Session 23 September 2023

Another amazing & information dense-session! Many thanks to Laura, Anna & everyone who asked questions.

Whatever is coming up next month, may all our forum members be guided & protected with extra knowledge & vigilance.
Thank you so much for another much awaited session! Bravo for the interesting questions, there's a lot of information to think about.
And a well-deserved rest for the whole team - it's always a great gift you give us with this sharing. 💕
(Ysus) Is there still procreation in 4th density?
A: For STO.
Q: (L) But we know 4D STS makes babies in labs because they do it in underground bases. Is that it?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Are they unable to procreate physically among themselves?
A: Yes
(L) Is part of the reason they can't procreate because they're so, what would you call it... entropic?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Well, they disconnected from a source of creative energy or something like that?
A: Yes
No wonder why some people doing regressive hypnosis described Lizards as "very angry and extremely self-centered beings." There is no place for procreation with such a level of selfishness. In 3D, women put their lives in danger in order to give birth. Fully dedicating oneself to another being involves a lot of sacrifice and responsibility. Taking care of others is a creative endeavor!
(L) Okay. Are women's menstrual cycles putting them in a near constant state of emotional vulnerability?
A: Nonsense. It makes them receptive to cosmic energies for the purposes of creation of life.
Q: (L) Okay. (Possibility of Being) Is the 3rd density the only one that is submitted to experiments, or does it go higher?
A: In this way, yes. But all densities are natural and creative in this way. Just look at the diagrams of extinctions. Nature is rich and abundantly creative.
Q: (L) So, this is kind of like how Gurdjieff described "rays of creation" or the branches of creation or something or other, more or less?
A: Close enough.
Q: Was it this male dominated religion that contributed to the destruction of Kantek?
A: No.
Q: Okay, when they were on their home planet, why did they develop a masculine religion as opposed to a feminine one, considering the fact that women are the source of life, in certain terms?
A: In your density, masculinism/feminish is essentially a roll of "the dice." Remember, at higher levels gender is nonexistent
Q: (L) Well, the next logical question was: where does the so-called "sexual center" get ITS energy?
A: The sexual center is in direct contact with 7th density in its "feminine" creative thought of "Thou, I Love." The "outbreath" of "God" in the relief of constriction. Pulsation. Unstable Gravity Waves.
Hmm... but how do 4D STO beings procreate? Since there is no gender at that level, I'm guessing the union of two (or more?) beings results in a frequency match which allows the birth of another 4D being. Since reality is not so black-and-white, could 4D STS "reclaim" babies made from 4D STO parents? Pushing the limit a bit further... could 4D STO give birth to 4D STS for the sake of balance? :-O
Q: (L) When the earth becomes 4th density will we still eat?
A: Differently.
Q: (L) Will we still reproduce?
A: Differently.
Q: (L) Will people still have sexual relations?
A: Wait and see for yourself. Absorb nutrients through the skin.
(Ysus) Are there couple relationships in fourth density?
A: Yes
Q: (Ysus) Are they as vital and important as in third density?
A: Moreso.
Time to grab another book from the Romantic Fiction, Reality Shaping and The Work thread!
Thank you everyone, Laura and her team for another wonderful session!
(Andromeda) I have to wash my hair...

(L) Is somebody there?

A: Jubilee of Cassiopaea. Hair is important for tuning.

Q: (L) So why do you say hair is important for tuning?

A: Andromeda wants to wash hers.

Q: (L) Well I washed mine this afternoon.

A: Yes. Very receptive/perceptive of you!

(Andromeda) I was joking when I said I needed to wash my hair, but now that you mention it...

Q: (L) Yeah, now that you mention it... Yeah. Receptive. Are you saying my hair is receptive, perceptive?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Even with my curls?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Alright. Is that why I'm always driven to have curls? Because it increases the receptive perceptiveness?

A: Yes
I have curling hair but i always use this machine what makes straight hair, but after this i will never used again :-P
A: October will be very interesting!! Goodbye.
My Birthday is in October, so i guess i gonna have an interesting!! Birthday!!
Much gratitude to everyone bringing this session; Laura will have to sleep for a week.

I dont know if it’s an artifact of the times, the result of years with the C’s (and related/recommended material), or just daily observation of life here in the US, but it’s difficult not to feel the tension building. It’s like an almost inaudible whine or distant, low thunder; something seems to be reaching a kind of breaking point.

Perhaps it’s the increasing manifestation of so much that has been predicted. Or maybe it’s that combined with (my sense) of more people waking up to the joke. Whatever the case, I cant help but recall myself twenty-five years ago, or fifteen, and if I’ve progressed at all, so much of it comes from this resource (people, discussions, transcripts, books, etc.) A personal word of thanks to everyone involved.

Here’s to October! Stay safe.
Thanks so much everyone and specially Laura and Andromeda for another great session. :hug2:

(Aeneas) When somebody is not breathing for four minutes, it is generally said that the person is likely to get brain damage. Yet we read of accounts of near-death experiences where some are left not breathing for much longer and are considered dead, yet they come back with no brain damage and at times with miraculous healings taking place. Has this something to do with souled beings versus OPs?

(L) Is that part of the difference?

A: Yes

Q: (Aeneas) If yes, then are those miraculous healings due to the person reconnecting at a soul level with their lesson plan?

A: Yes

Very interesting!
Thank you for your outstanding work.
The part about 4D love and partnership reminded me of a movie I recently watched.
It's called Past lives.

I liked this film aesthetically (photography, interior, exterior, ambience, music, clothes...), I also like the dynamics of the film. Visually very attractive.
The story has a classic plot as in good romance novels. The film touched me and put me in a loving mood.
Ready to wait for my soul mate as long as it takes (months, ages, density).,😇
There is also an influence of Buddhism and the concept of reincarnation (see title).
Take a break before October, known for a very nasty Revolution.
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