1. Linda M H on Earthfiles.Com has revealed that the NVIDIA PR Dept. stated it took 2 weeks for the ‘makers’ to construct the CC. The majority of CCs appear overnight ...we know this as the skies are flown daily as we all know. To be cautious I would personally say that this is probably not an unreasonable estimation of the sort of time frame required to do this CC accurately in daylight. (If it was a night-time event then we are talking a whole different ballgame). However, if this is true, it becomes evident that such an extended time period is indeed required for human beings to make a CC of this size, so, in consequence it would not be possible for them to have made the majority of CCs worldwide. Not forget this. This is just common sense.
2. ***Two weeks is a long time not to be noticed by an awful lot of people...no such activity was reported locally during this time let alone 20-30 people milling around the field, some of which were up telegraph poles*** according to one guy. Such numbers would be counter productive anyway. An event such as this would normally stand out wildly in any small town such as this.
3. If indeed any number of people were actually to be involved in such a practical task as this over a two week period there would be a resultant well worn access path in and out of the CC area. (unless they lived in a tent, had abundant supplies and a good ‘Porta Loo’ in the CC for two weeks.) There was no such path evident on the first aerial shots.
My conclusion based on facts available and not just lamely believing the story:
The dialogue surrounding NVADIA is both part of a disinformation (John Le Carre type…just an amusing thought) exercise and also a commercial company jumping on an opportunity to promote a product. It would seem the people concerned are just making things up as they go along. The video proves nothing at all...should be obvious the even the most gullible in our midst!
I'm sensing most people now realise most of the above and the ones that hang on to the 'storyline' are beginning to stand out and one would naturally question their motives for doing so. Common sense is common sense.