0 New Year

Shijing said:
H-kqge said:
Anthony said:
Laura said:
In view of the Cs remarks about the onset of Ice Ages, maybe next year, Year One, is the first year of the Ice Age?

If Year 0 starts in mid June 2014, how long does it last? Would Year One than start in June 2015?

I hope I'm not rambling nonsense here.

Nope, not to me at least. If the session was June 2009, then that would mean June this year. And I also think that 2015 is "year one" of the new (grand ice age, sorry I can't remember the official term for the large cycle one i.e. 10,000 years or so) ice age. I take "year zero" as the perinatal period if you will. And I think the controlled collapse (again) of the economy is going to be around September-November, so the summer is likely to be pure chaos in certain areas of the globe.

I think targeting the month of June may be a bit too specific -- it might be better just to take 2014 as a whole, although I guess we'll see when summer arrives. FWIW, I had understood "year 0" to mean a transition year as well, with 2015 being "year 1" of some kind of new cycle.

That's how I see it too, this year as a transitional period. Human cycle mirrors cycle of catastrophe, indeed we are observing the drama unwinding or developing at a faster rate and as it may seem very unpleasant to witness it at some moments, it is a relief to know that things are not going to be the same, even if that means some suffering at this point.
Lilou said:
When I read the opening line, I read it : after 5 years, there will be 2 to go, then it's 0 new year. But since I've been saying more than once lately, "I pray we have 2 more years before SHTF", it could just be my own wishful thinking!

I think that is an interesting way to interpret it. I also think from what they have said here:

Session Date: June 20th 2009

A: 5 more years! 2 go! 0 new year!

That it could be interpreted as 5 more years (which would be around mid 2014) and 2 [years] to go (maybe a time span of another 2 years from that point in 2014, in which it is likely that "0 new year" will manifest itself).

So a possible take on it could be that between mid 2014 and 2016 "0 new year" could manifest itself, so it would also be not really date specific...
But then again the question remains how exactly to interpret "0 new year"...
I wonder though if there would be a difference between saying "zero new year" and "new year zero"?
If the mid June 2014 is year 0 and 2015 is the first year in 4D, then how could all the things that C's mentioned (economic collapse, comets, the black death, world takeover by machines, built-in chips in our hands instead of credit cards, visible battles between STS and STO, Nephilim arrival, ultimate disclosure of 9/11 makers, ultimate disclosure of ALL the lies and so on) happen in such a short timeframe? Any ideas?
Pashalis said:
But then again the question remains how exactly to interpret "0 new year"...
may be..new year, 0 new yaer means new rules, new ideas of people of the reality, new absolutely unknown lie.
considerable events which will cause total hegemony and as it can do as appearance of aliens and their representation to people as saviors of Earth and people from disasters, accidents.
0 year as the beginning in June 2014 and a full turn of events within 2 years
I think it is not likely that everything will change all of a sudden everywhere, do to whatever that might be approaching. When you look at history, there always seem to have been stages in cyclical ["catastrophic"?] processes like this over a period of time. Although if you look at it from a bigger picture, it could be indeed said that it is happening in fairly "short period of time". I just think that everything that happens is always a process aka "There is no free lunch".

I dunno... I guess we will have to wait and see.
I think we already have these passable stages as weather anomalies, cometary explosions, earthquakes, volcanoes and funnels as Laura already told.
In that case there is a good chance for "Kaboom! Splat!"
I mean society, climate, planet, peoples, psychopats activity, space and these "Kaboom! Splat!" 's will occur within 2 years
This is what I understand it means.

5 more years (since June 2009) to go, before the period of catastrophes/great upheaval which will last 2 years, until "0 new year", whatever it means (the true onset of next ice age?, beginning of a new cycle? and/or something else), begins.

In recent session (28 May 2013) Cs mentioned that we are in the transition and it will accelerate dramatically soon.

A: New world coming.

Q: (L) And who do we have with us tonight?

A: Miecekaii of Cassiopaean Future.

Q: (L) What did you mean by, "New world coming"?

A: You are in the transition and it will accelerate dramatically soon.

The question is just how dramatic is it going to be. I feel we wont have to wait for 2 long to C.
Serendipity said:
This is what I understand it means.

5 more years (since June 2009) to go, before the period of catastrophes/great upheaval which will last 2 years, until "0 new year", whatever it means (the true onset of next ice age?, beginning of a new cycle? and/or something else), begins.

In recent session (28 May 2013) Cs mentioned that we are in the transition and it will accelerate dramatically soon.

A: New world coming.

Q: (L) And who do we have with us tonight?

A: Miecekaii of Cassiopaean Future.

Q: (L) What did you mean by, "New world coming"?

A: You are in the transition and it will accelerate dramatically soon.

The question is just how dramatic is it going to be. I feel we wont have to wait for 2 long to C.

It definitely goes in that direction: cashless society, Google's interest in drones, robots, artificial intelligence, and quantum computers, Amazon's "innovation" to deliver goods be means of drones, weather changes, the signs (only) of the coming collapse/martial law. But I can's see all these events unfold within a half year. I guess the mid June 2014 will just mark the start of this event chain.
Pashalis said:
Lilou said:
When I read the opening line, I read it : after 5 years, there will be 2 to go, then it's 0 new year. But since I've been saying more than once lately, "I pray we have 2 more years before SHTF", it could just be my own wishful thinking!

I think that is an interesting way to interpret it. I also think from what they have said here:

Session Date: June 20th 2009

A: 5 more years! 2 go! 0 new year!

That it could be interpreted as 5 more years (which would be around mid 2014) and 2 [years] to go (maybe a time span of another 2 years from that point in 2014, in which it is likely that "0 new year" will manifest itself).

So a possible take on it could be that between mid 2014 and 2016 "0 new year" could manifest itself, so it would also be not really date specific...
But then again the question remains how exactly to interpret "0 new year"...

I completely missed the subtlety of the "2 go!" part. You can also say "two more years after the 5...Then go! into year zero." I dunno, too much 3-D thinking going on.

Psalehesost said:
Shijing said:
FWIW, I had understood "year 0" to mean a transition year as well, with 2015 being "year 1" of some kind of new cycle.

Or, just to throw this out, it could be a transition period with a different length. Maybe less, like half a year, or maybe more, two or more years.

What comes to my mind is that "year zero" is when you stop counting - as in, the "old world" has died. Then it remains to be seen how long it takes until the "new world" springs forth - i.e., for things to settle into some kind of new order.


Whenever it is, I think that the old system, or the end of that world will be withering away. Even though we may still keep our muddled-up calendrical calculations, the "semi, sort of" 4-D world would be developing (creation) as our current 3-D world crumbles. (entropy) I'm leaning towards Gloria 54's thinking about "zero time" & becoming "yourselves in the future." Sorry if any of this isn't clear.
Session Date: June 20th 2009

A: 5 more years! 2 go! 0 new year!

Q: (L) And who do we have with us this evening?

A: Poinonia

Q: (L) And where do you transmit through?

A: Cassiopaea

Q: (L) Is there any particular reason you made the announcement about 5 years to go?

A: Just reminding you.

Q: (L) You normally have never been date-specific.

A: This is not "day" specific but close enough for horseshoes.

It seems to me that sometimes the C's like to drop bombshells in short statements that have multiple layers of meaning. Sort of like a Linguistic Onion, I guess. In the opening statement of the transcript above, the C's seem to signify a period around the middle of 2014 as something that I think of as "Year Zero", but this could always be a misinterpretation on my part, and not what they intended to convey.

Etymology of the word "Zero", from Wikipedia:
The word zero came via French zéro from Venetian zero, which (together with cypher) came via Italian zefiro from Arabic صفر, ṣafira = "it was empty", ṣifr = "zero", "nothing". The first known English use was in 1598.

In 976 AD the Persian encyclopedist Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Khwarizmi, in his "Keys of the Sciences", remarked that if, in a calculation, no number appears in the place of tens, then a little circle should be used "to keep the rows". This circle was called صفر (ṣifr, "empty") in Arabic language. That was the earliest mention of the name ṣifr that eventually became zero.

Italian zefiro already meant "west wind" from Latin and Greek zephyrus; this may have influenced the spelling when transcribing Arabic ṣifr. The Italian mathematician Fibonacci (c.1170–1250), who grew up in North Africa and is credited with introducing the decimal system to Europe, used the term zephyrum. This became zefiro in Italian, which was contracted to zero in Venetian.

As the decimal zero and its new mathematics spread from the Arabic world to Europe in the Middle Ages, words derived from ṣifr and zephyrus came to refer to calculation, as well as to privileged knowledge and secret codes. According to Ifrah, "in thirteenth-century Paris, a 'worthless fellow' was called a '... cifre en algorisme', i.e., an 'arithmetical nothing'." From ṣifr also came French chiffre = "digit", "figure", "number", chiffrer = "to calculate or compute", chiffré = "encrypted". Today, the word in Arabic is still ṣifr, and cognates of ṣifr are common in the languages of Europe and southwest Asia.

Taking Green Language and the etymology of the word "Zero" into account, I arrive at the idea of emptiness, transition, and perhaps to a greater or lesser significance, the "west wind". Again, from Wikipedia:

A west wind is a wind that blows from the west, in an eastward direction. In Western tradition, it has usually been considered the mildest and most favorable of the directional winds.

In Greek mythology, Zephyrus was the personification of the west wind and the bringer of light spring and early summer breezes; his Roman equivalent was Favonius. In the myth of Cupid and Psyche, Zephyrus was the attendant of Cupid, who brought Psyche to his master's palace.

Geoffrey Chaucer wrote of the "swete breth" of Zephyrus, and a soft, gentle breeze may be referred to as a zephyr, as in Shakespeare's Cymbeline (IV, ii): "They are as gentle / As zephyrs blowing below the violet, / Not wagging his sweet head."

In Iroquois tradition, the west wind is brought by the Panther, ugly and fierce.

Of course, "Year Zero" could also be something a lot more sinister. The concept below seems like something worth considering, especially given the nature of those in power.

Year Zero (political notion), also form Wikipedia:
The term Year Zero (Khmer: ឆ្នាំសូន្យ chhnam saun), applied to the takeover of Cambodia in 1975 by Pol Pot, is an analogy to the Year One of the French Revolutionary Calendar. During the French Revolution, after the abolition of the French monarchy (September 20, 1792), the National Convention instituted a new calendar and declared the beginning of the Year I. The Pol Pot takeover of Phnom Penh was rapidly followed by a series of drastic revolutionary de-industrialization policies resulting in a death toll that vastly exceeded that of the French Reign of Terror.

The idea behind Year Zero is that all culture and traditions within a society must be completely destroyed or discarded and a new revolutionary culture must replace it, starting from scratch. All history of a nation or people before Year Zero is deemed largely irrelevant, as it will (as an ideal) be purged and replaced from the ground up.

In Cambodia, teachers, artists, and intellectuals were especially singled out and executed during the purges accompanying Pol Pot's Year Zero.

So that doesn't sound fun. But as always, there are a lot of possibilities.

The phrase "2 go!" is unclear, although it could refer to the concept of travel, as in "to go" someplace. It might also refer to "pairs" in some way, possibly "Polar Beings" as described in Mouravieff's Gnosis. Maybe the C's are indicating something about the nature of Polar Beings in relation to "0 new year"?

Another interpretation that comes to mind is that events in 2014 may lead to a shift either completely or partially into 4th Density. Maybe such a shift would force a split in our timeline, effectively creating 2 parallel universes? Perhaps one tending towards STO Consciousness, and another towards STS Consciousness?

Well, I suppose those are my ideas on the matter for now. What do you guys think?
the 0 new year has been on my mind also
somehow I connect it to all the history research and how the past is all messed up
so instead of calling the year we are in now 2014 or 17something and still get it wrong we start calling it 0 and 2013 becomes -1 and so forth
as well as year 0 being the end of this interglacial (Flandrian) and year 1 the first of fullblown ice age
In 2007, Nine Inch Nails released a concept album titled 'Year Zero'. The album relates the story of the last days before and during the apocalypse, occurring at some unspecified time in our near future. The features of the pre-apocalyptic world are: a global surveillance state with the capability to read thoughts; a global war on terror that has moved on to take down Syria and nuke Iran; a heavily drugged and propagandized population; and a global environmental collapse precipitated by ruthless capitalist exploitation. In the midst of this, a small number of people begin to 'wake up', both politically and spiritually, but it is much too late for them to do anything. Towards the end, apparently hyperdimensional entities begin to appear, claiming to have been attracted by the immense suffering of the Earth and it's population, at first warning people that they had better change their ways quick or else, then simply wiping the slate clean: giant spectral hands come down from the sky and more or less erase our civilization, in order to cleanse the Earth and allow a new cycle to begin.

During these events, a group of physicists working on quantum encryption discovers a way to send messages into the past. They encode the album, along with a series of web pages, and send them back as a warning, hoping to change the timeline and so avert the catastrophic present they're watching unfold around them.
I think this part is important:

Cs said:
We have repeatedly talked about the open nature of the future. It is always open until the probabilities begin to collapse, such as now. But macro-collapses take some "time".

So I interpret this year as being an important milestone, with something clearly significant happening, but in the end only part of a large process that can take several years and develops in stages. It might be that the big event of this year is only noticed or appreciated by people paying attention, and the rest will just go on with their lives as usual. If you think about huge historical changes, they can happen through a period longer than a few lifetimes, but in cosmic events that is still very fast. Unless you get hit by a big comet - then all would change in one go... But suppose that we have the type of weather we've been having recently for a few decades into the future: storms, floods, blizzards, droughts, volcanoes, earthquakes, etc. That would be enough to make our way of life unrecognizable on a global scale after a generation or two, even if not one of such events was 'the world's end' on its own.

If the macro-collapse refers to the Wave, then perhaps we will start seeing more and more high-strangeness and paranormal events happening all over the place, with most people brushing them away as they always do, until after some "time" (years? decades?) they become so common that those who can, find themselves already more 'over there' (4D) than 'over here' (3D).

The year 0 can also refer to the beginning of a new way of life, but again, it can start in such a small scale that it would be unremarkable for most people, and it would only be significant when looking back after decades.

Or it can be a combination of any or all of the above.
It's all possible,

Maybe it relates to the very way time measurement takes place, the only thing that would prevent us from continuing to record the years ascending in a linear way (2014-2015-2016-2017...) is to my knowledge a traumatic catastrophic event where we might wake up not knowing where or when we are, an event that might cause most of our time references to be gone.. Whether buried deep within ice, burnt, electrically molten and destroyed, EMP causing most if not all of our time keeping equipment to go useless, I'm thinking something so globally traumatizing that we would sort of have to reboot.

On the other hand, there's also the possibility described above where an act will be put in motion deliberately to coherece control, and new rules of existence are put in place, by the pathocratic elite, maybe they will use the above mentioned possibility of a large-population-decimating event to put these in place, or attempt at least.

Remember that there's no mattress on the other end of the jump to 4D but what will surely be is a set of beings ready to impose their will upon thy, I'd like to think it's like walking into a market.. One of those markets where the minute you walk in you're bombarded with questions and suggestions and free samples and it's so confusing for the ones who go in the first time... Cause everyone in, is waiting.

Just a few thoughts, that reference has always been quite interesting to me.
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