Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

OMG is similar to what happened to me. The creature or thing came through the window while I was sleeping. It had no shape, it was a black thing with tentacles and an almost skull-like face and an evil grin. I instantly recognized what it was in its essence. I imaginatively beat it with my fists and I think I even bit it.

I don't rule out any of that, as I have indeed felt those hot flashes as well as a more voluble emotionality than usual. But I also have to assume that my diabetes has an incidence in it. This causes me anguish and depression.

I have been researching in the old transcripts and came across by chance one from April 2009 that may be of interest to you and your current situation. Perhaps it may be of help (see in particular the excerpts I have highlighted):

Session 9 April 2011:
Q: (L) Well, I guess we can try asking some questions. Let me see the list. Hold everything! Pause! {Stops to read over list of questions.} Ok, I have a series of questions that have been written out here. The first one is; why have we all been feeling so inflamed/low on energy/depressed/irritable for the last two weeks?

A: Cosmic changes in process. Each person experiences this differently according to genetics and environment. Recall previous sufferings preparatory to DNA boosts? All must keep vigilant about diet and psychic hygiene during this time as there are also external factors that seek to block the natural process.

Q: (L) Does this have anything to do with our super-moon dance?

A: Indeed. And recall that the universe is about balance. After each period of suffering there is always joy.
A: Being careful about what you allow into your ”field”.

Q: (L) In what sense?

A: All senses.

Q: (L) What do you mean “all senses”?

A: Seeing, hearing, speaking, and so on.

(Atriedes) It’s slightly personal. I’ve been having hallucinations. Like, I was drawing and I saw things in my drawing that were moving sometimes – and I keep hearing people say things that they’re not actually saying.

A: Cosmic changes!! DNA changes!

Q: (Atriedes) So, I’m not going insane?

A: No.

Q: (Galatea) Is that the same that is happening to me? I have been seeing things as well.

A: Yes. When you remember yourselves five or ten years ago, do you recognize the changes thus far?

Q: Everyone: “yes!”

A: Do you not suspect that these changes are also matched or mirrored in your most basic structure?

Q: (L) Hadn’t really thought about it.

A: This is how work on the self works! It prepares you for even more dramatic and rapid changes! And this is ”receivership capacity”.

Q: So, you’re saying when you work on yourself, and you change something from a certain level, that it acts on more fundamental levels even as far as your DNA? Which then enables you to receive finer or differently tuned energies, which can help to change you more? And if that happens, it enables you to achieve more and do more. Is that sort of what we’re getting at here?

A: Yes. Not quite clear as you put it; but close enough.

Q: (L) And so one must keep that in mind while this heavy beaming is going on. One needs to be extra careful in all respects of hygiene: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.

A: Yes. As we said a moment ago, there are forces seeking to interfere with the process.

Q: (L) What about the things that have been breaking and strange dreams everyone has been having?

A: SPA {See Previous Answers}

Q: (Galatea) That’s also why I had that Darkman dream?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) I would say that having that kind of dream, is because of being aware of negative energies trying to get in. (Galatea) Was it really for real that a pale, humanoid creature tried to get in?

A: Yes.

Q: (Galatea) Scary!

(Burma Jones) Did I really go and help her in her dream?

A: Yes.

Q: (Galatea) Thank you!

(Burma Jones) You’re welcome!

Much food for thought I think!

There was also this exchange between Ark and the C's that may be of further interest to you:

Q: (Ark) Can I have a question? So I have this. I was playing with what is called homo polar motor – you do this and it spins. There is cylindrical magnet and it spins. There is electrical field which is supposed to go like that – {demonstrates magnetic field lines}. Now, the big question is - and physicists are discussing - whether there are these magnetic lines, and they rotate together with the magnet or there are no magnetic lines and they {Ark makes motions with hands showing what they do.} So there is this discussion.

A: There are magnetic flow directors. When you engage the device, you shift the electrons and a flow is initiated. This flow inducts free electrons into the device.

Q: (Ark) But I was asking if the magnetic field rotates with the magnet or not?

A: No.

Q: (Ark) Then I have another question! This is what I suspected. However, why does the magnetic field go from one pole to another pole – there is something more primitive than magnetic field, which is called “vector potential”. There was a hypothesis that this vector potential represents the real flow of something in the ether. So my question is, whether this hypothesis is in any way correct?

A: That is what we just described.

Q: (Ark) Last question. Uh, there was in the 20’s a German physicist, and he was claiming he could see magnetic monopoles– which nowadays is almost forgotten. He had a lot of experiments and theories. Did he really see magnetic monopoles?

A: Yes.
I have been researching in the old transcripts and came across by chance one from April 2009 that may be of interest to you and your current situation. Perhaps it may be of help (see in particular the excerpts I have highlighted):

Thank you very much. I am a little better now (less worries about my diabetes) but the pain in my left arm - the shoulder - still continues. But this is nothing compared to a couple of years ago, when I really went through a pain in my waist, so bad that I literally came to 🤢🤮

There was also this exchange between Ark and the C's that may be of further interest to you:

Well, there is an interesting article, derived from the electric universe theory that deals with homopolar motors:

Present day astronomy/cosmology seems to be on the horns of a very painful dilemma. This dilemma is caused by the fact that Newton's Law of Gravity does not give the correct (observed) results in most cases involving galaxy rotation. The "missing matter" proposal attempts to balance the equation by increasing one of the variables (one of the mass terms). The second proposal (MOND) is to change Newton's equation itself. (If you are losing the game, change the rules.)

But, the ultimate resolution of the dilemma lies in realizing that Newton's Law of Gravity is simply not applicable in these situations. Maxwell’s equations are! Why do astrophysicists grope wildly for solutions in every possible direction except the right one?" [...] "In 1986, Nobel laureate Hannes Alfven postulated both an electrical galactic model and an electric solar model. Recently physicist Wal Thornhill has pointed out that Alfven's circuits are really scaled up versions of the familiar homopolar motor that serves as the watt-hour meter on each of our homes. The simple application of the Lorentz force equation ('crossing' the direction, v, of the current into the direction, B, of the magnetic field) yields a rotational force. Not only does this effect explain the mysterious tangential velocities of the outer stars in galaxies, but also (in scaled down version) the observed fact that our Sun rotates faster at its equator than at higher (solar) latitudes."

I have the idea that this explains in part why UFOs always present the saucer shape. If you look at the galaxy from one side, not from above, it is saucer-shaped.
Thank you very much. I am a little better now (less worries about my diabetes) but the pain in my left arm - the shoulder - still continues. But this is nothing compared to a couple of years ago, when I really went through a pain in my waist, so bad that I literally came to 🤢🤮

Well, there is an interesting article, derived from the electric universe theory that deals with homopolar motors:

I have the idea that this explains in part why UFOs always present the saucer shape. If you look at the galaxy from one side, not from above, it is saucer-shaped.
I am glad to hear you are feeling somewhat better now. BTW: I liked your dog story posted on the 25th February thread. I did originally think of posting my spinning ape article on this thread, because spinning in itself has an effect on gravity and by extension on one's state of consciousness (hence the spinning Dervishes). Indeed, you may recall that the C's suggested Laura & co practice spinning, as well as twisting and turning dance moves.

What you have posted is very interesting. The one thing that occurred to me when reading about Hannes Alfven's electric solar model though was that it would have been based on having one central sun at the centre, when we now know our sun is in fact part of a binary star system. Surely to have a complete working model, you would need to factor in the Sun's smaller sister star as well? The C's commented on the effect of the twin sun here:

Q: (L) Are the planets of the solar system going to kind of shift out of their orbits and run amok? Is that a possibility?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Due to cometary orbits alone?
A: Yes. Twin sun also.
Q: (A) When we speak about these cometary bodies, are we speaking about impacts?
A: Some will hit.
Q: (A) What would be - if any - the role played by electric phenomena?
A: Twin sun grounds current flow through entire system setting the "motor" running.
Q: (L) Does this mean that all of the different bodies of the solar system are like parts of some kind of giant machine, and once this electric current flows through them, depending on their positions relative to one another at the time this current flows, that it has some influence on the way the machine runs?
A: Yes, more or less.

Where you said "I have the idea that this explains in part why UFOs always present the saucer shape", in fairness that is not always the case. Many UFO's in recent times have been triangular shaped, rectangular shaped (like a Borg cube), and even pyramid shaped. Many observers over the years have also witnessed large cigar shaped craft, which most UFO pundits assume to be motherships for the smaller disc or saucer shaped UFO's.

I have now found the passage in Joseph Farrell's book, which shows how Plato's highly descriptive account of the capital of Atlantis, as set out in his work the Critias, may in fact be an encoded principle of an ancient paleophysics. I will endeavour to post it tomorrow.​
As promised, I set out below the passage from Joseph Farrell's book The Giza Death Star, which contains a suggested decoding of Plato's account of the dimensions of the main City of Atlantis in his famous work the Critias. You will see that I have attached a pdf copy of the page from which the narrative is taken, since it shows a picture of the resulting waveform, which you might otherwise find hard to visualise in your mind's eye.

Farrell's account relies mainly on the physicist Paul A. LaVoilette's decryption and analysis of what he viewed was an ancient paleophysics embedded in Plato's Critias and Timaeus dialogues on Atlantis. LaVoilette (who promotes the principle of "systems kinetics") argues that the "Atlantis" sections of these two dialogues may constitute a central core of the Platonic theory of "universals" or "ideal forms". However, before going further, I must point out that I readily realise that LaVoilette is a physicist who is not flavour of the month where Ark is concerned, since he viewed some of his work as being deceptive in nature. Nevertheless, analysis is analysis whoever puts it forward and it stands and falls on its merits.

For those not aware, Plato's Critias and Timaeus dialogues recount how Atlantis was a civilisation that flourished until it met a catastrophic end circa 11,600 years ago (12,800 years ago according to the C's). The tale, related by Socrates' elder student Critias, was originally told to Solon, ruler of Athens, by priests he met in the Egyptian city of Sais. Quoting LaVoilette directly:

"Any attempt to decipher the symbolic meaning of the Atlantis myth must explain why Plato's dialogues divide the myth into two portions. The first part is in the dialogue Critias, which relates the story of how Atlantis was created and gives a detailed description of the physical layout and commercial activities of this metropolis. The second part given in the Timaeus dialogue, describes how the people of Atlantis waged war on the antediluvian Hellen civilisation* and were finally destroyed in a worldwide flood. It is here that reference is made to the "sinking" of Atlantis.

*This antediluvian Hellen civilisation would most likely have been the Hyperboreans or some early Celtic group, who may later have given rise to the Hellen or Greek civilisation (probably post the destruction of Troy), given the continuing links between the two groups manifested by the practice of transmitting leaf message tributes, as mentioned by the C's in the session extract quoted below:
Session 19 February 2000:

Q: I didn't think so. Okay, in this book it says: Diodorus Siculus, writing in the 1st century B.C., said that "certain sacred offerings wrapped in wheat straw come from the Hyperboreans into Scythia, whence they are taken over by the neighboring peoples in succession until they get as far west as the Adriatic. From there they are sent south, and the first Greeks to receive them are the Dodonaeans. Then, continuing southward, they reach the Malian gulf, cross to Euboea, and are passed on from town to town as far as Carystus. Then they skip Andros, the Carystians take them to Tenos, and the Tenians to Delos. That is how these things are said to reach Delos at the present time." So, from very ancient times, there was this practice of the Hyperboreans sending sacred offerings to the Island of Delos. Now, the Island of Delos is supposedly the birthplace of Phoebus Apollo, whose mother was Leto. Supposedly he was born on Mt. Cynthus. This is a very curious thing. This is contrary to the old view that the cultural flow was from the Mediterranean to the North, that civilization began in the Near East. It implies a cultural flow from the North to the South. What were these ancient Hyperboreans sending to the Island of Delos?

A: Leaves bearing cryptic codes.

Q: What was the connection between the Hyperboreans, including the Celts of Britain, I believe, and the people of Delos?

A: Northern peoples were responsible for civilising the Meditteranean/Adriatic peoples with the encoded secrets contained within their superior extra-terrestrially based genetic arrangement. Practice of which you speak was multi-trans-generational habit.

Of the two narratives, the story in the Critias proves to be of particular interest from the perspective of systems science and the ancient ether physics. Like the creation myths... the legend of Atlantis' creation encodes a sophisticated open-system ether physics that describes how the first particle of matter came into being from the etheric sea. It even encodes a diagram showing how the primordial particle's energy field intensities vary as a function of distance from the particle's centre. In some ways, the Atlantean creation myth presents one of the most sophisticated and graphic portrayals of this ancient creation science.

When (the gods) portioned out the earth. Poseidon received for his lot an island in the middle of the ocean. This was Atlantis. It had a diameter of roughly one hundred stadia (one hundred furlongs, or about twenty kilometers
[approx. twelve and a half miles]) and consisted for the most part of a very fertile plain in the centre of which was a mountain of modest height. In this mountain lived two mortals, Evenor and his wife, Leucippe, both offspring of Poseidon. These two mortals had a daughter named Clito. One day Clito's mother and father died, leaving her alone when she had barely reached womanhood. Poseidon desiring this maiden, made love with her in her mountain abode. Thereupon he fortified the surrounding territory by re-forming the ground so that alternating rings of sea and land enclosed the central hills where she dwelt. There were two rings of earth separated by three rings of sea, all concentric with one another so as to form a bull's-eye pattern [see below]."

LaVoilette then cites the Critias directly for the exact dimensions of this pattern:

"The breadth of the largest ring of water ... was three stadia and a half, and that of the contiguous ring of land the same. Of the second pair, the ring of water had a breadth of two stadia and that of the land was once more equal in breadth to the water outside it; the one which immediately surrounded the central islet was in breadth one stadium; the islet on which the palace stood had a diameter of five stadia."

He then produces the following [wave] diagram of "Atlantis" - for which see the attached pdf.

Farrell then states:

"Viewed as an encoded principle of an ancient paleophysics, the meaning is plain, but only to a scientifically and technologically sophisticated society: "In the context of the ancient ether physics, Atlantis's land contour wave pattern charts the electric field potential that would compose the stationary wave profile of a proton."

Farrell then adds:

"More importantly, viewed from the Brusselator systems analysis model LaVoilette propounds.

"Poseidon (water) and Clito (land) symbolise the two intersecting X and Y ether variables that are cross-coupled into a self-closing transforming loop. Poseidon's breaking of the land contour symmetry to form alternating concentric rings of land and water (elevated land versus depressed land) illustrates how the X and Y ethers depart from their initial steady-state concentration to form a wavelike concentration pattern configured as a series of concentric shells."

For Farrell, the implication is that the Platonic system is exactly what the Neoplatonists actually insisted it was, a deliberately encoded system containing hidden or occult truths, which Farrell views as truths not of a primarily religious or metaphysical nature, but encoded physics.


In my opinion, the architecture of the city of Atlantis represents something else. And I think it is more related to the cosmology of densities and dimensions.

Let's say that each ring represents a density and the bridges connecting these rings represent a dimension. I find it difficult most of the time to find the specific session, but this is what the C's explained to Laura, from density 1 to 7 as concentric circles and from the center to the periphery infinite dimensions.
In my opinion, the architecture of the city of Atlantis represents something else. And I think it is more related to the cosmology of densities and dimensions.

Let's say that each ring represents a density and the bridges connecting these rings represent a dimension. I find it difficult most of the time to find the specific session, but this is what the C's explained to Laura, from density 1 to 7 as concentric circles and from the center to the periphery infinite dimensions.
Perhaps. But then there could be a link between the two concepts, particularly if the two intersecting X and Y ether variables LaVoilette mentions are cross-coupled to create a self-closing transforming loop, which sounds to me like a mobius strip, a three-dimensional version of the lemniscate or infinity sign. Moreover, do not photons come from 7th density?​

Session 15 March 1997:

Q: (L) In the natural state, we know that a photon can have an interaction which causes it to split into positron and an electron. In the natural state, do electrons come from photons?

A: No.

Q: Okay. In the natural state, where do electrons come from?

A: Aether boundary with material continuum.
[MJF: the aether being the non-material realm of existence according to the C's, i.e., 5th, 6th and 7th densities].

Q: Where does the proton come from?

A: 7th density.

Q: So, a proton comes from seventh density, but the electron does not.

A: Not mutually exclusive.

The ground plan of the capital city of Atlantis, as described by Plato, may also have been preserved in the shape of the Celtic Cross:


The Celtic cross is considered both a symbol of culture and faith. The true origins of the Celtic cross are unknown but there are many theories and legends. The cross certainly predates Christianity. The circle is supposedly the Celtic representation of eternity, no beginning and no end. In early versions of this cross, found in Ireland, the arms of the cross are not protruding beyond the circle; instead the whole symbol is encompassed inside the circle, and as such it is known as the Sun Cross, the Wheel Cross, or Odin’s Cross. As we know, the sun cross is a symbol that was depicted in ancient Babylon or Mesopotamia (which were Atlantis legacy civilisations).

However, there is another more modern version of this cross known as the 'Atlantis Cross', (see below), which is based on Plato's description of Basileia, the Atlantean Capitol, in the Timaeus and Criteas. This version therefore better displays the layout described by Plato.​


Since the Celtic Cross pre-dates Christianity, it may well be yet another inheritance from Atlantis, hiding an underlying, pre-diluvian scientific meaning.​
I am glad to hear you are feeling somewhat better now. BTW: I liked your dog story posted on the 25th February thread. I did originally think of posting my spinning ape article on this thread, because spinning in itself has an effect on gravity and by extension on one's state of consciousness (hence the spinning Dervishes). Indeed, you may recall that the C's suggested Laura & co practice spinning, as well as twisting and turning dance moves.

What you have posted is very interesting. The one thing that occurred to me when reading about Hannes Alfven's electric solar model though was that it would have been based on having one central sun at the centre, when we now know our sun is in fact part of a binary star system. Surely to have a complete working model, you would need to factor in the Sun's smaller sister star as well? The C's commented on the effect of the twin sun here:

Q: (L) Are the planets of the solar system going to kind of shift out of their orbits and run amok? Is that a possibility?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Due to cometary orbits alone?
A: Yes. Twin sun also.
Q: (A) When we speak about these cometary bodies, are we speaking about impacts?
A: Some will hit.
Q: (A) What would be - if any - the role played by electric phenomena?
A: Twin sun grounds current flow through entire system setting the "motor" running.
Q: (L) Does this mean that all of the different bodies of the solar system are like parts of some kind of giant machine, and once this electric current flows through them, depending on their positions relative to one another at the time this current flows, that it has some influence on the way the machine runs?
A: Yes, more or less.

Where you said "I have the idea that this explains in part why UFOs always present the saucer shape", in fairness that is not always the case. Many UFO's in recent times have been triangular shaped, rectangular shaped (like a Borg cube), and even pyramid shaped. Many observers over the years have also witnessed large cigar shaped craft, which most UFO pundits assume to be motherships for the smaller disc or saucer shaped UFO's.

I have now found the passage in Joseph Farrell's book, which shows how Plato's highly descriptive account of the capital of Atlantis, as set out in his work the Critias, may in fact be an encoded principle of an ancient paleophysics. I will endeavour to post it tomorrow.​

For those who might be interested, I was watching a more recent episode of Ancient Aliens tonight and it mentioned a UFO incident reported by French air force officers (who are actively encouraged to file such reports unlike their US counterparts). They witnessed whilst flying an orange coloured, circular flying disc or saucer but as they tailed it, the craft kept changing shape from a flat saucer shape to a bell-shape. This in itself is evidence of their hyper-dimensional origins since it demonstrates variable physicality, which we know is a state applicable to 4th density.​
I have the idea that this explains in part why UFOs always present the saucer shape. If you look at the galaxy from one side, not from above, it is saucer-shaped.
A UFO can take many forms, not necessarily a saucer or even a bell (vimanas). It can be a shuttle (or Russian BURAN), a cigar shape, a bus, a triangle, a ball, a boomerang and much more. I already gave a link (in this thread) to the Mexican paleocontact of people and aliens with elongated skulls - летательные аппараты древних пришельцев — STAR «AZTLAN»!

and more - Удивительная коллекция доктора Gonzalo Franco Martinez – STAR «AZTLAN»

Here you can see that the alien aircraft have a variety of shapes. At the last lecture I watched from a Russian researcher (he is a PhD in archeology and has been to Mexico many times) Andrey Zhukov, he voiced the figure of more than 20,000 artifacts (stone, ceramics, etc.) dedicated to aliens. Almost all of them are in private collections with different people in Mexico. Of these 20,000 artifacts, alien aircraft (UFOs) make up several hundred.
Many observers over the years have also witnessed large cigar shaped craft, which most UFO pundits assume to be motherships for the smaller disc or saucer shaped UFO's.

A UFO can take many forms, not necessarily a saucer or even a bell (vimanas).

Yes, but they are the exception, not the rule. Of all the known reports and sightings, the most recognized form is the saucer. I do not deny the other forms.
In my earlier post on Paul LaVoilette's theory on Plato's description of the capitol city of Atlantis, I mentioned the Hyperboreans, the Sons of the God of the North Wind, who supposedly may have been the ancestors of the Ancient Britons.

Laura had mentioned the Hyperboreans in the Session dated 19 February 2000:​

Q: I didn't think so. Okay, in this book it says: Diodorus Siculus, writing in the 1st century B.C., said that "certain sacred offerings wrapped in wheat straw come from the Hyperboreans into Scythia, whence they are taken over by the neighboring peoples in succession until they get as far west as the Adriatic. From there they are sent south, and the first Greeks to receive them are the Dodonaeans. Then, continuing southward, they reach the Malian gulf, cross to Euboea, and are passed on from town to town as far as Carystus. Then they skp Andros, the Carystians take them to Tenos, and the Tenians to Delos. That is how these things are said to reach Delos at the present time." So, from very ancient times, there was this practice of the Hyperboreans sending sacred offerings to the Island of Delos. Now, the Island of Delos is supposedly the birthplace of Phoebus Apollo, whose mother was Leto. Supposedly he was born on Mt. Cynthus. This is a very curious thing. This is contrary to the old view that the cultural flow was from the Mediterranean to the North, that civilization began in the Near East. It implies a cultural flow from the North to the South. What were these ancient Hyperboreans sending to the Island of Delos?

A: Leaves bearing cryptic codes.

Q: What was the connection between the Hyperboreans, including the Celts of Britain, I believe, and the people of Delos?

A: Northern peoples were responsible for civilising the Meditteranean/Adriatic peoples with the encoded secrets contained within their superior extra-terrestrially based genetic arrangement. Practice of which you speak was multi-trans-generational habit.

Q: Is it the case that some of them communicated with higher density beings via Stonehenge, and that these communications they received...

A: Stonehenge used to resonate with tonal rill, teaching the otherwise unteachable with wisdoms entered psychically through crown chakra transceiving system.

Hence, on the surface, the C's seem to be identifying the Hyperboreans with the northern peoples of Europe, who were Celts (per Iamn Wilkens)

However, I recently came across an excerpt in the session dated 5 August 1995, where she had discussed the Hyperboreans with the C's over 14 years earlier. This excerpt comes with a caveat or health warning though, as Laura explained that this was one of the sessions where Frank acted as a direct channel for the C's under hypnosis. This may have skewed some of the C's answers in the session but probably not this one:

Q: (L) Okay, I am really curious to discover something about the ancient legend of the Hyperboreans?

A: There is a masking there. It is an incorrect description.

Q: (L) What do you mean? There was a race supposedly called the Hyperboreans...

A: That is a masking.

Q: (L) What is a masking?

A: A masking is an incorrect description of an historical event or condition.

Q: (L) What was the true event or condition that is masked as the Hyperboreans?

A: There have been, in your third density environment, at various points in space-time, residing on the surface of your planet, and also within its atmosphere, which structure has changed repeatedly, and, in fact, underneath the surface of your physical environment in 3rd density, a great many types of races of humans, some of whom are currently existing in your environment, and some of whom are not. And, also alternate humans. In other words, human-like 3rd density beings who could not be accurately described as humans as you know them. And, also there has been interaction with 4th density beings who pose as 3rd density beings, and 3rd density beings who have, at times in your history, have been able to temporarily and at will interact with 4th density in such a way as to present themselves as 4th density beings. So, we are describing here a virtual potpourri of history involving intelligent life within some realm or condition of your environment. To zero in on any group and give them a name at this point is not really appropriate as names connote approval, but, in fact, may merely be a stamp.

{This was probably the best info of the entire session.}

This response may not be all that helpful at first sight, but if there was any truth in it, it does open up an interesting range of possibilities. It could, for example, allow for the Hyperboreans to have been a subterranean race of either 4D or 3D character such as those the C's have called the Nation of the Third Eye. The reference to human types who reside within our atmosphere also makes me think of the UFOs that frequently appear in our skies. Sightings of large motherships have been reported from all around the world over many years now and these can no doubt support themselves almost indefinitely in our atmosphere, morphing from 3D to 4D (where they disappear from our sight and radar screeens) at will. This could even be where our forefathers got the idea of sky gods from. Indeed, was it just such a mothership that the prophet Enoch was taken up to, as described in the apocryphal Book of Enoch, which he quite understandably mistook for heaven? Recall also how the three gypsy commentators who annotated the Varo Edition of Morris Jessup's book The Case for the UFO mentioned on several occasions the existence of giant ark spaceships.

Quoting from Wikipedia:
In Greek mythology, the Hyperboreans (Ancient Greek: Ὑπερβόρε(ι)οι, pronounced [hyperbóre(ː)oi̯]; Latin: Hyperborei) were a mythical people who lived in the far northern part of the Known world. Their name appears to derive from the Greek ὑπέρ Βορέᾱ, "beyond Boreas" (the God of the North Wind), although some scholars prefer a derivation from ὑπερφέρω ("to carry over").

Despite their location in an otherwise frigid part of the world, the Hyperboreans were believed to inhabit a sunny, temperate, and divinely-blessed land. In many versions of the story, they lived north of the Riphean Mountains, which shielded them from the effects of the cold North Wind. The oldest myths portray them as the favourites of Apollo, and some ancient Greek writers regarded the Hyperboreans as the mythical founders of Apollo's shrines at Delos and Delphi.

Later writers disagreed on the existence and location of the Hyperboreans, with some regarding them as purely mythological, and others connecting them to real-world peoples and places in northern Eurasia (e.g. Britain, Scandinavia, or Siberia). In medieval and Renaissance literature, the Hyperboreans came to signify remoteness and exoticism. Modern scholars consider the Hyperborean myth to be an amalgam of ideas from ancient utopianism, "edge of the earth" stories, the cult of Apollo, and exaggerated reports of phenomena in northern Europe (e.g. the Arctic "midnight sun").

These later writers would seem to be more in accord with what the the C's said as regards the nebulous identity of the Hyperboreans. However, it is the reference to the cult of Apollo that interests me here, since Robert Graves, the English poet, historian and mythologist argued that Apollo had been shoehorned, as a sun god, into the Greek pantheon and was most likely a Celtic god first before being adopted by the Greeks. Indeed, he may originally have been specifically a British god, given his putative links with Stonehenge. Laura would subsequently pick up on this point in a later session:
Session 23 March 2013:

Q: (L) Which reminds me... I was reading in this book about Greek religion by Walter Burkert that the term "paean" was used to describe to the type of songs that were sung in the worship of the god Apollo in the most ancient times. And Apollo was supposedly the Hyperborean god, and if my suppositions are correct, was also the god that was worshipped at Stonehenge. Any connection there?

A: Indeed.

Q: (L) Are you gonna say anything else?

A: Amazing things get discovered when you do your "homework".
Hence, the C's seem to be confirming that Apollo was a god of the Hyperboreans, or the northern peoples, who was worshipped at Stonehenge just as Diodorus Siculus had said, although he was in fact quoting from an earlier source, Hecateus of Abdera.

Quoting from Wikipedia again:

Hyperborea was identified with Britain first by Hecataeus of Abdera in the 4th century BC, as in a preserved fragment by Diodorus Siculus:
In the regions beyond the land of the Celts there lies in the ocean an island no smaller than Sicily. This island, the account continues, is situated in the north and is inhabited by the Hyperboreans, who are called by that name because their home is beyond the point whence the north wind (Boreas) blows; and the island is both fertile and productive of every crop, and has an unusually temperate climate.
Hecateaus of Abdera also wrote that the Hyperboreans had on their island "a magnificent sacred precinct of Apollo and a notable temple which is adorned with many votive offerings and is spherical in shape". Some scholars have identified this temple with Stonehenge. Diodorus, however, does not identify Hyperborea with Britain, and his description of Britain (5.21–23) makes no mention of the Hyperboreans or their spherical temple.

This begs the question whether Apollo can be linked with the Scandinavian deity Thor, a sky god and the possessor of magic weapons such as his mighty hammer Mjölnir. As with Yahweh, Baal, Ptah and Quetzalcoatl, are we looking at a deified persona that was really masking or cloaking what we would today call an alien? Could that Apollo persona have been connected with the mythical Ambrius?

Session 19 February 2000:
Q: The legend was that the god, Phoebus Apollo, danced at Stonehenge every nineteen years. What does this relate to?

A: Symbolic. Tides, moon eclipses, that sort of thing. Think of Wiccans entubed on the information superhighway!

Q: I mean, there are stones just plain missing! Who could haul off such big pieces of rock?!

(A) You asked about these missing stones, and the answer was the multiple shocks registered. (L) Right. What about these multiple shocks. What, in particular?

A: Some were earthquakes; mini-cataclysmic in nature. Some were EM generated smashes, when terran forces clashed with outside "forces."

Q: Are you suggesting that some of these rocks were vaporized, as it were, by some sort of particle beam weaponry?

A: EM activity.

Q: What was the purpose of the 56 Aubrey holes?

A: Ground.

Q: Why did they bury ashes of dead bodies in them?

A: That was later... fragmented suspicions.

Q: Was Stonehenge once known as the Cloister of Ambrius?

A: Yes.

Q: Who was Ambrius?

A: Druid tradition/cloak.

Q: What was it a cloak for? Who was Ambrius?

A: Not who. What.

Q: What was Ambrius?

A: They would label as a god. You might say otherwise.

Q: What was the meaning of the Sword thrust into the ground that was worshipped by the Scythians; the Scythians being connected with the Hyperboreans and Celts of Britain.

A: Scithe.

Q: Who was that?

A: Scythe.

Q: That was the Sword God? Saturn?

A: No.

Q: That was the meaning of the sword thrust into the ground; it was a scythe?

A: Empowerer, or so they thought.

Q: Which god did this sword in the ground represent?

A: Maybe Zeus.

And, of course, Apollo is viewed in Greek mythology as being a son of Zeus, the chief god of the Olympian pantheon, just as Thor is the son of Odin, the chief god of the Norse pantheon.
Yes, but they are the exception, not the rule. Of all the known reports and sightings, the most recognized form is the saucer. I do not deny the other forms.
I Agree. There is in fact an argument that UFO's have changed their appearance over the years so as to fit in with human technological development. Hence, in the late 19th century there were reports of strange airships in the sky, years before the advent of the Zeppelins. In the 1920's and early 1930's, there were reports of strange mono-winged aircraft. In the 1940's there would be reports of strange rockets that could, of course, have been experimental German rockets, but these reports continued even after the conclusion of the Second World War in 1945 with sightings in places like Norway. The flying saucer only really emerged in the late 1940's with Kenneth Arnold describing them as disc shaped (although they were in fact more boomerang shaped in his case) and the UFO crashes at Roswell (although there were some alleged flying saucer sightings even before 1947). In modern times, the triangle shape has become more ubiquitous, as with the sighting at Rendlesham Forest in England in 1980. Some of these triangular shaped sightings could be linked, however, with American secret aircraft projects such as the TR-3B Astra exotic vehicle (commonly referred to as the 'Black Triangle') created within the highly secret Aurora Program. Hence, it might make more sense for alien craft to adopt a triangular shape now so as to confuse human agencies.​
I don't know if the news from Egypt has anything to do with this topic, but it got me interested (because of the MJF investigations):

Excavations in Egypt reveal thousands of strange mummies



Thousands of animal mummies dating back to the era of Ancient Egypt have been found by archaeologists during excavations. At least 2,000 mummified ram heads dating back to the Ptolemaic period and a sumptuous Old Kingdom building have been unearthed at the Temple of Ramses II in the ancient city of Abydos in southern Egypt.

Mummified sheep, dogs, wild goats, cows, gazelles, and mongooses have been found in the temple, as well as ram's heads, which are believed to be votive offerings, indicating continued veneration of Ramses II at the site some 1,000 years after his death. The Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities said in a statement, Reuters reported.

Abydos is an important city for Ancient Egypt, in which there are necropolises, palaces, the pyramid of Ahmose I, considered the last pyramid of the pharaohs, the underground cenotaph of Seti I and the temple dedicated to Osiris built by his son Ramses II. In 1818, the so-called Abydos King List was found in this temple - a relief on which the names of the pharaohs who ruled before Ramses II are listed in chronological order.

PS. Are these ram skulls related to another skull (C Kantek) which C's claimed was pure crystal? Or is it a later cargo cult?
I don't know if the news from Egypt has anything to do with this topic, but it got me interested (because of the MJF investigations):

Excavations in Egypt reveal thousands of strange mummies



Thousands of animal mummies dating back to the era of Ancient Egypt have been found by archaeologists during excavations. At least 2,000 mummified ram heads dating back to the Ptolemaic period and a sumptuous Old Kingdom building have been unearthed at the Temple of Ramses II in the ancient city of Abydos in southern Egypt.

Mummified sheep, dogs, wild goats, cows, gazelles, and mongooses have been found in the temple, as well as ram's heads, which are believed to be votive offerings, indicating continued veneration of Ramses II at the site some 1,000 years after his death. The Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities said in a statement, Reuters reported.

Abydos is an important city for Ancient Egypt, in which there are necropolises, palaces, the pyramid of Ahmose I, considered the last pyramid of the pharaohs, the underground cenotaph of Seti I and the temple dedicated to Osiris built by his son Ramses II. In 1818, the so-called Abydos King List was found in this temple - a relief on which the names of the pharaohs who ruled before Ramses II are listed in chronological order.

PS. Are these ram skulls related to another skull (C Kantek) which C's claimed was pure crystal? Or is it a later cargo cult?
Having watched a lot of documentaries on ancient Egypt, which looked at the Egyptians strong beliefs in bodily resurrection, leading to their penchant for mummification, I can tell you that literally millions of animal mummies have been discovered all over Egypt. Rather as we have pet cemeteries today, so did the Egyptians, but they often mummified their pets prior to their burial. It is interesting that they should mummify animals (rams) that had been offered in votive sacrifice though. The animal the Egyptians venerated most though was not the ram but the sacred Apis bull, which they eventually deified in its own right because of the bull's connection to the goddess Hathor (who was often represented in the form of a cow).


Please note that I have been rather quiet of late, as I have been working on my latest article, which I hope to post tomorrow. It will pick up on the theme of the occulted science that may lie behind many of the ancient symbols of antiquity and will focus on one particular, ubiquitous motif or symbol that appears to conceal within it the existence of a hyperdimensional physics.
I don't know if the news from Egypt has anything to do with this topic, but it got me interested (because of the MJF investigations):

Excavations in Egypt reveal thousands of strange mummies



Thousands of animal mummies dating back to the era of Ancient Egypt have been found by archaeologists during excavations. At least 2,000 mummified ram heads dating back to the Ptolemaic period and a sumptuous Old Kingdom building have been unearthed at the Temple of Ramses II in the ancient city of Abydos in southern Egypt.

Mummified sheep, dogs, wild goats, cows, gazelles, and mongooses have been found in the temple, as well as ram's heads, which are believed to be votive offerings, indicating continued veneration of Ramses II at the site some 1,000 years after his death. The Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities said in a statement, Reuters reported.

Abydos is an important city for Ancient Egypt, in which there are necropolises, palaces, the pyramid of Ahmose I, considered the last pyramid of the pharaohs, the underground cenotaph of Seti I and the temple dedicated to Osiris built by his son Ramses II. In 1818, the so-called Abydos King List was found in this temple - a relief on which the names of the pharaohs who ruled before Ramses II are listed in chronological order.

PS. Are these ram skulls related to another skull (C Kantek) which C's claimed was pure crystal? Or is it a later cargo cult?

Did Abbot Henri Bouded (Renees-Les-Bains) read the book in 1886?
Or watched the series Powers Rangers? They may give you clues and give you other perspectives.

According to the comic here’s what we do know about the Zeo Crystal:

• It was so powerful that all the bad guys worth their salt tried to get it. Master Vile actually did get it, if f or a brief while. We’re led to believe from a flippant comment from Rita that Lord Zedd had previously tried to acquire it, but failed.

• The forcefield protecting it attacks those with evil in their hearts. Lord Zedd tried to acquire it, but it horribly disfigured him, leaving him with no flesh.

• The Crystal was brought to Earth space by warriors of light from the M51 galaxy. They wanted to ensure people like Master Vile wouldn’t get their hands on the Crystal. It was placed in the Caves of Deception, beneath the palace on the moon, that wasn’t always being used by Rita or Zedd. When Rita and Zedd took over, their malice infected the Caves, which perhaps helped create some of the specific illusions Tommy experienced when he retrieved the Crystal. But the warriors knew the Caves may not be sufficient, so they created the powerful forcefield that surrounded the Crystal.

• The reason everyone wants the Crystal so bad is that there is no limit to its power. It increases throughout time, making it a very potent and tempting artifact.

• Because Master Vile had briefly succeeded in obtaining the Crystal, Zordon proclaimed that it was too dangerous to leave in one piece. So Tommy split the Crystal into five pieces. To ensure the forces of darkness couldn’t get their hands on the Crystal pieces, Zordon scattered them throughout time and space.

• It was used to create the new Ranger team, after Rito and Goldar destroyed the Command Center. To do this, Tommy, Kat, Aisha (who would be replaced by Tanya,) Adam, and Rocky had to embark on spiritual quests to obtain a fragment of the Crystal. Each journey had them learning about themselves.

The great galactic wizard Zordon was at war with the space-conquering witch Rita Repulsa. Zordon used his powers to seal away Rita into a container but at the same time, Rita used the last bit of her powers to send Zordon into a time warp and Zordon’s body was trapped between time. Even to this day, his body has not been recovered.

Zordon's true form when he first appeared had a blue body, then his body was left between time and space, leaving him with only a talking head.


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Having watched a lot of documentaries on ancient Egypt, which looked at the Egyptians strong beliefs in bodily resurrection, leading to their penchant for mummification, I can tell you that literally millions of animal mummies have been discovered all over Egypt. Rather as we have pet cemeteries today, so did the Egyptians, but they often mummified their pets prior to their burial. It is interesting that they should mummify animals (rams) that had been offered in votive sacrifice though. The animal the Egyptians venerated most though was not the ram but the sacred Apis bull, which they eventually deified in its own right because of the bull's connection to the goddess Hathor (who was often represented in the form of a cow).
Thank you for your reply MJF.

I was also interested in the news because we are talking about sheep skulls (without other bones of the skeleton). 2000 skulls, but where are the other bones?

Sheep skulls were found in the temple of Ramesses II. Merneptah was the son of Ramesses. Merneptah had a son (grandson of Ramesses, probably) named Seti II (some sources do not connect them with kinship). There remains a statue of Seti II (it is in the British Museum), where he holds the head of a ram on his knees (the ram symbolized the god Amun):


A similar ram's head is kept in Berlin (Egyptian Museum):

(it is attributed to the 20th dynasty of Egypt)

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