2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

Even without any fraud investigations, PA can become a win for Trump:

Crucial Provisional Ballots: Why Pennsylvania (and This Election) Isn’t Over


There’s big news breaking here in Pennsylvania, and most of the national media seems to be unaware. It’s the matter of Pennsylvania’s crucial (but heretofore largely ignored) provisional ballots, which could be decisive in pushing Donald Trump back into the lead in the state, or at least triggering a statewide recount.

I learned last evening that there are roughly 100,000 provisional ballots still out and uncounted in Pennsylvania. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania defines a provisional ballot this way:

"Sometimes county elections officials need more time to determine a voter’s eligibility to vote. Election officials may ask that voter to vote a provisional ballot. A provisional ballot records your vote while the county board of elections determines whether it can be counted."

A provisional ballot might include, for instance, a person registered to vote at one precinct but who voted at a different precinct and thus had had to fill out a provisional ballot. That’s just one of a variety of examples. (Click the website for more criteria and details.)

Pennsylvania election officials have just now (this Saturday morning) started to count these ballots. The process works like this: There are groups/boards of three individuals who examine each ballot. Each candidate on the ballot is allowed a representative at this “hearing.” The board looks at each ballot, reads the ballot number aloud, and examines the precinct and the reason that the person voted provisional. At that point, a candidate’s representative can object whether the ballot should or should not be counted. That ballot is set aside and is evaluated further.

One source involved in these evaluations tells me that most of the ballots will likely be accepted.

Most notably, these ballots should skew to Donald Trump. As I write, Trump is winning the provisional ballots 1,394 to 439, or by a margin of over three to one. If that margin continues, Trump could overtake Biden’s current lead in Pennsylvania. And if those ballots aren’t quite enough to put Trump back in front, they could draw him close enough to trigger an automatic recount for the entire state (a mere margin of 0.5% triggers an automatic recount). (The major media is not reporting on this, with exceptions such as the AP and MSNBC).

Crucial Provisional Ballots: Why Pennsylvania (and This Election) Isn’t Over | The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics
I took some time off from the news. I feel much better for doing so and apologize if some of my posts are 'noise'. Life goes on and the 'insert current distraction' did not stop me from having a great night with my kids. Kudos to those stressing the chill out mentality on the situation.
Glad to hear it. Sometimes taking a break helps to put things in perspective. The Cs have said many times that the battle is through us, so anything that makes us feels stronger within and thus better able to help/serve others is necessary. It’s essential for us all to get a grip on our feelings of despair and hopelessness!

Session 5 May 2014

A: This is the Wetiko Virus: obsession with the self and subjective personal issues. The next time you feel yourself slipping into despair, just tell others how you are feeling and think of something you can do for another to prevent them from suffering the same feelings. Thus you will witness the birth of true empathy.

Some inspirational quotes by Viktor Frankl (Man’s Search for Meaning) to help lift our spirits:
When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.
Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.

Forces beyond your control can take away everything you possess except one thing, your freedom to choose how you will respond to the situation

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

And my favourite
Those who have a ‘why’ to live, can bear with almost any ‘how’.

There’s this thread on counteracting negative thoughts:
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Here in central Ohio, we are enjoying a string of beautiful, sunny, unseasonably warm days in 60s to mid 70s - next rain Tuesday afternoon, but a high of 74 degrees - in friggin November! When I can tear myself away from this forum/Sott/other news sites, I'm out doing end of season fall cleanup with lots of frost nipped/blasted perennials to be cut back and removal of expired annuals. I hate to see the lovely flowers go, but there is still a good representation of colorful fall leaves yet to hit the ground. Kids on our street and in adjacent neighborhoods can be heard playing and having a really good time outdoors. Trick or treat was moved from a cold, rainy evening to what turned out to be a beautiful, mild sunny early evening - I had a total of 8 kids which was similar to other years although I had 19 one year. I don't remember seeing any parents wearing facemasks and nobody seemed concerned about kids getting candy directly from me.

Otherwise, been watching some of the Christmas movies available on 3 channels - some repeats, some new. Really refreshing to see depictions of regular human interaction without any of the Covid crazy or politics - plus the usual holiday joy of Christmas decorations/cookies/Santa/trees/presents/snow/lights. I have to say, in some of the presentations, it looks like Christmas decoration overkill to the extreme which to me is unrealistic and ridiculous. Plus, some are way too sappy to be enjoyed. But, for those that are done reasonably well or better, they're a blessed relief from the reality that comes crashing back when the commercials come on.

My next haircut appointment - every 5 weeks - it will be Dec. 8th! Things are moving so fast! What kind of holiday season will it turn out to be? I guess save some of the show popcorn for trimming the tree! Sing/play Christmas carols and "worry not!" Faith more important than ever.

The radio station I listen to online shows the album covers, and one of B. J. Thomas showed Christmas songs even though he was singing a regular song. So I checked and found it available on youtube - really great, even in October when I played it! Here's the link:

So, if you want/need to chill out, give it a listen!
I might be misreading the implication here or the joke is over my head, but I think he is jabbing Biden because he said 'frackers' should learn to code. Right?
Don't know. He repeated an out-of-touch meme with a straight face. If Top Rahmen is back in play, the joke's on us.

“Operation Scorecard” CIA-run vote theft software was running in EVERY swing state… “glitches” switched votes from Trump to Biden​

I was sent an interesting link regarding Dominion Voting Systems from a person who is quite knowledgable when it comes to software, hacking and encryption: Thread by @We_Have_Risen on Thread Reader App

The Porn Hub stuff that appeared on CNN's banner on election night was quite bizarre. This link above might explain that.

Looks like the PTB got sloppy in their desperation to defraud a guy who wouldn't play their game. Things are getting very interesting in regards to this election. Still, I don't see how Trump can overcome this situation what with corrupt courts, Big Tech and the MSM censoring truth and pushing the Biden Won Fair and Square narrative. For crying out loud, Twitter and Facebook are censoring anyone who uses the word "hammer" and "scorecard". They really don't want people to spread the word that the election was compromised. That in itself is telling.
I'm always wary of psychics but I listened, wasn't costing me anything, so why not? Long story short everything she said has come to pass. Nothing really special about that, an astute observer could have predicted it but here's her upcoming predictions.

The winner is not inaugurated. Could mean three things, the real winner, President Trump is not sworn in or the fake winner isn't either so perhaps Harris or Trump is sworn in. Please be the latter!

I'm not sure but I think I read somewhere that the incumbent president doesn't need an inauguration because he is already president. The key word in the medium's prediction is 'inauguration'
Boy the really went AI on this election.
Those at the top (of this latest scam), have yet to answer or be confront of how deep this rabbit-hole goes.

The Associated Press has called this race · Learn more

CandidatesElectoral votesVote %Vote count
Joe Biden
Democratic Party

Donald Trump
Republican Party

The Porn Hub stuff that appeared on CNN's banner on election night was quite bizarre.
What I've discovered is that when Twitter images are posted here, it's a good idea to access the actual Twitter thread to get more information from the comments. It turns out the PornHub image was inserted in such a way that it wasn't a screwup by CNN, but somebody 'hacked' it in? Not sure if I'm using the correct terms. I don't know how far back in the thread that particular tweet was posted, or if what I read then is still there. I found the same to be true of other posted tweets here in that the initial impression didn't hold water when all the facts were presented. Just not a good idea to take tweets at face value without follow up checking.
I'm not sure but I think I read somewhere that the incumbent president doesn't need an inauguration because he is already president. The key word in the medium's prediction is 'inauguration'

The second inauguration of Barack Obama as President of the United States was the 57th inauguration and marked the commencement of the second and final term of Barack Obama as President and Joe Biden as Vice President. Wikipedia
I was sent an interesting link regarding Dominion Voting Systems from a person who is quite knowledgable when it comes to software, hacking and encryption: Thread by @We_Have_Risen on Thread Reader App

The Porn Hub stuff that appeared on CNN's banner on election night was quite bizarre. This link above might explain that.

Looks like the PTB got sloppy in their desperation to defraud a guy who wouldn't play their game. Things are getting very interesting in regards to this election. Still, I don't see how Trump can overcome this situation what with corrupt courts, Big Tech and the MSM censoring truth and pushing the Biden Won Fair and Square narrative. For crying out loud, Twitter and Facebook are censoring anyone who uses the word "hammer" and "scorecard". They really don't want people to spread the word that the election was compromised. That in itself is telling.
I couldn't make proper sense of the stuff at that link, but perhaps the author is showing Dominion that he's gained access to some of their resources.

One thing that seems pretty easy to understand is this:
GA blaming the “glitch” on a software update is their biggest mistake as the machines are not supposed to be connected...

We know they are and they admitted it...
The Georgia "software update" during an active election seems odd. If it was done remotely (which is sounds like), it means that the machine was connected and that should raise some questions. So it seems we have an election system funded by the Clinton Foundation that is a black box connected to the internet that allows remote access/control (or some scenario similar to that). What could possibly go wrong?
What I've discovered is that when Twitter images are posted here, it's a good idea to access the actual Twitter thread to get more information from the comments. It turns out the PornHub image was inserted in such a way that it wasn't a screwup by CNN, but somebody 'hacked' it in? Not sure if I'm using the correct terms. I don't know how far back in the thread that particular tweet was posted, or if what I read then is still there. I found the same to be true of other posted tweets here in that the initial impression didn't hold water when all the facts were presented. Just not a good idea to take tweets at face value without follow up checking.
It turns out the PornHub image was inserted in such a way that it wasn't a screwup by CNN, but somebody 'hacked' it in? Not sure if I'm using the correct terms. I don't know how far back in the thread that particular tweet was posted, or if what I read then is still there.
Pg 80, post #1,198 by SOTTREADER
I'm not having any luck copying in some of the comments for the following tweet, so will type those in:

It wasn’t real

Busted [This may refer to the look of being 'caught' rather than it being a fake]

If you watch closely, you can see that it's superimposed, because it moves with the camera, rather than being fixed on the screen.

No, A PornHub Banner Didn't Really Pop Up on CNN's Magic Wall Pornhub Pops Up on CNN John King's Magic Wall: Is it Real?

As someone who works in VFX and motion graphics, this is almost certainly a badly motion tracked fake. Sorry people. Still funny!

if it fooled so many, it wasn't that badly done after all


it's extremely fake

The logo also doesn't jitter quite the same way as the rest, and has a different colour. Definitely a joke (or fake), but it matches perfectly with the expression.

Fake sadly

Ok - those are most of the comments calling out the fakery. If you're wanting a few good laughs, check out the rest of the comments.
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