2009 Crop Circles

After posting the earthquake photo and crop circle above.
I did some more research on images of waves.

I stumbled on this underground particle physics laboratory, (UNDER SIES ARRAY) located approximately 1 kilometer from the epicenter of the earthquake.(check out the logo in image below)

This facility seems to have been built mainly for doing particle physics experiments underground.

This company has many acronyms and divisions so it may be mentioned in the article about the earthquake image but I couldn't tell from reading it.

I can't help but think of Tesla's earthquake experiments in New York.

What I do know is if I lived near this underground particle physics laboratory and experienced an earthquake I would certainly wonder.

Even without the crop circle I can't help but see some possible connection to the technology this facility
is working on and possible cause of earthquake.

Sometimes an earthquake is just an earthquake and a crop circle is, just a crop circle?

I've added a logo a splash a pizza and a phonograph album. Can you spot the difference?

One other little thing about the first crop circle of this thread, is that it was made in some flowery kind of crop. I don't know for certain, but I thought they were always made in corn.

http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/2009/ridgeway/comments.html (Close-up pics at bottom of page)

It makes it even more impressive that such a perfect shape can be achieved with such soft and wiry stems, than with corn for example.
E said:
One other little thing about the first crop circle of this thread, is that it was made in some flowery kind of crop. I don't know for certain, but I thought they were always made in corn.

No, quite a lot of them are made in rape seed - basically, whatever plant is planted in the field is used.

Here is the latest, though no aerial photo yet... http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/2009/liddington/liddington2009.html

ccc said:
This is not visible anywhere near the road. it must be visible from the top of the hill only. But I came upon a small formation that contained 4 circles, 2 outlined and 2 solid. joined by lines. I would say the whole formation would be under 100ft.

E said:
I don't know for certain, but I thought they were always made in corn.....

For the benefit of my fellow North Americans, "E" is not referring to the crop we call "corn", as in "corn on the cob" (what the rest of the world calls "maize"). In Britain, Australia, and New Zealand, "corn" refers to cereal crops such as wheat, barley, oats, and rye....
A new crop circle reported April 29th at Roundway Hill, nr Devizes, Wiltshire.



this latest one is pretty neat. there's six circles inside a seventh circle, which is throughout the rest. The sixth outermost is very wave-like. Perhaps this is a crop circle of densities?
Los said:
this latest one is pretty neat. there's six circles inside a seventh circle, which is throughout the rest. The sixth outermost is very wave-like. Perhaps this is a crop circle of densities?

I think it can be that but past few days I was trying to imagine how the circles/wave/cycle "looks" like the 7 density. Of course, I'm not able even reach a smell of that
"picture" or rather experience. For compensation I imagined my own little "Cosmos" with the cycles occurring inside. This crop circle is close to that. :)
Linda Moulton Howe has an interesting two-part article on the 2009 crop circles to date.

Part 1: First 2009 U. K. Crop Formations Counting Down to 2012?

Part 2: First 2009 U. K. Crop Formations Counting Down to 2012?

Here are a few excerpts on some of the circles we've been discussing:


Is Ridgeway A “Megalithic Sundial”?

On April 17, 2009, I received the following email with attached illustrations from the Australian scientist who has been collaborating with Italian crop researcher, Marina Sassi, and American astrophysicist, Mike Reed, who discovered the ratcheted spiral counting out Pi to ten decimal places last year at Barbury Castle. [ 060808See Earthfiles in Archive. ]

Subject: Ridgeway as a megaltihc sundial from Qumran or Italy
Date: April 17, 2009
To: _earthfiles@earthfiles.com

“Ridgeway of April 14, 2009, resembles a megalithic sundial found at Qumran or in Italy: four years left until the end of 2012.

Quite a few crop pictures have seemed to show yearly sundials; for example, Avebury 2003, Hackpen Hill 2003, Avebury 2005, or Oliver’s Castle 2007.
(See _http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/anasazi/sundials2007b.html )

The first crop picture of 2009 appeared on April 14, at Ridgeway near Avebury. At first its segmented circles seemed obscure, but then Italian researcher, Marina Sassi, noted its close resemblance to a megalithic sundial found in archaeological remains from Qumran in the Middle East:


“If the April 14, 2009, Ridgeway oilseed rape formation really is a ‘sundial,’ then various thick lines from that crop picture would seem to mark solar motions along the horizon over twelve months of any year, as the Sun passes through a series of different constellations on the zodiac. The angular breadth of those lines depends on latitude, but match fairly well an expected plus or minus 45 degrees away from due east or west at latitude 51 degrees N in southern England.


“If that Ridgeway crop picture was truly paranormal (and this remains to be determined), then its overall message might be ‘four solar years left until the end of 2012,’ because each of those four thick lines represents one complete motion of our Sun along the horizon, during any twelve-month period


Is West Kennett Longbarrow
A Solar Eclipse-Counter?

[ Editor's Note: Mayan k'in glyph for sun -

“In Yucatec and Chol, the languages of the Maya script, k'in means both "day" and "sun." The symbolic k'in sign probably represents a day-blooming flower. It is most commonly encountered in dates: Together with a number, it is a count of days.” Source: Maya Astronomical Glyphs and Symbols.

The Australian scientist also found a similar comparison to a pre-Colombian symbol that represented “four seasons” or “Sun” with the four segments inside the circle on a spider.

[quote author=Los]
this latest one is pretty neat.
[/quote] It looks to me like a sphere with some kind of socket. By the way, do you see it differently if you stare at preliminary image/diagram or the actual photo?
Yes, the Fibonacci sequence is also in the Mandelbrot set, and in many places:

It is in many places in nature as well:
That's all fine and dandy, but did anybody notice the GIANT WHITE HORSE in the grass next to the circle?!?! Ahem. That's the real brain twitcher if you ask me! If I was the C's I'd probably throw some random white horses around too, just cuz horses are awesome. But if the C's are as sneaky and coy as I like to think they are (I often imagine them stick out their 6th density tongue in some of their responses), maybe there's a reason they plopped that circle near that horse and it was meant to be noticed in context? I could be totally wrong here, but I'm still right about the C's being super sneaky and coy with like a permanent smug grin on their faces no matter what they do! It's just how they roll..

Incidentally I always imagine Ark having the same smug grin, go figure! :) Coincidence? I think not! :P
Here is one posted May 3rd:


and May 4th:


(not sure what is up with the wavy tram line in the large circle on the right end of this formation - doesn't make much sense, since tram lines are straight outside of the circle...)
Here's a brief report on the circle at Manton, Near Marlborough, Wiltshire from Charles Mallet at Silent Circle:

This Pictogram was discovered from the air in the early morning of May 4 2009. It is not viewable from any position in the local landscape. During the night of the creation of the glyph there was moderate rainfall in the local area.

The Glyph measures approximately 800 feet in length and around 250 feet wide. The crop is around 5 feel high. Further, the formation stretches over the crest of the hill at the top of the field, making any direct full length sight line out of the question.

More or less all the laid rape-seed plants in the formation were noted as broken and / or severely damaged at the base of the stems. Also much severe bruising was well evident on the laid plants. Some of this damage to the plants can be seen in the ground shots on this page. Most notably this damage shows as dark strips that run down the centers of the narrow avenues in the formation.

All damage to this formation looked systematic and intentional, and did not convey the appearance of standard regular hoaxing activity.

According to a very qualified and certificated tracker that was present during the inspection "the visible damage to the plants must have occurred between 5 and 6 hours prior to our inspection". This damage therefore must have occurred between 6am and 7am on May 4.

A small key-ring torch and a sweet wrapper were found "placed" in the circle during our late morning inspection of the site, Neither the paper wrapper nor the torch had been exposed to the night rain or early dawn dew, therefore it is very probable that they were inserted later in the morning. This could be considered at best extremely curious!.

anart said:
(not sure what is up with the wavy tram line in the large circle on the right end of this formation - doesn't make much sense, since tram lines are straight outside of the circle...)

Charles Mallet said:
Further, the formation stretches over the crest of the hill at the top of the field, making any direct full length sight line out of the question

So maybe it's the crest of the hill? I'm not sure because that doesn't seem to be the top end of the field from this view anyway. But perhaps it is a rise in the topography.
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