Session 23 September 2023

Again, another fascinating session! Thank you Laura and the crew for all your hard work.
So October is going to be interesting? Often in October there can be financial crashes or at least big corrections? Maybe the start of the collapse that gets out of their control?
Currently on holiday but looking forward to getting home before October begins. Something has to give in this current environment. Take care everyone xx
Thank you for this session, which once again provided plenty of concepts to think about in depth. In 4D I think the couple is more a matter of soul affinity and complementarity than of 3D sexual gender, rather a double complementarity of the two yang/yin energy poles. It's possible that the events of October will force us to make decisive spiritual choices, or at least enable some of us to finally open our eyes to the machinations underway (to free ourselves from slavery or to conform to it?). When I read SOTT America, I often feel so uneasy that everything seems so dark in the USA, like a weight on my heart. From stupor and shock comes light. Can a jubilee mean catharsis?
Thank you for the session :wizard::flowers: Lots to think about for sure!

I've been wondering about this whole depopulation agenda. Given that they apparently want to reduce our numbers by some 80-90%, doesn't that interfere with 4D STS food supply? This leads me to assume that this is a purely 3D PTB idea rather than a deeper 4D STS driven plan, surely the latter need us to feed themselves? Well, unless it's only up to the point of the wave, after that the cycle will restart and they won't need to worry about that anymore. Or there are aspects of the whole deal that I just don't know about, or don't understand, hence is seems nonsensical to me.
Maybe not. When talking about 3D and 4D we have to take into account that it is not just our planet Earth that is inhabited in 3D. If we take into account any other 3D planets, then maybe earth is in a depopulation plan while others may be used as a food supply.

Also maybe it is not a quantity , but the quality of the energy that they use as food. For example, maybe it is better for them to have a billion people who suffer a lot from whom they can harvest negative energy, than 8 billion people, where not all suffer enough and where there is a possibility that some groups will fight and make problems. Maybe that is why they are going for total control.
I don't know just thinking aloud.
I've been wondering about this whole depopulation agenda. Given that they apparently want to reduce our numbers by some 80-90%, doesn't that interfere with 4D STS food supply?
Ant22, exactly. I don't understand that either. Especially in connection to what the C's said about us being "replaced" by an artificially engineered hybrid race. I mean, aren't we producing enough food for 4D STS? Aren't we programmed enough?
I agree with your logic on that, but they’re not following the logic. So in thinking about it, my take is that they know that we're one half step away from the earth being depopulated anyway (naturally) so what we’re seeing is 1) massive feeding and probably attempt at storage of energy, 2) a forcing of souls into the void before their time in an effort to steal some of the confused harvest, or 3) They are being good DCM servants and pushing the harvest into the harvester/death on this side of the divide for the great harvest on the other side.

I think that it's better to have some chickens left if you know that the bird flu is coming. Reduce the operations but have resources to rebuild rather than start from nothing. Especially that, as described by David Jacobs, they've invested a lot to transform the human race via hubrids. Game theorists already calculated the needed number of humans to sustain human (?) race on earth. From The Wave, Chapter 57:

(...) Aside from the fact that we see evidence of the use of pure mathematics — Game Theory, in fact — in matters of warfare strategy, which includes source notes connecting this work to Wheeler, we find Joseph George Caldwell to be a bit interesting for other reasons. He has a website where he promotes the following idea:
What is the sustainable human population for Earth? I propose that a long-term sustainable number is on the order of ten-million, consisting of a technologically advanced population of a single nation of about five-million people concentrated in one or a few centers, and a globally distributed primitive population of about five million. I arrived at this size by approaching the problem from the point of view of estimating the minimum number of human beings that would have a good chance of long-term survival, instead of approaching it from the (usual) point of view of attempting to estimate the maximum number of human beings that the planet might be able to support. The reason why I use the approach of minimizing the human population is to keep the damaging effects of human industrial activity on the biosphere to a minimum. Because mankind’s industrial activity produces so much waste that cannot be metabolized by “nature,” any attempt to maximize the size of the human population risks total destruction of the biosphere (such as the “sixth extinction” now in progress). [This author’s emphasis]
Let’s stop right here and ask the question: Is this “sixth extinction” something that is generally “known” in the circles that do this kind of research? Is this why they are doing it? What do they know that the rest of us don’t? Or better, what do they think that they aren’t telling us? Caldwell writes:
The role of the technological population is “planetary management”: to ensure that the size of the primitive population does not expand. The role of the primitive population is to reduce the likelihood that a localized catastrophe might wipe out the human population altogether. The reason for choosing the number five-million for the primitive population size is that this is approximately the number (an estimated 2-20 million) that Earth supported for millions of years, i.e., it is proved to be a long-term sustainable number (in mathematical terminology, a “feasible” solution to the optimization problem). The reason for choosing the number five-million for the technological population size is that it is my opinion that that is about the minimum practical size for a technologically advanced population capable of managing a planet the size of Earth; also, it is my opinion that the “solar energy budget” of the planet can support a population of five-million primitive people and five-million “industrial” people indefinitely. (; this author’s emphases)

This also matches what Jacobs wrote about aliens trying to sustain a pool of pure-blood populations; "the primitive" ones.
Thank you for the session :wizard::flowers: Lots to think about for sure!

I've been wondering about this whole depopulation agenda. Given that they apparently want to reduce our numbers by some 80-90%, doesn't that interfere with 4D STS food supply? This leads me to assume that this is a purely 3D PTB idea rather than a deeper 4D STS driven plan, surely the latter need us to feed themselves? Well, unless it's only up to the point of the wave, after that the cycle will restart and they won't need to worry about that anymore. Or there are aspects of the whole deal that I just don't know about, or don't understand, hence is seems nonsensical to me.
Food has to be harvested, doesn't? I guess that's what the depopulation agenda is all about. :-(
(Keyhole) The question should be further down on the chat. Basically, Isaac Kappy was, as I said, a fairly low profile Hollywood actor, but he came out during 2019/2020, basically saying that there was these elite trafficking rings and he was naming all these kinds of high profile celebrities who were involved, and he built quite a following. And then he was live streaming one day, and he was a little bit, kind of confused and seemingly off character, but he said that he wasn't suicidal. And then that night, or the next day he was found... He jumped off a bridge and apparently committed suicide, and lots of people suspect that maybe he was murdered. So the question is was it suicide or was there some kind of foul play?

A: Read about Paul Bennewitz. Same type of treatment. And used often in varied contexts.

Q: (L) He got the Bennewitz treatment. Yeah...

(Joe) Do you know who Paul Bennewitz is? Who's that?

(L) He was a scientist, I think, and he was convinced about UFOs or something, and... I can't remember all the details, but they used all kinds of things, all kinds of tech to drive him crazy and to mess with his head, and to do all kinds of things, and I think it drove him to kill himself. I'm not sure entirely. You'd have to read up on it, but look him up and read about Paul Bennewitz.
There is some information about Paul Bennewitz here and here. Below is a shorter summary:
Paul Bennewitz operated a small electronics company, called Thunder Scientific Corporation, in Albuquerque, New Mexico; he was a brilliant physicist and inventor. In early 1980 he became involved in observing and filming objects which he had sighted on the ground and in the air near Kirtland Air Force Base and the Manzano range which was near his home. He reported these sightings to the agencies involved alerting them to his presence and investigations.
Paul Benewitz became involved with Dr. Leo Sprinkle, a psychologist and respected UFO researcher, and together they worked with a young woman who remembered being abducted and witnessing cattle mutilations. Bennewitz had become convinced that aliens had implanted some sort of communication device in the woman's head, and that they were using this device to control her actions.
Since Paul Bennewitz was a physicist, he had a certain amount of electronics equipment at his disposal, and he set out to determine whether he could detect the electromagnetic signals he believed aliens must be using to exercise control over their alleged victims, and to try to devise a way to shield victims from the control of these signals.
Air Force Office of Special Investigations agent named Richard Doty approached Bill Moore, a UFO investigator and author, regarding Bennewitz and it soon became apparent to Bill that he was expected to supply information to this individual about the activities of Paul Bennewitz and APRO in exchange for being given `sensitive' (or presumably classified) information on UFOs.
Bill realized that, whatever it was Bennewitz was involved with, he was the subject of considerable interest on the part of not one but several government agencies, and that they were actively trying to defuse him by pumping as much disinformation through him as he could possibly absorb. Bill decided to play along with these government agents so he could learn more about the disinformation process by witnessing it firsthand.
Bennewitz, for his part, continued to make what seemed to be increasingly bizarre claims, most of which gave every appearance of having been influenced by a heavy blanket of disinformation mixed with a small, but significant, amount of truth. The problem was always one of keeping a level head and trying to sort the fact from fantasy - something which Paul Bennewitz was having a hard time doing.
"By 1981", according to Bill, "Paul was gathering data from a variety of sources and amalgamating it with information being fed to him by a number of government people in whom, for some reason, he seemed to have an implicit and abiding faith. The story that emerged from this melange of fact, fiction, fantasy, here-say, hard data and government disinformation was absolutely incredible!

Yet somehow, Paul believed in it and set out on a one-man crusade to tell the world that malevolent aliens from space were in league with our government to take over the planet. What had begun in 1979 as an effort to learn whether the behavior of a woman who claimed she had been abducted by UFO aliens was being influenced by some sort of radio remote control had, in the space of less than three years, blossomed into a tale which rivaled the wildest science fiction scenario anyone could possibly imagine."
Bill reports that government surveillance of Paul's activities, some of which Paul was astute enough to detect and some of which Bill learned about but Paul seemed unaware of, included wire taps and even break-ins. "Paul took these activities as proof positive that he was onto something big. Unfortunately, he seemed largely unaware that the same people who would go to such lengths to spy on him also had the capabilities to mount an effective disinformation campaign."
Bill Moore says, "I know that this whole body of information [Paul's reported findings] if false, be- cause I was in a position to observe much of the disinformation process as it unfolded. And I can tell you it was effective, because I watched Paul become systematically more paranoid and more emotionally unstable as he tried to assimilate what was happening to him. He had guns and knives all over his house, had installed extra locks on his doors, and he swore that `they' (meaning the aliens) were coming through his walls at night and injecting him with hideous chemicals which would knock him out for long periods of time. He began to suf- fer increasing bouts of insomnia. I knew at that time that he was not far from an inevitable nervous collapse. His health had deteriorated, he had lost considerable weight, his hands shook as if from palsy, and he looked terrible. I tried to counsel him to drop the entire UFO thing before his health was completely destroyed. Not long afterward I heard he had been hospitalized and was under psychiatric care."
Thank you so much for another great session!

A: October will be very interesting!! Goodbye.
I think "interesting" here is probably as in "May you live in interesting times!". Looking around things are getting to a state where something has got to give. Also, so many psychics are sensing something big about to happen, not to mention the C's recent warnings about rocky times and turmoils ahead.

In terms of what "interesting" things may come down the pipe, we have many to choose from: escalation in Ukraine, hot war in the Pacific, financial collapse, asteroids, earthquakes, volcanoes... I'm leaning toward man-made stuff rather than a natural cataclysm, simply because the former may be easier to predict. But who knows.

(Joe) Does that mean 4D STS just makes babies in a lab?

A: They try.

Q: (L) But we know 4D STS makes babies in labs because they do it in underground bases. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Are they unable to procreate physically among themselves?

A: Yes

Q: (L) That was unable, right? They are unable?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And that's why you've previously said that their race was dying and they're seeking to...

(Joe) Or tinkering by getting DNA from us and who knows where else to make the perfect...

(L) Is part of the reason they can't procreate because they're so, what would you call it... entropic?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Well, they disconnected from a source of creative energy or something like that?

A: Yes
This reminds me of the novel "The other side of midnight" by Georgia Le Carre. It talks of vampires who couldn't procreate either and many other things that match 4D STS. Very interesting!

About Isaac Kappy:


Conspiracy theories​

Kappy appeared as a guest on Alex Jones' radio show InfoWars in August 2018, on which he accused multiple movie stars of pedophilia as part of the QAnon conspiracy theory, which involves a cabal of Satan-worshipping child molesters who run a global child sex-trafficking ring.[5] During the broadcast, Jones asked Kappy to be more circumspect and avoid "getting into names", while Kappy briefly insisted Jones was "gaslighting" him by querying his claims. The Daily Beast mentioned that around this time, Kappy has become a "hero" of the Q-Anon movement is its disinformation news section. In the years following his death, a conspiracy theory arose that he did not die by suicide, but was rather the victim of foul play due to his unsubstantiated political views, spread by American conspiracy theorists such as Lin Wood.

A strange tweet as an alert:
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Thank you for another glimpse of our Realite. And ... "October will be very interesting ". The " very" made me laugh out loud.. Bring it on , I said , bring it on. Our September has already proven " full on Orwellian" and is now ramping up to the max. And the West unable because it is so stuck. Bring it will be welcomed by me with open arms.
@Beau, J'y ai cru dans ma jeunesse puis j'ai lu tellement de choses qui démentaient toutes cette histoire, problèmes d'ombres entre autres et aussi je me suis toujours demandé, si c'est vrai, pourquoi n'a-t-on jamais reproduit l'expérience ?...

@Beau, I believed in it in my youth then I read so many things which all denied this story, shadow problems among others and also I always wondered, if it is true, why didn't- do we ever repeat the experience?...

Thank you so much for this very interesting session, it was a realy informative one. :flowers:
By the way, about fires caused by lasers, there is a theory on the Internet that the laser could not burn what was blue.

It is said that in China they are painting the roofs blue and it is true that in some satellite photos you can see many buildings in China with blue roofs.

I did a little search on the relationship between lasers and the color blue and I haven't found anything very clear about this.
I think it depends on the wavelenght, so a blue laser won't affect blue Material as much as other colored one, because it reflects most of the blue rays... You can take that for other colores too, red laser - red material and so on...
The only question would be that roof of the house is red, the other materials where blue... What color (wavelenght) was the laser and some of the blue material would easily be burned from the flames of the surrounding, is there an other reason why that was not the case?
This reminds me of the novel "The other side of midnight" by Georgia Le Carre. It talks of vampires who couldn't procreate either and many other things that match 4D STS. Very interesting!

Yes, it's a bit scary to see how accurate the descriptions in Le Carre's books were! And speaking of that specific book, the author even managed to include the importance of free will in there. The woman who was supposed to make the ultimate sacrifice to save the vampire race had to do it willingly. Forcing her wasn't gong to help them, in fact, forcing her proved to be their demise - if I remember correctly. Whoever the group behind the books is, they do seem to have quite detailed knowledge of the man behind the curtain, both 3D and 4D.

One topic that I had never heard of and I learned about from in her books was singularity. I had never heard of transhumanism being called that but it turns out the name has been around since 1980s.

I've seen pretty big corporations and global consultancies pushing, usually under the disguise of AI development, as the obvious course for the future. The quote I've bumped into quite a few times is Vernor Vinge saying: "We are on the edge of change comparable to the rise of human life on Earth" in reference to combining humans and machines. Looks like transhumanism has been integrated into the lefist agenda, together with gender ideology, veganism, and climate alarmism, and the corpo is enthusiastically pushing it.

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