few Polish media that write objectively about the current war and do not join the chorus of Russophobes. We have no information on the number of Polish mercenaries killed. Our government does not comment on their presence in Ukraine. And we don't talk or write about things we can't verify. We ask the same of Russian journalists who, out of unprofessionalism or ill will, are trying to manipulate the name and authority of the oldest Polish weekly.

I don't know about any single case of my Polish friends or their circle of friends that were planning to go to Ukraine. The only case was my wife's sister that hosted two mercenaries from Canada, but she told that they were somewhat mentally ill. So I highly doubt these numbers, from what I remember the sentiment of the male population in Poland at the start of the conflict was cynical: "give Ukrainians the means to fight, because we don't want to, it's better that they are dying than we!". Most millennial Poles don't care about their country, let alone Ukraine.
Extraordinary claim from the Russian deputy ambassador to the UN:

A quick search tells me that an example Polyanskiy gave of a Western general who, he alleges, may have died while on unofficial combat duty in Ukraine, General Jean-Louis Georgelin, was actually in charge of overseeing the restoration of Notre Dame Cathedral at the time of his death. :huh:

Surely, at 74 years of age, he was too old to be sent on covert missions to Ukraine? Also, he really was given managerial oversight of the cathedral project... which, given the implausibility of that incident being an 'accident', begs the question whether - if there was foul play in his death - it may have related to the truth about the Notre Dame fire?

To me, the other example Polyanskiy gave sounds more plausible (as a cover story for a US military man actually who died while on covert duty in Ukraine): US Army Major General Anthony W Potts was immediately named as the sole victim of a single-engine plane crash in rural Maryland in late July, and had recently 'resigned from service'. Witnesses said the plane 'just went straight down'.
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Actually, that third example Polyanskiy gives is perhaps the most interesting one because it names the specific Russian missile strike the NATO officers would have been killed by:

"...a few months ago, a 'helicopter crashed in the mountains of Mexico' with a group of officers who were most likely planning to visit the Vinnitsa House of Officers the day before..."

My guess is that this refers to the following missile strike against the 'Vinnitsa House of Officers' on 15 July 2022:

Russian Defence Ministry confirms strike on House of Officers in Vinnytsia, claims Ukrainian army meeting was taking place there

Russia’s Defence Ministry has for the first time confirmed the missile strike on the House of Officers building in Vinnytsia. The launch of Kalibr high-precision sea-based missiles is mentioned in the daily briefing of the ministry.

“The facility hosted a conference of the Ukrainian Armed Force command with representatives of foreign armament suppliers aimed at discussing the issues on sending another batch of aircraft, destruction means, as well as on organising the reparation of Ukrainian aircraft. The attack has resulted in the elimination of the conference participants,” the ministry’s report said.
I think the likeliest candidate for a "helicopter crash in the mountains of Mexico" from around this time (which would have been, to follow Polyanskiy's logic, some sort of 'decoy' mission for 'disposing of' American officers KIA in Ukraine) is this one:

Mexican Navy Says 14 People Dead After Black Hawk Helicopter Crash

Mexico's Navy said on Friday that 14 people were killed and another person was injured after a Black Hawk military helicopter crashed in the northern state of Sinaloa.

The cause of the crash is being investigated, but so far there was no information indicating the incident was related to the arrest of drug lord Rafael Caro Quintero in another part of Sinaloa on Friday, the Navy said in a statement.
Ok, so if the incident was not related to the concurrent arrest of Quintero, a high-profile drug lord, why does the Reuters report even bother to mention the military operation targeting him? My guess would be that the 'official anti-cartel operation' gave the 'unofficial operation' of this particular helicopter 'plausible deniability' for 'blending in' with other military activity in the vicinity.

Note the date this crash occurred: 16 July 2022, the day after the Vinnitsa missile strike. There was a follow-up report on this, published 30 September 2022, which stated simply that the Black Hawk helicopter "crashed because it ran out of fuel."
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Surely, at 74 years of age, he was too old to be sent on covert missions to Ukraine? Also, he really was given managerial oversight of the cathedral project... which, given the implausibility of that incident being an 'accident', begs the question whether - if there was foul play in his death - it may have related to the truth about the Notre Dame fire?
Regarding General Jean-Louis Georgelin's death, given his duty as leader of Notre Dame's restoration, on a military forum peoples were stuned that he was allowed to go alone for a mountain hike...

From Tass:


By supplying weapons to Kiev Paris fuels conflict — Russian embassy​

Ukrainian ambassador to France Vadim Omelchenko earlier said that France had supplied to Kiev a test batch of SCALP long-range air-to-surface missiles and their deliveries would continue

PARIS, August 22. /TASS/. The French authorities by their actions merely contribute to the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine, and in fact Paris is directly involved in it contrary to official statements, the Russian embassy in France said in a commentary following statements by the Ukrainian ambassador about the deliveries of a batch of long-range SCALP missiles to Kiev from France.

"The disclosures of the Ukrainian ambassador to France, Vadim Omelchenko, in an interview with the Ukrainian media resource Left Bank about France’s military support to Kiev, as well as plans for increasing it, are a confirmation of the hard fact: contrary to official statements that France is not a party to the conflict, Paris is directly involved in it and by its actions contributes not to a settlement but to the escalation of the situation," the statement reads.

Earlier, Omelchenko said that France had supplied to Kiev a test batch of SCALP long-range air-to-surface missiles and their deliveries would continue."

Is this move by France, a mere reaction to the bad situation it see itself in in West Africa...?

From JerusalemPost:


Russian warplane destroys Ukrainian spy boat in Black Sea​

The ministry said in a short statement that the Ukrainian vessel had been destroyed by an SU-30 aircraft from Russia's Black Sea Fleet.

Published: AUGUST 22, 2023 06:59

A Russian warplane destroyed a Ukrainian reconnaissance vessel in an area in the Black Sea where Russian gas extraction facilities are located, the Russian Defense Ministry said early on Tuesday.

The ministry said in a short statement that the Ukrainian vessel had been destroyed by an SU-30 aircraft from Russia's Black Sea Fleet.

There was no immediate comment from Ukraine, which rarely comments publicly on its operations inside Russia or on Russian-controlled territory but which Moscow has accused of stepping up attacks on Russian interests using uncrewed naval drones.

Russian-backed officials in Crimea, which Russia seized and annexed from Ukraine in 2014, said in June last year that Ukrainian forces had attacked drilling platforms in the Black Sea owned by Chernomorneftegaz, an oil and gas company.

At least three people were wounded in one incident and work on three drilling platforms was suspended, they said at the time.
Russia seized Chernomorneftegaz from Ukraine's national gas operator Naftogaz as part of Moscow's 2014 annexation. The company is under US and European Union sanctions.

The rigs are located off Ukraine's southern Black Sea coast, 71 km (44 miles) from the port of Odesa, which remains under the control of Ukrainian forces."
I don't know about any single case of my Polish friends or their circle of friends that were planning to go to Ukraine. The only case was my wife's sister that hosted two mercenaries from Canada, but she told that they were somewhat mentally ill. So I highly doubt these numbers, from what I remember the sentiment of the male population in Poland at the start of the conflict was cynical: "give Ukrainians the means to fight, because we don't want to, it's better that they are dying than we!". Most millennial Poles don't care about their country, let alone Ukraine.
Thank you @KS for clearing it up.
Note the date this crash occurred: 16 July 2022, the day after the Vinnitsa missile strike. There was a follow-up report on this, published 30 September 2022, which stated simply that the Black Hawk helicopter "crashed because it ran out of fuel."
The death of the 75 year old, as a NATO general that really died in Ukraine is a weak case, though it is a bit odd that he would die alone. However, if he really went out alone in the high mountains, given his responsibility, then he was asking for it.

So the author is kind of trolling the western audience, mixing the pretty outrageous and the reasonable, and thus confirming the critics that it is just Russian propaganda while leaving the people better informed in no doubt the Russian Government has a clue as to what is up and down.
United for the tissue trade - Daniel Devita with Sebastian Salgado.

In this video there is an interview with the producer and correspondent Sebastian Salgado, who released a few months ago the documentary, Tango of freedom in Lugansk.

In the interview Salgado comments on the organ trafficking that is occurring in Ukraine and how the war is boosting the black market for organs. The Russian government is aware of the situation. Also discussed is Argentine presidential candidate Javier Milei and his statements on organ selling.

The video has subtitles and English translation in the playback options.

L'ancien conseiller de Trump, le colonel de l'armée américaine Douglas McGregor : La Russie d'aujourd'hui est déjà une société différente, un pays différent. Et c’était l’objectif de Poutine dès le premier jour. Il souhaitait restaurer la Russie en tant qu’État chrétien orthodoxe doté d’une identité nationale et d’une culture nationale forte. C’est une autre raison pour laquelle tant de gens veulent détruire la Russie. C’est le dernier État européen qui ne soit pas peuplé d’étrangers et ne se transforme pas en une sorte d’« expérience polyglotte ».

Former Trump adviser, US Army Col. Douglas McGregor: Today's Russia is already a different society, a different country. And that was Putin's goal from day one. He wanted to restore Russia as an Orthodox Christian state with a national identity and a strong national culture. This is another reason why so many people want to destroy Russia. It is the last European state that is not populated by foreigners and does not turn into some kind of “polyglot experiment”.
A quick search tells me that an example Polyanskiy gave of a Western general who, he alleges, may have died while on unofficial combat duty in Ukraine, General Jean-Louis Georgelin, was actually in charge of overseeing the restoration of Notre Dame Cathedral at the time of his death. :huh:
On the Russian wiki, someone changed the location of the general's death. It was the department of Ariège, France. Became Chernihiv, Ukraine. But the date in both cases is August 18, 2023.

On August 18, the armed forces of the Russian Federation launched 2 strikes with Iskanders (presumably P-500 cruise missiles) in the center of Chernihiv.
In Chernihiv, it was not exactly the same blow to the decision-making centers, which everyone is so anxiously asking for after another attack on the territory of Russia.
It was a blow to the meeting of officers of the MTR of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and NATO from Poland and the Baltic States before making decisions in Kiev and Warsaw. They were going to work out a general concept of border protection in hybrid attacks.

Across the street from the Drama Theater was the headquarters of the GUR and the reception room of the SBU Department of Counterintelligence. Today, a joint meeting was held there with the Polish and Lithuanian military to protect the border and counter possible attacks by the DRG from Belarus and Russia. There were 23 people with foreign citizenship at the meeting. The same number arrived from Lviv yesterday afternoon in Chernihiv. Of the 23, 9 corpses were found under the rubble, the rest are still missing.

In the Drama Theater, more than 38 fighters and commanders of the MTR of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have already been found dead. More than 75 people have already been seriously injured. Two civilians were killed in an unsuccessful launch of Soviet-era air defense missiles. The contrail of the S-300 air defense system is visible on the video. The APU admitted that they unsuccessfully tried to shoot down a rocket of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the city limits.
At this hour, 54 people have already died. 3 civilians. The wounded and injured exceeded 89 people. 11 very bad foreigners (officers from Poland and the Baltic States) were taken by helicopter to Kiev and from there on board to Poland.
Plane crash reported on RT to have killed Prigozhin:

Wagner chief among passengers on crashed plane – officials​

Evgeny Prigozhin was listed on board the Embraer Legacy that crashed with no survivors, authorities have reported

A private jet traveling from Moscow to St. Petersburg crashed on Wednesday in Russia’s Tver Region. The Russian Emergencies Ministry said all 10 people on board had died. Rosaviation has since said that Evgeny Prigozhin, the head of the Wagner Private Military Company, was listed among the passengers.
True or not true? There is bound to many theories as to what happened. If true, apart from the obvious fingers pointing to scores being settled with the hierarchy, it could also be Western intel agencies with a wish to stir trouble, hoping that the true Prigozhin loyalists would react and rise up (wishful thinking is the trademark of Western intel agencies afterall). But again, more confirmation is needed from official sides to say whether there is something to it.
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