Session 23 September 2023

If anyone finds it helpful, I did an I-ching reading after reading this session, and it came out with hexagram 19 (earth over lake) turning into receptive hexagram 2 (earth over earth) with the following lines changing:

The bottom line marked
The good begins to prevail and to find response in influential circles. This in turn is an incentive to men of ability. It is well to join this upward trend, but we must not let ourselves be carried away by the current of the time; we must adhere perseveringly to what is right. This brings good fortune.

The 2nd line from the bottom marked
When the stimulus to approach comes from a high place, and when a man has the inner strength and consistency that need no admonition, good fortune will ensue. Nor need the future cause any concern. He is well aware that everything earthly is transitory, and that a descent follows upon every rise, but need not be confused by this universal law of fate. Everything serves to further. Therefore he will travel the paths of life swiftly, honestly, and valiantly.

I also find oldies music to be very grounding and conducive to lightening up and helping to find humor- also appreciation, understanding, acceptance, & love of yourself and others, no matter what emotion you feel and experience, which is always needed but especially in modern times.
I hope you all have a good day.
There is no place for procreation with such a level of selfishness. In 3D, women put their lives in danger in order to give birth. Fully dedicating oneself to another being involves a lot of sacrifice and responsibility. Taking care of others is a creative endeavor!

This perhaps explains (not necessarily part of the depopulation agenda) why some countries where there is apparent economic stability and a society without major problems (superficially because its dark and hidden side is VERY dark) have a low birth rate. Case e.g. Japan. When you examine it and you stumble upon the dark side of their society.... 🤢🤮
Thank you for the awesome session. There seemed to also be a lot of "mirth" amongst everyone, which was nice despite the increasing madness around us. (Perhaps why Jubilee was the communicator) Interesting October? :nuts: Sighh, candidly cryptic, but to be expected at this point.
Thank for the session ! :flowers:
It really helped with my peace of mind.

Q: (L) And he's a little concerned because he administered an adrenaline injection and part of the team that administered first aid chest compression, CPR, etc. So he's wondering if what he did was helpful or detrimental to him?

A: Neither. It was his choice to go
This experience made me think about the following:

1. Having knowledge of the above experience; I strongly feel that I would not choose the physicality as advertised by our 4D STS brothers before "the fall".
2. Help me understand more about wishful thinking and how easy is to miss some details.
(which allowed to comprehend that even having the superior technology and long term planning of the Lizzies how is possible for their plans to fail.)
Agradecido con la sesión, muchas duda como siempre son aclaradas y surgen nuevas para seguir con el aprendizaje, avance, etc... Muchas gracias ^^
Hola Jonathan D, tu mensaje en ingles,

Hi Jonathan D, this is your message in English.

Grateful with the session, many doubts as always are clarified and new ones arise to continue with the learning, progress, etc... Thank you very much ^^
Thanks everyone and Gaby for asking the TRT related question, we kinda knew that it's protective against heart and prostate issues from studies at least in low dose... for prostate and hair loss it's important to not let estrogen AND DHT rise together cause that leads to local inflammation and it snowballs

HRT in general may appear redundant when you're just looking at bloodwork numbers but take into account we're swimming in a sea of endocrine disruptor chemicals and no way you can access your hormone receptors function without a biopsy... it's probably the best protective measure you have
Plus why would they be bringing out their ‘underground’ flock by the millions right before a depopulation event?
Unless perhaps it is to place the new race that is easier to control in influential positions to ensure their plans are successful before the depop event.
Perhaps, although the undergrounders, from what I understand have been around for a long time in and out throughout history.

But also, remember this from the 25 February 2023 session:

(Joe) Can they clarify what they meant? It's a bit late, 29 years later... What's the significance of 94% of the population being 'used'?

A: Energy consumed and parts being used for new race. But we do not mean that physical bodies are used for parts, but rather that genetics of humanity will be modified.

Q: (Ark) Will this be a hybrid: artificial intelligence with human DNA?

A: Humans wish to do that, but that will not be the outcome since the necessary technological infrastructure will collapse.

Q: (L) So, they're trying to go for these super-humans that they're gonna put electrodes in their brains and all this kinda stuff. But even if they do that, that will fail because...

(Joe) They won't have long enough to implement it before collapse.

(L) Yeah, because remember that other session when they said that all of these big moves were being made for people to be totally, completely controlled... and I mean, ya know, when they said that back... I don't remember when that session was. There was the session about the mark of the beast if anybody wants to pull that up. It was about 666 and "visa". I was complaining at the time, saying, "Oh my god!" And they said, "Why? Change will follow." I think that, put together with the idea that the technological infrastructure will collapse, will mean that the change that will follow will be kind of like a reversion to a more primitive state of existence. Is that...?

A: Somewhat, yes. But it will depend on location. Plus, remember that all these plans of 4D STS are much wishful thinking.

Q: (L) So you're saying that the plan to reduce the population by 94% is not necessarily what's going to happen?

A: Yes

Q: (L) But that is their plan.

A: Yes

Q: (L) That's what they would WISH to happen.
(Andromeda) I have to wash my hair...

(L) Is somebody there?

A: Jubilee of Cassiopaea. Hair is important for tuning.

Q: (L) So why do you say hair is important for tuning?

A: Andromeda wants to wash hers.

Q: (L) Well I washed mine this afternoon.

A: Yes. Very receptive/perceptive of you!

(Andromeda) I was joking when I said I needed to wash my hair, but now that you mention it...

Q: (L) Yeah, now that you mention it... Yeah. Receptive. Are you saying my hair is receptive, perceptive?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Even with my curls?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Alright. Is that why I'm always driven to have curls? Because it increases the receptive perceptiveness?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Alright.

(Pierre) Because of the spiral.
Thank you for a very informative session. :hug2: The reference to hair immediately reminded me of an article in SOTT. Worth reading.

Thanks to all for another great session! :flowers:
(Uperios) Are the various CO2 sequestration plans that the PTB want to implement part of a terraforming process for a different species to inhabit the planet, their makeup being affected by CO2 in the atmosphere?

(L) So is this a part of terraforming?

A: Not exactly, more like making the planet uninhabitable for humans.

Q: (L) So all of this stuff about shutting down farms, clear-cutting forests, shutting down fuel, killing off cattle because they contribute to the CO2, all of that is basically about depopulation?

A: Yes

Q: (L) I don't see how what they're doing could have that significant of an effect on the CO2 level in the atmosphere, even clear-cutting forest, because it's still a really big planet. There's all kinds of things that are producing CO2 like crazy. I mean, their ridiculous efforts to reduce CO2 in the face of all the things that are producing it (that are not humans) is pathetic.

It was mentioned in a thread recently that the Tonga volcano eruption alone released something like 11 times the amount of CO2 that human activities generate in a year.

Another impact on farming on it's way - recently the CSIRO released a handbook to guide businesses to account for their Natural Capital, and I guess biodiversity, along the lines of economic models. I wondered if there would be a credit trading scheme attached and it turns out that farmers in the UK have been discussing trading natural capital credits for a few years. At the moment the guidelines are voluntary, but we'll see if they become mandatory at some stage.

Regarding 'Jubilee", there has been a recent discussion of M. Hudson's new book "collapse of antiquity" here: Origins of debt: Michael Hudson's "The Collapse of Antiquity" and his work is centered around debt and debt cancellations (jubilees).
October will not be just interesting, but very interesting. Let's hope it's an enjoyable show while still prepared for the worst.

There is also a thread on his earlier book '.......and forgive them their debts: Lending, Foreclosure and Redemption from Bronze Age Finance to the Jubilee Year.'

Strange to declare an emergency broadcast a fortnight before the actual broadcast - can't be too much of an emergency, maybe it's more like a planned event. In October here in Australia we have a referendum to change the constitution on the 14th. The sentiment on the ground seems to favour the No vote despite loads of funding, both national and international pouring in to support the Yes campaign.
Thank you for another great session! I guess I'm going to be holding onto my hat for all of October! I looked up planes missing over Lake Michigan and the only one I could find was Northwest Orient Airlines Flight 2501. This happened quite a long time ago, 1950, So I don't think it's likely someone would catch it on camera. Witnesses did say they saw a flash of light though, and it's never been found.

"Witnesses reported hearing engine sputtering noises and a flash of light after the last radio transmission. A widespread search was commenced including using sonar and dragging the bottom of Lake Michigan with trawlers, but to no avail." - Wikipedia
Many thanks to everyone involved in this new session.
How strong it was!
What impresses me the most just by imagining, is the terror that those people in Maui have lived through, that a week after what happened, they didn't dare to go outside.
I hope that there is some higher level, divine resource that can help so that these people are not psychologically limited because of what they have seen.
I know many of us will be praying for them, and I have faith that "help is on the way". :flowers:
Thanks to everyone involved in this session.

Can the October surprises be of a positive nature or visitation of God?

«For it is a jubilee; it shall be holy to you; you shall eat what it yields out of the field. In this year of jubilee each of you shall return to his property. And if you sell to your neighbor or buy from your neighbor, you shall not wrong one another» (Leviticus, 25, 12-14).

Interesting the name Jubilee in this session. In the Jubilee year debts were abolished, property was given to the original owners and slaves were given freedom. Possibly establishing the freedom of all the land is the focal point. This freedom has an economic character and a spiritual one.
Babylonian kings occasionally issued decrees for the cancellation of debts and/or the return of the people to the lands they had sold. Such "clean slate" decrees were intended to redress the tendency of debtors, in ancient societies, to become hopelessly in debt to their creditors, thus accumulating most of the arable land into the control of a wealthy few. The decrees were issued sporadically. Wikipedia

Of course this economic character , under the times we are living in, also has a negative connotation, because the cancellation of debt to incorporate a new single financial and economic system would be given through the desired RESET of the WEF and we all know what that means, "you will own nothing and be happy."

On the other hand, Luciano Pacomio, bishop emeritus of the Roman Catholic diocese of Mondovì, wrote from a religious point of view about the Jubilee:
...this year expresses itself in two vital, highly positive directions: liberation and consolation. Liberation is from physical evils, from interior lacerations, from the condition of slavery; consolation is a transformation of the way one feels, of the way one exists: from mourning one passes to joy.
The jubilee in the Bible

On another occasion, the Cs also pointed to October as a marker or a month of significant events.​

Q: (Nicholas) There seems to be a lot of events coming in September. On the 13th, it's the last day of the Shemitah year, the 15th the UN may formally recognize the Palestinian state, the 25th the pope visits the US and gives a UN speech which might kick off Agenda 2030, Egypt wants Isreal's nuclear sites to be inspected, and the 28th is the last of the four blood moons. Is this something that could be a marker for the start of the Powers that Be to ramp up their agenda?

A: Wait for October.

Q: (Odyssey) What's happening in October?

A: Wait and see!

The Cs did not point out which year, but it was in the end of September and October 2015 that Russia intervened in the Syrian civil war and this undoubtedly changed the course of human history. Arguably, this meant the establishment of freedom through the pursuit of a multipolar world contrary to the nefarious plans of the new world order.
In a televised interview in October 2015, Russian president Vladimir Putin said that the military operation had been thoroughly prepared in advance. He defined Russia's goal in Syria as "stabilising the legitimate power in Syria and creating the conditions for political compromise" Wikipedia

Could another positive geopolitical event for mankind be repeated?

Lastly the word jubilee comes from the Hebrew word yobel, which means “ram's horn trumpet.”

This reminds me of the apocalyptic trumpets that were talked about in one session whose Cs comment was in response to something related to Trump.
Q: (L) Well, before we jump off the topic of Trump, these people wrote to us. They call themselves the Leo Network. They were saying something about Donald Trump being the ruler of the "lower world" or in other words this world, and referred to him as some sort of trumpet…

(Joe) Trump-ets of the apocalypse. Trump, Trumpets… of the apocalypse...

A: Well, that is a bit imaginative, yes? However, we do find some humor in the expression: The last Trump shall sound!
Two references to the "Last Trump".

Keep in mind that "visitations of God" were always cataclysmic.

1Co_15:52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

1Th_4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

The jubilee was proclaimed by the sounding of a ram's horn on the Day of Atonement. To atone consists in suffering the punishment for sins, whereby the effects of sin are removed and the repentant sinner can be reconciled with God.
Atonement is the elimination of guilt or sin through a third party. The guilty subject is absolved of any penalty by means of an object, animal (e.g. scapegoat) or other person, "Christ" in the case of Christianity... Wikipedia​

October could well present itself as a fork in the road. A moment of choice.​
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