2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

A thing came to my mind, Trump was playing golf when they announced Biden as false president

I don't know what you think but playing golf in this particular moment is like delivering a message that " everything is fine and under control " I might be wrong but this is something I noticed
I have noticed that too, and I think it is one of his strengths. And one of the reasons he can't be intimidated.

If you look at what he has been through the last four plus years, he has had many opportunities to panic, but his cool head allows him to navigate through it.

Funny that now, it is the ptb that are panicking, and they have good reason to. :-D:whistle:
I kind of agree, but don't agree. It's a different discussion, but this isn't the correct thread. Maybe I'll start a thread to ask these questions, to explore and try to understand some of these things that seem to come up from time to time.
Actually, SOTTREADER, I think it's pretty simple. The Cs have said repeatedly, "enjoy the show!"

They did not say, fret about the show, obsess about the show, spread fear about the show, freak out about the show.

Your repeated response to almost every forum reply regarding your posts is that it's "your opinion".

Perhaps you and "your opinions" are in the wrong bar. Something to consider.

Please understand that your repeated infusion of negative thoughts/emotions/possible scenarios, etc. is NOT what this forum is about.

I don't usually critique others and only once hit dislike for a post, but I can't help but notice repeated attempts to get through to you have fallen on deaf ears. I believe forum members do their best to be kind, considerate, and helpful as well as provide guidance where it is clear it is needed.

Maybe your thoughts in the Swamp would be a good place to go for now. It is not our wish to alienate you; a better understanding of what constitutes appropriate interaction that reinforces the core tenets of this forum can be addressed. And FWIW, I'm hitting post even though part of me thinks delete. I don't take lightly being so blunt, but feel that it's called for in this instance.

‘This isn’t over!’: Trump supporters refuse to accept defeat​

Chanting "This isn’t over! and “Stop the steal,” supporters of President Donald Trump protested at state capitols across the country Saturday, refusing to accept defeat and echoing Trump’s unsubstantiated allegations that the Democrats won the election by fraud.

From Atlanta and Tallahassee to Bismarck, Boise and Phoenix, crowds ranging in size from a few dozen to a few thousand — some of them openly carrying guns — decried the news of Joe Biden’s victory after more than three suspense-filled days of vote-counting put the Democrat over the top. Skirmishes broke out in some cities.
Underscoring the hard feelings on both sides of the nation’s deep political divide, anti-Trump protesters in Washington booed, yelled obscenities, shouted “Loser! Loser!” and gave the finger to Trump’s motorcade as the president returned to the White House from a golf outing Saturday.
President Lukashenko Is Telling It Like It Is

Aleksandr Lukashenko commented on the U.S. presidential election.
"The bastion of democracy... Look at what's going on with this election. It is a shame, a mockery of the democracy," he told the media after visiting the Belarusian nuclear power plant in Ostrovets on Saturday.

At least someone with a lot of experience in conducting free and fair elections speaks out!

Will the Governor of Pennsylvania take heed?
This is an article that was posted in the New York Post from August 29th 2020, it was a retweet from Donald Trump Jr. Twitter thread, posted early on the 7th.

A top Democratic operative says voter fraud, especially with mail-in ballots, is no myth. And he knows this because he’s been doing it, on a grand scale, for decades.

Mail-in ballots have become the latest flashpoint in the 2020 elections. While President Trump and the GOP warn of widespread manipulation of the absentee vote that will swell with COVID polling restrictions, many Democrats and their media allies have dismissed such concerns as unfounded.

I can't post snips from the article for some reason. I recommend following the link to read the article in it's entirety, it reads like the playbook for the mail in voter fraud we are witnessing.
Sheesh, that thing is still alive!! :wow:

What? does he have an alien sarcophagus or what? 🤔

I would say a stake through the heart might work, but I doubt he has a heart. :rolleyes:
Funny you should say that. I recall he had a lot of times a new heart. 5? 7?
Because of getting staked?
And thank you Jeep for being candid. For the good reminder. Rise above osit.
Actually, SOTTREADER, I think it's pretty simple. The Cs have said repeatedly, "enjoy the show!"

They did not say, fret about the show, obsess about the show, spread fear about the show, freak out about the show.

I don't usually critique others and only once hit dislike for a post, but I can't help but notice repeated attempts to get through to you have fallen on deaf ears. I believe forum members do their best to be kind, considerate, and helpful as well as provide guidance where it is clear it is needed.
Actually, SOTTREADER, I think it's pretty simple. The Cs have said repeatedly, "enjoy the show!"

They did not say, fret about the show, obsess about the show, spread fear about the show, freak out about the show.

Your repeated response to almost every forum reply regarding your posts is that it's "your opinion".

Perhaps you and "your opinions" are in the wrong bar. Something to consider.

Please understand that your repeated infusion of negative thoughts/emotions/possible scenarios, etc. is NOT what this forum is about.

I don't usually critique others and only once hit dislike for a post, but I can't help but notice repeated attempts to get through to you have fallen on deaf ears. I believe forum members do their best to be kind, considerate, and helpful as well as provide guidance where it is clear it is needed.

Maybe your thoughts in the Swamp would be a good place to go for now. It is not our wish to alienate you; a better understanding of what constitutes appropriate interaction that reinforces the core tenets of this forum can be addressed. And FWIW, I'm hitting post even though part of me thinks delete. I don't take lightly being so blunt, but feel that it's called for in this instance.

That was blunt, very. Maybe it was the right way.

In any case, I've opened up a swamp thread as this thread isn't the right place to explore "what constitutes appropriate interaction that reinforces the core tenets of this forum".
In Celebrate Free-Sh*t Democart Day in Denver the clash is becoming white women who think they're tough, emboldened by men who don't punch back -- insulting cops and shouting 'Fuck Trump.' While the men are starting to get un-woke real fast. White women yelling at the riot cops "Get a real job." Men -- hispanic men -- yelling 'We love you' to the cops. White women are suffering a mental break with reality. When push come to punches in the mouth, white liberal women are about to get a new history lesson. Too bad they weren't taught it in school.
I would say a stake through the heart might work, but I doubt he has a heart. :rolleyes:
Actually, I think he's on his third one. Funny how he gets to the top of the transplant list over and over . . . and over? And God only knows where those hearts are being culled from. :cry: [see article further down the page]

Well, looks like I'm wrong - he's only had one in 2012? I could have sworn he had another not too long ago.
When last we left our hero, he was slowly dying, living out his sorrowful last moments tethered to a left-ventricular-assist device, waiting to shuffle off his mortal coil with calm resignation and karmic equipoise (OK, this last part, maybe not really). After all, he already had attained executive-branch closure by penning a remarkably vain autobiography.

Well, dry those tears, America—he’s back! We all woke up Sunday morning with the chilling news that Dick Cheney has a new million-dollar heart and may be as good as ever, or as good as a 71-year-old man on multiple medicines who just underwent a major surgery can possibly be. Given his track record of opting never to die, we should figure he will be around and ready to go as VP for both Jeb Bush in 2016 and George Prescott Garnica Bush (one of the little brown ones—let’s call him “P”) in 2024. And never mind the minor business with the 12th and 22nd Amendments—Dick will take care of it.

How did this happen? No, not the Florida recount, but how could someone so old and frail be a candidate for that most precious commodity, the human organ? Did Dick do a dick thing and leapfrog a bunch of other worthies, people who aren’t viewed by some as war criminals and evildoers but rather are decent folk decades younger, likelier to contribute to society and to provide a better return on investment for our taxpayer health-care dollars? We went through similar societal contortions when Mickey Mantle got his liver and Steve Jobs, surreptitiously, his, though we never made up our minds, celebrity being as powerful as it is.

Dick Cheney Heart Transplant​

by Dr. Chauncey Crandall | Mar 27, 2012 | Heart News | 1 comment

Dick Cheney Undergoes Heart Transplant​

by Charlotte Libov

The heart transplant that former vice president Dick Cheney underwent on Saturday not only saved his life, but also will enable him to live another five-to-10 years, and even possibly facilitate his return to political life if he so chooses, says renowned cardiac physician and transplant cardiologist Dr. Chauncey Crandall.

“Physically, he’s going to feel youthful, invigorated, and like a new person with an energy level he hasn’t seen for decades. He’s going to be a dynamo,” said Dr. Crandall, who is chief of the cardiac transplant program at the Palm Beach Cardiovascular Clinic in Palm Beach, Florida. He is also the author of Dr. Crandall’s Heart Health Report,” Newsmax’s monthly heart health newsletter.“

Transplanted Heart Refuses to Stay in Dick Cheney’s Chest​

by Roger Freed, March 27, 2012
Roger Freed, Transplanted Heart Refuses to Stay in Dick Cheney’s Chest

Surgeons have had great difficulty with fitting former President of Vice Dick Cheney (aka ‘Tricky Dicky the Second’) with a transplanted heart. Each attempt to put a foreign heart into the open breast of Mr. Cheney has resulted in rejection — not Mr. Cheney’s body rejecting the heart but rather the heart rejecting Mr. Cheney.

The latest procedure ended when the most recent heart upon being put into the chest cavity jumping out and running out of the surgery gallery screaming “AAAGGGGGHHHH!!! ITS ICE COLD IN THERE! ITS DARK AND REALLY CREEPY! LET ME OUT OF HERE! ANYTHING BUT THERE!! AAAAGHHHHH!!!!”

Similar experiences had occurred with with other hearts that have been attempted to be put in the former dictator of Halliburton. Usually the surgical staff have had to chase the fleeing heart down the hospital hallways trying to catch it, often ending with the little organ choosing self destruction rather than be implanted into the world famous torture advocate.

The hearts have been known to jump screaming out of hospital windows, drown themselves in acid baths, impale themselves on surgical knives and to poison themselves on hospital cafeteria food.

One heart, when cornered by hospital staff, choose to strangle itself with its own aorta rather than be taken. Another, successfully implanted into the most famous legal dictators chest, turned purple and withered immediately from the toxic shock.

In a desperate attempt to get a heart for the ailing ex-mini despot, surgeons contacted a Mayan group specializing in the ritual sacrifice of a female virgin that their culture had been so famous for in its pre-Columbus history. For an undisclosed donation amount from the Cheney Charitable Fund For Saving My Own Ass, the Mayan priests sacrificed a young woman by cutting her still beating heart out on an altar in a religious ceremony and shipped it immediately to America where an emergency procedure installed it. Unfortunately, having a female heart in the world’s most famous Darth Vader impersonator made the big man more compassionate, feminine and understanding of others, qualities that Mr. Cheney couldn’t abide and he had it ripped out immediately.

For the next plan they approached the Great And Powerful Wizard Of Oz for help in getting the former water boarding enthusiast a heart just as he had done with the Tin Man. The Great And Powerful Wizard Of Oz came out, took one look at the former U.S. Treasury money sucker and said, “I’m a wizard, not God Almighty who can do impossible miracles.” and left.

A solution was finally reached when the heart of an Asian Komodo dragon was successfully put into the famous draft dodgers rib cage. Komodo dragons are by nature cold blooded, merciless and ruthlessly aggressive, making the transplant a huge success and leaving the highly acclaimed chicken hawk with a feeling of immense success satisfaction and a strange sexual longing for a female Komodo.

Fact-checking 'Vice': Did Dick Cheney really do all of that?

I took some time off from the news. I feel much better for doing so and apologize if some of my posts are 'noise'. Life goes on and the 'insert current distraction' did not stop me from having a great night with my kids. Kudos to those stressing the chill out mentality on the situation.
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