2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

In the meantime in Michigan

In another tweet I spot a nice reflexion :
In 2012, Obama set an all-time record low for the number of counties won in a presidential election with 689. Biden won only 477 counties, but supposedly had 9 million more votes. Republicans didn't lose a House seat this year and picked up 12.

2 examples of antifa/BLM harassing Trump supporters this afternoon, it's ... grrrrrrrrrr

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Why doesn't he just do it instead of saying he's going to do it? Is it to emotionally manipulate people by keeping their emotions elevated and in a constant state of tension / stress?
I thought the same thing - What’s the strategy? Here’s my best assessment - I think this tactic is meant to make the guilty more nervous/agitated and then hopefully more sloppy by trying to cover things up —apply maximum pressure = we have a krakensworth of dirt on you. If they have suspects being monitored they’ll then look to specific changes in behavior and at best find more evidence. 🧐🕵🏻‍♂️
This article is from Aljazeera on google. Seems a little fishy. I read a few days ago that aljazeera is a fact checker for twitter.

Choose your poison

... what the heck of bringing this reference here ? Is it a bug in the matrice ?
And looking at the url referenced, we fall on the website of an ... online casino !??? The page about asteroid on this site is completely off-topic, here's what is written on this page, 2 small paragraphs :


I think it was just a reference to support SmartMatic's claim to almost zero chance for vote count and security errors.

I went on the company's website ... and on their about page there's a link to the following PDF :
From the company's PDF:
The important thing is that, when all of these methods are combined, it becomes possible to calculate with mathematical precision the probability of the system being hacked in the available time, because an election usually happens in a few hours or at the most over a few days. (For example, for one of our average customers, the probability was 1 × 10−19. That is a point followed by 19 zeros and then 1). The probability is lower than that of a meteor hitting the earth and wiping us all out in the next few years—approximately 1 × 10−7 (Chemical Industry Education Centre, Risk-Ed n.d.)—hence it seems reasonable to use the term ‘unhackable’, to the chagrin of the purists and to my pleasure.

The whole website is trying to pump their image as having a super smart hackproof voting system. As far as I am concerned any automation beyond the function of an adding machine is just asking for trouble. If you buy into any super programming capability you might as well stamp "rig me" on your forehead.

They were just trying to impress the buyers that the chances for error or fraud are "astronomically" small.
Add the following video to the long list of proof that the corporate media is waging quite a concerted information war against Trump:

And CNN just came out with this bit of completely egregious propaganda:

There's someone -- forgetting the activist's name -- who swears Trump has a double. Claims there's a "red tie Trump," and a "blue tie Trump." I did look at pics with that in mind, and couldn't really see a marked difference. But here I do.

Could they be being extra careful, security wise? Or is it the website to blame?
I think he's a double. That could be a risky job! Have you seen this video where Laura Loomer calls out Kamala Harris' body double? It's so funny. Laura lost but I'm sure she'll run again. I've heard a little about people in government having doubles over the years but nothing I've noticed. Saddam Hussein was said to have several. I bet its a lot more common then we think and 2 Trumps may be the case.

I went back and looked at the pictures of "Trump" again and this time they looked like him! Hmm, maybe from staring at them for a bit longer my mind filled in the blanks. With my first glances it looked obvious it wasn't him.

I read this morning that Trump's Pennsylvania law team resigned. There is an organization out now vowing to hunt down anyone who worked for or helped Trump in the campaign and make sure they never work again. I bet the lawyers just caved. :-/

@Mrs. Peel,

That one law firm probably "caved" but hopfully there are others to replace it.

I had checked that out before seeing your post.

Who Are Trump's Election Litigation Lawyers?

Trump's lawyers, so far, include small firms and litigation boutiques that are GOP favorites. In the days following Election Day, the Trump campaign and its affiliates have enlisted the help of litigation boutiques that are already GOP favorites, as well as a handful of small law firms, to file lawsuits in several states with vote counts favoring Joe Biden.​


I think it was just a reference to support SmartMatic's claim to almost zero chance for vote count and security errors.

From the company's PDF:

The whole website is trying to pump their image as having a super smart hackproof voting system. As far as I am concerned any automation beyond the function of an adding machine is just asking for trouble. If you buy into any super programming capability you might as well stamp "rig me" on your forehead.

They were just trying to impress the buyers that the chances for error or fraud are "astronomically" small.

That's it, indeed! Thank you for taking the time to read through that PDF file. Mystery solved.
In other news, Trump said he'd step down if the lawsuits don't work

Ready to concede? Trump hints at 1-term tenure, reportedly says he will ‘surrender’ if legal challenges fail

Choose your poison

In regard to the bolded part above: Even if that had been what Trump said (which he hasn't) I see no reason why he wouldn't or shouldn't step down if the true results reveal a Biden win. Well, as far as I can see all of this speculation is based on Trumps short statement in his last public appearance/speech last Friday, in which he said:

“This administration will not be going to a lockdown. Hopefully, the -- whatever happens in the future, who knows which administration it will be, I guess time will tell, but I can tell you this administration will not go to a lockdown,”

First off, I also had the feeling there that Trump doesn't appear to be his usual overconfident self that he normally presents to the public. That statement could also be tactic maneuvering.

Having said that, I think it is clear that many of the Trump supporters (maybe Trump himself too) would have no problem (or much less problems than the left would have in the same situation) in accepting a win of Biden if that's what really happened. The problem is the obvious fraud on a big scale that has by all accounts taken place, which questions the legitimacy of Bidens win. If the results/election would have been more or less fair and without fraud, that would be a different story altogether. We also have noted the marked difference in the reactions of the Trump supporters to this "loss": They stayed calm and avoided confrontation and violence. How would the left have reacted?

Also, I think there is no denying that the true election results might be far more close to each other than we expect. I think there is a good chance (sadly enough) that a big proportion of the US population indeed has drunken the "Orange man bad" Kool-Aid. About 4-5 years of non-stop propaganda and defamation of Trump have worked astoundingly good on many people, not only in America. I think similarly to the Corona-Nonsense, there is in reality quite a sizable portion of the population out there who really decided that is "good" or a "lesser evil" to vote for Biden. Free will. And I think Trump would be far more likely to accept the free will of people if that would really be the decision of the majority (compared to all the Psychos, if they would be in the same position).

As of now I'm of the opinion that there is a good chance that the results would have been quite close even if there had been no fraud. I'm still thinking though that Trump would have won more or less comfortably but not overwhelmingly.

In the end I think Lavrov made some good points about the "archaic" election system in America in general. No one should really be surprised on what is going on in an election, especially in a system such as the US:

[...] The head of Russian diplomacy called the US electoral system one of the most “archaic” in the world on Thursday, after media announced the victory of Joe Biden, which was rejected by Donald Trump.

“They have probably the most archaic electoral system in existence, when compared to other important countries of the world,” Sergey Lavrov declared during a press conference. The Russian Foreign Minister criticized above all the indirect nature of the election of the president, who is chosen by electoral college delegates appointed by universal suffrage, something that is referred to as second-level elections.

According to this system, the winner is not the one who gets the most votes at the national level, but the one who wins the electoral college, made up of 270 delegates from all the states in the US. “If Americans are willing to live by this tradition that considerably deforms the will of the people… let them do so,” said Lavrov.

Like Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Foreign Minister indicated that Moscow would only congratulate the winner of the election after the publication of the official results. “Congratulations are sent before the publication of the results only when there is no litigation,” said the Russian minister.


"Congratulations are sent even before the official results are announced when there is no dispute when the other side recognizes their opponents' victory. Just as it was in 2016 when Obama recognized Trump's victory. Then no one had any questions. Now such questions remain, so we need to wait for the official announcement", TASS quotes the minister as saying.

"As for congratulations, I do wonder why so much attention is paid to it. Congratulations will be offered after the election results have been officially published. This did not happen in the USA [yet]. All congratulations received so far are based on the projections of CNN, ABC, Social Media, but especially [based] on reports from the leading US media. If it is traditional for someone to send state congratulations for such reasons, there is nothing we can do about it, but we have a different approach. We should wait for an official statement."

The minister also drew attention to different positions within the USA. He pointed out that even the US State Department has not yet recognized the election results. He said:

"If you heard the statement of [US Secretary of State Mike] Pompeo, you know that the State Department has not yet recognized the US elections as legitimate. Pompeo called for a wait until the vote count is complete."

The Russian minister called the US electoral system "one of the most archaic" in the larger countries

According to Lavrov, under Biden's presidency, interstate relations between Russia and the United States would not change much. US foreign policy would be similar to that of former President Barack Obama. The diplomat also stressed that "the United States is deeply divided", as the results of the vote show.
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