Session 23 September 2023

Thank you for the session :wizard::flowers: Lots to think about for sure!

I've been wondering about this whole depopulation agenda. Given that they apparently want to reduce our numbers by some 80-90%, doesn't that interfere with 4D STS food supply? This leads me to assume that this is a purely 3D PTB idea rather than a deeper 4D STS driven plan, surely the latter need us to feed themselves? Well, unless it's only up to the point of the wave, after that the cycle will restart and they won't need to worry about that anymore. Or there are aspects of the whole deal that I just don't know about, or don't understand, hence is seems nonsensical to me.
Plus why would they be bringing out their ‘underground’ flock by the millions right before a depopulation event?
Unless perhaps it is to place the new race that is easier to control in influential positions to ensure their plans are successful before the depop event.

Great session and noteworthy point that October will be interesting. I’ve been having dreams about cataclysmic events these past few weeks, it feels like something is in the air.
Amazing session! As for the “emergency broadcast” business on October 4 my wife @pinkfreud just said “10-4 good buddy” which basically means “message received.” I think it’s probably not a coincidence that they would use that date for some sort of mass programming or activation. I guess we will see what happens but I’m hoping this won’t be some sort of activation of greenbaumed killers.

I guess we will see and thanks to the question we are forewarned.
I think the C's like to take names that have multiple meanings, and to see people on the forum trying very hard to decipher them. Discovery is fun, no?
(I also think the names are always related energetically to the topic(s) mentioned)

In case of Jubilee, the most obvious explanation would be an anniversary of something, but i would like to point to another, more funny explanation.
And it's...

Jubilee. A teenage mutant girl from X-Men, with a power to create sparks.
If you look at the pictures of the Petrozavodsk phenomenon, there are many, many sparks there.

Hence, Jubilee.

Haha, funny. 🙂
Thank you for such a lengthy and interesting session!

There’s a lot to dig through here. I’d never heard of the Petrozavodsk phenomenon 😳

Another possibility for the name Jubilee, aside from forgiveness of debts:
In the dessert world, Jubilee is another word for flambé, which means to drench in alcohol and set alight.

Im hoping for the X-Men meaning though!
Thank you so much for another session! :flowers: That one must have demanded lots of energy, with all that in- and output of information! Jubilee - what a great name indeed, meaning "rejoice". What may we have to "rejoice", once October has passed? That's a "Wait and See", for now...

However a few things jump to mind though. For example, it reminds me of a dream of 13 years ago, in 2010. It was about fireballs raining down the city where I live. They were colorful (mostly green and red), like fireworks. The dream occurred around the time when Laura had put out her article about the origin of Halloween (that has been mentioned here earlier).

But "Red October" and the October revolution from 1917 (in Russia) came to mind as well; and also the timeframe of October / November which have been important times for the history of Germany - as in the foundation of the Weimar Republic in 1918 - which has been described in Sebastian Haffner's book "Defying Hitler" as quite chaotic a time if my memory serves me well; and the so-called Peaceful Revolution from 1989, concluding in the Wall coming down and the unification of both halves of Germany on October 3rd 1990 (33 years ago). And, Black Friday of 1929, after which the Great Depression of global economy followed, occurred in the month of October either.

Also, as someone with a connection to classical music I find the questions and answers about Mozart interesting, and believe the answers apply to many other composers living in the 17th to 19th century as well. Bach and Beethoven, for example, come to mind here too. The music of these composers used (and uses) to help me battle bad negative mental states of aggressive intrusive thoughts, in a way that I sometimes suddenly remembered well-known pieces they composed. As these tunes appeared in my mind, they served as a great support; and I used to play them mentally (or listened to them) whenever one of these states occurred.

It seems as if these composers have been transmitters for manifesting higher dimensional support for times to come - for difficult times like these where many are struggling in many respects, to nourish the soul and lift the mind when in a state of reception.
Thanks for the session, which covers many interesting topics.

A: October will be very interesting!!
We will see.
It seems as if these composers have been transmitters for manifesting higher dimensional support for times to come - for difficult times like these where many are struggling in many respects, to nourish the soul and lift the mind when in a state of reception.
I think so too.
I listen to a lot of classical music to help me take one day at a time and stay calm in the face of the unknown.
I did some search on Isaac Kappy and found some videos on Odysee. Some are long with background music (to defeat the algorithms I guess) and he is rapping/singing and dropping names and events in-between. If anyone wants to watch, below is a good one as I watched a few minutes in between.

Part 2 is much smaller and a quicker watch, most of what he says is known to us already but a confirmation nonetheless.

Further reading -
"Isaac Kappy was an actor who appeared in several Hollywood productions such as Thor, Terminator Salvation, and the series Breaking Bad. However, in the past years, he was mostly known for accusing several Hollywood personalities of pedophilia and satanic ritual abuse. Some of the names he named throughout his videos and social media posts are Tom Hanks, Steven Speilberg, James Gunn, Kathie Griffith, and Seth Green."

Few quotes from his last broadcast.
“This will likely be my last broadcast.”
“There are a lot of people that I kept out of my life, that I wanted in my life, but I didn’t want to bring harm to, because of all the Illuminati sh*t.”
“This struggle against darkness consumed me. Yeah, I’m a bad guy. I’m a bad guy.”
“I have done a disservice to God. I have done a disservice to America.”
“Did I hurt a child? No, I did not hurt a child. I did not kill anyone, no. No, I’m not being threatened.”
“I took some bait. There was a lot of work in inducing what I did.”
“I’m a traitor and it happened in the blink of an eye. I accessed some very high levels of consciousness and then I went way, way, way down.”
“I exposed a lot of bad guys and now I’m exposing myself.”
“Have I become one of them? I am. Now I am one of them. Those people that I was so concerned with finding and rooting out because of the darkness … and I just let the darkness consume me.”
“In the beginning, when I came out, it was from a place of bravery and love. I have betrayed all of you.”
“They will write books about this decision and how f*cking dumb it is.”
“Did I lie about Seth Green? No, Seth Green is a pedophile.”
I crossed a line I shouldn’t have crossed.
“No, I did not take a Satanic vow.”
“I am not suicidal.”
“I’m not going to tell you what I did because, at this point, it could still endanger people and I don’t want to do that.”
“Can you help me? You can pray for my soul.”
“I did not join the Illuminati.”
“Something bad is about to happen.”
“Some things were planted inside my consciousness.”
“Have I been MKULTRA-ed? Well, let’s say there was some things that happened that were not normal as far as things playing in my head that came from outside.”
“I need to pray, I need to pray a lot.”
(Approaching Infinity) Since tunnels would seem to be subject to earthquakes and a very long trip down, plus would have to pass through the mantle, is the primary means to access these cities via 4D?

A: Now you are getting closer.

Q: (L) So that suggests that underground spaces, bases, whatever, partake to a great extent of a hyperdimensional reality. Is that the case?

A: Yes
IMO this makes the Denver airport as a prime spot for these undergrounders to enter 3D. Makes some things click in place.

Q: (Keyhole) Isaac Kappy was a Hollywood actor who accused numerous other high profile celebrities of child trafficking and pedophilia.

(L) So what's the question? I don't see a question there. It's a statement.

(Keyhole) The question should be further down on the chat. Basically, Isaac Kappy was, as I said, a fairly low profile Hollywood actor, but he came out during 2019/2020, basically saying that there was these elite trafficking rings and he was naming all these kinds of high profile celebrities who were involved, and he built quite a following. And then he was live streaming one day, and he was a little bit, kind of confused and seemingly off character, but he said that he wasn't suicidal. And then that night, or the next day he was found... He jumped off a bridge and apparently committed suicide, and lots of people suspect that maybe he was murdered. So the question is was it suicide or was there some kind of foul play?

A: Read about Paul Bennewitz. Same type of treatment. And used often in varied contexts.

Q: (L) He got the Bennewitz treatment. Yeah...

(Joe) Do you know who Paul Bennewitz is? Who's that?

(L) He was a scientist, I think, and he was convinced about UFOs or something, and... I can't remember all the details, but they used all kinds of things, all kinds of tech to drive him crazy and to mess with his head, and to do all kinds of things, and I think it drove him to kill himself. I'm not sure entirely. You'd have to read up on it, but look him up and read about Paul Bennewitz.

(Joe) Does that suggest that the guy that Keyhole was talking about was accurate in his claims about Hollywood?

A: Yes.
Some of the people Isaac named were Oprah, Seth Green, Tom Hanks, Steven Spielberg, and Bill Clinton. In his last video before he died, he talked about how he made a very bad decision a few days before the video. He was vague, but made it sound like an elaborate plan was enacted that led to him making a bad decision, and some bad things were headed his way. He reiterated many times that he wasn’t suicidal. He also said he recently felt like certain thoughts and feelings were being put into his head. Here are snippets from his last video.
Thanks for another intriguing session and to everyone who contributed to it. Sorry to hear that Laura has yet to have a satisfactory outcome from her eye surgery - maybe just needs a little more time. Thanks, too, for Laura's incredible expenditure of energy for these longer sessions. Getting the question process streamlined should help with that.

I guess we will see what happens but I’m hoping this won’t be some sort of activation of greenbaumed killers.
Yeah, hoping maybe that's one of the things that doesn't actually happen ever, but who knows. It would seem something is going to happen, but will it be instantaneous? That would make the test an obvious cause along with those who implemented it. Maybe the activation will be something that manifests randomly but persistently and I presume, with violent results. So, like what's already happening, but way, way more. There's been a rash of shootings/killings in my general area including the death of a pregnant shoplifter who defied police orders. These are not normal times.
Q: (Joe) Is there a mold problem in this house that's negatively affecting our health?

A: To some extent, yes.

Q: (Andromeda) Is taking the Pau d'Arco helping with that?

A: Yes. Mold affects almost everyone. It is ubiquitous.

Hydrogen peroxide spray is very effective in removing mold. Even at a low concentration (3% food grade) it removed all of the mold in my humidor after it grew. It appeared because I added too much water to it :shock:. 90%+ and a spray bottle would be more than enough for some trouble areas I'd imagine. Some shower curtains are also susceptible to mold too, and is something I use for it from time to time.

Thanks to everyone at the Chateau for a fascinating session. Now I'm wondering if I was abducted without knowing it, or descended from undergrounders (or maybe both?)

The Peruvian mummy certainly looked very fake. Yet the various analyses that were performed on it, tomographic imaging and such, revealed a striking level of detail. As hoaxes go it was pretty impressive.

So, October. Yikes.

Related to the beam weapons hitting Lahaina, and C's warning of further, similar attacks, Clif High and the remote viewers at Crypto-Viewing are independently warning of something similar but much bigger coming down the pike. Clif says bigger than 9/11 in terms of emotional impact. His best guess is April (April Drop Dead Date?) But, he also suggests that awareness of this possibility could prevent it from manifesting, at least in its most destructive form ... which is quite similar to what the C's are saying happens due to some of the question-answer pairs.

Edward Riordan the remote viewer recently put up a video of a remote viewing session he did a year ago on September 22, 2022 that relates to what you mention regarding Clif High:

He portends a situation in 2023 of some kind of cometary impact that will turn off the power in some places on Earth. His feeling is that it would happen soon.
An information session! Thank you to all for your hard work - Laura and Andromeda, hydrate and sleep!!! We are here and connected because of each and every one of you. If we stay the course and communicate (and I, for one, need to get much, much better at this), we will be each others' strength.
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