Session 23 September 2023

Q: (L) So all of this stuff about shutting down farms, clear-cutting forests, shutting down fuel, killing off cattle because they contribute to the CO2, all of that is basically about depopulation?

A: Yes

They're getting serious about that now and actually admitting that's what they want to do:

Thank you for the Maui question. I had already come to my own conclusions some time ago (the first day). I am all over Gateway Pundit from the first day saying that this was a weapon that was either a maser or a laser (really the same thing). I have family living there that had to escape what was attacking them.

I have gathered almost all media reports (videos, text, you name it) since this happened. I was reminded of 9-11 when people could not see what they were looking at.

So everyone should know that they can use that weapon whenever and wherever they choose to.
Thank you for the new session! A lot of questions and answers, I hope it wasn't too tiring and that you are all in good health physically as well as spiritually. The mention of October very interesting, here in Poland there is a lot of talk about this month because there will be elections on 15 October and funnily enough it is also my birthday. And on 3 October I'm going into hospital again for a few days for a tracheal stretching procedure. Before reading the session I wondered if it had any connection and I felt terribly irritated until I looked at the forum in the evening because it was as if something was turning a person inside that "there is a session". While reading on my phone I was already in bed and only the small night light in the corridor was on. Suddenly it started dimming and making a sound heralding an impending crash. When I approached it it calmed down completely so I went back to reading. All very interesting
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Hmm... but how do 4D STO beings procreate? Since there is no gender at that level,
That's an assumption. The C's could be talking about there being no gender at the non-physical density levels 5, 6, and 7.

Could 4D STS "reclaim" babies made from 4D STO parents?
The C's have mentioned that 4D STO do not 'go back'. Incarnation in 4D STO is probably a much different and more conscious process, where 5D souls have a very clear idea of what they are incarnating to do. 4D STO might even communicate directly with 5D regarding and throughout the process. So thinking that 4D STO children would have the 'vulnerabilities' of 3D STS ones is total projection, imo.

This is probably why 4D STS have to play the role of the "pied piper" to 3D STO civilisations; they need some way of attracting recruits and food.

Pushing the limit a bit further... could 4D STO give birth to 4D STS for the sake of balance? :-O
The C's have mentioned that high level STS don't reincarnate. So how could they be 'born' to 4D STO?
In my opinion, the most voluminous session in every sense of the word. Thanks to all the participants.
Among other things, it was funny about tantra.

По моему самая объемная сессия во всех смыслах этого слова. Спасибо всем участникам.
Помимо всего прочего про тантру было смешно.
Thank you château folks for the session and your steadfast commitment to serving others.

Among so much coming at us, likely and unknown possibilities as they may be, it will take all readers here and more to help those in need when the time comes.

(Ze Germanz) Does 4D STS have a sense of humor?

A: No. If you have one it is because of STO impulses.

May you all keep well, and keep your humor up if you can as it can help those in need.
(Approaching Infinity) What exactly are the metallic orbs that have been observed on numerous occasions even by group members?

A: 4D probes.

Q: (Joe) Can I ask a question in relation to that? When a person sees them, is it always related to the person? Is there some kind of a connection between the person seeing them or being there, or could it just be that the person just happens to observe the moments in the relation to them?

A: Usually a relationship.

Q: (L) And when you say a 4D probe, obviously this is something that is beyond what we can think of as a probe. Are these probes able to read minds or to control human behavior?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Are they able to open portals between dimensions or densities?

A: If enough are present.

Q: (Joe) Are they precursors to abductions?

A: Sometimes.

Q: (L) Has there been an increase in the prevalence of these objects?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) So what was the one I saw doing when I was about 19 in Ireland?

(L) What was it doing?

(Joe) Yeah.

A: Scoping you.

Q: (Joe) Scoping me for what?

A: Abduction.

Q: (Joe) Was it successful?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) At that time?

A: Yes

On the above mention of the 4D probes which can lead to a "successful abduction", the below Why files video seems to be describing the phenomenon quite accurately and how it controls the observer's perception and at times forcing them off their course and go chasing after the orbs. Its quite scary actually.
By the way, about fires caused by lasers, there is a theory on the Internet that the laser could not burn what was blue.

It is said that in China they are painting the roofs blue and it is true that in some satellite photos you can see many buildings in China with blue roofs.

I did a little search on the relationship between lasers and the color blue and I haven't found anything very clear about this.
Regarding this maui fires energy weapon theory, forgive me if somebody has already drew the link but this was another one of these events were there was a hurricane in close proximity.. in this case hurricane Dora. Same like on 9/11 and I'm pretty sure there was something when that russian passenger plane looked to be zapped over Egypt? Where the luggage wasn't burnt but metal burnt to a crisp. So any time there seems to be some funny business like this there always seems to be a hurricane in close proximity...
Ok, the month of October. Locally in my country there are presidential elections. (October 22nd) And as usual it is a chaos of ideology and interests.
Also in New Zealand, parliamentary elections Are on 14 October.
Here’s the full list (from Wikipedia) of elections around the world taking place in October:
Thank you Laura et al for the session! The 4th density relationship stuff was very interesting for me.

Just some thoughts:

From etymonline, which touches on what several have already posted (I highlighted indiscriminately):
Jubilee (n.)

late 14c., in the Old Testament sense, from Old French jubileu "jubilee; anniversary; rejoicing" (14c., Modern French jubilé), from Late Latin iubilaeus "the jubilee year," originally an adjective, "of the jubilee," from Greek iabelaios, from iobelos, from Hebrew yobhel "jubilee," formerly "a trumpet, ram's horn," literally "ram." The original jubilee was a year of emancipation of slaves and restoration of lands, to be celebrated every 50th year (Levit. xxv:9); it was proclaimed by the sounding of a ram's horn on the Day of Atonement.

The form of the word was altered in Latin
by association with unrelated Latin iubilare "to shout with joy" (for which see jubilant), and the confusion of senses has continued in the Romanic languages and English. The general sense of "season of rejoicing" is first recorded mid-15c. in English, however through early 20c. the word kept its specific association with 50th anniversaries.

As a type of African-American folk song, it is attested from 1872. The Catholic Church sense of "a period for remission of sin penalties in exchange for pilgrimages, alms, etc." was begun in 1300 by Boniface VIII.

...his work is centered around debt and debt cancellations (jubilees).
Could the joy of 'debt cancellations' be twisted into 'bankruptcies'?

When I think of October, I think of Halloween and Oktoberfest (which runs from Sept. 16- Oct. 3 this year, I think). I looked up the Oktoberfest wiki and ran into this '100th anniversary':
Due to World War I, Oktoberfest was temporarily suspended from 1914 to 1918. The two years after the war, in 1919 and 1920, Oktoberfest was replaced by the so-called kleineres Herbstfest (which can be translated as "smaller autumn celebration"), and in 1923 and 1924 the Oktoberfest was cancelled due to hyperinflation.
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