2012 Crop Circles

Hi webglider, you might want to do a search on Dan Winter on the forum - he's a known disinformation artist, as is Drunvalo Melchizedek.
tschai said:
voyageur said:
Re above quote

[quote author=webglider]
Thank you anart.

Nicely said, thank you, too.

Yes, thank you!

Thanks from me too. :) I was thinking about how much time I need to catch up all these material, info, books, etc. I was stressing myself. And for couple of days I had headaches in the evening and before going to sleep. Maybe I was overdoing it. After having read this I felt some joy that has joined me in my journey. Now I can think once again what I can and want to do. It was just on time, so to say. Although I didn't ask this question, it was there in my head and I was thinking about it.
quote from anart:

Hi webglider, you might want to do a search on Dan Winter on the forum - he's a known disinformation artist, as is Drunvalo Melchizedek.

Oh dear. Thanks for pointing this out, anart. I won't make that mistake again. Something did not feel quite right about the site when I read it - and I should have gone with that feeling.
webglider said:
Below are some explanations that are taken from the discipline of sacred geometry and may be of use in analyzing crop circles. I'll present a few. In addition to the physical aspects of the shapes, there are some interpretations that may or may not be of use. You may also be motivated, (or not) to do some fact checking on other sites.

All the quotes come from this website: _https://www.google.com/search?q=Flower+of+life+in+sacred+geometry&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&channel=fflbhttps://www.google.com/search?q=Flower+of+life+in+sacred+geometry&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&channel=fflb

So now you are quoting Drunvalo Melchizidek, close pal of Vincent Bridges, on MY FORUM???? On that ridiculous topic??? GEEEZUS! Get a GRIP.
There is a new one reported and I must admit this one looks really astonishing to me. Nonetheless there is also one (or more) mistakes in one of the inboxes at the center of the picture the first box to the left. And somewhere else too.

Hackpen Hill (3), nr Broad Hinton. Wiltshire. Reported 26th August.


Ekios said:

What occurred to me looking at this one was the idea of 1st, 2nd and 3rd density recycling around again. Like, who would want to suggest that!

Ekios said:
Found this last picture elsewhere :

All of these images remind me of viruses, or some kind of advanced virus technology, like biological machines. Euh!
Perceval said:
All of these images remind me of viruses, or some kind of advanced virus technology, like biological machines. Euh!

They very well may be it!


Just remembered this:

4 March 2012:

Q: (L) Okay, we have a question that Psyche and I have been thinking about. After reading this book about viruses, we have the idea that viruses may be the means by which genetic manipulation [as in intentional, coming from other densities] has taken place on this planet for millions, if not billions, of years.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Does that mean that a virus is a transdimensional manifestation?

A: Yes. Thoughts made manifest! Compare to some crop circles!

Ya know, I have to wonder if, as the C's said in the past that 6thD circles were meant to act on people's unconscious (or words to that effect), if these virus-like ones are an effort by 4D to do the same but in a negative way, like to seed human unconscious with images of hyperdimensional 'thought viruses', that may be made manifest in the near future, perhaps by way of asteroids or comet fragments.
Perceval said:
Ya know, I have to wonder if, as the C's said in the past that 6thD circles were meant to act on people's unconscious (or words to that effect), if these virus-like ones are an effort by 4D to do the same but in a negative way, like to seed human unconscious with images of hyperdimensional 'thought viruses', that may be made manifest in the near future, perhaps by way of asteroids or comet fragments.

Maybe that's another reason why C's warned about keeping a good mental/psychic hygiene.
Perceval said:
Just remembered this:

4 March 2012:

Q: (L) Okay, we have a question that Psyche and I have been thinking about. After reading this book about viruses, we have the idea that viruses may be the means by which genetic manipulation [as in intentional, coming from other densities] has taken place on this planet for millions, if not billions, of years.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Does that mean that a virus is a transdimensional manifestation?

A: Yes. Thoughts made manifest! Compare to some crop circles!

Ya know, I have to wonder if, as the C's said in the past that 6thD circles were meant to act on people's unconscious (or words to that effect), if these virus-like ones are an effort by 4D to do the same but in a negative way, like to seed human unconscious with images of hyperdimensional 'thought viruses', that may be made manifest in the near future, perhaps by way of asteroids or comet fragments.

I think that's very likely.
Perceval said:
Ya know, I have to wonder if, as the C's said in the past that 6thD circles were meant to act on people's unconscious (or words to that effect), if these virus-like ones are an effort by 4D to do the same but in a negative way, like to see human unconscious with images of hyperdimensional 'thought viruses', that may be made manifest in the near future, perhaps by way of asteroids or comet fragments.
"Battle of the quantum futures."
The August 26th figure is different than most, if not all of the others, in that there is no entryway into the figures. In July, I went on a crop circle tour in Wiltshire and one of the characteristics of all the figures we visited was that they all had an entrance. In other words, you could walk along the tram lines, (the lines made by the tractor), and at some point the wheat would be folded down creating a pathway to break in the crop through which you could enter. Inside the space at the center was always some standing wheat tied in the middle with stalks of wheat.

The Hackpen Hill3 figure seems foreboding to me as though something is being closed off, or closed in. The pattern of triangles along the edges must mean something especially as they come in pairs with the apex of one of the pair facing up and the other down.

The figure is also a cube inside a circle at least when I look at it a certain way. If I look at it another way, I see a plane. For the most part though, I see a cube.

I wonder if the circle makers are reacting to the energies of the people who visit the circles and the feelings of the farmers who own the land in which the circles appear.

People have been giving donations if the farmers leave a donation box, but people are stealing the donation boxes. And we were told not to leave anything in the van because people break the windows to steal what is inside. I also saw people visiting the circles with dogs and walking over the standing grain.

There is a booklet called Crop Circle Etiquette that we were given by the tour guides. Here is an excerpt:
Find the farmer and Pay the Farmer

Every crop circle season farmers become furious. What we need to recognize is that it is not so much the formations in their fields that so irritate them, it is the inconsiderate visitors. It is us.

Put yourself for a moment in a farmer's shoes. The fields are his career and his livelihood. Often he is working the fields that his father and perhaps his grandfather worked before him. Sometimes he will have developed a profound affection for the piece of land which is his living and which carries so many layers of meaning for him.

Then suddenly, as the crop ripens, he finds a crowd of people in his field... while the crop circles are a gift for us, they are a curse for them. We have no automatic
right to enter their fields and, if we do so without permission, we are trespassing.

The fact that farmers are destroying the figures, that people are stealing money, trampling the crop and breaking into cars may have led to that strangely sealed off figure above. just a thought.
Here is a link to a video of the Hackpen3 August 26th crop circle that I discussed in the preceding post. You can see the reporter walking on the tram lines which are the lines made by made by the farmer's tractor. You can see how the little paths branch off from the tram lines to allow entry into the spaces. It seems like the circle makers did provide a means to enter into parts of the formation especially the small pyramidal shapes, so it could be that my analysis in the previous post was somewhat off.

I still think that there is some conversation here about the relationship between matter and spirit going on here. The cube still seems somewhat foreboding to me. I wonder if anyone feels that as well.

The really nice thing about this video is the explanation of how the crop is layered. It's truly amazing how much precision there is and detail.

I would really appreciate other interpretations of this figure. For some reason, it really speaks to me.

Gawan said:

This one is amazing. Really.

I see a hexagon within a circle within a circle. Then this hexagon can also be perceived as a cube. The three branches connect to the center and the sides are grid-like. Reminds me of geometry + optics (light) = matrix.

Also I noticed that there are 2 arcs between the two circles. Kind of like a circle that is partly on the cc (like an eclipse). The snake-like figure for instance have a similar pattern on their 'heads'.

Anyhow, it's a really nice cc.
JayMark said:
Gawan said:

This one is amazing. Really.

I see a hexagon within a circle within a circle. Then this hexagon can also be perceived as a cube. The three branches connect to the center and the sides are grid-like. Reminds me of geometry + optics (light) = matrix.

Also I noticed that there are 2 arcs between the two circles. Kind of like a circle that is partly on the cc (like an eclipse). The snake-like figure for instance have a similar pattern on their 'heads'.

Anyhow, it's a really nice cc.

This one does seem to have more of a genuine cc flavor to it..."seems" far too precise to be a human generated cc-could it possibly be a 4D STS construct?-I put the "seems" in parantheses because all too often things are not what they seem. I saw as a cube immediately- no particular "feelings" associated with it, though- perhaps caution should be excercised in connection with them, if indeed they are 4D STS constructs of a viral nature, could they possibly be a means of mass programming?
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