Search results for query: Beam weapons

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  1. Pat

    Session 23 September 2023

    Thank you all for the very good session. The follow up will be as interesting I am sure.
  2. Pecha

    Session 23 September 2023

    Hydrogen peroxide spray is very effective in removing mold. Even at a low concentration (3% food grade) it removed all of the mold in my humidor after it grew. It appeared because I added too much water to it :shock:. 90%+ and a spray bottle would be more than enough for some trouble areas I'd...
  3. psychegram

    Session 23 September 2023

    ...imaging and such, revealed a striking level of detail. As hoaxes go it was pretty impressive. So, October. Yikes. Related to the beam weapons hitting Lahaina, and C's warning of further, similar attacks, Clif High and the remote viewers at Crypto-Viewing are independently warning of...
  4. Persej

    Session 23 September 2023

    Thank you for the session! I wonder if the reason why this house survived the fire was in the metallic roof? Perhaps beam weapons cannot work on houses with metallic roofs? Perhaps it reflects the beams? Many of us are descendants of undergrounders who inherited their genetic tweaks and...
  5. Laura

    Session 23 September 2023

    ...a question: (Two-tents) What was the cause of the recent fire that destroyed the town of Lahaina on Maui Island in Hawaii? A: Beam weapons. Q: (L) What kind of beam? Does anybody know? (Pierre) Laser. A: Yes Q: (L) All right, next LQB's asking this one: (LQB) Are Earth’s magnetic field...
  6. irjO


    Absolutely, however when I think on lasers, they project on fixed points and they aren’t like wide open projectors if that makes sense. Perhaps they did have lasers machines to construct or just as weapons but functioned getting this energy processed from the sun and then converted it into laser...
  7. M


    What about converting solar energy into microwave energy (your "aWifi") that can be stored and then transmitted by laser? The Japanese had ideas of doing this on the Moon a few years ago. Unfortunately, the concept can also be weaponised, which probably made it a no go. Lasers, of course, use...
  8. E

    Clif High-

    ...topic of Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) which is an umbrella term involving many sub-types of weapons such as lasers, masers, particle beam weapons, acoustical weapons like the LRAD used on protesters and so forth the 2011 Shape reports had it coming up in use November 2023 on-wards. Other...
  9. lilies

    BRICS: Laying the Foundations of the Next Empire?

    China makes weapons breakthrough Similar USA project cancellation: Problem: Chinese solution: Beijing reportedly intends to use such weapons against drones, missiles and aircraft. They also could be used to target satellites, disrupting enemy communications, navigation and surveillance...
  10. T

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    Might weather weapons and psychotronic weapons also be tested in Ukraine? From a page with mainly weather patents, there were some that indicate what might be possible: And what about weapons of psychotronics. On the same page, there was a patent with a title that revealed some possibilities...
  11. M

    Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

    The Megalithic Builders and the Order of Meonia Part 3 Andrew Collins' Historic Research: Subsequent research by Andrew Collins revealed, unsurprisingly, that there was nothing to prove Phillips’ hypothesis or belief that nomadic tribesmen from a Megalithic culture from the Far West of Europe...
  12. M

    Session 24 June 2023

    Thank you for pointing this out. I assume that where Ra is referring to "Nikola", he means Nikola Tesla, whose papers were immediately seized after his death by US Government forces (the FBI perhaps)? As I pointed out in my earlier post, the C's confirmed that President Eisenhower entered into...
  13. Ursus Minor

    Imminent Alien Disclosure?

    What could be the reasons of the recent disclosure business? Yes, of course they have been retrieving and investigating crashed 4D airframes and technology for at least 75 years, but how far have they come in replicating the assembled other-dimensional technologies? What if 'disclosure' is...
  14. Y

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    Maria Zakharova, as always, is concise and precise. As we say: not in the eyebrow-but in the eye Захарова четырьмя аргументами «обнулила» слова Борреля о мирном плане Украины по кризису I am publishing this article for the sake of one photo. Don't be lazy, open the link below and see what...
  15. M

    Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

    In my earlier post on Paul LaVoilette's theory on Plato's description of the capitol city of Atlantis, I mentioned the Hyperboreans, the Sons of the God of the North Wind, who supposedly may have been the ancestors of the Ancient Britons. Laura had mentioned the Hyperboreans in the Session...
  16. PERLOU

    Chinese Spy balloon? Well, there you go! Harvard scientist Robert Duncan recently spoke at length about Project Blue Beam! According to Duncan, the objects that pilots and others see in the sky are created by a group within the government. "We're playing a game with our military to...
  17. T

    The Situation In Germany

    Germany submitting to the US? In the thread about the RU-UA/NATO conflict, I wrote a paragraph that has much to do with the situation in Germany: And Sunday: Newsreal with Joe and Nial commented on the Nord Stream sabotage event: Here, Joe put out the idea that the relationship between US and...
  18. lilies

    Session 30 October 2021

    Nuclear fusion = the perfect Green Energy Source ==> generates 4x times the energy a nuclear plant does, without producing greenhouse gases and dangerous radioactive waste.. Bidet Admin boast success in achieving Fusion Ignition 1st time in the world! Blasted Devil is always in the Details...
  19. T

    Vladimir Putin in the Cassiopaean transcripts

    2017 - Year Three and 2018 - Year Four There were just a few occasions. A bears protects in a dream and Putin: Same ancient energy That there can be a connection between an inner symbolic reality and an outer reality may be surprising. After the excerpt I explore the idea further. Session 25...
  20. Ellipse

    EMF Exposure

    I see. The French Wikipedia page have a good animated picture for the explanation: English Wikipedia page. So we have a combo: higher frequency + phased technologie (and perhaps other things we don't know). Make me think that in Star Trek their weapons are called a "Phaser". Weapons in Star...
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