In regard to the bolded part above: Even if that had been what Trump said (which he hasn't) I see no reason why he wouldn't or shouldn't step down if the true results reveal a Biden win. Well, as far as I can see all of this speculation is based on Trumps short statement
in his last public appearance/speech last Friday, in which he said:
First off, I also had the feeling there that Trump doesn't appear to be his usual overconfident self that he normally presents to the public.
That statement could also be tactic maneuvering.
That is what I was thinking too, probably to reduce pressure on him and his supported who are feared by these threats. We will have to see whether Trump comes back like Harry Potter?
Having said that, I think it is clear that many of the Trump supporters (maybe Trump himself too) would have no problem (or much less problems than the left would have in the same situation) in accepting a win of Biden if that's what really happened. The problem is the obvious fraud on a big scale that has by all accounts taken place, which questions the legitimacy of Bidens win. If the results/election would have been more or less fair and without fraud, that would be a different story altogether. We also have noted the marked difference in the reactions of the Trump supporters to this "loss": They stayed calm and avoided confrontation and violence. How would the left have reacted?
This is true, most of the Trump followers stayed calm as of now, while lefties talked about the blood of anybody supported the president. How long they will last, we have to see. Even if Trump concedes, the situation is not going to be good in US.
Biden is saying economy will depend on how Covid goes? i.e. "we will do whatever we want". If these Trump supporters mostly mom-and-pop non-cosmopolitan citizens armed to teeth will keep quite like when the suffering hits home? I doubt it. Despite knowing Trump had more votes that necessitated rigging, "
Demon Rats" failed to acknowledge that covid narration failed and peddling the same over and over is going to make more destruction. All the anti-Trump who coopted the rigging are coming out of their agenda.
Covid had mutated( will continue to) and whatever vaccine they can come up will come out short with massive casualties. Trump rallied up these people and what will happen if these people will wake up due to starvation or asteroid or something else like that. I think, Trump making statements like "We will not lockdown" is meant to these audience. Will the beaming is sufficient to make them obedient? When suffering hits home, it may not work.
We know that they will rig and it even happened even in Obama era( where some places more votes are more than population of the location). In 2016, they didn't expect the trump's victory so when the initial signs came, they couldn't much. This time, they simply stopped the counting and dumped the rigged ballots and declared the result they want.
Again, there is a bigger agenda of 4D STS ( keeping only 2 Billion people and using humans as 95% containers etc. ). It looks to me this shutting down the economy and locking people animals due to Covid is very hurried step due to positive mutations. Since 4D STS has time travel capabilities, still allowed it to happen ( in 2016)means they thought they reduce the damage in 4 years( to avoid being too obvious) and come back to power and do whatever they wanted before.
There is news that wicked witch Killary is going to US ambassidor to UN. Why the UN, even if one considers her role as Secretary of State is discredited. Aren't there any bigger positions for her to rule. Is to resurrect the pedophile/black magic based control system of global elite under US hegemony? It is possible even though Trump snubbed all these Western democracy leaders to reduce that control.
Whatever may be the speculation, the future looks bleak. Looking forward to see what C's has to say(This all looks to me as beyond 3D mechanics). We know "Wait and C", "Stay calm and watch from the front seat" so on.
As of now I'm of the opinion that there is a good chance that the results would have been quite close even if there had been no fraud. I'm still thinking though that Trump would have won more or less comfortably but not overwhelmingly.
In the end I think Lavrov made some good points about the "archaic" election system in America in general. No one should really be surprised on what is going on in an election, especially in a system such as the US:
I was talking to some of friends who thought election is fair and square. But, when I pointed out the holes in it, they are curious and open to the possibility. Based on what i am hearing in local news, there are lot more common sense Trump voters than in 2016.