19 Year Cycle Lunar Standstill Upcoming

For the purposes of maximum moonrises, the above coincidence alone would not
be enough to ensure that maximum moonrises will occur on the same date 19
years apart, it only guarantees the phase will be the same on the same

A major standstill limit will happen at the moment the moon is near a
quarter moon and the lunar node is near the vernal (or autumnal) point. The
moon is at his highest point in its orbit and combining this with lunar
phase, the sun is near equinox.

The C's suggests that the 19-year cycle is a window, gravitationally induced, for direct access by humans ("right people, right place, right activity, right time") can directly access higher dimensions without any help from other entities. by engaging in group activities, carried out in a geometric pattern, and
with certain amplification materials in particular geographic locations, and the participants having fused their magnetic centers
I might have figured it out 🤞. I think it's next March 22, 2025.

Most of the time the rest of the planets orbit within the ecliptic range set by the orbit of the Sun – i.e. 23.4 degrees. But occasionally a planet will go beyond this range when it goes Out of Bounds (OOB). The Moon does this in an unusual pattern because its orbit is tilted 5.1 degrees in relation to the Earth’s orbit so it can rise 5° higher or lower than the Sun at certain times.
The Moon rises and falls in declination every month but only reaches its most extreme positions during periods of lunar standstill. It rises to its maximum declination of 28.5 degrees north or south during a major standstill, and its lowest declination of 18.3 degrees north or south during a minor standstill. The exact position varies and depends on the positions of the Sun, Moon, nodes, and perigee.

This cycle of rising and falling declination unfolds in a pattern over 18.6 years due to the precession of the lunar nodes. The nodes are where the Moon crosses the ecliptic plane, with the north node ascending and the south node descending. A major lunar standstill happens when the north node is at 0° Aries and a minor standstill happens when the north node is at 0° Libra.

That means we get about 9.3 years of a major standstill followed by 9.3 years of a minor standstill. But like everything in astrology these periods fade in and out in a sine wave and the Moon only reaches its maximum or minimum declination during the middle of the period for about 2 years.

The previous major lunar standstill was in 2006, running from 2001 to 2010. This was followed by a minor lunar standstill in 2015 which ran from 2010 to 2019. The current major lunar standstill started to build in 2020 and reaches its peak in March 2025 before fading out into 2029.
The north node reaches the equinox point of 0° Aries in January 2025. The true node is at 0° Aries on 12th January, while the mean node is there on 29th January. The Moon will then finally reach its greatest declination a few months later on 22nd March 2025 when it hits 28°43’S while at 29° Sagittarius and square the nodes, again 2 days after the equinox.

Dates of Moon Phases in 2025 Year​

Below you can find dates and hours of all Moon Phases in 2025. All dates and times are given both in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and Europe/Paris time. Times are shown in Daylight Savings Time when necessary and in Standard Time in the other cases. Additionally, the Lunation number (Brown Lunation Number, BLN) is included for convenience.

Third Quarter Mar. 22, Sat 12:32



Post Vernal Equinox, 22 March ‘25 ( 15 days or one half lunation since 7 March ‘25) the Moon is on the descending node 5.2 degrees below the Ecliptic, the Ecliptic is -23.4 degrees South of the Earth’s Equatorial Plane resulting in a -28.6 South orientation along the horizon.

More on the last major standstill on September 2nd 2006:

Calculate period between two dates

Period Saturday 2 September 2006
Saturday 22 March 2025

Number of days 6,776 days
Number of weeks 968 weeks
Number of months 222.62 months
Number of years 18.55 years
I think it's next March 22, 2025.
I rest my case, Cs say "Yes!":

Q: (L) Can the 19-year lunar cycle be associated with a thinning of the veil?

A: Yes

Q: (L) But not necessarily always. Can the 19-year lunar cycle be utilized in some way to open portals into our reality and that sort of thing?

A: Yes indeed!

Q: (Andromeda) So what is the current thinning of the veil due to?

A: Wave.

Q: (Gaby) Well, I have a question about the lunar cycle. Is the next major lunar standstill on March 22, 2025 when we could potentially channel some positive energies through gravitational forces?

A: Yes!

Q: (L) So we should make a plan for the lunar standstill in March. Keep that in mind, everybody!
Some of you might not have read Secret History of the World by Laura, so I'll extract the relevant part that inspired a correspondent to calculate the 19-year lunar cycle event in 2006, leaving enough clues to calculate the same event in 2025.

From Secret History of the World:

And this brings us to a further revelation of Diodorus regarding the Hyperboreans:
"And there is also on the island both a magnificent sacred precinct of Apollo and a notable temple, which is adorned with many votive offerings and is spherical in shape. Furthermore, a city is there which is sacred to this god, and the majority of its inhabitants are players on the cithara; and these continually play on this instrument in the temple and sing hymns of praise to the god, glorifying his deeds… They say also that the moon, as viewed from this island, appears to be but a little distance from the earth and to have upon it prominences, like those of the earth, which are visible to the eye. The account is also given that the god visits the island every nineteen years, the period in which the return of the stars to the same place in the heavens is accomplished, and for this reason the Greeks call the nineteen-year period the “year of Meton”. At the time of this appearance of the god he both plays on the cithara and dances continuously the night through from the vernal equinox until the rising of the Pleiades, expressing in this manner his delight in his successes. And the kings of this city and the supervisors of the sacred precinct are called Boreades, since they are descendants of Boreas, and the succession to these positions is always kept in their family."194
The moon is so close to the earth every nineteen years because the major lunar standstill is the maximum monthly range of Moon rising and setting.
I would like to note immediately how similar the above story of the Maenads murdering their husbands is to the story of the daughters of Danaus murdering their husbands on the wedding night connected to the story of the massacre at the Cloisters of Ambrius attributed much later to Hengist and Horsa. Keeping in mind that the Danaans were the family of the hero Perseus who cut off the head of Medusa, while comparing this to the beheading of Orpheus and his “singing” head floating down the river. The two themes, wives murdering husbands and a significant beheading are startling enough to give us pause. Was an original legend then later adapted to a different usage, assimilated to a different group or tribe? More than once?
In any event, we have discovered a most interesting little collection of things all in one place. First a “round temple” on an island that can only be Britain, may be describing Stonehenge and the way in which it was utilized by a group of people. Next we see that Diodorus is suggesting that the 19-year lunar calendar is a product of the Hyperboreans and that it relates to a period in which the “return of the stars” is accomplished. We realize immediately that these “stars” must refer to a geometric relationship between the Sun, Moon and Earth, rather than the “stars” in terms of real stars and the planets because they certainly do not “return” to any particular position every nineteen years. And we now suspect that this may have something to do with a gravitational node of a three-body system.
We begin to think that these ancient people really knew something!

In the Temple of Apollo, we also find that there are musicians whose job it is to continually play in the temple and sing, and the most famous of ancient singers and musicians is associated with the worship of Apollo. This suggests to us the possible use of sound for something; the utilization of gravitational nodes, perhaps?
During a major lunar standstill, there is a gravitational node of a three-body system: The moon, the Earth and the Sun. As posted above, there's a beautiful alignment:


March 22nd, 2025, the Moon reaches its greatest declination, and the moon, sun and Earth align in such a way, allowing for a unique gravitational node of a three-body system that happens only every 19 years.
As Joe said, we thought that we might want to focus on the heartbreaking tragedy of the Palestinians ... that's something that can "tune up" your emotional center and get it in sync.
So, being awake and aware and connected to the suffering of the earth as it is being expressed through the Palestinian tragedy that has been going on for many years now is the first thing. And here I don't mean anger toward Israel, but pure empathy for the Palestinians and Lebanese and any others who have suffered throughout the centuries from the predations of psychopaths.

Perhaps we can gather images from Palestine that give us hope or make us feel their suffering in order to tune in.

March 22nd, 2025, the Moon reaches its greatest declination, and the moon, sun and Earth align in such a way, allowing for a unique gravitational node of a three-body system that happens only every 19 years.

There are actually two lunar standstills each year, minimum and maximum. In 2025, there will be two major lunar standstills, one (minimum) on March 22nd and another (maximum) on March 7th. If you are planning to do something, I would cover both dates, and possibly even the equinox (March 20th), since this is a Sun-Earth-Moon system, like you said.

There are actually two lunar standstills each year, minimum and maximum. In 2025, there will be two major lunar standstills, one (minimum) on March 22nd and another (maximum) on March 7th. If you are planning to do something, I would cover both dates, and possibly even the equinox (March 20th), since this is a Sun-Earth-Moon system, like you said.
We could, we're at least aiming to the one where "Mar 22 -28.719" (from the link you provided). Due to the tilting of the lunar orbit, the gravitational pull has a kick when it is at [minus] -28 on March 22.
We could, we're at least aiming to the one where "Mar 22 -28.719" (from the link you provided). Due to the tilting of the lunar orbit, the gravitational pull has a kick when it is at [minus] -28 on March 22.

On the second image that you posted, they also mention March 14th, which is the day of the Full Moon.

Major standstill (between 7 Mar & 22 Mar 2025); therefore on 14 Mar 2025.

But if we are talking about gravitational pull, then perhaps we should take into consideration tides?

Approximately twice a month, around new moon and full moon when the Sun, Moon, and Earth form a line (a configuration known as a syzygy), the tidal force due to the Sun reinforces that due to the Moon. The tide's range is then at its maximum; this is called the spring tide. It is not named after the season, but, like that word, derives from the meaning "jump, burst forth, rise", as in a natural spring. Spring tides are sometimes referred to as syzygy tides.

There will be spring tide on March 16th.

It's actually the moment the moon is near a quarter moon. I think here the meaning of gravitational forces might be more subtle than the tides.

Actually, at quarter moon so called neap tides occur, when there's the least difference between high and low tides as the sun's and moon's gravitational pull kind of partially cancel each other. FWIW.

Seven days after a spring tide, the sun and moon are at right angles to each other. When this happens, the bulge of the ocean caused by the sun partially cancels out the bulge of the ocean caused by the moon. This produces moderate tides known as neap tides, meaning that high tides are a little lower and low tides are a little higher than average. Neap tides occur during the first and third quarter moon, when the moon appears "half full."

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