Session 23 September 2023

Thankyou so much for the session!

I'm not sure I like the sound of that! Things are getting more insane and evil by the month!

Now that's an intersting name. A jubilee?
It is interesting the name that the Cs have used this time. According to Wikipedia it has the following meaning:

A jubilee is a particular anniversary of an event, usually denoting the 25th, 40th, 50th, 60th, and the 70th anniversary. The term is often now used to denote the celebrations associated with the reign of a monarch after a milestone number of years have passed.

Religious usage​

Main articles: Jubilee (biblical) and Jubilee (Christianity)
The Jubilee (Hebrew: יובל yovel) year (every 50th year) and the Sabbatical year (every seventh year) are Biblical commandments concerning ownership of land and slaves. The laws concerning the Sabbatical year are still observed by many religious Jews in the State of Israel, while the Jubilee has not been observed for many centuries. According to the Hebrew Bible, every seventh year, farmers in the land of Israel are commanded to let their land lie fallow, and slaves were freed. The celebration of the Jubilee is the fiftieth year, that is, the year after seven Sabbatical cycles.

In Roman Catholic tradition, a Jubilee is a year of remission of sins and also the punishment due to sin.
(The highlighting is mine)

As far as the depopulation agenda that the elites are setting up and so forth, from what I understand they are trying to create an atmosphere where conditions on Earth will be favorable for surface hybrids and, in turn, make it uninhabitable for humans.

At the same time they want to create the conditions where there will be a massive absorption of negative energy. I guess this is about the date when the hybrids will replace us.

However, I assume that their main plan is to control us when the Earth is in 4D. And that only souled humans that have graduated to 4D will be on this "future" Earth.

So I am quite doubtful how all these possible scenarios come together.
Thank you all for your time and questions. What a load of information to process. I too was one of the many who wondered what exactly happened in Maui. The 3d semi obvious plans puppeteered by the 4D REAL plans is a real mind twister. Who knew they couldn't procreate! This makes me think about the whole LGTBQ group and how they can only thrive by indoctrinating others and are now targeting children and continuing to turn children into lab experiments and worse things of course... As above so below.

Happy Autumn to everyone in the northern Hemisphere! Let's see what October brings :cool2:
Thank you for another amazing session!

I been wondering about this whole depopulation agenda. Given that they apparently want to reduce our numbers by some 80-90%, doesn't that interfere with 4D STS food supply? This leads me to assume that this is a purely 3D PTB idea rather than a deeper 4D STS driven plan, surely the latter need us to feed themselves?
Ant22, exactly. I don't understand that either. Especially in connection to what the C's said about us being "replaced" by an artificially engineered hybrid race. I mean, aren't we producing enough food for 4D STS? Aren't we programmed enough?
Thanks for Good work, Laura and Team👍🙏
Many interesting, conceptual new points. Relationships in 4d sto mode, descendants of underground nation here, Petrozavodsk case, which made a lot of noise in USSR...unfortunately no clear answer on Prigozhin’s death (or still alive?!) and who was behind it (Cs remark that would be telling makes intrigue). And T.C. started a good ‘train’ of questions👍

Respect and keep it up🙏
@Ant22 wrote: "to reduce our numbers by some 80-90%,doesn't that interfere with 4D STS food supply?"

(speculation on my part)
I agree with your logic on that, but they’re not following the logic. So in thinking about it, my take is that they know that we're one half step away from the earth being depopulated anyway (naturally) so what we’re seeing is 1) massive feeding and probably attempt at storage of energy, 2) a forcing of souls into the void before their time in an effort to steal some of the confused harvest, or 3) They are being good DCM servants and pushing the harvest into the harvester/death on this side of the divide for the great harvest on the other side.

And: "after that the cycle will restart"

I also question “if” a new cycle will re-start here on earth, as the C’s say the earth is going to 4D and if there is a 3D environment left it will be inhospitable. So, there could be a time-out or “Jubilee time” for the 3D earth to repair. Plenty of other planets with 3D schools.

@Lukasz wrote: "will lead to anticipation of what might happen, and thus influence the course of events in some way."

(Yeah, me too)
We could be changing it as we type here right now, while others are reading it. But there is a little difference, between this “October thing” and the “killer pandemic thing” the C’s described the killer virus and time stamped it' This is more cryptic like the “will give many the chills” comment. Come to think of it, we are still waiting for the "April thing" 🙃

In the US there is always talk of big trouble coming in October as it’s the national budget time, and the stock market crash of 1929 happened in October. But there has been some woo-woo talk about an October event. Just put the word Shocktober into the Forum search engine.
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Amazing session and a long one too - a huge thank you and much love to the ladies on the board for your tireless efforts. On the Jubilee discussion, I recall reading in a book (Velikovsky I think) that the 50-year period refers to a few of the passes of Venus which brought destruction to the lands therefore it was used as a reset of sorts to pardon all debt. So, another cosmic event is a possibility too, which might get used by PTB to bring in more detrimental changes to the financial system of control or everthing will come crashing down leading to a more balanced state of affairs. Fwiw

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