Search results for query: Depleted uranium

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  1. A

    Trump era: Fascist dawn, or road to liberation?

    ...myriad war crimes, anything goes. Remember the DU dropped all over Iraq! Deliberate contamination of a entire theater of war with depleted uranium certainly constitutes a HUGE war crime, yes? Ordo Ab Chao Irrespective of what the purpose(s) was of illicitly launching over 105 missiles at...
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    Skripal Case Bombshell: Swiss Lab Reports 'BZ Toxin' Used In Salisbury - Chemical Not Produced In Russia, Only NATO States

    ...disbelieve everybody to start off with, that's where I come from in all of these affairs. I've dealt with this sort of issue with depleted uranium weapons usage and so on. But I do happen to have a line into this because I have a friend called Robert Fisk who I utterly trust. He's quite a...
  3. A

    Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

    ...demonstrators in Gaza, and the regular employment by both the United States and Israel in recent years of white phosphorus and depleted uranium munitions in several regional conflicts,” Mark Dankof, who is also a broadcaster and pastor in San Antonio, Texas, told the Tasnim news agency. He...
  4. Bastian

    SOTT worthy articles in French

    Indeed ! The USA and their followers (UK, Fr, etc.) have already used weapons with depleted Uranium in ex-Yugoslavia and Irak, creating lots of suffering there and at home (veteran's syndrom and cancers, babies conceived after war by veterans with malformations, etc.) :-(
  5. dredger

    SOTT worthy articles in French

    ...Les Etats-Unis, Le Royaume Uni et la France viennent de contaminer la Syrie pour plusieurs milliards d'années It's regarding depleted uranium that could has been specifically used in the missiles sent this 13 / 14 April 2018 on Syria. It's very interesting and even annoying. I wonder also...
  6. A

    Macedonia the deaths of over 5,000 Serbian civilian deaths, thousands of injuries, and a trail of cancers and other illnesses caused by the depleted uranium ammunition used by NATO forces. Observers of Mladic's trial have questioned when justice will be served in the case of the Western alliance's...
  7. T

    Terror in Las Vegas: Mass shooting at Route91 Harvest music festival

    ...albeit around only at 187 meters, but still. The green tip uses normal steel or metal, but what if one made bullets were made with depleted uranium? Maybe there is proof this was not used, but it would work better than a bullet with a steel core...
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    Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

    ...(which constantly condemns Assad as ‘brutal’, for less)? Usage by America of white phosphorous firebombs, and even of carcinogenic depleted uranium munitions, against populated areas, is almost routine. As I had documented on 3 February 2015, “Brookings Wants More Villages Firebombed In...
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    Serbia has formed an international legal team to file charges against NATO for using depleted uranium munitions during the 1999 bombing of Yugoslavia. Serbia's Idea to Sue NATO for 1999 Bombings 'Viable' - Lawyer The...
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    ...about 20 cases supported by convincing material evidence, like medical documents that indicate a connection between the use of depleted uranium munitions during the bombing and the increase in the number of oncological diseases in Serbia over the last two decades. "They dropped from 10 to...
  11. 1peacelover

    Puerto Rico will be SOLD on May 1, 2017

    ...are 3 million Puertoricanos and about 500,000 everybody else. They were able to get rid of the military even though remnants of depleted uranium & other poisons still exist. Coming from the other colony next door (the Virgin Islands of the United States) we are in a similar situation...
  12. T

    Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

    ...of the dust in Balakleya and analyse, at least if it is true the use of DU in Iraque and Afghanistan could be measured in Britain: Depleted Uranium does exist in Ukraine, it may come from outside, but not necessarily. The following is a minor story from 2010 And there is also: We don't...
  13. A

    Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

    ...rumors of a secret stockpile of nuclear weapons, even of tactical level, this is nonsense. However, there are shells with cores from depleted uranium. In the case of explosions, like those going on now, this depleted uranium can soil the ground, air and raise the background,’ said one of the...
  14. A

    Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

    ...believes there is no need for his organization’s participation in this six year long conflict. Pentagon confirms its forces used depleted uranium in Syria, Iraq “I can confirm the use of...
  15. A

    Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire? aimed at liberating Raqqa from Daesh and preventing it from being seized by the PYD and YPG. Confirmed: US Used Depleted Uranium Shells Against Daesh in Syria Airstrikes intended for oil...
  16. Voyageur

    Fukushima-Fuel Rod Removal starts November..Danger!

    ...waste - in metal smelting its reconstituted into whatever. Than there is fracking . And of course the military's love-affair with depleted uranium, and from that article you get: And lastly, you have Radioactive particles from nuclear tests still prevalent in atmosphere whereby the hazard...
  17. JEEP

    Killary Clinton, The Donald, or Jill Stein: The US Election

    ...sanctions or all of our proxy war-on-terror wars? How about all the babies being born w/ horrendous birth defects from our use of depleted uranium weapons? How about the complete destruction of the villages/towns/cities - reduced to rubble worst than the worst earthquake depriving pregnant...
  18. Aeneas

    Session 15 October 2016

    ...caused US intervention in Syria. And it will most likely backfire as usual. In contexts of what America has done with the use of depleted uranium in the former Yugoslavia and in Iraq, which was on a huge scale, then one or two dirty nukes is comparatibly minor and is not going to destroy...
  19. A

    Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

    ...Moreover, Washington does not apply the term “weapons of mass destruction” to other weapons the US has regularly used, such as depleted uranium and cluster bombs, which can be, and often are, highly indiscriminate. WMD are sometimes further defined as those whose effects linger in the...
  20. T.C.

    Nuclear Scare Scam | Galen Winsor

    ...many questions arise. Questions 1) We know that extreme exposure to radiation poisoning can cause birth defects as we see from the Depleted Uranium poisoning in Iraq and Afghanistan. Winsor says that these defects do not carry onto the next generation. Has this been proven? 2) There are...
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